What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-11. The first stage of the handsome man’s escape

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Since becoming the president of country A, Adam Benford has been committed to eliminating biochemical terrorism. Just sitting in his office, apart from the shocking data and pictures, Benford has always lacked an intuitive understanding of biochemical terrorism. However, this time, Benford finally walked out of the office and faced the biohazard head-on! Through the lenses of the gas mask, he watched the students of Tall Oak University turn into hideous zombies with gray skin and blood dripping from them, while roaring like wild beasts. While staggering towards him, Benford subconsciously took a step back, but saw the man in black combat uniform step forward and block in front of him, and whispered to him: Mr. President. , be prepared and follow me in a moment, we can't waste time here.

Step, the next second, I saw a man in black directly triggering the alarm. With the sound of gunshots, two bullets instantly sprayed out from the merciless AR-15, blocking the way forward. The zombies had two dragons fired on their heads. Blood exploded, flesh fragments scattered everywhere, and the zombies whose heads were blown fell directly to the ground. The surrounding zombies seemed to be stimulated by the gunshots and moved faster. They staggered and howled. While shouting, he kept approaching the man in black and Benford who was following him in a twisted posture. The spray ran pretty fast. There was a whisper of curses under the gas mask, and the man in black combat uniform shouted to Benford: Let's go! As soon as the words fell, the man in black took steps forward and headed forward. The road was moving forward rapidly. Benford was startled and immediately followed closely behind the man in black. He knew that the other party did not rush over directly to take care of his speed. At this time, he could not allow himself to be unable to become a fighting force. dragging the opponent back

A low roar filled the eardrums. Zombies kept pouring in from all directions, but the man in black looked extremely calm. He concentrated on choosing an evacuation route among the corpses, and then led Ruo Benford continuously among the corpses. Traveling through the ground, if he encountered zombies that he couldn't get around, he would fire without hesitation and directly blow the heads of those zombies blocking his way. With the sound of gunshots, zombies fell to the ground one after another. Their corpses began to emit little bits of fire, and then spontaneously ignited in the air, burning them completely. Benford, who was following the man in black, watched silently. Seeing everything in front of him, he frowned and exclaimed: You can actually self-immolate after death?! These guys have the same characteristics as the OWs who appeared during the Idonia Civil War half a year ago! This was beyond my expectation. It seems that the situation is a little different from what I know... The man in black frowned and said: But there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, they are monsters created by the same virus. In the impression of the man in black, Zombie corpses shouldn't spontaneously combust like this. The same virus? Are you sure? On the other side, after hearing the words of the man in black, Benford asked urgently. Of course I am 100% sure, this is the same virus. The man in black fired the bullet. Man rips a magazine from body armor

At the same time, under Benford's nervous eyes, he directly used his shoulder to knock a zombie that was rushing towards him to the ground, and then stepped on the zombie's head. He said while changing the magazine. :' The virus that appeared in this biochemical terrorist attack is called C virus. This virus cannot be transmitted through bites and cannot be exposed to the air for a long time. However, once it enters the body through the respiratory tract, it will turn living people into zombies. , On the contrary, if this virus is injected into the body through blood vessels, the infected person will become a more intelligent and powerful OW ghost zombie, which is the kind that appeared on the battlefield of Idonia. Hearing the words of the man in black, Benford was shocked. He attacked Tall Oaks University at this time. Benford could basically guess that he wanted to kill himself] - it must be those who feared him at Tall Oaks University. The congressional opponents told the truth about the Huanjiao City incident in their speech, and the OW they used had appeared on the battlefield of the Etonian Civil War half a year ago. Thoughts flashed through my mind like lightning. Ford outlined a terrifying truth. In an instant, Benford broke out in cold sweat. Under the gas mask, his face became extremely ugly. There are actually people in the Congress of Country A secretly supporting overseas biochemical terrorism. !The enemy is in Congress! Under the leadership of the man in black, Benford finally passed through the zombie-filled field without any danger. The pressure around him suddenly decreased, but Benford’s face covered by the gas mask was There was no sense of relief that he had survived the catastrophe. On the contrary, he frowned and looked worried. Finally got here. On the other side, the man in black seemed to be relieved. Normally, he had to walk through these zombies. In the past, it was almost effortless for him, but with Benford, a dragster, behind him, the difficulty of crossing the field was instantly increased - because the speed was reduced, the man in black had to consider the route. Choices, rationing of ammunition, and constant concern for Benford's safety. Our road will be much easier next. After all, most of them are gathered here waiting for Mr. President to give a speech... The brow under the gas mask finally relaxed slightly, and the man in black turned his head to confirm Benford's status. But he saw Benford standing behind him, silently watching the zombies that were larger than 5.1 and were gathering here little by little. We have to go, Mr. President. The man in black lowered his voice. I know. Nodded, Benford followed the man in black again. He frowned and said, Let's go. Because of preparations for the president's speech, most of the teachers and students were gathered here. On the ground, a small number of them stayed in the surrounding teaching buildings and dormitories, so after passing through the zombie-dense field, the road leaving Tall Oak University suddenly became wider, although the moving speed of those C-virus zombies was faster than The T-virus zombies were much faster, 1 but still slower than normal people. After ignoring the scattered zombies on the roadside, the man in black finally left Tall Oak with Benford.

tree university campus

By the light of the car that caused the accident, walking through the streets that had become messy, the man in black took Benford into a relatively safe alley and looked into the distance. The zombie standing beside the street with his back turned to him, the man in black sat down against the wall as if he was not even at all, and moved quickly for a long time. He could see that Benford's physical strength was a little weak. On. Take a rest and solve some problems by the way. The man in black said to Benford. Don't worry about me, young man, I can still... Benford replied angrily, it's just that he was squirming along his neck. The sweat dripping down and the slightly heaving chest told the man in black that he was very tired. Take a rest, Mr. President. I can't take you forward in this state. The man in black whispered.

Benford thought for a moment, then looked worriedly at the zombie standing by the street in the distance. Seeing that the zombie was motionless, Benford breathed a sigh of relief. Then he sat next to the man in black. He turned his head and saw the man in black taking out cigarettes from his pocket. As soon as he took out one, he turned his head and glanced at Benford as if he remembered something. It's okay, I don't mind, sir, or Mr. Li. Sensing the embarrassment of the man in black, Benford said with a low smile. After a moment of hesitation, the man in black sneered. He directly pulled off his gas mask, revealing the Asian face. Feeling the cool air brushing away the thin sweat on his face, Li Yexing smiled at Benford. He joked: It's written like this, it seems that guy from Lyon has mentioned me to you a lot.

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