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Li thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any euphemistic words. Chris simply asked directly: What is your relationship with this Miss Mafal?

She is my deputy. Li Yexing replied. He is my boss. Kanan replied.

Is it that simple? Chris raised his eyebrows with doubt on his face. Of course it's not that simple. Li Yexing shook his head, and then looked at Kanan's head: What kind of relationship should we have? Good brothers? Kanan blurted out. That's not wrong, but it should still be the same. Can we be more intimate? Li Yexing said. Kanan rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said: Husband and wife? No, it's not the same at all! At this point, Kanan paused slightly, and then continued Don: But, if it's you, a couple, etc., it sounds like it's not bad. As he spoke, Li Yexing and Kanan lit cigarettes together again, and then walked along the street. At this point, Chris understood that it seemed that his old friend's emotional life was a bit complicated, and his facial muscles were slightly twitching. Twitching, he quickly followed Li Yexing, considered it again, and then asked tentatively, What about yesterday? I didn't dare to speak too clearly, for fear that someone Li's harem would catch fire.

Although Chris's question was covert and tactful, Li Yexing nodded generously and said, You said Tililith, that's my wife. Li, are you having an extramarital affair? Seeing that Li Yexing didn't hide it at all. After admitting it, Chris couldn't help but widened his eyes and asked, No... Hearing Chris's question, Li Yexing scratched his head and looked confused, while Kanan smiled and said: Red Field, what are you talking about? I have a good relationship with the eldest lady! Then... what's going on between you and that white secretary? Chris asked with a confused look. White book. Li Yexing was slightly startled, then frowned and said, Chris, which one? What are you talking about? A light Chris, who was confused and confused, said subconsciously. As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have let something slip.

I understand... Li Yexing nodded gloomily and said, Just in time, it's time for a new polishing machine in the warehouse. So, what are you... Chris still wanted to ask, but Seeing Li Yexing waved his hand helplessly, Forget it, since you asked, I'll just say 20, Secretary Shibai, also known as Mu Qing, she has a close relationship with me, we are very close, but this is Let's do it. It's better to stay away from the Central Asian Armed Forces.

Why? Chris asked subconsciously. Chris, think about it. After the establishment of the Huanya Armed Forces, although Mu Qing was ostensibly a secretary, he was actually fully responsible for the operation of the Huanya Armed Forces. After that, our whole family worked within the Huanya Armed Forces... After a moment of hesitation, Li Yexing hesitated and said, How ugly would it be if you said this? Did you get your position as an instructor through Secretary Bai's back door?! Chris understood instantly. Be careful. Sound! You can't say this openly! Frowning and signaling Chris to keep quiet, Li Yexing whispered: Don't look at those scumbags who are so peaceful on the surface. They want to take my place. There are a lot of people, but they can’t deal with me, so they don’t dare to speak out. 8 Li, I don’t think this is right... Chris shook his head seriously and said, There should be fair competition in things like joining the job. You are encouraging a bad trend. Hey, this is not the time when you asked me to find a way to stuff you into An Yuan, the Huanya armed gangster, for dinner. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered.

Said: Chris, after working as a mercenary for so many years, how come you broke your brain and turned into a messenger of justice? I got my current position through your back door?! Hearing Li Yexing Chris was shocked. Damn, I told you to keep your voice down! Also, why does your statement sound so weird? Li Yexing patted Chris's shoulder hard and frowned.

First: Otherwise, what do you think? You are too low-key, your resume is too white, and my resume is too dirty. If we don't use our connections, neither of us will be able to get into the Huanya Armed Forces at all! After hearing what Li Yexing said, Gram Reese was silent, he frowned, and after a while he whispered: I always feel that this is not good. What's wrong with this? Kanan next to her whispered, she pushed up her sunglasses, and put on her sunglasses. His eyes were completely covered. I don't know if it was Chris's imagination, but he seemed to see the corners of Guan Nan's mouth twitching. Kanan is right, there is nothing wrong with this. On the other side, Li Yexing approached Chris and said with a serious expression: It is often necessary to adopt some less honorable methods. Honesty can't defeat insidiousness. The bottom line is that there is a bottom line for being aboveboard, but there is no bottom line for underhandedness. If the aboveboard wants to defeat underhandedness, then he must have an even lower bottom line than underhandedness! He must be even more insidious! Hearing Li Yexing's words, Ke Reese's brows frowned slightly. Looking at Li Yexing's serious eyes, he subconsciously felt that Li Yexing seemed to be conveying some message to Zi 2.

Where did you get this fallacy? After a while, Chris shook his head and asked with a look of disgust. This is what you told me back then. Li Yexing said seriously: I just took over the affairs. That's what you told me when I suffered a bit of a loss at the hands of an employer. You also said that this was a lesson you learned after serving in the Air Force of Country A.

It sounds so bitter and vengeful... Chris tilted his head and whispered, thinking that this seemed to be a little different from the good life before amnesia in his impression. After a while of entanglement, Chris simply gave up thinking. , he waved his hand and said to Li Yexing: Li, we seem to have gone too far. It was you who took the topic too far, Li Yexing said with some displeasure. Okay, let's go back to the previous topic. After shaking his head slightly to adjust his chaotic thoughts, Chris continued: In general,

There are three women around you

Children, Miss Tililith, Miss Mafal, and Secretary Bai, right? That's right. Li Yexing nodded. There are also Maid Shi and Miss Hitomi. Kanan added at the side, Then, she smiled and said to Chris: 'They should all be in your address book.

Hearing Kanan's words, Chris turned his head and looked at Li Yexing, his eyes inexplicably complicated. He asked in a deep voice: Who are these two? Tong, like me, is an instructor of the Huanya Armed Forces, responsible for teaching Leng In weapons combat, Rita is an assistant, but only in name. Li Yexing shrugged and replied. Should you and five girls live together? Chris asked with twitching facial muscles. That's right. Li Yexing nodded and sneered, You come to my house for dinner every Christmas and Spring Festival, and you never asked me until today. When this question arises, I have to say that my husband's memory is really amazing.

You actually packed your whole family into the Huanya Armed Forces. Trying to control his facial muscles to prevent his expression from looking too funny, Chris shook his head, Who is the boss of the Huanya Armed Forces? How can you allow you to do this? Nonsense. Probably a rich man who never sees the end of a dragon, right? Who knows this kind of thing? Li Yexing shrugged, tilted his head and said with an awkward expression.

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