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To be honest, the current situation has far exceeded Li Zhijiao's expectations. The reason why she always keeps a cold face is not because she is indifferent by nature, okay, she is still a little indifferent, but the main reason is that she is afraid Armed there to show timidity. That day was the same as usual, Li Zhixiao was sitting in the office leaning on the heater, flipping through the photos of someone secretly taken on the phone on the desk, and suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the office. Probably another Those members of the security force who were transferred from the No. 1 agency of the European branch to Durand Technology Medical as security guards? Li Zhijiao has never been patient with these fly-like suitors. She stared at the phone with a sullen face, without turning her head, and said First: Please come in. After receiving Li Zhixiao's reply, the door of the office was opened, and accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a familiar voice came: Hey, Captain Li, are you idle? Hearing this voice, Li Zhijiao turned her head in a slight - startled , I saw my immediate boss Andre standing at the door and staring at me with a smile all over his face, but that smile seemed a little gloomy for some reason. Mr. Andre. Throwing the mobile phone on the table, Li Zhinu immediately stood up and said with a serious expression. Don't be cautious... Waving his hand to Li Zhijiao, Andrei smiled and shifted his gaze to the mobile phone that Li Zhijiao left on the table When she noticed Andre's gaze, Li Zhijiao blushed slightly, with embarrassment on her face. She stretched out her hand to turn off the screen, and then put the phone back into her pants pocket. Don't hide it, your Supervisor Casimir told me all about it. Seeing Li Zhijiao's face flushed slightly, Andre smiled and said: There is nothing to be ashamed of, after all, you are already at this age. If you are outside, you are probably enough to be a mother. Looking at the man with a smile on his face in front of her, Li Zhijiao's heart sank a little bit. As the first batch of members of the security forces to join the No. Lal Andre, a senior researcher, Dr. Angelika's right-hand man, helps Dr. Angelika and Kasimir to manage the Nibelung level research project all the year round. If this man is fine, he will never find himself !

Mr. Andre, is there anything I can help you with? Li Zhijiao hid the excess emotion on his face and said seriously: Is there something wrong with the laboratory? It's all small research, it's enough to meet the specific needs of our partners... Andre smiled, and then said to Li Zhinu: However, there is indeed something I want you to do right now What's the matter? Li Zhijiao asked subconsciously. It's not a big deal. The smile on his face became more and more friendly. Andre raised the corners of his mouth and said: Captain Li, I need you to go to the field of Yidongia. Hearing what Andre said, Li Zhijiao was slightly stunned and then asked with some doubts: Excuse me, what do you need me to do? The 0Ws on the frontier are a little bit interested... Andre smiled and said, You are very good at this, aren't you? The corners of his eyebrows twitched slightly, and Li Zhijiao thought that this is not a big deal? What, it's a big deal ? Directly let me go to die? Seems to be aware of Li Zhinu's doubts, Andre immediately waved his hand and said: Don't worry, this time I will arrange you into the Huanya Armed Forces, and let you follow Mr. Li from the Huanya Armed Forces Enter the battlefield together. Mr. Li? Li Yexing? Oh, come to think of it, is it the part-time observation object of the partner of the first agency? The guy who doesn’t care about being a W as long as he looks good, right? Li Zhixiao resisted even more.

It doesn't matter. This task is not compulsory. It is trustworthy. Talents who can join the No. 1 agency are also very valuable. Considering the danger there, you have the right to refuse. After all, our black Umbrella has always been people-oriented. Sensing Li Zhijiao's eyebrows Andre was not angry at the resistance for a while, he

Turning around and preparing to leave, he walked towards the outside of the office -- rubbing his chin and muttering in a voice that Li Zhijiao could just hear: It's a pity to say that you have submitted so many applications to join the Frenzy Squad and have not been accepted. Passed, Director Casimir told me just now that those who can successfully complete this task will skip the probationary period and become regular members of the Frenzy Squad... Speaking of which, Andrei sighed softly He said in a tone: Since Captain Li is unwilling, I'll look for other candidates. Miss Poronova seems to be very interested in joining the frenzy team. Wait! Mr. Andre! When Andre was about to step out of the office, Li Zhijiao suddenly stopped him. Why, is there any question? Mr. De Lie swallowed his saliva and suppressed his frantic heartbeat, Li Zhijiao asked in a trembling voice: You said, skipping the probationary period and directly joining the frenzy team is... I didn't say that, This is what Director Casimir said...The smile on his face became more and more weird, as if a trick was successful, Andre said slowly: Director Casimir said that this task will be used as an assessment to join the frenzy team. Randomly selected among the female team members who have applied... after all, men don't submit that kind of application, do they? 06..

I...I will participate! Please let me participate! Almost without thinking, Li Zhijiao blurted out. Very good! Clapping his hands excitedly, Andre smiled and said to Li Zhixiao: Since Captain Li has decided to participate, let's get ready. When will I leave? Li Zhixuan asked eagerly. Immediately. Andre replied: You will go to the Rim Asia Armed Forces with a team of our researchers, and then follow them directly, time to catch. Understood, please give me five minutes to prepare. Li Zhijiao nodded and said. Don't be so anxious, our research team should make some preparations... Andre nodded with a smile: Wait a minute

You will follow me directly to the Buya Armed Forces, and I will have an interview with Ms. Bai of the Huanya Armed Forces about the personnel involved in this operation. Wait, you and the Huanya Armed Forces haven't reached an agreement yet? Hearing what Andre said, the man who was packing up his things subconsciously paused, and Li Zhijiao turned his head to look at Ander, frowning slightly and asked.

This is not a problem. Since they want our assistance, they naturally have to agree to some trivial requests from us, and we also give them a free medical team. Miss Bai is a smart person, and she has no reason to refuse. Turning around, he left Li Zhijiao's office, and when he stepped out of the door, Andre suddenly turned his head while holding the door frame, and said to Li Zhixiao with a smile: Please don't make our partners wait too long, and don't let our partners wait too long. Mr. Jiang waited too long, didn't he? Li Zhijiao nodded subconsciously, so Andre smiled with satisfaction and left. In the corridor, the sound of Andre's footsteps gradually faded away. After the sound disappeared completely, Li Zhijiao suddenly stretched out her hand to support the table. bag, Li Zhijiao took out the phone, turned on the screen again, and saw the lock screen of the phone, which was a beautiful boy with a single ponytail.

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