What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-20. The street tour of the macho man Sanguang

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Leon Scott Kennedy, a survivor of the Raccoon City Incident. That year, Leon was only 21 years old and still very green. He had just left the police academy and before taking up his post to report to the Raccoon City Police Department, he drank because his girlfriend dumped him. He was so drunk that he missed the reporting time. When he rushed to Raccoon City, it had become a hell on earth. For a young policeman on his first day on the job, the scene in front of him was a bit too exciting. 1 It is quite ironic to say that after arriving in Raccoon City in a hurry, the first question that Leon had to face was: How to escape from Raccoon City? For a moment, Leon felt that he had not drunk enough. In short, , after a whole night of fighting and fleeing, Leon finally escaped from Raccoon City. Seeing now, facing the same dark night, the same zombies everywhere, and even the same heavy rain, Lyon only felt that he seemed to have returned to the nightmare that had always shrouded his life. After going through many hardships, he finally left Tall Oak University and studied in Lyon. After the police car they were driving had an accident, Leon and Helena, who were blocking the road ahead, received instructions from F0S Hangnigan. They jumped into the sewer and then followed the sewer into the subway, avoiding groups of zombies and vehicles crossing the road. After rushing into the subway, Leon finally brought Helena to the subway station. Following the subway station, Leon and Helena returned to the ground, and then continued along the safest route marked by Hangnigan that was full of zombies. At a gas station at an intersection, they encountered a A young police officer wearing a police uniform raised his gun and tried his best to protect the other survivors around him while cursing loudly: Why should this happen to me? ?! It’s just my first day at work! In a trance, Leon seemed to see himself when he was young. Without hesitation, Leon decisively chose to take Helena to help these survivors, and then detonated the oil leaking from the gas station and exploded. After turning over the endless zombies around him, the young police officer shouted that he knew a weapons store where he could get weapons for self-protection. Is there a weapons store after the rookie policeman who encountered a biological crisis on his first day at work and the zombies? ?The sense of déjà vu is getting stronger and stronger. Under the leadership of the young police officer, the survivors, including Leon and Helena, entered the weapons store together. There were a lot of weapons and ammunition on the first floor of the weapons store. , but the door leading to the second floor was locked tightly. The owner of the weapon shop said that there were too many zombies on the first floor, and he would never risk opening the door to let everyone in. After a fight between everyone, he sacrificed one to snatch his girlfriend. After the weapons scumbag, the owner of the weapons store finally changed his mind. He asked the survivors to go upstairs, locked the doors and windows, and said that a friend of his who drove a bus was on the way and would come to pick him up soon. Everyone. Just when Leon thought he could stay here and wait silently for rescue, suddenly, the locked door was knocked open layer by layer. Then, a huge zombie with a height of more than two meters and as fat as a flesh emerged from the They squeezed in from the stairway, followed closely by a large group of ordinary zombies. The weapon shop was guarded for a moment, and the survivors fought and retreated. Finally, they waited for the bus. Listening to the intensive gunfire outside the window, Leon vaguely felt that something was wrong. It was so right. It wasn't until they successfully returned to the street along the metal stairs outside the building that Leon discovered what the problem was... The bus was actually filled with soldiers wearing black combat uniforms! They were wearing gas respirators Mask, well-equipped, - while cursing and muttering in Russian, he stuck the muzzle of the gun out of the car window, sifting all the zombies who tried to get close to the hill. After seeing the survivors jumping off the stairs one by one, , the armed man in black combat uniform standing at the gate of Batu easily blew the head of a zombie, and at the same time yelled at the survivors who were confused about the situation: What are you looking at?! Don't you want to die?! Still! Don’t you hurry up and get in the car?! The situation was critical and there was no time to think about it. The survivors got into the car directly under the cover of this group of armed men in black. On the other side, the armed men in black sitting in the driver’s seat and holding the steering wheel turned around. Looking over his shoulder, he looked at the bald driver who had been pushed into the passenger seat and said, Is this the group of people you want to pick up? The bus driver, who was frightened by a group of armed men in black, turned back to search tremblingly. After discovering that his old friends had also gotten into the car, he nodded and said with some flinch: It's them...

