What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-8. Beyond the macho man, a shadow appears

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You came to me for business, right? Hearing Victor mention the business, Councilor Stewart looked stern. He nodded and said solemnly: That's right, news came back from Simmons, June 29 A There will be a gap in Kunimoto's defense. At that time, we can put the OW in hand to be tested into Tall Oak City for data collection. The guy agreed? Victor was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said, Are you sure he wasn't joking? 18 Obviously, he wasn't joking... Councilor Stewart shook his head and said, He is serious. . Is this guy Simons really the national security adviser of country A? Isn't it too unsafe for country A to let such a person serve as the national security adviser? With a slightly subtle expression, Victor whispered: But this way Well, that President Benford of country A is simply a bomb. He wants to reveal the truth about the Raccoon City Incident. The impact is too great and may have an unpredictable impact on the existing world system, and I happen to not I like unpredictable things too much. Understood. Councilor Stewart nodded, and then continued: Do we need to notify each branch of this matter? No need, we have reached this point. Even if we notify them, they will not be able to do anything about this large-scale test. There are no preparations, so just let the headquarters handle everything. When Simmons blows up Tall Oaks as planned, we will let the people in the scientific research department directly integrate the data, and then make it public among the various branches so that they can communicate with each other. For reference, it can also provide new research and development methods for their new products... Directly bypassing the joint committee and issuing guidelines for the next actions, Victor smiled and said: Although there is a luxurious feast in front of us, as long as we Just do it step by step. Understood... Councilor Stewart said solemnly: Do you need to identify the personnel involved in this operation? There is no need to trouble me with this kind of thing, right? Victor said with a smile: This is the work of the joint committee. You can arrange it yourself. Speaking of this, Victor seemed to suddenly remember something and said: But don't be too shabby. Again, this is a feast. I hope our Don't be afraid, we have to dress up and go out. Understood, I will equip this operation with an executive officer. Representative Stewart said decisively. Executive officer... Hearing Representative Stewart's words, Victor raised his head. , looking at the gray dome of the pavilion, he whispered: Although it may not be appropriate for me to say this, but this time, don’t make any more jokes about Zhou Chu’s executioner dying outside. Our execution... is very expensive. Don't worry, it's absolutely impossible... A flash of fierceness flashed between Representative Stewart's brows, and he said in a deep voice: That was just an accident. The executive officer of the executive department factory under the Black Umbrella Joint Committee was actually Killing a group of idiots, Bai Muqing is undoubtedly a disgrace to the executive! Show some respect for the idiots you call them, but they defeated the Eastern European branch overnight, and they even killed the Eastern European branch's secret weapon on their face. Always with that smile on his face, Victor raised the corner of his mouth and asked casually: By the way, Stuart, how is Lopulus doing lately? It seems to be developing the economy. Councilor Stuart replied: The European branch passed that The organization called Di-Government invested in the development of Lopulus, opened a pharmaceutical company nearby, and established a security company with local people. It merged many small industries and is said to have made a lot of money for the European branch. Less extra money. Now, is that old guy Alzerich going to follow the Umbrella-style development route? Victor was slightly startled, then smiled and said: But seeing how he lives so well, I know he should be doing pretty well. Do you want to order them to stop? Councilor Stewart asked in a deep voice: Such a development seems a bit too high-profile. Don't worry, let him do it, the old fox can weigh it himself. Victor smiled and said: And I I think this development model of the European division is very good). If they can achieve initial success, I wouldn't mind promoting this development model among the various divisions of Black Umbrella. I thought you hated Alzeric. Representative Stewart said in surprise. Of course I hate him. This old guy keeps making false accounts for me every year. He and the freaks under him are just living moths. I can't wait to peel off his skin. He shrugged helplessly. , Victor continued: However, from a rational perspective, we can still use him now. After all, under his leadership, the European branch's R\u0026D capabilities are at the forefront. Even though he is very money-hungry, he It has achieved results, hasn't it? You are right... Representative Stewart nodded, but then he frowned and said: But, Mr. Victor, do you really believe in Alzerich? Are you talking about that nonsense? What nonsense? Victor asked with a smile. That's it. He was framed by Senator Sadleton, Executive Bai was bribed, and the Eastern European branch colluded with SAAH. Representative Stewart He frowned and said: Although the general logic is correct, you and I both know that Senator Sadleton is not that kind of person, and Executive Officer Bai is not that kind of person. I don't know about Minister Alexey xx. , but you also said before that you were aware of Alzeric's financial fraud.

