Remember it in one second

Two huge figures got out of the car. Dark coats were fastened to them with rivets and restraints, large metal-soled boots, studded gloves, broad exaggerated shoulders with a large pale head... and No hair, they do nothing, just standing there exudes a strong sense of oppression, that is the breath of the strong!

tyrant! Even if it turns into ashes, Li Yexing will recognize it! The clone of former Soviet officer Sergey is a classic biochemical weapon developed and transformed by the T virus. Most of the works in the "Resident Evil" series have appeared! It's just that this tyrant is a little different from the T-103 tyrant that Li Yexing is familiar with. Not only does it lose the folds on the face of the tyrant of "Resident Evil 2 Remake", but also this body is... too big! He is more than a circle bigger than the tyrant he knows well, and the height of nearly three meters is almost the same as the super big guys in "Resident Evil. Curse", and he wears a high-tech goggles on his face and a strange one on his neck. The collar of the tyrant, with several wires sticking out of it densely on the tyrant's temple.

"Open your eyes, BSAA gentlemen! This is art!" Freeman frantically waved the tablet in his hand and roared at the BSAA he couldn't see through the bulletproof carriage. The arrogant face resembled a certain Third Reich colonel.

"Target locked, attack! Come on! Xiong Da Xiong Er!"

After all, he tapped the tablet a few more times, and with his movements, the two tyrants moved, and they stepped on heavy footsteps and launched a charge in the direction of BSAA on the mountain.

Li Yexing was so dumbfounded that he didn't notice when Norman returned to his side.

"Five minutes is enough for two dad bears to tear the BSAA on the mountain to shreds."

Norman said so.

"Is this the insurance you said?" Li Yehang asked without concealing his surprise.

"Yes, how do you feel?"

To be honest, Li Yexing thought it was pretty cool, but even this kind of high-end stuff was just insurance. Looking at the third car in front of him, Li Yexing became more and more curious about what they were transporting.


Watching the two tyrants rush up the mountain like bulls, Chris felt that it was hard to stand up.

"Back! Back! Pull away! Their clothes are bulletproof! Fire in the head!" Chris's voice roared over the radio, as the team adjusted formations as they followed the order, firing bullets to greet the tyrants The bald head, the two tyrants did not slow down in the slightest, they stretched out their hands to protect their relatively fragile faces, and while charging forward, they broke all the trees blocking the road. To make matters worse, the security forces on the road had already started to fight back. As the tyrant entered the field, it began to plummet.

The BSAA team members started throwing smoke bombs and grenades. On the one hand, they wanted to block the view of the security forces. On the other hand, they hoped to slow down the tyrant's charge, but it was in vain. With a firm grip on his head, the team member's head exploded like a broken watermelon, and then it threw the body to another team member who opened fire on it, and the body hit the team member like a cannonball. , he flew upside down and hit the tree behind him, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and lost his ability to fight, but the biochemical weapon showed no mercy. The tyrant rushed towards the teammate who vomited blood, and stepped on his upper body into mud. At the same time, another tyrant was grabbing the leg of a long-dead BSAA member, swinging the corpse like a warhammer, knocking the nearby BSAA members over.

"Evacuate! Scatter and evacuate!" Chris' eyes were blood red, "Newman, go drive!"

"Newman is being used as a hammer by that monster!" A sniper's voice came over the radio.

"Damn it!" Chris scolded, "How long does it take to contact Kirk?!"

"Don't panic, I'm here, I can already see the fire!" A voice came from the radio, and the roar of a helicopter sounded overhead. Chris looked up and saw a helicopter flying overhead.

On the helicopter, the pilot Kirk looked at the tyrant who was on the mountain with a horrified expression, "What the hell is that?"

"Don't ask, spread out, Kirk, kill these two bastards!"

"No problem, hold on!" Kirk said to the BSAA behind him: "Go get the RPG, I'll adjust the angle."

The BSAA crew member on the plane took off the RPG, stuck his head out and tried to aim at the tyrant on the mountain, but as soon as he lifted the RPG, a row of bullets forced him back.

"No, people on the road are firing on us!"

Norman put down the gun in his hand and smacked his lips, "I should have left them a grenade."

Li Yexing stuck his head out and shot in the direction of the helicopter. The helicopter hovered over the battlefield and then pulled away in the direction of the mountain.

Soon, an RPG shot down from the plane, knocking one tyrant to his knees on the ground, while the other tyrant turned his head and threw Newman's corpse into the helicopter, almost disappearing. The corpse smashed onto the front glass of the helicopter, spattering a large amount of blood, and another RPG shot down. The tyrant who was sitting on his knees took another shot before he had time to stand up. With the explosion, the tyrant's neck was sprayed with blood and completely lay on the ground.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no my bear Er ah ah ah ah

Ahh! ! ! ! ! "

Freeman's pig-slaughtering growl came from the carriage of Car No. 2, "You bugs! Trash! Offal! Dog stuff! How dare you destroy this perfect art?! Death! You all have to die!" Bury my Xiong Er aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

After that, he took out the tablet, and was mad again, with a weird smile on his face, and muttered in his mouth, "All have to die, all have to die..."

