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In the shaking cockpit of the cabin, gunfire rang out along with the light of gunfire. Helena held up the gun and guarded the metal stairs leading to the cab, her face frozen. At this moment, the lighting system in the aircraft was almost offline. , only the red emergency lights were on in the cabin. In the dark cabin, beast-like roars could be heard one after another. Having experienced the biological crisis in Tall Oak City with Leon, Helena knew very well what the sound was. It was the sound of zombies! It was the song of the living dead! The monster that just escaped from the aircraft cab, used its full of The gray-blue mist of the C virus infected everyone in the cabin! Sure enough, after a while, two gray zombies in suits rushed out of the darkness with a low roar, shaking their bodies, Staggering, but not slow at all, Helena, who was guarding the metal ladder with a stern expression, triggered the alarm again and accurately sent the bullet into the heads of the two zombies. Helena must defend this place, and she must buy time for Leon to control the plane. Compared to Helena, who is in a hard fight, Leon is also having a hard time controlling the plane. Listening to the piercing siren, he is hurriedly handling the control panel. When he raised his head, he saw that the screen on the console was showing the location of the aircraft's failure. At this moment, the left wing of the aircraft, the engines on both sides, and even the entire tail and right tail wing were all in a state of failure. God, what is going on? Looking more and more anxious, Leon couldn't help complaining in a low voice, while Hannigan on the other side of the communicator explained in time: When you opened the door, the plane It becomes more unstable due to the release of pressure. Open the cabin? Leon was slightly stunned, then turned his head and whispered: 'I seem to understand what's going on.' On the other side, ignoring Leon's strange remarks, Hannigan quickly commanded: 'Leon, listen, you You must accept flight control! I'm afraid you said that, Leon responded with a frown. The altitude dropped rapidly, passing through the clouds, and through the front window of the aircraft cockpit, Leon could already see the brightly lit city below, - Article The streets shimmered with brilliance, spreading like blood vessels on the dark land dotted with sporadic light, but at this moment, Leon had no time to appreciate it. He pushed aside the remaining Chrysalis in the driver's seat, and then sat on it alone, and at the same time Looking at the other half of the communicator, Hannigan asked loudly: What should I do? First, turn off the automatic flight function and restore manual control. On the other side, Hannigan hurriedly commanded: Then, press the upper button The third button on the fourth row of the panel. Listening to Hannigan's command and the constant gunshots coming from behind, Leon quickly started operating, while on the other side, Hannigan continued: Very good, now pull down the right lever!

Okay! Under Hang Nigan's guidance, Li Pin put his right hand on the damage control rod and pulled it up with difficulty - Bian Shou said: The situation is quite unfavorable. Pull it up quickly!

While Leon was controlling the plane, more and more zombies were beginning to accumulate in front of the cabin. After emptying the magazine, Hina had to change the magazine while retreating. Seizing this opportunity, the zombies roared. They swarmed up and were about to rush into the cab. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the bolts fixing the metal ladder fell off instantly in the sparks. The metal ladder, trampled by the zombies, was overwhelmed and collapsed on the spot, throwing all the zombies on the ground. Below, a petite figure jumped up on the zombie's back and jumped steadily into the cab. Just now, Tililith, who had returned to the cab, violently tore down the metal ladder! She turned her head and glanced at the stunned Heena. Tililith, who was kneeling on one knee, stood up. , and went straight to the aircraft control console deep in the cab. In Tilly's opinion, with such a height difference, it would be difficult for the zombies outside the cab to climb in directly, so leaving it to Helena would be enough. l) After quickly arriving at the main driver's seat, Tililith saw at a glance that Leon was pulling the broken joystick. With Leon's movements, the altitude of the plane seemed to rise a little bit, but this level was obviously not enough. , looking at the lights outside the window, Leon became more and more anxious, while Heena on the other side of the communicator hurriedly commanded, Lyon! Pull the throttle! Pull the plane up! How many damaged vertical rods are needed to fly an airplane? Huh?! Facing this messy damaged operating platform, even Leon felt a little in a hurry. He frowned and tried hard to pull the control stick, but he couldn't stop the plane from descending at all. At this moment , Tiililith squeezed over expressionlessly, and pulled the joystick with Leon. 'Wait... Seeing Tiililith's face gloomy, Leon subconsciously felt worse, and then, just as he said As worried, with Tililith's sudden force, only the sound of mouth was heard, accompanied by flying sparks, the aircraft's control stick was directly torn off by Tililith! l looked like it was torn off by herself. Tililith was stunned as she pressed the joystick. Oh my God, covering his forehead in despair, Leon couldn't help shouting: Miss Tililis! This is not a problem that can be solved by strength!

Mr. Kennedy was obviously having such a hard time pulling just now. Tililith muttered in a low voice. It's not that I was struggling, I was... For a moment, Leon didn't know how to explain to Tililith, and looked at Tililith. The joystick in Lilith's hand looked at the spark-scattered console again, and finally raised her head, looking at the ground getting closer and closer to the aircraft. Leon sighed softly, and said in a deep voice: Hanny hate, Are you listening? 'I'm listening!' Hannigan on the other side of the communicator asked urgently: 'Leon, what's going on over there?' We pulled off the joystick. Leon replied expressionlessly. What?! He had just kicked down a mourning dog that was trying to climb up. When she heard Leon's words behind her, Helena turned around subconsciously and her eyes widened.

Wait a minute, Leon, I don't understand. How could the plane's control stick be torn off? It seemed that he was frightened by Leon's words, and Hannigan's

The tone was full of disbelief.

After cutting off the communication and slumping down in the driver's seat, Leon listened to the piercing sirens, felt the vibrations of the plane, and stared at the ground getting closer and closer with Helena and Tillylis. At this moment, There was obviously a lot of singing around, but the silence in the cab showed a strange atmosphere that was almost dead silence. It's okay, Mr. Kennedy... After a while, Tililith comforted her expressionlessly, As long as Mr. Kennedy is driving, the plane will definitely crash.

It's none of Tililith's business. Tililith said expressionlessly after throwing away the broken joystick in her hand. No longer trying to argue with Tililith, Leon stared out the window and tried to cheer himself up. A few seconds later , his eyes became sharp again, and he shouted loudly: Damn it! Hurry up! We are going to crash! Prepare to resist the impact! The next second, the skewed wing with the burning engine was like a machete. It slammed into a residential building.

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