It's not important, none of this is important. Victor said with a smile: Alzeric came up with that lame reason just because he needed a step. As for whether the reason is reasonable or not, no one will delve into it. With Alzeric The queen's faction represented by Qi won, and the reformist faction represented by Senator Sadleton lost. Alzerich was sitting on the winner's spoils, while the stupid dogs swarmed up to eat the old man Sadleton's body. This is just an ordinary game, nothing more. After a slight pause, Victor continued: And to be honest, this kind of result is quite satisfying, much better than having that pedantic old man Sadleton become the Speaker. It’s much more interesting.” After a long moment of hesitation, Councilor Stewart whispered:”

Mr. Victor, with all due respect, your indulgence in the Queen's faction is a bit too much, which will lead to instability in the internal structure of our organization. Indulgent? No. Victor smiled and said: They are few in number and insignificant, and so far, I have never allowed any member of the Queen's faction to enter the core of Black Umbrella's power. As he said that, Victor smiled, stretched out his thumb, pointed at the finely carved gray-white tombstone in the grass behind him and said: Besides, even if I let the Queen's faction enter the joint committee, what can they do? Who will come? Command them? That woman lying in the tomb? Councilor Stewart was startled for a moment, then looked over Victor's shoulder and looked behind Victor. He saw the Queen's name engraved in beautiful characters on the off-white tombstone. Name: Alexa Ashford. You have such a bad taste. Looking at the tombstone, Representative Stewart finally couldn't help but curse. Look, doesn't this look much better? There should be more frankness between us... Victor smiled and took the photo He clapped his hands. However, there seems to be some strange news about the queen recently... After a moment of hesitation, Councilor Stewart whispered: There are rumors that the queen is still alive. 8 Interesting message... Victor's expression was slightly stagnant, and then he smiled and said: But it's a lie. After all, I am very familiar with that woman. That woman is as perfect as a creation of heaven, but she can't learn. She would have been patient, and if she were still alive she would have paid a visit. You're right. Congressman Stewart nodded. He actually couldn't believe that the queen was still alive. Looking at the flowers and plants swaying in the breeze in the distance, Victor suddenly said: Where did this rumor come from? This rumor has been spread. It's been a long time... Councilor Stewart frowned and said: The latest sighting report seems to be in... Lanxiang City

Lan Xiang? Raising his eyebrows, Victor was slightly startled. Then, he lowered his head and rubbed his chin, seeming to be thinking about something. After a moment, TT raised his head and said to Councilor Stewart: Send two executive officers. Lead the team to Lanxiang. 8 Mr. Victor? Representative Stewart's eyebrows showed a trace of doubt, but Victor said: There have always been rumors that the Queen is not dead, just like boring urban legends, I have always I didn’t pay too much attention, but this time, it happened to be at this time, and it happened to be in Lanxiang. The things hidden inside were a bit intriguing. After 2 seconds, Victor gently patted the side of the stone table. The next second, the surroundings The flowers, tombstones, and sunlight disappeared in an instant, turning into four bare white walls. Victor stood up in the darkness, with a hint of gloom in his eyes. He smiled and whispered: Go, Stuart, Go find out what is hidden behind this... Okay, Mr. Victor. Representative Stewart stood up and bowed to Victor: By implementing Black Umbrella's will, we will surely lead mankind to a new era. future.

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