On the mountain, the tyrant who was holding the corpse as a hammer, the collar on his neck exploded. Then, the rivets on his body popped out one by one, and the restraint began to fall off. The muscles soon burst through the coat, and the skin began to crack due to the rapid expansion of the muscles, revealing the red flesh under the skin, its gloves burst open, and its hands became sharp claws, liberating the monster of real power. Wearing two pieces of rags, it let out a deafening roar in the light of the firelight. It bent its legs, then jumped up suddenly, and smashed its claws on the tail of the helicopter. The helicopter lost control in the sky and spun wildly, and then fell down. .

"Has the remaining one also liberated strength?" Norman patted Li Yexing on the shoulder, "It seems that our insurance can't be recovered. We have to give up cars No. 1 and No. 5, we have to go."

Li Yexing didn't answer, just stared blankly at the mountain with the gun.

"Don't look, we have to go." Norman gave an order on the radio and urged Li Yexing at the same time, but Li Yexing didn't pay attention to him at all.

"What are you looking at?" Norman asked impatiently.

Li Yexing turned his head and pointed in the direction of the tyrant on the mountain, "Why do I think... it's coming at us?"

"What...?" Norman was stunned. At the moment when he was stunned, the second car next to him flew into the air with a bang and rolled down the cliff on the other side with the screaming Freeman in the carriage. .

The tyrant who liberated his power was too fast. It took only a few breaths from Li Yexing's discovery that the second car was knocked off the cliff.

"Open the formation! Open the formation!" Norman shouted, Li Yexing could hear that he was starting to panic, he quickly hid behind the car, blocked the tyrant's sight with the No. 3 car, and watched Norman as he gave the order Run away, the monster completely lost control after liberating its power, and entered a state of indiscriminate between enemy and foe. A member of the security force tried to distance themselves, but was stabbed in the opposite direction by a paw, and the bulletproof vest was like paper in front of the monster. It's like muddy.

The BSAA on the mountain began to move closer to the road. Some members of the security team tried to drive away, but at this time, only car No. 4 could carry people. The scene was completely out of control and turned into chaos. Li Yexing did not shoot, but just hid in After car No. 3, listening to the sound of gunshots and the roar of monsters outside, BSAA was still trying to persuade the security forces to join them in killing the tyrant. However, the panicked security forces had lost their way, and they were scrambling to get close while shooting. Car No. 4, after the monster tore all the members of the security force near Car No. 1 to rotten flesh, it launched a charge towards Car No. 4. Li Yexing could hear that the members of the security force near Car No. 4 seemed to have seen the hidden in the closet. The furry little girl screamed in fear. At this moment, a cry came from the BSAA camp across the road:


With a scream that pierced the air, an RPG flew over and hit the tyrant. The tyrant fell over in the direction of Car No. 3 with an unstable center of gravity. The huge weight instantly pressed Car No. 3 to the side. turn.

"I really don't want to touch the fish if I take your female horse!"

Li Yexing scolded secretly and scrambled out of the way. The tyrant was paralyzed on the rollover No. 3 car and tried to get up. Then another RPG flew over, followed by hand grenades. The explosives exploded wildly around the tyrant and car No. 3. Thanks to BSAA for buying enough time, car No. 4 finally caught fire. The survivors of the security force scrambled to squeeze into the car and take advantage of the tyrant's fire to be themselves. , the accelerator is stepped on, and the engine is roaring trying to squeeze past the stunned tyrant and BSAA.

However, at the moment when Car No. 4 was about to pass, the already scarred tyrant attacked. It roared against the front of Car No. 4, and then overturned Car No. 4 in the sea of ​​fire. Inside the carriage of Car No. 4 Suddenly, the voice of crying father and mother sounded again.

"Although I've seen it in games and movies, it's still surprising to feel the immersive experience..." Li Yexing, who was lying on the other side of the road as Voldemort, said to himself, the more he felt The power of biochemical weapons made Li Yexing more afraid of the protagonists of the "Resident Evil" series. Even such monsters can overturn a car. What kind of gods are these people?

On the other side, the BSAA continued to fire, and the tyrant was trying to tear open the compartment of the No. 4 car with its bare hands. Its claws pierced the compartment like A4 paper, and then pulled with both claws, and the bulletproof compartment was like a can. It was torn apart, probably because he was afraid of hurting the people in the carriage. The BSAA stopped using explosives. Li Yexing was blocked from view by the No. 3 car. As he stirred the carriage of Car No. 4, he could vaguely hear cries and scoldings under the sound of gunfire.

Then, car number four blew up!

Along with the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, the shock wave of the explosion directly lifted Li Yexing into the air. He slammed into the railing on the edge of the cliff, his hearing almost failed, his consciousness seemed to be separated from his body, and his thinking ability was basically offline. Holding his head and holding on to his aching waist, he stood up blankly, trying to find his snatch. There was an indistinct gunshot coming from his ear, and his blurred vision saw the bloody tyrant charging BSAA again. I saw the overturned can of the No. 3 car leaking, saw the can of the No. 3 car slowly open, and saw a naked girl falling out of the can of the No. 3 car.


Um? girl?

Um? ? ! !

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