Remember it in one second

The pressure on his body disappeared, Li Yexing hurriedly stood up, and pulled out the shotgun behind him, while Tililith next to him also pulled out the large-caliber revolver.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Li Yexing only felt his scalp tingle.

I saw that the monster was like a standing lizard, its body was full of strong muscles, its skin was covered with dark green scales, its two huge and sharp claws were covered with blood, and there were black bone spurs on its back. At this moment, it was staring at Li Yexing and his group with those big dull orange-red eyes.

There is no doubt that this is indeed a hunter, and the shape is very close to the hunter α, but the eyes of the hunter α are much smaller, not so dull, there is no obvious bone spur structure behind, and the most The important point is that Hunter Alpha doesn't grow that big.

A normal hunter α should be slightly lower than an adult male, but this one is estimated to be close to two meters in height!

The oversized hunter in front of him seemed to be a little annoyed that he missed a single hit. It opened its mouth wide at Li Yexing, and let out an inaudible roar that was close to ear-piercing.

Without saying a word, Li Yexing shot directly at the guy's head. The steel balls from the shotgun bullets rained down on the monster's head, but only a little bit of pitiful blood was shot out. No effective damage was dealt, the giant hunter staggered back two steps, let out a piercing scream, and then suddenly spread out his limbs and faced the sky in a strange posture. Li Yexing recognized this posture. In the game, if the hunter assumes this posture, he must either move quickly or hit a straight line, because this posture indicates that the hunter is about to use the jump kill decapitation that can kill with one blow regardless of the blood volume.

Pay attention to dodge! Li Yexing shouted behind him, Tililith's figure was slightly bent and ready to dodge at any time, and the little yellow flower who followed behind immediately fell to the ground. At this moment, the hunter moved. A stride rushed over, his claws raised high, but Li Yexing was already prepared, and he kept his figure extremely low. In this case, the hunter's ultimate move could only float over his head at most. However, Just when the hunter's claws were about to fail, the unexpected happened!

I saw that the hunter turned in the air and put away his giant claws, and his strong lower limbs slammed towards Li Yexing, who was unsuspecting. Before Li Yexing was about to hit the foot firmly, he slammed into the hunter's exposed belly. This kick successfully stopped the hunter's offensive, and the hunter hit a shot in the air. Turned, and then fell directly to the ground, while Tililith flew upside down due to the impact of the hunter.

Li Yexing broke out in cold sweat. If it wasn't for Tililith's rescue in time, the hunter's kick would probably have kicked out his lungs!

It seems that the battle with BOW cannot rely entirely on the information obtained in the game. After all, the behavior pattern of BOW in the game is determined by data, and the monster in front of him is indeed a real living creature.

But even so, what happened to that mid-air change just now? This hunter seems to know how to fight.

After recovering, Li Yexing picked up the shotgun and put it on the head of the hunter who had not had time to stand up. Li Yexing pulled the trigger, and the hammer hit the hunter's head. A large blood flower exploded on the beast's head, and the scales with flesh and blood splattered in all directions. The hunter was sprayed to the ground by the gun, it howled in pain, and then stood up and staggered back while waving At this time, the wound on its head was very terrifying, the right side of the head was bloody blurred, and even one eyeball was blown up. The large-caliber revolver was shot at the hunter, and the large-caliber bullets ejected fiercely into the hunter's chest, but the monster was still alive, it roared and covered the face of the hunter. He was wounded and fled, Li Yexing wanted to chase, but the guy ran too fast, and when Li Yexing chased around a corner, the monster had long since disappeared.

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Li Yexing felt a little regretful, he turned his head and asked Tililith, Are you alright?

Tililith shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

That's good, let's go to the lower cargo hold to find Ada, and then leave this ghost place. Li Yexing frowned and said, I'm a little tired of this ghost place now.

After a while, the three of them reached the entrance to the C area of ​​the lower cabin. Compared with the upper and middle cabins, the light in the lower cabin was obviously much darker. Li Yexing looked at Tililith, and Tililith also looked at Li Yexing. Li Yexing nodded at Tililith. He turned around and said to the little yellow flower Helen who was following behind: Follow closely, don't fall behind. Helen behind him also nodded wordlessly.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yexing picked up the pistol, and with Tililith left and right, carefully walked towards the dim lower cabin.

After entering the lower cabin, in addition to the dim light, Li Yexing could clearly feel that the air here was a little turbid, and there seemed to be a little dust floating in the air, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

If the upper cabin is where the guests and the leaders of the ship stay, then the lower cabin is where the employees at the bottom stay. Most of the staff here are security guards and waiters, as well as some other miscellaneous staff, and the decoration here Compared with the magnificent middle and upper cabins, it is one sky and one underground. If the middle and upper cabins are extremely luxurious

, then the decoration standard of the lower cabin is basically to be able to see.

The three walked cautiously in the dim light, during which Li Yexing tried to contact Ada again, but there was still no response.

This woman is really! Li Yexing, who was walking in front, couldn't help cursing in a low voice, but as soon as he walked around a corner, Li Yexing almost bumped into a corpse, which made Li Yexing agitated and said all the rest of the words. swallowed back.

The corpse died extremely badly. He was hung upside down from the ceiling, his shoulders to his chest were almost completely torn open, and the blood that was not shed was still dripping from the corpse.

However, this was not what surprised Li Yexing the most. What surprised Li Yexing the most was the clothes on the corpse.

Standard black combat uniform!

Li Yexing looked out, and saw several corpses in black combat uniforms lying all over the corridor. Near these corpses, Li Yexing saw a giant hunter. It was lying on the ground like that. In the pool of blood, he did not move, and his body was covered with scars.

Li Yexing stepped forward and kicked, but the monster remained motionless, seemingly dead.

Looking at the corpses in black combat uniforms, Tililith's eyes flashed with displeasure.

Ah yes they are.

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