What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

A-70. The macho man feels at ease

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The soles of the shoes made a thump thump thump sound when they stepped on the metal stairs. Li Yexing, who was walking on it, smiled and said to Chris below: Although the snow has been swept away, there is still some ice on the stairs. Be careful when you come up. Point, if you fall again - I'm going to go crazy. Chris didn't reply, just nodded. Following the steps of Li Yexing and Ti Lilith, he soon reached the open-air corridor on the second floor. Looking at the long corridor in front of him and the doors next to it, Chris He frowned slightly. 18e How is it? Can you remember which dormitory you live in? - Li Yexing asked with a smile. After a moment, Chris shook his head and whispered, No impression.

Forget it, I'll just take you there. As if he was a little disappointed that Chris couldn't find the door, Li Yexing sighed, his face full of helplessness, holding Ti Lilith's hand, he walked along the corridor towards Li Yexing walked forward, and Chris followed closely behind him. Not long after, Li Yexing stopped in front of a door, and then said to Chris: This is it. Chris stopped and looked. He looked at the door of the room in front of him. It was made of metal and painted with dark green paint, with a hint of rust. The room number: 207 was neatly written on the door in red paint.

Putting his hand into his pocket and making a sound, Li Yexing took out a bunch of keys from his pants pocket, then found the brass-colored one, inserted it into the keyhole on the door, and after a few turns, the door lock opened. Li Yexing opened the door and threw the key chain to Chris. Chris subconsciously reached out and caught the key chain, only to see three keys on the key chain. This is your key chain, and now it has returned to its original owner. Li Yexing reminded Chris, smiling at Chris. The brass one is the key to the dormitory, the white one is the key to the warehouse, and the rusty one seems to be the key to your old house, but you don't need it anymore. 8 looked at the key chain in his hand silently , after a moment, Chris stuffed the keychain into his pocket. Go in and have a look. Li Yexing smiled and said to Chris, This can be considered your home. Chris didn't speak, just nodded. He hesitantly walked into the dormitory, his soles stepping on the cement floor of the dormitory. , after walking through the dim entrance hall, which was only four or five steps away, the house in front of me suddenly became cheerful. Room A was not big, but very bright. There was a bed in the innermost part of the room, and the bed was covered with army green bedding. , the sheets were laid flat, 1 but the bed was laid at an angle, and the quilts were balled up and piled randomly on the bed. On the wall next to the window, there was a bright glass window. The windows were wiped clean, and the sunlight poured directly into the room from the window. Along the half-open window, the fresh cold air flowed in with the wind, gently swaying the white curtains. Directly opposite the bed, there was A TV didn't look too old. The remote control of the TV was just placed on top of the TV. Continuing to walk inside and exposing his body to the sun, Chris looked around and saw the other side of the room. There is a desk in a corner, with a few papers scattered on it, a ballpoint pen, and a black mobile phone next to it. In the corner of the desk, there are two water glasses and A pen holder, with several pens of various kinds randomly stuffed in the pen slip.

It seemed that they were all documents. He picked up one of them and saw that it contained matters related to the placement of materials and arms in the warehouse. After reading two or three lines, Chris couldn't figure out the point, so he read the document again. He put it back on the table and picked up the phone. As soon as he pressed his thumb on the screen, the phone automatically unlocked. He subconsciously looked through the things in the phone and saw that there were only a few landscape pictures in the picture, and the only one was The photo taken with him was a photo of Li Yexing and him. In the Taiwanese movie, he looked a little younger, but Li Yexing didn't seem to have changed. It was just that his face had a bad look, as if he owed Li Yexing. like money

Unable to help showing a smile, Chris exited the picture and began to look at other things. There were not many people in the address book. Li Yexing's number was placed at the top, followed by Ti Lilith, and then In order: Nadia, maid, Mafal, Agor, Secretary Bai... I don't know any of them. Exiting the communicator, Chris opened some other software. After opening the video, he was slightly startled, and then subconsciously looked back at Li Yexing and saw Li Yexing holding Ti Lilith and looking at him with a smile. A trace of embarrassment appeared on his face. He hurriedly stuffed his phone into his pants pocket. Chris turned his head and focused on the small refrigerator next to the desk. He opened the refrigerator and saw two boxes of hamburgers inside. There were two dozen beers and a bottle of whiskey that was only half empty. Looking at the things in the refrigerator, a faint sense of familiarity came to Chris's heart. Vaguely, he felt as if he had caught something, but after a while, nothing came to mind. After closing the refrigerator, Chris stood up and looked at the large wooden wardrobe next to the wall. He walked forward slowly and opened the wardrobe. He saw several sets of clothes hanging inside, one of which was a black combat uniform. It was similar to the one he was wearing, but it looked a little more plain. Next to the black combat uniform hung a set of worn but clean gray-green camouflage military uniforms. Looking to the side, there were several sets. The cleanly washed casual clothes are all simple, with no fancy patterns. The pants are almost all jeans. Under the hanging clothes, there is a pile of quilts that are not very square. There are two sets of body armor, one is black and the other is khaki. There are balls of socks thrown randomly next to them. In the middle of the socks stands an M4A1 assault rifle, and then there are some small odds and ends around them, mostly. Some daily necessities. Would you like to go to the bathroom? Li Yexing, standing behind Chris, asked with a smile. No need. Chris shook his head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, because this place is full of traces of his life, although there is always an inexplicable sense of dissonance, but

There is no doubt that this is his dormitory. That faint feeling of disobedience must also be caused by Fu Yi? Thinking of this, Chris turned his head and looked at Li Yexing and Ti Lilith. A smile from the heart appeared on his face, without any trace of it. Doubt, this man with an Asian face is definitely his best friend. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile at Li Yexing and said, I'm sorry for your trouble, Li. Actually, it's not that troublesome. Touching his nose, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered awkwardly: We are friends, so I should do this for you...

Seeing Li Yexing's awkward expression, Chris smiled even more happily, saying that he really didn't realize that this guy was quite shy easily.

As if he had really returned to his home, Chris opened the refrigerator and took out the half bottle of whiskey. Then he took the cups on the desk and poured half of them into each cup. He handed one of the cups to Li Yexing, and then took the He sat on his bed with another cup, stretched out his hand, and patted the quilt under his butt. He breathed the fresh air outside the window, then turned his head and looked out the window, and saw that there was also a scene on the other side of the dormitory building. A large area of ​​empty space was surrounded by garages and warehouses. There were several black helicopters with silver wolf heads printed on them parked in the corner. Next to the helicopters, two men in black combat uniforms were smoking cigarettes and seemed to be talking about something. This feeling is so good and inexplicably reassuring.

A clean dormitory, simple connections, and a good brother who passed away...01 Before I lost my memory, although there may be some small dangers occasionally, on weekdays, my life must be very comfortable and happy, right? Drink it Chris thought as he took a sip of whiskey in the glass with a happy smile on his face.

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