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Under the light, the pale giant hand stretched out from the secret passage supported the ground, and the bamboo pole-like arm gradually bent. Then, a strange low roar and the sound of flesh and blood rubbing came from the secret passage, without any trace. Question, there is a big guy struggling to climb out! Back off! Back off quickly! Seeing that the huge thing was about to squeeze out of the secret passage, Leon frowned and jumped directly down the third-floor high platform, - With a tactical roll, he knocked open the wooden bench and relieved himself of his strength. Leon climbed up - holding a pistol in one hand and moving closer to the secret passage - while waving his hand and shouting to the survivors around him: Get back. Back! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hearing Leon's shouts, the surrounding survivors, regardless of whether they had weapons or not, subconsciously began to retreat. On the other side, seeing that the situation was out of control, Leon jumped directly, and the sea 1 Lenna followed closely with a slight frown. After jumping to the lobby on the first floor, she quickly pulled out the Xia bullet gun she had obtained during her escape and came to Li Jing's side, aiming it with Leon. From the dark hole, disgusting squirming sounds kept coming from the secret passage. The bamboo pole-like arms were waving wildly around, and the slender and strange giant hands kept beating the ground. Then, the monster's head finally emerged from the It squeezed out of the secret passage. If that thing can count heads, judging from the body structure, it seems that it is indeed a head, but on the so-called head, there are no facial features at all, only one by one. The swelling was covered with tiny pores, which looked extremely weird. However, it was not over yet. After sticking its head out, the monster made a weird whimpering sound while struggling to remove its fat and slimy body. The body squeezed out of the secret passage, and finally, with a crisp sound, stones flew everywhere, and the monster whimpered and squeezed out the other arm that was bleeding due to excessive friction and squeezing. Fire! Seeing that the monster was about to squeeze out of the secret passage bit by bit, Li Pin opened fire subconsciously. The bullet from the sniper rifle instantly hit the monster's head covered with swelling, and a blood flower exploded on the lump, while another On one side, as if it felt the pain, the monster let out a shrill whimper, shrank slightly, and at the same time, a gray-blue mist quickly spewed out from the mass where it was shot. Watching the gray-blue mist in the Bits and pieces dissipated in the air, and Leon was slightly startled. He suddenly remembered that when he was at Tall Oak University, a survivor once mentioned the fog to him. The students at Tall Oak University seemed to be caused by inhaling the fog. Infected. Shocked, Leon immediately began to retreat, shouting urgently as he retreated: Get away! Get away! Cover your mouth and nose! This monster can release poisonous gas!

Remember just now, the surrounding survivors also saw the blue mist, and coupled with Leon's words, they immediately formed a mess, some screamed and ran backwards, while others held their noses. - While holding his breath, - while holding a gun with Leon and Heena, he fired at the monster with one hand. On the other side, even though the bullets shot through the soft flesh, the monster didn't care at all. The not-so-dense firepower kept tearing at the body. Finally, with a muffled sound, the strange holy object suddenly came out from the center of the secret passage. Its fat and bloated body carried huge inertia and hit hard in the hall. He rolled, knocking the neatly arranged wooden benches to the ground one after another. FAt this moment, Leon was finally able to see the full picture of this monster. I saw that this monster's body was extremely bloated, but its limbs were unusually slender, not proportional to the body at all. At first glance, it looked like it was in the shape of a gourd.

As if there were four chopsticks inserted into the pale white flesh, the bloated body was covered with dense numbness and lumps of different sizes. Each lump had a small pore on it, containing... The light blue mist of the virus seeped out of the hole from time to time, and then dissipated in the air. Now, we seem to understand what happened to the tragedy at Tall Oaks University. He said to himself as he fired. Before the monster could get up completely, Leon emptied the sniper rifle bullets in his hand and pulled it out. He took out the pistol and continued to fire while saying to Helena: Is this what you want me to see? No, this is not! Helena said urgently while pulling the trigger of the shotgun. I don’t know what this is! Because of the sudden appearance of the monster, there was a chaos in the church hall. Most of the survivors were screaming and running away. Only a few of them were holding guns and using symbolic weapons. Covering its mouth and nose, it fired at the monster. However, it seemed that because the fat was too thick, the monster didn't care about the tickling firepower on its body at all. It used its slender limbs to support its body, and it turned around at all. The head without facial features was shaking slightly as if it was smelling something, and every pore on the mass on the head was shrinking slightly. Then, the monster directly locked the direction of its head towards Lyon and Hai. 1Na's body. The next second, accompanied by a piercing cry, the monster's head suddenly opened like a flower, split into six petals, each petal was equipped with jagged sharp teeth, and in the center of the petal mouth , is a long, blood-red tongue like a tentacle, whipping in the air like a whip. It adjusts its shape, aims its split head at Leon and Helena, and then moves like a mad rhinoceros. -While neighing- -He rushed over violently. M heart! Seeing the monster dragging its fat body and limbs and running towards him, Leon quickly shouted. Helena, who was standing next to Leon, understood it. Before being hit by the monster, the two of them instantly jumped into the air. He got up and flew out, one to the left and one to the right. His body fell hard to the ground, and Leon couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. The bloated monster flew into the air and hit his head on the supporting body. On the load-bearing pillars of He Sanyan on the floor, several broken teeth with blood and pieces of meat fell to the ground. Dust suddenly splashed up, and half of the floor shook. After falling to the ground, Leon

But he didn't get up in a hurry. He suddenly turned over and lay on the ground. He picked up his pistol and continued to fire at the monster. The collision was so severe that the holy object shook its head vigorously, then turned its head and swung its long bright red tongue, making a weird whimpering sound while approaching Lyon. Lyon had no time to get up. , he had no choice but to retreat and fire at the monster's open mouth. It seemed that the inside of the mouth was relatively fragile. Every time Lyon shot, the monster twitched. After a burst of rapid gunfire, the bullet in Lyon's pistol fired. It's all gone..Dead. His finger pressed the alarm, which made soft noises. Leon couldn't help but cursed in a low voice. M! Hurry up! On the side, the survivor wearing a tie - facing The monster approaching Lyon kept firing and yelled at Lyon. Seeing that Lyon's pistol was out of bullets, he was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and rushed towards Lyon, grabbing Lyon's clothes by the handle. leader, and then dragged it back desperately. On the other side, seeing Leon being dragged away, the monster seemed to be angry. It suddenly accelerated its pace, and at the same time grabbed the big pale hand towards Leon and dragged it Leon's survivor brother. Leon! Before she could stop him, Helena behind the monster shouted in despair while firing her gun in vain. At this moment, a sudden change occurred! A sound of car revs suddenly sounded from outside the church door, and then, there was a loud bang. The metal door of Tall Oak Cathedral exploded instantly along with the outer wall next to it, shattering into pieces. Stone rubble was scattered everywhere, and in the billowing smoke, a yellow school bus drove in suddenly, ran over the rickety wooden bench amidst the roar of the engine, and slammed into the monster. With the sound of teeth grinding, the monster was firmly pressed against the inner wall of the church hall. Accompanied by the monster's miserable howl, the school bus stalled. Immediately afterwards, burly militants wearing black combat uniforms and gas masks rushed down from the school bus. They carried a variety of weapons and ran away. While facing the survivors around him, he roughly put the gas masks hanging on his waist on the faces of the survivors, and at the same time shouted to them: 'Pigs! Put on the gas masks! Then get out all of them! Next it’s show time for the pros!

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