What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

A-40. The second stage of the tough boss battle

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We are always in the center of the battlefield, but the atmosphere still becomes inexplicably joyful. Good luck seems to be lingering in our ears. Even the dense sound of gunfire has turned into the sound of festive firecrackers. In this cheerful place In the atmosphere, Kanan quickly rushed to the side of the turret on the second floor platform with the RPG in his arms, carried it up with excitement on his face, and aimed at the huge thing that was trying to attack the coalition forces. Come on, you ugly guy, try this big dick of mine! With an unrestrained grin, Kanan directly fired the sugar cane in his hand. With a soft pop sound, the rocket detached from the sugar cane stick. It dragged the smoke straight towards the monster's chest. At this moment, the monster was holding a huge piece of gravel, preparing to move towards the coalition forces, but the next second, the rocket directly cut through the air and hit it. His chest suddenly exploded with a burst of fire, and a loud explosion sounded.

The monster lost its balance, and the large piece of gravel lifted above its head fell directly from its hand, hitting its head. The chest and head were hit at the same time, and the monster let out a deafening howl, and then He stumbled and fell into the ruins. Nice! Putting down the sugar cane tube in his hand, Kanan waved his fist excitedly, then turned around and shouted: Boss! Are you okay?! Come on, come on! The next second, with In response, Li Yexing rushed out from the back corner with two wooden boxes in his arms. When he ran to Kanan, he threw the two heavy wooden boxes behind the fort and shook his arms at the same time. Said: Young lady, those guys have quite a lot of good stuff. As he said that, Li Yexing kicked open the lid of the wooden box, bent down, took out an RPG from it, and then pointed it directly at the leaping sitting man. On the ground, the huge monster that was still trying to rise was launched. In a violent explosion, the monster once again let out a shocking howl. Li Yexing put down the sugar cane tube and looked at the rising mushroom cloud, letting the fire light Reflecting on his own face, he turned his head and said to Kanan: -Remember to let a few of them come when you can leave. We have to give it here.

I understand, I understand, let's not miss it. Kanan smiled, she stretched out her hand, took out the cigarette from Li Yexing's pants pocket, and then gently shook it towards Li Yexing, while shaking it Said: Come on, everyone hasn’t stood up yet, let’s light a cigarette. If you light a cigarette, won't it smell weird when you continue talking? Although he raised the question, Li Yexing did not refuse. This time, it was Kanan who was holding the lighter, and the two of them skillfully moved the lighter at the same time. He lit the cigarette in a flame, then bent down at the same time, picking up an RPG from the wooden box. Boss, are you ready? Kanan set up the RPG in his hand with a wild smile on his face. He asked Li Yexing excitedly. Of course. Li Yexing also raised the RPG, and said with a rare dirty joke: I can cum at any time! Then, boss, let's do it together, let's do it together? His voice suddenly softened artificially, as if he was talking to a shop owner. The girl who is about to reach the critical point with her lover, what about?

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Li Yexing liked this about Kanan. He cleared his throat and said, Come on, Kanan, get ready. Three... -


Moving forward, two rockets tore through the air and collided with the monster's body again. There was a loud explosion, and two huge mushroom clouds overlapped and rose up, causing an impact.

The shock wave swept across like a violent wind, carrying the scattered rubble and smashing into the surrounding ruins, completely burying the huge thing. In a tacit understanding, they threw away the sugar cane slips in their hands. Li Yexing and Kanan turned around to look at each other at the same time, and bumped their fists together lightly. On the street, the coalition soldiers had certainly noticed the actions of Li Yexing and Kanan, although They didn't say anything, but their eyes always drifted towards the two people on the second floor platform. There was awe from the bottom of their eyes, but Will rarely reacted. He helped Driving an armored vehicle, he looked gloomily, like a helpless and furious wild dog.

Will, forget it. After a long moment of tangle, Chu Chen stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and then whispered to him, This is war. You and I both know that. In war, someone must sacrifice. They are all good. After hearing Chu Chen's words, Will closed his eyes, moistening his overly congested and dry eyeballs. After a moment, he clenched his fist and punched the armored vehicle hard while cursing in a low voice. : Female horse, of course I know this kind of thing, but I'm not here to die, I'm here to make a living, so I saw those guys stuck to the ground like this, I... tsk, female horse's , I really can't accept it... Brother, Will turned around and said to Chu Chen with a sad face: Chu, you know, I am not a hero like Redfield, I am just a nobody, if it weren't for Redfield Field was stuck. It was not my turn to command from the front line in this battle. I couldn't bear the pressure. At Will's words, Chu Chen was speechless and didn't know how to comfort Will. In the end, he had to shoot again. Patting Will on the shoulder, just as he was about to give the order to move forward on Will's behalf, suddenly, a loud and terrifying roar once again came from the ruins accompanied by strong winds. Along with the roar, large pieces of rubble The rubble and rubble were suddenly lifted into the sky, and the turbid smoke and dust rolled around the ruins. In the smoke and dust, the black shadow stood up again, waving its arms randomly, and its chest protected by its thick skin was already there. It was dripping with blood, and one could even see the severely deformed sternum and ribs under the charred flesh. Seeing the monster supporting its body in the ruins, Chu Chen was stunned, but the next second, his expression turned into anger. Shaking his head vigorously, Chu Chen stared at his eyes and roared at the top of his lungs: Quick! Quick! Quick! Fire! Fire! On the platform on the second floor, Kanan tilted his head and stared, too surprised to close his eyes. She closed her mouth and looked in disbelief: Isn't this guy too durable? It's really the same as the one you blew up before, boss.

Species? It's not important... Li Yexing shook his head, then bent down directly, picked up the RPG from the box, and pointed at the monster while saying: - If you can't kill the box, then hit another box. As soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, he saw that the huge monster with claws and fangs suddenly stopped, as if it was fixed by something. However, it was only a room, and the monster started to move again. It was hiding its feet crazily. It let out a terrifying roar, and the deformed giant hands kept scratching on the body, as if it was enduring some pain. The next second, there seemed to be a sound of flesh tearing into the ears, and the huge monster's skin was scratched. The folds actually split open at the same time, revealing scarlet flesh. Then, a large ball of white steam suddenly sprayed out from the cracks in the folds, and the wound on the chest of the holy object was even more like leaking air.

The dull skin color lit up a little bit, and then began to turn red. Small pieces of flesh began to fall off from the chest. With a crisp sound, the sternum of the holy object cracked open, and the skin on the chest was also torn apart. Through the ferocious crack, the monster raised his right hand and roughly pushed his arm into the crack on his chest. For a moment, there was a tooth-piercing sound of friction, the sound of bones being crushed, and the flesh being torn into pieces. Sounds continued to come out of the monster's body. The monster kept wailing, but did not stop the movements of its hands. Suddenly, as if it had caught something, the monster's right hand that reached into its chest suddenly exerted force. The next second, Blood

A large ball of steam was pulled out from the chest, but was connected by yellow tendons and cyan blood vessels between the bones in the chest and spewed out in large quantities. Above the sternum, there was a thick, twisted, but The huge mace was covered with bone spurs. As the steam spurted out, something seemed to be pulsating in the air. I saw that the bone spurs on the mace were spinning one by one! He held the huge fang in his hand. Bang, the giant monster whose skin turned red was spraying steam all over its body. It suddenly raised its head, straightened out its mostly collapsed chest, and let out a deafening roar toward the sky.

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