What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-46. The macho sister-in-law’s traditional performing arts

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After the smoke and dust dissipated, Leon stared blankly at the two petite girls falling from the sky, his eyes filled with shock. The long, silky silver hair seemed to be shining, hanging casually on the back. The eyes were like rubies, with a hint of inorganic color. The sickly pale face was wrapped in a black metal mask, and there was a faint sound of breathing. The delicate snow-white neck extends from the bottom, and is hidden by the black coat at the collarbone. I wonder if it is Lyon's illusion, but the black coat seems to be faintly emitting a faint metallic luster, and the black restraints embedded in the coat The belt is tightly binding the combat uniform to the girl's body. On the girl's waist, there is a Desert Command pistol shining with a faint silver light. There seems to be some English letters engraved on the pistol. At the bottom, the silver-haired girl's slender legs, which were also tightly bound in black trousers, were inserted directly into black boots that also had a faint metallic luster.

She was also paired with this black coat covered with restraints, coupled with her previous landing posture that was full of déjà vu, Lipin felt that this girl looked like a tyrant.

In contrast, as for the other girl, Li Jing just felt familiar inexplicably, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before. All she saw was that the girl had long, smooth and bright golden hair.

With heterochromatic eyes, one eye is as red as a ruby, and the other eye is a strange gradient color, from purple to blue, faintly emitting a gleam of light, as if hiding a starry sky, her face is also covered with metal He was wearing a black mask and a black restrictive coat that was almost the same style as Tililith's, except that there was a weird container embedded in the chest of the coat, and there seemed to be some liquid flowing inside. However, compared to the attire and the inexplicable sense of familiarity, what concerned Leon the most was the huge metal box that was carried on the shoulders of the blond girl like a coffin and was still emitting a faint green smoke. Just now, it seemed that it was that thing that instantly fired terrifying firepower capable of destroying Anthronbola. Looking at the two monster girls in front of him, Leon suddenly remembered what the NG0 group said to him when they left in the church hall. They said that the eldest and second young ladies of the Li family would take care of everything for him, and before In his communication, Li Yexing seemed to have mentioned that the cheat device lent to him was already on the way. Could it be that the cheating devices Li Yexing was talking about were these two children? Suddenly, Leon felt a headache. Manuela, Miss Tililith, Miss Griffith, Licker, and now Tilili again Miss Si. As a soldier who is determined to eliminate biochemical terrorism and has been fighting against biochemical terrorism all year round, Leon can't understand why he has to fight side by side with OW again. Miss Tililith, Miss Tililian... Hitomi Mikishima, who had been standing aside without doing anything, finally reacted. She walked up with a smile and bowed to the two girls, then smiled softly and said : You are finally here, I can't wait any longer. Being looked at by everyone and looking at everyone at the same time, it wasn't until Mikishima came to wait before going to bed that Tililith turned her head and nodded to Hitomi Mikishima. In response, Tililith looked at the surprised Ada and the astonished Helena, and finally locked her sights on Leon. Long time no see, Miss Tililith. After a brief silence, Leon decided to fight first. He waved to Tililith and said with a reluctant smile: Your appearance is really unique. Looking at Leon expressionlessly, Tililith's eyes seemed to be shining. Guang, she suddenly asked angrily: Where is Mr. Kennedy's rebellious sword?

..What sword? Leon Weiwei-HIE immediately asked. ..The light in her eyes disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Tililith tilted her head and looked at her husband: No? It seems that Mr. Kennedy is not Mr. Kennedy. .Leon? Just when Leon looked confused, the blond girl Ti Lilian, who had been staring at Leon, suddenly spoke. She pointed at Leon with a surprised look on her face and said: Ah! I remembered it! I know you. You! Do you know me? Turning his head to look at the blond girl with heterochromatic eyes, Leon also felt that he had seen her somewhere before. Leon was thinking about it when he heard the girl say loudly: You have bad eyesight. , a person from Country F who still doesn’t understand what I’m talking to!” “I’m from Country A!” Leon responded subconsciously, and then he was stunned. Wait, a person from Country F?

As if being struck by lightning, Leon's eyes suddenly widened. He finally remembered where he had seen this girl! In 2009! Malvia! On a rainy night, this girl led a group of humanoids who could use firearms. OW, intercepted the Li Youxing search and rescue team she was a part of. Then her OW team was eaten as snacks by Miss Griffith, and she herself was pushed into the mud and beaten violently by Miss Tillylis. At first, one of the girl's eyes was cloudy, the surrounding skin was severely ulcerated, and she was still wearing an eye patch. But now, the girl's eye seems to be healed, and she is also wearing a semi-covering black metal mask. It is for this reason that P That's why I didn't recognize her right away! But, this girl, didn't she work for the organization called Black Umbrella? Why did she appear here as an aid provided by Li Yexing?

On the other side, after hearing Leon's defense, Tilizi'an seemed a little dissatisfied. She frowned slightly and looked at Leon carefully, then turned her head and waved her hands with disgust and said: It's not that you don't understand what I'm saying. Forget about being from F country, I will call you 'Sanqifen' from now on. It seems a bit appropriate... - Ada next to me joked with a smile. Compared with the weird atmosphere here, the one on the side Helena felt that her heart was going to be broken, even though she knew that these two girls should be here to help just like the groups of NGOs she met before, and she also knew that her sister Deborah had become OW, if you really love her, you should help her

The pain was over, but watching her sister being shot to death by heavy fire, Helena still found it unacceptable. For a moment, she didn't even think about why the reinforcements were two petite girls, let alone two petite girls. Why did the girl jump from such a high place and still remain unscathed? There is no greater sorrow than heartbreak. Just when Helena was weeping and almost collapsed to the ground, a heartbreaking roar suddenly sounded from the high platform, and then, a large amount of steam suddenly spurted out and turned into water. The fog spread around, and in the mist, an angry Deborah emerged from the darkness with all four limbs together. At this moment, she was completely crazy, and even the wounds on her body that had not been completely healed could not stop her. With murderous intent, looking at the two girls falling from the sky in the center of the platform, Wanbora let out a terrifying roar again.

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