What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-76. The strong man returns to the team

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Under the drizzle, time seemed to have stopped. Miyamura Masamichi's black alloy knife cut into Li Yexing's side, and the dagger in Li Yexing's hand pierced Miyamura Masamichi's chest. In my opinion, at least there is What you said is right. Looking at Miyamura Masamichi's shocked eyes, Li Yexing pushed Miyamura Masamichi away casually, then pulled out the alloy long knife that cut into his side, and danced lightly - After the blood stains on the blade were dispersed, he endured the pain and pulled out a faint smile: We really don't have much time.

....Why are you? He lowered his head and looked at the wound on the lower edge of Li Yexing's body armor that was constantly oozing blood. Miyamura staggered back two steps. He gasped rapidly, and he started to take a few breaths. He kept exhaling blood, and as the blood continued to flow down the corners of his mouth, he finally couldn't support his body and sat on the ground. His brows and eyes were full of confusion. He shook his head gently and kept speaking Japanese. He murmured: No, this is not what I want. Coming to Miyamura Masamichi who was sitting on the ground, Li Yexing bent down, stretched out his hand and pulled the detonator off Miyamura Masamichi's waist. Miyamura Masamichi He subconsciously wanted to stop him, but his body couldn't muster the strength, so he could only stare at Li Yexing silently with his eyes wide open. Paying attention to Miyamura Masamichi from the corner of his eyes to make sure that he would not hurt anyone, Li Yexing held the executive command knife in one hand and raised the other hand gently, pressing the communicator next to his ear. He said in a deep voice Said: Timber Wolf, here is the wolf. I have obtained the detonator. I will return immediately. You guys just hold on a little longer.

Your mother is so sad... In an instant, intermittent replies came from the communicator, with undisguised anxiety in her tone.

Franklin Street is already in chaos. Although the security forces have withdrawn, the pressure around the convoy has not diminished. In addition to all kinds of unseen or faint

In addition to some familiar monsters, large numbers of zombies were constantly emerging from the surrounding streets and alleys. It's time for me to go. He turned around and quickly returned to Miyamura Masamichi. Taking off the scabbard from Miyamura Masamichi's waist - he asked curiously

Why? did not answer Li Yexing's question. Masamichi Miyamura, who was breathing weakly, sat on the rooftop, staring blankly at the darkness ahead. He kept murmuring in Japanese in a low voice: This is different from what I thought. No. Don't think so... After removing the scabbard, Li Youxing stuffed the black alloy long knife into the scabbard with his backhand, and with a soft click sound,

Why, if I have to explain why, I can only say that you are blocking my way. Holding the black alloy long knife on his waist, Li Yexing quickly picked up his pistol and the AR-5 with a broken shoulder strap. He did not pull out the dagger on Miyamura Masamichi's chest, as if he had forgotten the dagger - Like this, while changing the magazine, he quickly ran to the stairwell, and also took the gun that was about to flow out from the wound.

Watching Li Yexing's back disappear into the darkness shrouding the stairwell, Miyamura Masamichi sat blankly in the drizzle. As his body temperature became lower and lower, his consciousness began to fade. In a trance, something seemed to appear in his mind. What, Miyamura Masayo showed a smile in his empty eyes, Haha. So that's it, no wonder he looks like a monster_

.It should be said that he is almost like a human being..Using the last strength of his body, Miyamura Masamichi raised his arm little by little and pressed the communicator next to his ear. Qiruyousi said: He is not.

Before he could finish speaking, Miyamura Masamichi's hand tightened, and while maintaining that inexplicably happy expression, his breathing finally stopped. Executive Miyamura? Executive Miyamura? Did you hear that? Please reply if you receive it! Executive Miyamura? In the communicator, the communication from the stronghold on the outskirts of Tall Oak City is still echoing between the communicators.

Fuck you bitch! Use the butt of your gun to knock away a zombie dog with a collar, no skin but extremely strong muscles. Petronev fired two backhand shots until he confirmed

Stepping over the mutilated corpse of the silver-haired muscular man with a collar on the ground, they approached the convoy step by step. The police officers stared like they were going crazy. They roared and kept firing at the zombies. Some zombies could not bear the firepower. , fell directly on the street, turning into balls of flames, but some zombies did not die after falling. Their skin - while spraying steam - rapidly festered and cracked, revealing scarlet and solid muscles. Without their eyes, their brains are directly exposed

The zombies that had experienced death but did not fall down became more terrifying than ordinary zombies. They rushed toward the convoy with fast steps in their weird postures.

Then he jumped over the defense line under the fire of the shotgun, knocked a police officer to the ground, and desperately tore his throat. For a moment, blood spattered everywhere, and the biting police officer screamed in agony. He was unable to send out any instructions and returned to the west on the spot.

With a smile, she gritted her teeth and kept roaring like a wild beast - while searching for prey in the scope, she saw a purple-red monster jumping out from the street corner in front of her. The holy object and The previous invisible monsters looked very similar, and also wore collars around their necks, but they had pustules on their skin, which made them look even more disgusting and ferocious than the previous invisible monsters. Violence and cruelty emerged from her eyes. Grete laughed and directly pulled the trigger. Immediately, the purple-skinned monster flew backwards, its head and half of its shoulders disappeared, and purple-red blood poured on the wine. On the face of the zombie on the side, the next second, the face of the zombie quickly turned black and festered, and he fell to the ground after a while.

He also went up and started twitching continuously. There is no doubt that the purple-red monster is extremely poisonous! Sister, where did these things come from?! He used his light machine gun and kept firing from all directions.

All kinds of monsters come up, silver

The handsome boy Hansel roared with bloodshot eyes. Just when he had emptied his bullets and was about to replace the bullet chain with a new one, he saw a strange monster suddenly fall from the sky and hit them hard. The roof of the police car. Along with the strong stench, the monster let out a piercing hiss. It was covered in an earthy yellow carapace with dense black spots on it. It looked like an oversized cockroach, except that it looked like an oversized cockroach. The joints and limbs are covered with hard and sharp barbs. The monster's body is covered with electric wires connecting the body, which penetrate directly into the back of the monster's head, making the monster look full of mechanical and biological combinations. The weird feeling it brings. Ahhhh! Looking at the oversized penis in front of her, Grete couldn't help but let out a scream. She suddenly swallowed the gun, hugged her head and squatted down. Hansel's expression on the side changed even more instantly. Turning pale, Petronev was about to turn around when he saw a strange zombie with a naked upper body and a bright red and swollen throat running out of the alley. It stared in the direction of the convoy, and at the same time its throat suddenly expanded. For a second, there was only a loud noise, and the heads of several zombies around it exploded like watermelons, but more zombies became restless as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

You bitch, what the hell is this?! Seeing the zombies around him suddenly start to speed up, Petronev's eyes turned red and he yelled, and he turned around

The zombie with a broken throat knelt on the ground, and the severely damaged vocal organ in his throat began to vibrate instantly, knocking several zombies passing by to the ground. Seeing the red-necked zombie fall limply, Petronev was slightly startled. He turned his head hastily and saw Li Yexing on the other side of the street, holding a gun in one hand and pressing his side that was bleeding continuously with the other. , rushed towards the convoy like a desperate man, - while running wildly - while shouting: It's done! The female horse! It's done! Drive quickly! Drive on

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