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That's your medical team, right? Standing next to Li Yexing, Yegel tilted his head and joked with a smile: You can always get me something when I ask for the legalization of 20W with SAA, which just suffered a defeat. New tricks. Young lady, you want me to die. Li Yexing frowned and whispered. He pushed open the door of the temporary stronghold. The next second, a strange scene came into view, and he saw a A young man with blond hair wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed eyes was chatting to several SAA team members. He kept gesturing with his hands in front of his chest like playing an organ, and at the same time pursed his lips and said excitedly: I'm with you. You said that as long as the research and development is scientific enough and the supervision is strict enough, OW can completely replace our soldiers on the battlefield. Then, the man shook his head suddenly, making the beautiful blond hair shake with his head, and said to an SAA team member at the same time. : Soldier, how was yesterday's war going? Being asked such a sudden question, the young SAA soldier subconsciously took a step back, while stumbling and saying: Not ideal, sir...

I saw it with my own eyes! That truck pulling the corpse just now! Damn it! What a hell! If you ask me, those high-ranking military officials and government officials are just idiots! They banned the research and development of OW! Then they sent our people’s children to Die! Shaking his head again, the young man looked at another SAA member with wide eyes. He pursed his lips and said aggressively: Kid? Where are you from? Texan, sir... Although he was... - It felt weird for someone of his own age to call a child, but due to pressure from the other party, the SAA officer subconsciously replied. 8 Oh! What a coincidence, we are both from the great United States of A. I am from Coming from New York. He held the SAA soldier's hand familiarly and shook it gently. Before the soldier realized what happened, he let go of his hand, while frowning and saying: This guy from Germany Friends from Texas, do you know how many great guys die in a foreign country every year in the great country A? Hmm? Do you know? No. Not very clear, sir. The SAA soldier subconsciously He shook his head and said, Not clear?! Why not? How could you not be clear?! Although I don't know either, after all, it doesn't go with my major. The figure became lower and lower, with both hands attached. The movements began to slow down, but then, as if something took a bite, the man suddenly raised his voice: But it's not important! In short, many, many, many great young men fall down every year. He fell outside! He fell on the road to safeguarding freedom and democracy! His expression became more and more excited. He puffed up his chest, stared and waved his hands and said, Yesterday, how many children lost their fathers? How many wives and husbands went there? How many parents have lost their husbands? How many have lost their children? Listen to me, children 1. Those big shots, they are blind! They are afraid! They are unwilling to accept the changes of the times! Those corpses are trash! If they are willing to accept With the development of 0W, yesterday’s battle wouldn’t have been so tragic. I know OW! No one knows W better than me!

Wait... Looking at the young man's eyes with a hint of suspicion, an SAA soldier suddenly asked: Sir, aren't you a doctor?

Doctor? Yes, you are right, I am a doctor, I am a doctor... His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his voice became deeper and deeper. The young man in the white coat seemed to have fallen into some kind of self-doubt, but then, he He suddenly raised his voice and said: But so what?! Before becoming a doctor, first of all, I am a citizen of country A! I have the responsibility to make a democratic cry for our country! We cannot let our children use it. Flesh and blood fight those monsters! We should let monsters fight monsters! Use 0W to defeat W! You know! A country A soldier armed to the teeth costs three hundred thousand dollars! But a hunter produced from the assembly line ..

Before he could finish speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, grabbed his collar fiercely, and pulled him to the side. Li Youxing released his grip on the white coat, and then looked at the few people beside him. The SAA soldiers who have been dumbfounded by this are worth: Sorry, please be a little considerate, this guy is just too talkative, so he fell into this miserable situation of graduating from a prestigious school but can only go abroad to work for a small security contractor. As he spoke, Li Yexing pouted at the debris at the feet of the group of SAA soldiers, and said in a deep voice: Besides, you have more important work on your hands than listening to this guy's nonsense, don't you? Hearing Li If it was Ye Xing, the soldiers suddenly came back to their senses. They nodded towards Li Ye Xing, squatted down and picked up the debris at their feet, and then left.

Tsk, I just watched it because I wasn't interested... Seeing that several SAA's had left, a trace of regret flashed across Yeger's eyebrows. He glanced at the young doctor who was dragged aside by Li Yexing, and then Turning his head and looking at Li Yexing, after noticing the hint of wanting to chase people away in Li Yexing's eyebrows, he shrugged, and then said with a smile: 'It seems that the next step is your family's family affairs, just in time. , I still have some things on hand, so I won’t bother you. 8 After saying that, Yeager also turned around and left.

After a moment, after confirming that there was no one else nearby, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the young man in a white coat carefully. Just now, this young researcher from the first agency took a group of SAA and talked about the legalization of 0W. The rationality is just like a thief talking to the police about how to reduce the crime rate in the city by legalizing theft. This scene is undoubtedly extremely magical realism. With his eyebrows slightly raised, Li Yexing couldn't help but ask: 'If I remember correctly, you seem to be that guy Andre's assistant, right? What's your name?

My name is Tang Langpu... the young man in the white coat replied with a smile. You can call me Tang, Mr. Li, this will make us appear closer.

Looking at this handsome young man, Li Yexing inexplicably thought of a certain figure who was famous in his previous life, so he couldn't help but sneered: Mr. Pu, I think you are more interested in being a researcher than being a researcher. It's suitable to be a politician. After all, being able to tell lies like this is already a talent. Hehe, Mr. Andre and Dr. Angelica also praised me so much... The handsome young man named Trump smiled and said: But Mr. Li, you have to spare me one thing. Just now I What I said is not all nonsense, I still told the truth. Which sentence? Kanan, who was standing nearby, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked. Trump smiled slightly and replied in a low voice: 'I am really a New Yorker. Okay, Mr. Lang Pu from New York, if you continue to follow those irrelevant people's nonsense, I will sew your mouth shut. Li Yexing waved his hands helplessly, and Li Yexing dropped the topic. , asked Trump: Where are the others? Inside. Trump pointed to the corridor aside and said with a smile: I don't know why, they don't seem to be very interested in my topic. I'm not impressed by your words. Interested? That's really gratifying. Li Yexing nodded and said, Come on, come in with me. I'll just talk to you about the information provided by SAA.

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