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Seeing that the lift platform under her feet suddenly began to descend, Alexa immediately frowned. She looked around, a dangerous glimmer flashed in her orange snake eyes, and Li Yexing's expression also became ugly, anxious. Without caring about his face, he was just about to let Alexa hug him and rush forward. Suddenly, a piercing alarm sound sounded from the annular space. Along with this alarm sound, the screen of the control computer on the lift platform It instantly turned red. What's going on? Alexa asked with a slight frown. The world... He quickly came to the computer, and Li Yexing stared at the computer screen. On that screen, a world map suddenly appeared. Then, a line of red subtitles that read Chaos Release Simulation jumped out. Along with this subtitle, - a red dot appeared on the map, and then quickly The radiation radiated around, and soon, the entire world map turned red. Li Yexing frowned, turned around, looked up at the giant chrysalis above his head, and said with a stern expression: It seems that we don't need to go up, it It's coming down. As soon as I finished speaking, the entire annular space trembled violently. Rubbles and small pieces of rubble mixed with dust continued to fall from the top of my head. In the light, the giant pupa hanging on the dome began to shake slightly. It seemed that something was trying to get out of it, and then, along with the sound of the alarm and the increasingly violent shaking of the annular space, a crisp sound came from the giant earth-yellow chrysalis. The giant pupa split open!

As the first crack appeared, more and more fine cracks began to extend along the giant pupa. The broken pupa shells mixed with rubble fell together and fell into the abyss. As the cracks became more and more severe, Big, the shaking of the pupa shell became more and more intense, and the metal grapple used to fix the giant pupa on the dome made a painful groaning sound, as if its corner would crack at any time. Then, something squeezed into the crack of the pupa shell. out. It was a layer of blue-gray flesh membrane covered with blood vessels, and now, it has become the last barrier for the thing in the chrysalis to escape from its shackles and enter this world.

Vaguely, there was a sound in the air, as if something was roaring. The cables connecting the giant pupa began to break, and sparks flew everywhere. As the giant pupa shook, the fleshy membrane opened the pupa little by little. The shell squeezed out from the crack, and then, like the soft sound of a water ball bursting, the flesh membrane suddenly exploded, and then a huge thing fell out of the giant pupa. Perhaps because it was too huge, it blocked the white light from the dome. For a moment, Alexa could not see the thing clearly. With a howl, the giant creature subconsciously stretched out its arms. It firmly supported the inner wall of the entire huge annular space. For a moment, gravel and rubble exploded from between the huge arms, and fell from the sky like hail. However, due to the heavy weight, even though it supported the inner wall, it still remained. Unable to stop the monster's fall, it howled and fell, its arms tearing two terrifying cracks on the inner wall of the circular space, smashing every platform along the way, and headed straight for Li Yexing and Alekli. Come to the lift platform where Sha is. Fuck! Seeing the thick giant hand tearing at the wall and falling down, Li Yexing ignored the gravel falling from the sky. Amidst Alexa's exclamation, he also picked up Alexa, and then He rushed towards the platform next to the lift. The moment the giant claws crossed the lift, Li Yexing tightly protected Alexa's head, hugged Alexa tightly and suddenly took off. The next second, The heavy lifting platform was knocked directly out, and the gravel and rubble fell directly into the darkness. Li Yexing hit the platform heavily. Driven by inertia, he hugged Alek tightly. Lisa slid forward until her head hit the wall hard. Smoke and dust rolled up, blocking his sight. Li Yexing ignored the severe pain coming from the top of his head and quickly stood up holding Alexa. Then he asked urgently: Is everything okay, Lisa? I'm okay, dear. Li Yexing said Alexa, who was uninjured under the protection of Li Yexing, supported Li Yexing's shoulders and stood up straight. She raised one leg and tapped the ground lightly with the toe of her high-heeled shoe, letting the sand and gravel that had rolled into the shoe spill out. , after finishing the high heels, she turned around with her blond hair, smiling and catching the undisguised concern in Li Yexing's eyes. It's okay. On the other side, seeing that Alexa was fine, Li Yexing clicked Nodding, then, a stream of hot water flowed through the hair and flowed down Li Yexing's forehead. Dear. Seeing the blood flowing down the top of Li Yexing's head and onto his face, Alexa said The smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared. Huh? After wiping it casually, Li Yexing looked down at the blood on his palm, then frowned slightly and said, Damn, there was a lot of bleeding... After that, he raised his head again, He raised his eyebrows and whispered to Alexisa: Would you like some drink? It would be a waste if you don't drink....Looking at Li Yexing's face that looked even more ferocious because he had been wiped, for a moment, Alec Lisa didn't know what to say, so she touched Li Yexing's shoulder with one hand, and forced him down when Li Yexing groaned. Alexa stretched out her other hand, and gently fiddled with it with a nervous expression. After stroking the hair on Li Yexing's head for a long time, she said with relief: There's nothing wrong with the skull. My dear, you scared me to death. If there's something wrong with the skull, I won't be able to stand here and talk to you. .. He patted Alexa lightly on the shoulder to reassure the other party. Li Yexing was about to joke to lighten the atmosphere. Suddenly, a terrifying echoing roar came from the lower platform and continued in the circular space. Reverberating, hearing this sound, both Li Yexing and Alexa had expressions on their faces. They both opened their legs at the same time and quickly came to the edge of the platform. They saw that the huge monster had stopped falling, and it was right there. On the platform less than three floors away from the two of them. At this moment, Alexa finally got a glimpse of the world-destroying BOW. It was huge. This was Alexa's first impression of it. The monster was extremely huge. , the last time I saw such a huge BOW was in the Black Umbrella East in Smolensk

In the European branch, the monster's upper body looks very similar to a human being, except that the proportions of its arms are a bit out of balance, making it appear extremely large. Its lower body has strangely grown into the shape of a lobster tail, with sections hanging from each section. The tiny jointed limbs, where the monster's upper body and lower body are connected, are covered with tentacles of different lengths. Those tentacles are like the tentacles of an octopus. Together with the monster's arms, they are supported on the surrounding platform, allowing The monster will not continue to fall. In addition to being huge, the second sense is weirdness. The texture of the monster's skin and body looks like a jellyfish, almost completely transparent. Through the monster's skin, Alexa can clearly see every bone in the monster's body. , every organ, and even every nerve! So huge, so weird, even someone as powerful as Alexa felt a little pressure. Frowning her brows little by little, Alexa stood on the edge of the platform and looked down at the huge monster. After a while, she whispered: Is this chaos? As if she heard Alexa's call, under the platform , the monster propped himself up to look at the body, panted and raised his head, pointed the face that could see every bone clearly at Li Yexing and Alexa, then suddenly opened his mouth, and let out a cry like a baby. A harsh roar.



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