What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.6.5-14. The new year of the macho (14)

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Gently pushed open the empty bottle, Bai Muqing groped to find the bottle opener, opened another bottle for herself, brought the bottle to her lips, took a sip, and let the coolness with a fruity aroma in her mouth Diffusion, from beginning to end, her eyes were focused on the computer screen. In her concentrated work, as time passed, the report was typed out page by page, and the next punctuation mark was typed out again. Bai Muqing was ready to take a break for a while, and by the way the trial For the completed part of the first-instance report, she reached out and touched the glass bottle on the side, but it was empty. Bai Muqing was slightly stunned, then turned his head, only to see that the bottles that had just been placed next to them had all been moved to the ground, and they were already empty. At the same time, the disgusting voice rang out, and Li Yexing lowered his voice. You still drink? Bai Muqing turned her head to look at Li Yexing who was standing behind the boss's chair. After being surprised, she frowned and said, Why are you still here? It depends on your office. Li Yexing said in a low voice, Why, does it affect you? There was a trace of unhappiness between his brows, and Bai Muqing said in a low voice with a cold face, Whatever you want, Li Yexing didn't say anything, he leaned out silently, Gently pressing Bai Muqing's head, he took out three bottles of Seductive Cid from the refrigerator, laying them open beside Bai Muqing, and said in a low voice, Don't drink too much, no matter how low the degree is, this stuff is also wine. Because of his bending, Li Yexing was very close to Bai Muqing. The damp heat was blowing in Bai Muqing's ears with a faint smell of alcohol. It was like a soft murmur, with an uneasy tenderness and concern, for Bai Muqing. His ears were dyed - Chang's light red. What nonsense... with a cold and stinky face, Bai Muqing opened the bottle cap and took a big mouthful of protest. In an instant, a large amount of foam passed through the mouthpiece, Bai Muqing couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Slow down, it's just the two of us here, no one will rob you. Seeing Bai Muqing's funny look, Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper, but Bai Muqing was slightly startled when he heard him. It's just us here? What are you implying? Dirty and filthy bastards! Wild dogs that are in estrus anytime, anywhere! In Shun Jian, Bai Muqing's face was filled with shame, she turned around and glared at Li Yexing, only to see Li Yexing - The inexplicable look on her face, seems to be wondering about her anger. It turned out that I was thinking crooked? Instantly, Bai Muqing became even more angry. Trying to dispel the messy thoughts in her head, Bai Muqing turned her head and looked at the computer screen to make sure that she did not miss the description of the target traits entrusted by Spain this time. Then continue to work, open another page, Bai Muqing begins to write about the first in action

The trial report of the special equipment provided by the agency. Before typing the letters with her fingers, she turned her face slightly and looked at Li Yexing from the corner of her eye. She saw Li Yexing standing at the old man.

What is this? Overwatch? No, looking at that look, it's probably curiosity. But this kind of curiosity is meaningless. Even if you stand here and stare at me all night, it is still impossible for a wild dog like you to learn this handwriting. the report. If you have nothing else to do, don't stand here. Hovering over the keyboard with his fingertips covered by black nails, Bai Muqing frowned and whispered. It really affected you... Hearing Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing's eyes revealed - Si regretted that he leaned back slightly, his back was against the curtain as if he wanted to withdraw, Bai Muqing immediately subconsciously cold when he saw this. He said: Huh? What are you thinking? You can affect me with a wild dog like you? After Bai Muqing said this, Li Yexing felt a sudden burst of anger in his chest. He stopped and squeezed again. On the boss chair, he grabbed the boss's sturdy back with one hand and supported the desk with the other hand, pressing his chest against Bai Muqing's back, his head following Bai Muqing's shoulders to Bai Muqing's ear, and then

Afterwards, he sneered like a prank: Come on, let me continue. Ha. Bai Muqing sneered, with a look of disdain: Rough report, irritable, low-quality, uneducated, unmotivated, now, I have to add more to you. =- You're childish, you're almost worse than a wild dog. Shaopi said Li Yexing took out two more bottles of craft beer from the refrigerator, and at the same time put it in Bai Muqing's ear and said, It will be soon. It's three o'clock, and you're running out of time.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Bai Muqing was stunned for a moment, then looked at the lower right corner of the computer screen. Immediately afterwards, there was a trace of irritability between her brows. She didn't pay attention to Li Yexing's little movements. She quickly organized the language in her brain, Then he moved his finger again. Strings of letters were continuously tapped on the screen. Bai Muqing pressed the shortcut key and began to make detailed comments on the new equipment provided by the first agency.

To be honest, Bai Muqing didn't think that the first agency really needed this action report from the very beginning. The perfect maid has never written such a thing, so Iu, even if she doesn't stay up all night to work tonight, it's not a big deal, the commission has been completed, the rest, as usual, let Di-fan It's okay for the people over there to have a headache. However, since I am here, this situation should be put to an end.

In Loples, Idonia, Bai Muqing has always had a strange sense of disconnection. Outside the streets, gunshots are fired at every turn, and gangsters and thugs act recklessly. This makes Bai Muqing feel out of touch with civilized society, because she is in the black. Umbrella's side is dead, so I can't contact any relatives and friends, which makes Bai Muqing feel disconnected from his social circle, and now, in this same office, he has nothing to do every day, except reading books to enrich himself. Do other things. At the end of each month, I will get a sum of money in different names like other girls in the office. Tililith and Tililian are pocket money, Rita is spare money. island(

Hell, I don't have a job at all! Why do I need to get paid?! Invisibly, I have even begun to lose touch with this firm! As a self-reliant and self-motivated girl who grew up under an elite education, Bai Muqing refuses to eat anything! So IL, after completing this commission, she attaches great importance to reporting, even if the first agency doesn't really need it, she has to do it! This is a matter of principle! A string of unordered letters was typed. You made a typo... Li Yexing with the pole behind him reminded in a low voice, frowning. Bai Muqing was stunned for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she suddenly became confused when she saw the long string of meaningless letters. Damn, is it really because of drinking too much? Dufeng, this wild dog! His face is reddish, Bai Muqing - bit by bit to delete the misspelled letters, and at the same time, with the corner of his eyes, he observes standing behind the boss chair, Li Sub-branch, whose head was next to him, was at this moment, the man was frowning, staring at the computer screen intently, whispering what she typed out. In a trance, Bai Muqing reluctantly remembered what Rita said: Remember, Miss Bai, you're just Mr.'s secretary, so you can't sit on Mr.'s office chair. Of course, if Mr. sits on the office chair, you can sit on Mr.'s lap.... Oh, Lei is dead , why should I sit on this wild dog's lap? To satisfy his filthy lust?

Holding the edge of the desk with both hands and pushing back, Li Yexing was caught off guard by the suddenly retreating boss chair and was pushed against the wall. A hint of color flashed between his brows. Li Yexing just wanted to complain to Bai Muqing, but he didn't. Seeing the slightly drunk Bai Muqing stood up swayingly, she turned her head, looked at Li Yexing, pointed at the boss chair with a cold expression, Sit down for me, wild dog.

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