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What's going on? Seeing the plane trembled for unknown reasons, Leon and Helena stood up subconsciously and rushed out of the first class cabin. At this time, the business plane was already in chaos, and the passengers They all stood up and looked around, pacing back and forth, their faces full of fear and uneasiness. This is wrong... Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Leon frowned little by little, and he whispered: At this time, the flight attendant should comfort the passengers. Where is the flight attendant?

Although she did not respond to Leon, Helena's eyes were full of doubts. It was obvious that she also wanted to know the answer to this question. However, Tililith, who followed Leon and Helena out of the economy class, didn't seem to have any reaction. Her face was expressionless as always, her ruby ​​eyes were as calm as lake water, and she didn't know what was hidden inside. In order to find out the situation of the plane, Leon quickly walked up the metal stairs and went straight to the cockpit of the plane. At this moment, facing him Faced with the panic and turmoil on the plane, there was no one outside the cab to stop him. Suddenly, Leon felt that the situation was not good. In desperation, he quickly opened the door of the aircraft cab. With the sound of the metal door being opened, the pilot The situation in the room was gradually revealed to everyone. In the darkness, a flight attendant was lying motionless on the ground, his life or death unknown.

What's going on? There was a hint of uneasiness and vigilance in her eyes. Helena drew out the pistol from her waist and followed Leon, who also drew out his pistol, step by step into the cab. Here, At this moment, Tilly Jingsi, who was following the two of them, suddenly stopped. Even though her expression did not change, there was still a slight coldness in her eyes. There is something inside. Tililith whispered. What? Upon hearing Tililith's reminder, Leon immediately lowered his steps even lower. He took a gentle breath and then took Helena one step further. Stepping towards the depths of the cab, at this moment, the cab was dark, with only the faint light on the console. With that light, Leon could see the uneasy co-pilot lying dead on the seat at a glance. As for From the driver's seat, Leon could only see a blurry black shadow. What is that thing? Obviously, Helena also saw the thing. The two of them squinted slightly and followed the faint light from the console. Going deeper, under the faint light, Leon and Helena finally saw clearly what was on the driver's seat. That thing turned out to be a human pupa! Just like the one seen in the underground laboratory in Tall Oak City! Damn it! Leon cursed in a low voice: What's going on? Why did it appear on the plane? Get on? On the other side, Helena also frowned. For a moment, she even suspected that Hannigan and Simmons were the same, and letting them get on this plane was just to kill them and silence them! Just in Lyon and Helen When Na looked on guard, suddenly, with a soft sound, a crack opened from the pupa, and small earth-yellow waxy fragments scattered in all directions. Then, a large group of inner membrane squeezed out from the crack. , in the flesh membrane, the faceless monster struggled hard, trying to break through the shackles of the pupa shell. So, the next second, the pupa shell and the flesh membrane finally broke completely. Under the gaze of Leon and Helena, a hateful-looking monster appeared. The monster came out. Outside the window, a white light flashed between the clouds, instantly illuminating the monster. It was pale and covered in lumps, with slender limbs and a plump body. The part that might have been the head looked like it was blooming. - bloomed in all directions, revealing its long scarlet tongue and mouth full of sharp teeth. This is the monster we encountered in the church before! Accompanied by the rumbling thunder, the disgusting creature lying on all fours in front of you could be seen. , Helena couldn't help but exclaimed in shock. There is no doubt that although it is a little smaller, Helena will never mistake that disgusting monster. Obviously, this ghost can't fly a plane. On the other side, Leon -Teared off the gas mask from his waist, put it on his face and said in a deep voice: Put on the gas mask quickly. After hearing Leon's words, Helena quickly put it on when she was in Tall Oaks City. The black gas mask issued by PNGO, and Tililith at the end silently pushed the metal mask hanging around her neck to her face. I accompanied Leon and Helena to put on the gas masks, and the next second, I saw that The monster suddenly raised its big mouth full of sharp teeth and let out a harsh hiss. Then, blue-gray mist suddenly spurted out from the lumps all over the monster's body and dispersed crazily in the mist around. Leon pressed the communicator next to his ear and said urgently: 'Hannigan! We are in trouble! Big trouble! The pilot of the plane mutated into the kind of monster we encountered in the cathedral before! What?! On the other side of the communicator, Hannigan was obviously stunned by Leon's news. After a few seconds, she replied urgently: Hold on, I'll check the information! As she said that, she seemed to suddenly remember What, Hannigan on the other side of the communicator suddenly said: By the way! Lyon, there is a big news here. The president is still alive! He just gave a televised speech, right? I know! I - as soon as I started Got it! Leon interrupted hurriedly: Now, please solve our problem first! Facing the hideous monster, Leon and Helena opened fire without hesitation, - time, bullets accompanied by The gunshots were shot out continuously, constantly knocking out blood flowers on the monster's body. The monster that had just emerged from the chrysalis was stimulated by the sudden pain, and it once again let out a heart-wrenching hissing. , and then, the monster suddenly exerted force on its four legs, jumped up suddenly, smashed the lamp above its head, and fled along the pipe.

Damn it! Seeing the monster escape, Leon couldn't help but curse in a low voice, but Helena didn't care so much. She quickly rushed to the console, trying to control the constantly shaking aircraft. But when she saw all the buttons and joysticks, she was immediately dumbfounded. Seeing that Heena was unable to stabilize the situation, Leon immediately rushed forward and waited until the fuck was done.

In front of the stage, Hannigan's voice suddenly came from the communicator. He heard Hannigan saying urgently: Leon, Helena, can you hear me? There seems to be something wrong with the pressure ship. Go quickly and look at the rear of the aircraft. I saw what was going on! I understand. Leon nodded, looked at each other with Helena, and they turned around together, only to see Tililith blocking them behind. Mr. Kennedy and Miss Harper, please hold the plane steady. The black metal mask covered half of his face, and Tililith whispered: Tililis will handle the tail end of the plane.

Can you? Leon asked directly without stopping Tilithis.

Tililith nodded expressionlessly. Okay, protect yourself... nodded to Tililith, Leon said in a deep voice, The president just appeared on TV, which means that the president is in good condition and Li has given After giving me an explanation, now I must also give an explanation to Li. You must not let anything happen to you, understand? Don't worry. Nodding to Leon again, Tilly bent her arms and made a strong gesture. Posture, expressionless: Tililith, B, invincible.\

,"Looking at Tililith's appearance, even though there was a crisis ahead, Leon couldn't help showing a smile. He quickly turned around and said to Helena: Let the problem of the tail of the aircraft be solved by foreign aid. , now, let's hold the plane steady!

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