What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.6.5-26. Macho New Year (twenty-six)

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In the wind, Li Yexing stood on the rooftop, silently looking at Bai Muqing who was sitting in front of her with her legs crossed. At this moment, all the arrogance and indifference were gone. The low pressure of loss and sadness enveloped her. It made her look like a homeless little black cat. With a slight sigh, Li Yexing took off his coat. In an instant, the cold air from Eastern Europe invaded every corner of his body, and his brows instantly Wrinkled, even his teeth couldn't help but start to collide with each other. Holding back the biting cold, Li Ye walked forward and put the coat with his remaining warmth on Bai Muqing's body. Feeling the cold, Li Yexing couldn't help but shrink back. He rubbed his arms in an attempt to warm himself up, and complained softly to the girl sitting in front of him: I

You're freezing to death. Why didn't you stay in the house and run out on such a cold day? She frowned slightly, and the girl covered by Li Yexing's coat raised her head. She looked at Li Yexing with a slightly tipsy look on her face. There seemed to be a bit of surprise in the red eyes that could not be concealed, but this small emotion only existed in the girl's eyes for a moment. The next second, the girl suddenly laughed. This was the first time Li Yexing had Bai Muqing smile like this. There was no longer the annoying curve at the corner of her mouth, nor the unbreakable coldness between her eyebrows. Her smile was like that of a girl outing in the garden with the spring breeze in March. , warm, amiable, and a bit playful. -Time, Li Yexing was stunned. After a moment, -The cold wind blew by, pulling Li Yexing out of this touch of warmth. He shuddered suddenly and then glared and said: You are still laughing? ?It seems that she was infected by the cold wind, and the coldness returned to Bai Muqing's eyebrows again. She put away her smile, as if the scene just now was just Li Yexing's illusion, tightened her coat with a faint tobacco aroma, Bai Muqing said coldly, What are you doing here? This is my office, my rooftop, why can't I come? Sitting down next to Bai Muqing, Li Yexing frowned and said, It's you, you come. What are you doing? Bai Muqing didn't answer. She just turned her head and looked at the deserted street. After a while, she picked up the bottle of Lafite and slapped it hard. No wonder it's missing - you took the bottle away. Seeing the Lafite in Bai Muqing's hand, Li Yexing grabbed it casually, but Bai Muqing had nothing. He buried his face in his knees wrapped in black silk, revealing his wine-red eyes, and his gaze was fixed on Li Yexing's body, as if Observing Li Yexing's reaction, just as Bai Muqing expected, Li Yexing directly picked up the bottle and took a sip, then vomited all over the floor. He covered his mouth and widened his eyes. He looked at Bai Muqing and said: ' Damn, my teeth are about to fall out. Miss Bai, are you drinking ice here?! The prank was successful. Bai Muqing smiled again, her eyes as crescent-shaped. Seeing Bai Muqing's expression, Li Yexing knew that Bai Muqing must be drunk. He wanted to hold the bottle in his arms and heat the wine in the bottle, but as soon as the bottle was pressed against his belly, Li Yexing bit it. His teeth hissed and he took a breath of air-conditioning. He glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, and then put it back on the ground bitterly. At the same time, he pretended to be angry and said: 'Do you know what this is? Lafite in 1982, let you freeze. I drank it, it was really a waste. 2-year-old Lafite? Where did you buy it? The liquor store next to it? Bai Muqing said with frivolous eyebrows: Read less online text and read more classic literature. This will help. Fill your needy dingo brain. Why are you lying to me? This is really a Lafite from 1982. It was given to me by the boss of the W security contractor in Country A. It's just that Prince. I really couldn't bear to drink it!

Although Li Yexing didn't quite believe that this was Lafite from 1982, but his awesomeness had already been blown out, he could only bite the bullet and said firmly: I have a great career, why don't you give me a fake bar? You are such a wild man. Can a dog still know W's Mr. Prince? Bai Muqing just wanted to ridicule him like this, but suddenly remembered the small details from that time. Xie contacted W to see if he could borrow someone, 1 but W's president Prince But Si refused on the grounds that the Middle East was too chaotic to spare manpower. Bai Muqing was very worried at that time.

It was clear that Prince was talking nonsense, but she didn't quite understand the reason why he rejected her. Seeing now, Bai Muqing knew the reason. Thinking about it carefully, it seems nothing strange. Although Li Yexing's resume is difficult to check, at that time Bai Muqing did find out about the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere and similar titles like Lopulus's Mad Dog, but she didn't know much about it. She just cares. After all, in her opinion, these little mercenaries from poor countries are just wild dogs in the mud. How strong can they be? Could they be humanoid terminators? Damn it! It seems to be true! This It can also reasonably explain why Prince’s old dog doesn’t want to take care of her mess. It’s not necessarily because he doesn’t want to, it’s definitely because he doesn’t dare! There was a hint of embarrassment between her eyebrows. Bai Muqing was eager to put aside the topic about W and Prince, so she coldly He said with a face: 'How about the Lafite of 1982? Do you know how to drink red wine? Of course I can't. Li Yexing shook his head and said.

Then it would be better for this wine to be wasted by me than by you, a wild dog. As he said this, Bai Muqing picked up the wine bottle, took another big sip, and then exhaled hot breath and said, It tastes really bad. If it tastes bad, then don't drink it. It's not like you don't drink. Seeing that Bai Muqing's expression didn't look fake, Li Yexing stretched out his hand to take back the bottle, but Bai Muqing hugged the bottle directly in his arms, while frowning and saying coldly: No! ia Okay, then you can take it. Li Yexing waved his hand and said: Don't forget to hold it while you sleep at night, otherwise it will be stolen by me. Tsk Having become accustomed to Li Yexing's strange aura, Bai Muqing didn't pay attention and just picked up the bottle and drank again. -0.-For a while, the two fell silent, and there was only coldness and the distant presence in the air. There was no gunshot. It's so stupid to go out to have a fight in such a cold weather. Listening to the gunshot, Li Yexing muttered in a low voice. He rubbed his body against Bai Muqing and then whispered: No, it's too bad. Now, I have to get closer to you so as not to freeze you. Who feels the cold? Bai Muqingyi has to tell you. Besides, even if

They are stuck together, which is useless in the face of this level of cold. After a while, the gunshots in the air dissipated. Bai Muqing tightened Li Yexing's coat, and then suddenly took the initiative and said: Sure enough, after so long, I still

What? Don't Californians shoot in the street? Li Yexing turned around and asked with raised eyebrows. Bai Muqing was about to say no, but after thinking about it carefully, her tone lost her firmness. She whispered: No shooting like this, we have police...

We have gangs. Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders and said, The Italian guys are infinitely more efficient than you donut policemen.

There was another silence, Bai Muqing's expression was complicated, she pursed her lips, and finally just squeezed out: Lopulus, it's really amazing... It's really amazing. Li Yexing nodded and said: Everyone who can stand here has a history that is not easy to talk about. Some are magnificent, some are unbearable to look back on. To put it simply, we are a group of unlucky people who can't do anything except killing. What about you? Bai Muqing suddenly turned her head and looked into Li Yexing's eyes. Her expression was less cold and more searching. She asked in a low voice: What were you like in the past?

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