What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

C-93. A little proposal from the fierce maid

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The screeching brakes were accompanied by the roaring gunfire, tearing apart the supposedly peaceful Lanxiang Port crazily under the red night sky illuminated by the hot fire. The wheels swung rapidly with the rear of the car, drawing two lines on the flat road. There was a dark trace, and then it moved again. On the military Humvee, Pierce frowned and turned the steering wheel to avoid the attack from the strange monster. Behind the Humvee, Chris mounted a heavy gun and fired wildly at the ferocious and twisted huge face. It's useless! It's useless! It's useless! On top of the big ball of mud that was several stories high, Kara's distorted face was still laughing loudly, even though the B face was hit by the heavy machine gun. The bullets hit the pits, but Kara, who had lost his body, was not at all calm. As the steam quickly repaired the flowing wounds, it roared loudly: Is this what it feels like to be a monster?! This sense of power! This distinctness. Different senses! I. I am on par with the gods! I, King Ada, am destined to become the queen of this world! As soon as he finished speaking, a jet-black arrow shot into the mouth of its giant face, and then , the arrow exploded with a bang, blowing away the flesh and blood from the mouth of the giant face. Teeth the size of a basin were scattered with black blood, and hit the ground with smoke, and then quickly turned into new ones. mud. I said!, It's useless! It's useless! It's useless! Even though the mouth was blown with blood and flesh flying everywhere, the monster still clearly let out Carla's wild laughter =, it was obvious that the smile on the giant face The mouth is not Kara's vocal organ at all. Really, can't she be a little quieter? After installing the new explosive arrows on the mechanical crossbow, Ada frowned slightly and said: The real Ada King would not be so chattering. He was using it. Unlike Gongtian's Chris and Ada, Hitomi Mikishima's battle was much rougher. At this moment, she had taken off her blood-stained white leather clothes. Under the thin clothes, there were thin red lines all over her skin. Opening up, it turned into a crack of violent flesh and blood. Between the cracks, white steam was constantly spraying out, exuding the high temperature from Hitomi Mikishima's body. Her eyes were sharp, and the eyeballs on her forehead were moving crazily. He ran around the slow-moving Kara at an extremely fast speed, while wildly waving the Burning Bone Blade and the Crazy Bone in his hands.

The scorching firelight and the cold light complemented each other, tearing apart Kara's body crazily at a speed that the human eye could not catch. The gray mud seemed to be stuffed into a meat grinder with black and red blood flying everywhere. Even so, it kept cutting. Hitomi Inkishima's face became more and more gloomy as he was killing her, because Kara had completely turned into a big ball of cement slime. Hitomi Inkishima's offensive had little effect. The mud-like surface squirmed crazily, transforming into a ferocious mouth. The mouth was full of huge teeth, shaped like human hindquarters, as if they could crush everything. Then, The big mouth suddenly protruded from the mud, vying to bite Hitomi Mikishima who was clinging to Kara's body. Seeing the overwhelming attack, Hitomi Mikishima smacked his lips, and retreated unwillingly, letting the attack hit him. The rows of huge teeth that were bitten hit the air, making a frightening sound. Hahaha hahaha! Are you powerless?! Are you unwilling?! Don't you want to accept the reality?! Even though she was not facing Hitomi Mikishima, the giant face that was constantly being repaired still let out a proud laugh, and she laughed wildly. Said: After all, the virus on your body is just a semi-finished product, and the one I injected is indeed a genuine enhanced version! The little girl who can't remember the name! Even though the battlefield has begun to become a mess, not far away, wearing - Rita, who was wearing a maid uniform, still just watched silently, with a smile on her face and her hands folded in front of her, as if she didn't care about the battlefield in front of her. After hearing Kara's roar, she smiled and turned to the side. She turned to him and said, Miss Bai, did you hear that? Miss Radames believes that the enhanced virus she uses can rival the perfect creature that her husband is destined to love. For now, what the woman said is not wrong. As a living thing, Hitomi's body is more stable and more perfect. But if we only consider combat power, the current fight cannot affect that woman. Compared to Jinping, Bai Muqing's view of Rita, who deified Li Yexing, was much more objective and calm. She said with an indifferent expression: In the long run, the woman named Carla has become like this. Even if she is left alone, she will be like this. Before long, her body will completely collapse. But the problem is that we don't have that much time. We have to clean everything up before the BSAA cleans up the urban area of ​​Lanxiang and the wild dogs arrive in Lanxiang.

Hearing Bai Muqing's words, Rita was slightly stunned, then turned around with a smile and joked: Miss Bai, do you want to do it yourself? 'No, I don't want to.' Bai Muqing shook her head slightly and said, But, Many things do not develop according to our wishes, right? What should I do, sir? Rita continued to ask with a smile: Sir, he said, this is Miss Qiandao's revenge. If you intervene rashly, you will do it. Maybe Miss De and Mr. De will blame you. Hitomi is a reasonable girl, she will understand me. She frowned slightly, with a hint of confusion. After a moment, Bai Muqing said in a deep voice: As for the wild dog? Bian...I can't hand over a mess to him, even if he is dissatisfied with my self-assertion... Miss Bai really said it as if Mr. is not reasonable enough. Compared with your behavior, your I'm afraid words are more likely to make the husband feel dissatisfied. Standing behind Bai Muqing, Rita gently pressed against Bai Muqing's back. She put her arms around Bai Muqing's waist. She put her chin on Bai Muqing's shoulder and pressed her lips together. He touched Bai Muqing's ear and breathed out softly: Do you think sir is not determined enough to love you? No, the wild dog loves me very much. As a lover, from beginning to end, I am very satisfied with the wild dog. Raising his hand, letting his index finger dotted with black nails gently curl around Rita's thin gray hair, Bai Muqing said with an indifferent expression: Since the wild dog makes me very satisfied, then in response

, I also have the obligation to satisfy the wild dog. If the wild dog is unhappy because something went wrong on my side, it will be my dereliction of duty, whether as a secretary or as a lover. lThat's it. Squinting her gray eyes slightly, Rita gently held Bai Muqing's ear in her mouth, and exhaled hot air at the same time: That's it, at least now it seems that I can't complete the task assigned to me by the eldest lady. .

What? Although her ears were sucked heavily, Bai Muqing only blushed slightly. After all, she had been used to being in the same room with Rita for so long. Now, what made her most curious was that the one who always let me What mission did the unpredictable Miss Tillilis give Rita? Nothing, I just feel a little sad that there are many problems that can only be solved with time. She released her lips and placed them on the black lace necklace around Bai Muqing's neck. After whispering softly, Rita said with joy: Miss Bai, you are hopeless. Before Bai Muqing could ask the next question, Rita smiled softly and said: Okay, for Miss Bai, can you Let him make the decision to satisfy you. As for now, all we have to do is go up and help, right? What? Do you have any constructive proposals? Bai Muqing asked, tilting her head slightly. Of course. The curve of her mouth became more evil, and Rita smiled and said: Remember what I told you before? Our compatibility should be very good. After hearing Rita's words, I don't know if she thought of the idea. Well, Bai Muqing's face turned red instantly.

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