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On the desk, a stack of documents was neatly placed in the corner, and in the center of the desk was a large glass of whiskey, shining golden light under the afterglow of the setting sun that penetrated the window. The dormitory was very quiet, but if the screen You can't breathe, but you can hear some noises.

In the bathroom, Chris put the documents in his hands together with the toilet paper hanging on the wall. He lifted up his jeans and shook his head slightly.

- - While washing his hands, on his chest, two black headphone cables extended from his ears, gently swaying against the light green shirt following the rhythm of Chris' shaking, and then inserted straight into the jeans. in the pocket.

After washing his hands, Chris shook the water fondly, then grabbed the towel hanging next to him and wiped his hands clean. After packing everything, he took the documents that were placed on the toilet paper, and then pushed away the bathroom door. Door. Two steps away from the entrance hall and back to the bedroom, Chris sat down in front of the desk. He casually threw the documents on the desk, then picked up the glass of whiskey and drank it.

After finishing his drink and listening to the explosive music blasting through his earphones, Chris turned his attention to the documents on the table again. After a moment of hesitation, he gave up decisively.

There is no doubt that before he lost his memory, he must have been a person who hated reading documents. Yesterday, when Li Yexing left with Ti Lilith, Chris sat at the desk and began to try to recall what happened before he lost his memory. As a result, his head started to hurt more and more and he simply gave up. He began to look through his cabinet and collect the things that he had lost his memory. In the mezzanine of the wardrobe, he also found a thick wad of cash.

In the dormitory, he understood that before he lost his memory, he should have been a person who didn't spend much money, especially when he was just watching the scenery in the open-air corridor, two passing mercenaries wearing unusually thick clothes also talked to him. Hey! Isn't this Redd? He's been discharged from the hospital? A bald mercenary passing by downstairs smiled and waved to Chris: Why are you standing there stupidly? Come down and take you to play.

Forget it. Another mercenary gently pushed the bald mercenary before, and then said with a slight frown: Redfield is not known to be a womanizer.

I know, I heard Durgen said that he lost his memory, and I wanted to try to see if I could drag him into the street. The bald mercenary scratched his head, then smiled evilly at Chris and said: 'Otherwise, you say You are a person who trades your life for money. You neither take drugs nor play with women. How boring are you in life?

Forget it, it's boring, let's go. Seeing that Chris didn't reply, the bald mercenary waved his hands in disgust, then turned around, hugged the other mercenary and said, Brother, I heard that Huajie Two more powerful women are here! Tonight, I must go and meet them:

It is said that all of them are very powerful! Maybe I can take over the class of Therese's female cousin, the King of Flower Street. The bald mercenary said excitedly with a lewd smile on his face: But to be honest, I still like it. A woman like Secretary Bai, tsk, it's so exciting to see. The expression of the mercenary who was being hugged changed drastically, he covered his bare hands and smiled at them, the mercenary breathed a sigh of relief, and then He said to the bald mercenary: How dare you say this? Are you afraid of dying because of your mouth? If this word spreads, Boss Li is afraid that he will tear off your head! Why don't I just think about it? Think about it. No? The bald mercenary who had his mouth covered complained in a low voice. Forget it. He let go of the bald mercenary's mouth, and the other mercenary sighed, and sighed in a low voice: To be honest, it seems that since Boss Li got married, he has never been seen shopping in Flower Street. , that new girl in your mouth really didn't catch up with the good times... Who said that?! The bald mercenary stared and said: Although we can't do it every day like animals, we can do it a few times. My little cousin is still so relaxed?

In this way, the vulgar conversation accompanied by the two mercenaries' backs gradually drifted away under Chris's watch, and finally they were hidden in the darkness.

For example, my good friend seemed to frequently visit certain customary places before he met Ms. Tililis. Another example is that my good friend seemed to have a subtle relationship with Secretary Bai, the high-ranking member of the Huanya Armed Forces that everyone said. Furthermore, the people here have a negative relationship with him. That good friend of mine seemed to be more or less in awe. Chris understood that Li Yexing was a local bully and might be having an extramarital affair. Thinking of Miss Tililith who always held Li Yexing's hand during the day, Chris suddenly felt worthless for Tililis. Thinking about Li Yexing's emotional problems, Chris couldn't help but drink a few more drinks. When he was slightly tipsy, , he was just getting ready to go to bed when he received a call from Li Yexing, right? It was mostly just greetings. Chris almost couldn't help asking a few times about whether Li Yexing was having an extramarital affair, but in the end he held it back. , after hanging up the phone, he turned off the lights and went to sleep. He slept until about six o'clock in the morning. Chris opened his eyes and felt full of energy. With nothing to do, Chris went out and found a fast food restaurant nearby. He ordered a hamburger for breakfast. After the meal, he returned to the Asian Armed Forces. On the way, occasionally there would be a few people wearing uniforms. When people in uniform greeted him, he responded politely. Back in the dormitory, Chris watched TV for half the morning, mostly boring programs, so he looked at the documents and fiddled with his phone, unknowingly.

After a moment of silence, Chris stood up at the desk, with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth. He picked up the wine glass, and then began to gently follow the rhythm of the music in the headphones. His body swayed, and his eyes drifted past the bed, golden. The sun shines from the window sill and shines into the dormitory, creating a unique warm tone.

Life is really comfortable, as comfortable as a dream. Suddenly, there was a sound behind him. Chris was stunned for a moment, then his squinted eyes widened, and he stopped following.

The rhythm shook his body, but he quickly pulled off the earphones, and then he heard the clear knock on the door.

Subconsciously without rushing to reply, Chris walked lightly to the door, and then said in a deep voice: Who? It's me. A familiar voice came from the other side of the door, and the voice said with a smile: Let's go. , went out for a drink. Chris was overjoyed and hurriedly opened the door. Under the setting sun, he saw Li Yexing still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, with a hearty smile on his face. 8 You're here... Quickly Back in the dormitory, Chris pulled out a gray-green coat from the closet, quickly put it on his body, and then said to Li Ye: I'm almost bored to death. Let's go, I'll take you to a good store today, my favorite store. After patting Chris on the shoulder, Li Yexing took Chris out of the dormitory. Facing the wind and sunshine, Chris stepped into the open-air corridor. After locking the dormitory door, he turned his head and saw someone standing behind Li Yexing. 8 Chris was slightly startled.

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