What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-41. The sister of the macho partner

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To be honest, the intensity of Helena's reaction was somewhat beyond Leon's expectation. In a hurry, he had no choice but to follow Helena, who seemed to have lost her mind, to jump down the steps and board the wooden bridge leading to the high platform in front. Quickly ascending to the high platform, Haiina put away the pistol at her waist and squatted anxiously next to the girl in the center of the high platform, with a hint of crying in her tone. She stretched out her hand and shook the girl's shoulders desperately - - While shouting loudly, Deborah! Deborah! Did you hear that? Standing behind Helena, Leon frowned slightly and silently stared at the girl lying on the ground. He saw that this girl had the same appearance as Helena. The hair color and appearance are very similar, but compared to Helena, the girl's lines are softer. After shaking for a while, the sleeping girl finally had a reaction, She frowned slightly and turned her head, then slowly opened her eyes, with a trace of confusion in her eyes. When she saw Helena, the girl was stunned. She whispered in surprise: Helena? The girl was weak. He stretched out his hand and gently touched Helena's shoulder. At this moment, Helena burst into tears. She gently lifted the girl up, then held her in her arms, and said while shedding tears: Thank God. As soon as the words fell, the girl in her arms suddenly let out a painful cry. After hearing this, Hai Na quickly let go of her arms, only to see the girl raise her hands and cover her gently. She stopped her head, and her face was gradually filled with pain. She let out bursts of groans and gasped, as if she had a splitting headache. Seeing the pain on the girl's face, Haina looked slightly relieved. She immediately became panicked again, but before she could ask, Leon, who had been watching for a long time, frowned and said urgently: Okay, stop being mysterious, and quickly explain what this is. What's going on?! Let her go out first. He gently picked up the weak girl. Heina turned her head and looked at Li 2, with a hint of pleading in her eyes. She whispered, When we go out, I'll be there. Let me explain to you... I promise. Seeing the pleading in Helena's eyes, and then looking at the girl who was being helped up by Helena with a face full of pain, Leon finally relented, and he didn't ask any more questions, but stepped aside.

Seeing a trace of gratitude in Leon's eyes, Helena picked up the girl on her back and encouraged the girl at the same time: Hold on, sister! For some reason, the hollow seemed to be a little unstable, with small pieces of gravel and Wood and stone blocks began to fall from the top of the hollow. Leon quickly stepped forward and blocked Helena and the girl. At the same time, he raised his gun and said to Helena: Take care of her. I will deal with the enemy! Under the guidance of the dim light, Leon maintained a speed that Helen could keep up with, and continued to move down the spiral wooden bridge surrounding the high platform. Helen followed closely behind Leon - Bian anxiously said to the girl behind him: Wambora, wake up, I'm going to take you home. Behind Helena, the girl murmured softly, as if in response, but it was meaningless. On the wooden suspension bridge that descended from the first floor, zombies were wandering around. Different from the previous zombies, the zombies in front of them had no hair, and their skin was severely ulcerated and almost completely peeled off. They were either without clothes or wearing a few rags. , some even wore broken chainmails. For a moment, Leon thought he had returned to the Middle Ages. Pushing a zombie blocking the way off the suspension bridge, and watching the zombie fall into endless darkness, Leon turned his head and continued to move forward. Around the high platform, these wooden suspension bridges were not built out of thin air. They were crisscrossed layer by layer. , the buildings built on the walls of the large underground cavity are connected together. The style of these buildings is very similar to the style of the previous cathedral, but they look older, and may even be hundreds of years old. In this case, those buildings The broken light bulbs that were randomly connected to wires and hung on the wall looked particularly eye-catching, and were somewhat incompatible with the ancient architectural style. Seeing a zombie struggling to climb out of the tunnel behind the iron window, Leon did not fire. He ripped off the machete stuck on the zombie's neck and struck it hard on the zombie's head. After eliminating the threat, , he stepped onto the suspension bridge again. At this moment, the entire large hollow suddenly shook. Then, he saw that the wooden suspension bridge that he had just passed and had been thrown overhead suddenly collapsed. With the rope breaking, large pieces of broken wood were Falling down directly, falling into the endless depths

This place is going to collapse! Seeing the collapse of the suspension bridge, Lyon couldn't help but exclaimed. At this moment, in front of the suspension bridge, several severely ulcerated mourning pigs staggered out and ran straight towards Lyon. and Helena, who was carrying the girl on his back. What the hell? Li Jing cursed in a low voice and raised the gun in his hand. Against the shaking of the space and the huge psychological pressure, he continuously triggered the alarm, and in a burst of gunshots, he All the bullets were accurately sent into the heads of the zombies. After killing the zombies blocking the road, Leon continued to move forward. It seemed that the large hollow began to become unstable, so Leon subconsciously speeded up. Although Helena who was following Leon could not keep up, she did not dare to open 0. She knew , Leon is also under a lot of pressure. Unable to become a fighting force, the only thing she can do now is to keep up with Leon's pace as much as possible. Crossing the suspension bridge again and entering the buildings on the outer wall of the pit, Leon had just killed a zombie blocking the way and was changing the magazine when a familiar voice suddenly came to mind on the communicator. Leon! Helena! Where are you? I don't know what to say. Unable to determine your location! Hangnigan, who was in the F0S command center, asked anxiously: What's going on? Before he could finish speaking, a burst of noise forcibly interrupted the communication. Hannigan! Reply. Ah! Damn... The communication was cut off, and Leon cursed. However, the time was running out and he no longer allowed him to complain. He pushed the glove box blocking the way and continued moving along the wooden bridge with Heena. Finally, Leon Arriving at the huge platform made of bricks and stones at the bottom of the cave. Holding hands tightly

Look, Leon was about to move forward when suddenly, a painful sound came from behind. Hearing the sound, Leon hurriedly turned around and saw the girl behind Helena - screaming in pain - and coming from Helena's side. After falling down from behind, she knelt on the ground and panted violently. She hugged her body tightly with her arms and her beautiful facial features were extremely distorted in pain. Wambora! Hold on! We are about to go out... Seeing the pain on the girl's face, Helena seemed to be heartbroken. She squatted down and sulked for the girl: Wambora! Cheer up! ! We can still. Before she could finish her words, there was only a muffled sound, and the firelight with scorching temperature instantly hit Helena's cheek. The girl suddenly spontaneously combusted! Accompanied by heart-rending screams, The girl who was on fire was struggling painfully. Seeing the girl burning, Helena opened her mouth wide and subconsciously wanted to pounce on her. Leon saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly rushed forward and pulled Helena away. On the other side, Pelion blocked Helena - while struggling violently, she stretched out her hand towards the burning girl and cried heartbreakingly: No! Deborah! No! Gradually, the burning The burning flame was extinguished, and the girl, whose whole body seemed to be covered in burns, knelt on the ground and stretched out her hand towards Helena. However, at this moment, khaki mud suddenly burst out of the girl's dry and scarred skin. After seeping out, they continued to spread on the girl's body, and then solidified little by little. After a while, the girl turned into a strange clay statue wrapped in earthy yellow wax!

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