Very good! After confirming that no one was left outside, the armed man in black who snatched the steering wheel shouted: Let's drive! The armed man in black who was guarding the car door heard this and closed the door roughly while pressing his ear The communicator on the side said: King, this is Siberian wolf. We have picked up a group of survivors, and the number is quite small. The route has been sent, there are few monsters on this road, you can just bring them back! The man on the other side of the communicator was excited. Said: -You are quite old and wealthy. I will live on this deal for the second half of the year! 18: Look at your stupid look... The armed man guarding the door laughed and cursed, while on the other side, The armed man sitting in the driver's seat and holding the steering wheel was about to drive. However, at this moment, a huge zombie like a mountain of meat suddenly appeared. It roared and stretched out its arms to grab it like a sumo wrestler. He grabbed the front of Batu's car, and at the same time pushed Batu hard with his belly. Under the pressure of its powerful strength and weight, Batu could not move even an inch! Holy shit! Looking at the pile of piles so close, With a fat and ugly face, the armed man driving the car cursed and pulled out his pistol while firing continuously at the head of the fat zombie. At the same time, he yelled: Stop looking at the scenery! Someone help me make this piece of shit. It's here!' Here it comes, brother! With a powerful roar, a giant man with an AA12 squeezed out excitedly. He picked up the gun, pointed it at the fat head, and smiled ferociously through the gas mask. He said: Death! The next second, with the roar of gunshots, fat mixed with brains and shattered skulls were splashed out, and the fat zombie with less than half of its head fell to the ground. , losing resistance, the bus at full power immediately ran over the body of the fat zombie and headed towards

Drive on the street ahead

All this happened too fast. For a moment, Leon, who was squeezed between the survivors and the militants, was a little confused, and the eyes of the survivors around him were full of hesitation, as if they wanted to. What to ask, but he didn't dare to say it. After a while, Leon tightened the pistol in his hand and said in a deep voice: Who are you? - The young police officer next to him glared at Leon fiercely. As if to blame him for talking nonsense, at the same time, he also clenched the pistol at his waist, ready to turn over at any time.

Don't be so nervous, Unlucky One. As if he didn't care at all about the survivors' reactions, the big man holding AA12 shrugged and smiled at the uneasy survivors: We are from Tall Oak City... .Just that NGO...'NGO... The armed man driving the car reminded in a deep voice. Oh, yes, it's that NGO. I don't have any culture. Don't be surprised... He tugged on his shoulders. Some loose black cloth covered the faintly exposed silver wolf head. The big man turned his head and said with a smile: Anyway, don't ask too much, don't think too much, you just need to know that you are safe, that's enough

Beside Leon, Helena touched Leon's shoulder vaguely, and she whispered: The route is wrong, this is not the bus to Tall Oak Cathedral. Leon was startled slightly, and then asked the big man holding AA12 :'Where is this car going? Outside Tall Oak City, we have set up an evacuation point there. The big man smiled and replied: There are cars, helicopters, everything. It must be necessary to get you out of this damn place. Not a problem. Seeing a trace of anxiety on Helena's brow, Leon considered it for a few seconds and whispered to the big man: Can you stop the car? My partner and I still have some things to do. As soon as he finished speaking, Batu Nei fell silent instantly. The survivors turned their heads and looked at Leon and Heena with surprise in their eyes. However, the big man's eyes were somewhat meaningful. After a while, he asked in a deep voice: Are you the one here? Jing S Kennedy? Leon was slightly startled when his name was called by someone he had never met. No need to be surprised. Instructor Li told me about you. He asked our team to stop a bus near here. He said that if we stop it, we can save a large number of people and meet... The big man smiled, and then Turning his head to the armed man holding the steering wheel, he said: Stop the car. 18 Just like that, Leon and Helena got out of the car midway. Before leaving, the big man did not forget to smile and said: Instructor Li said, I wish you the best. Good luck to you. I got out of the car and said goodbye to the Siberian Wolf Team and other survivors who were affiliated with the Asia-Pacific armed forces. Leon and Helena crossed the street and luckily found a taxi with the car key in it. , a new journey began. Not long after it started, he was knocked off the cliff by a truck carrying zombies. Perfect. With the burning fire of the truck and the rain, Leon turned his head and looked at the darkness behind him. .This is not far from Tall Oaks Cathedral, only one step away.

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