Remember it in one second

Next, Li Yexing's entrustment finally returned to the right track. As long as he escorted Ada into the lower cabin and got the mission target, he could escape.

Handing over Rita, who had not fully recovered her physical strength, to Xiao Huanghua, the group set off towards the lower cabin.

"Who are you? Who are you working for?" asked Rita, who was walking in the dark corridor, supported by the little yellow flower.

"This problem is complicated..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "If you have to say... I and the silver-haired beautiful girl are mercenaries. At present, for the woman you chased and killed for a long time. Work, and of course you can try to hire us as long as you have the money, and while we’re not very good at solving problems, we’re very good at solving people who create problems.”

"I'm an ordinary passenger, the next head of the Roanna family." Xiao Huanghua, who was supporting Rita, said solemnly.

"Why are you on this cruise ship?" Rita continued.

"Commercial secrets, no comment." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Compared to us, I think you have a bigger problem. The ship is about to end, and everyone who has brains is thinking about running for their lives and being controlled. Why don't you protect Palka from leaving but attack us instead?"

"That was Palka's order, he wanted me to kill every survivor I could find on the ship."

"Why??" For Palka's order, Li Yexing arrived inexplicably.

"That bastard, he put a huge amount of insurance on this cruise ship, and once the ship sank, he can get a lot of property from it." Rita gritted her teeth: "He first colluded with those guys to kill the master , occupied the master's property, and then used the things provided by those guys to control me, and now, he will even sink the master's ship!"

"Because of this kind of thing..." Xiao Huanghua's face showed an unbelievable expression: "Just because of this kind of thing, can he kill everyone with peace of mind?"

"Don't underestimate the darkness in the hearts of adults, little brat." Li Yexing teased, and then asked: "But what does this have to do with killing us?"

"He didn't want to stay alive...Palca's partners hoped that Palca could send the cruise ship to them as a testing ground for biological weapons, and Palca received a large sum of money from them and promised that the experiment would begin. There will be a helicopter on the front boat to help him evacuate..." Speaking of which, a dark sneer appeared on Rita's face: "But those guys actually didn't intend to fulfill their promise at all, they not only left Palka and left by themselves , also destroyed the main power of the ship, cut off the communication on the ship, and destroyed the signal tower. Now the ship can't sail and can't contact the outside world for help. Even the backup power supply can only support twelve hours, which is Say, Palka is stuck on this ship."

"This do I think I've heard it before?" Li Yexing frowned and muttered to himself.

"Palka wants to leave, but he doesn't want someone to bring out the truth about this ship. It was originally planned that the ship will be destroyed after completing its mission as a testing ground, and Palka can go directly to the outside world. Claiming that the ship was hijacked by terrorists, but once the biohazard situation on this ship is exposed, other organizations will intervene..." Rita said: "In this case, what he did is likely to be It will be exposed, and he simply cannot afford revenge from dozens of big families around the world."

Regarding Palka, Li Yexing didn't want to comment too much. Unlike himself, who could only shave food in the soil, Palka's identity was not noble, but it was quite prominent, and he must have no worries about food and clothing with the great nobles in this life. to die for this? However, does the partner of Palka mentioned by Rita before refer to the organization that created Tililith?

"Let's talk a little bit about Palka's partners." Li Yexing said, "I'm more interested in them."

"Those guys...they come from an organization that the master sponsored before..." Rita frowned and said, "the name seems to be...Black Umbrella."

Hearing the name of this organization, Ada next to him was slightly startled, and Li Yexing's expression instantly became a little subtle, Black Umbrella? Can these pharmaceutical companies have any other names?

"Since the master died, these guys have been in and out of the master's manor..." Not caring about Li Yexing's subtle changes in expression, Rita said to herself, "When I was cleaning the room one day, I accidentally heard their conversation with Palka. After talking, I was very angry when I learned the cause of the master's death, so I went to Palka that night."

"Looking at what you looked like later, it is estimated that the result is not ideal..." Li Yexing said casually.

"Yes, I failed..." Rita gritted her teeth and said: "The Black Umbrella's troops are very strong. After the assassination failed, I was surrounded by them. Although I successfully killed a team, I was still surrounded by them. Captured alive...and the battle that cluttered up the manor's estate was a sin."

"Killed an entire security force? You can really blow it." Li Yexing scoffed at Rita's words.

"It's nothing at this level. If it was a few years ago, I could have done better." Rita didn't seem to care about Li Yexing's ridicule. In her opinion, Li Yexing was just a third-rate mercenary, and it was impossible for him to understand what he was going through. past hell.

After listening to Rita's words, Li Yexing was basically certain that Palka's partner, the organization that caused the tragedy on this cruise ship, was the organization that created Tililith.

Li Yexing fell into deep thought.

The control device removed from Rita's chest is actually a very unpopular thing, only in "Resident Evil"

5", in "Resident Evil 5", the villain Wesker used this device to control Chris's partner Jill Valentine, making them kill each other, and now, it is also found on Rita's body. Similar things, it can be assumed that the organization called "Black Umbrella" mentioned by Rita has any connection with Wesker? Or if it is more daring to assume that the organization called "Black Umbrella" is run by Wesker himself?

Thinking of this, Li Yexing couldn't help shivering, he turned his head and asked Tililith: "Tililith, when you were in that organization, did you see a man with sunglasses and a big golden back, looking like A very pretentious man?"

"I don't remember." Tililith thought for a while and replied.

Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief, Tililith's memory is particularly good, if Tililith doesn't have an impression, it should be none.

Li Yexing didn't want to confront Wesker, it would be fatal. This guy should be left to Chris to deal with. As long as he stayed up for another two years, Chris would arrange him clearly.

Just when Li Yexing was still thinking about the "Black Umbrella", Ada, who was beside him, stopped.

"Here," said Ada.

Li Yexing raised his head, and what caught his eye was the open gate and the dark cargo hold behind the gate. The entrance to the cargo hold went straight to the bottom floor, looking like a beast that devoured people and opened its blood to Li Yexing. Big mouth.

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Li Yexing took a deep breath.

"Let's go down."

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