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At the end of April 2011, a new security department called the Aranya Armed Forces was established in Lopulus, Idonia. Initially, there were only a few members of the Aranya Armed Forces. However, after receiving help from local forces and the government With the support of , this security company developed at a very fast speed, and the momentum was extremely rapid. At the beginning, their customers were mainly some local warlords and local armed forces in Idonia. By the beginning of 2012, Huanya The armed forces began to regularly receive commissions from country R. By June, the Huanya Armed Forces had been completely formed. It was officially registered and renamed Huanya International Security Contracting. Thanks to the day and night work of a certain secretary, Li Yexing finally upgraded from a wild dog mercenary in the mud to a wild dog mercenary with capital in hand. Although the development momentum of Huanya Armed Forces was very good, Bai Muqing was not satisfied with this. She began to squeeze herself more and more crazily, wishing that she could devote forty-eight hours a day to work. Even the fixed medication session every morning was delayed because of the rush. However, this is not what makes Miss Bai the most crazy. What makes Miss Bai most crazy is that Li Yexing threw her a huge problem. Qing asked, how can we shake down a terrorist organization backed by Simmons, the Minister of National Security of Country A, and a number of powerful nobles, when we only have a security department that has not even stepped out of Lopulus? Sit down Miss Bai, who was on the bed, sneered at Li Yexing while shaking his straight long legs: If I could do such a thing, the place where you are applying medicine to me now should not be your doghouse. It's me in the Black Umbrella executive office. As she said that, Bai Muqing gave her a gentle kick with a cold face, looking very happy. Although she said she couldn't do it, Bai Muqing still tried to analyze the situation. She Needing more information, Li Yexing thought for a while and tried to selectively reveal part of the plot in Resident Evil 6 and the relationship between the forces to Bai Muqing, and asked Bai Muqing if he could protect himself. It is possible to quickly overthrow NEO Umbrella. Bai Muqing thought for a while and shook his head: Impossible. What is involved here is not just the issue of who has the bigger fist. This is a political game between big shots. If you want to pry To move the earth, you must have a fulcrum and a lever long enough. We have neither a fulcrum nor a lever now, and we are not worthy to participate in this game. Feeling the somewhat rough massage from Bai Muqing's toes, Li Yexing had a rough idea in his mind. Maybe he couldn't be too hasty. He still needed to wait for the lever in Bai Muqing's mouth that was long enough and the fulcrum that could move a huge thing. Soon in mid-June 2012, a guerrilla force emerged in Idonia. With extremely fast speed and fierce offensive, they quickly occupied many important cities in Idonia. Government troops in various regions had to Heading to the front line, by August, even Yeager had to lead his troops to leave Lopulus. Li Yexing clearly remembered the plot of Resident Evil 6. He knew that this large-scale anti-ZF force actually only looked scary. They were unable to withstand the counterattack from the government forces head-on. It was precisely because of this that they finally Only then would they accept the OW provided by N∈Umbrella frantically. Although this is just meaningless madness, according to the plot of the game, on December 24, 2012, the SAA that intervened on the battlefield will completely defeat them. In view of this situation, Li Yexing issued a death order to the Huanya Armed Forces. During the Idonia Civil War, he was strictly prohibited from accepting any work commissions from within Idonia. After all, he did not want his scumbags to have long heads when they came back. Eyes full, in addition to issuing a temporary ban within the company, Li Yexing is also always paying close attention to the civil war in Idonia. Finally, time advanced to December. Wesker's son called Li Yexing and told him that he had received a big deal. Is Li Yexing interested in joining the deal? Of course Li Yexing knew who Wesker had accepted. commission, so he politely declined, saying that he still had work to do. This is not a lie. Li Yehang has a big business now. His employee No. 100 needs to eat, so he will not pass all the work to Bai Muqing. Finally, the day came for the decisive battle, December 24th. As usual, Li Yexing left the office building he rented from the Italians, returned to his kennel, sat at his desk and rubbed the hair in his arms. Tililith and Tililian were watching the news, and in the evening, he received a call from Yeager. After answering the phone, Li Yexing rubbed Ti Lilith's little head and said with a smile: How is it? Yeager? How much profit did you make from this battle? Li, we screwed up. After a while, Yeger Er's voice came from the other side, with an unconcealable tiredness in his tone. Instantly, a different premonition rose from Li Yexing's chest. He gently patted Tililith and Tililian to let the Tyrant Sisters leave his lap. He stood up and walked to the window, looking at the street outside the window. , frowned and said: What's going on? Those monsters' equipment is too good, our people here can't deal with them... Yeger responded tiredly. Isn't there still SAA? Li Yexing Shen Sheng asked: They failed to reach the city hall? Don't mention SAA...

With a trace of anger in his words, Yeager said angrily: When we evacuated from the city today, a team did not withdraw. The SAA side has already exploded. They want us to organize a search and rescue team to take advantage of the situation. Go in to fish for people at dark! Speaking of this, Yegel cursed in a low voice: Li, I really should show you those damn monsters, they are everywhere, they are strong, they can run fast, and they are invulnerable! Street fighting with those guys is simply torture! Now my people are in front to cover the retreat of the barrels. If those monsters rush out of the outer area, all the headquarters and strategic materials will have to retreat! This is really true. .Beyond my expectation. His expression became solemn.

Getting up, Li Yexing whispered: So, you came to me this time in the hope that I can help you solve the trouble, right? That's right, we really can't find any other way. Yeger said tiredly: As I said just now, SAA wants us to organize people to fish out the lost team. If we don't fish out the lost team, they will withdraw. It's so neurotic. Who did they throw in? Li Yexing frowned. He asked with a frown. Who knows, he seems to be a big shot at SAA. After thinking for a moment, Yeager said with some uncertainty: If I remember correctly, it seems to be called 'Redfield'. Li Yexing is not surprised because in the original game, Chris did disappear during this war. Only Chris' partner Pierce escaped from the entire action team. It was not until March 2013 that Pierce broke the Chris returned to his head. His brows relaxed slightly, and Li Yexing asked subconsciously: Is he the only one who didn't come out? No, it's the whole team. The next second, Yeger replied. At this moment, Li Yexing felt that his scalp was numb.

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