What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

DLC.Extra-37. The macho man’s long vacation (thirty-seven)

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It wasn't until they couldn't breathe smoothly that their lips separated. Li Yexing and Alexa were close to each other, their eyes facing each other, with a little confusion in their eyes. The light was shining, although it was slightly dim, but it was as moist as Alexa's. The red lips added a silky luster, like strawberry pudding, which made people want to hold it in their mouths. After recalling the sinking feeling just now, Li Yexing was wondering whether he should do it again, but he saw Ah Lexissa raised her arms and put them around Li Yexing's neck, and then kissed him again. Suddenly, a little charm slowly spread in the air. After a moment, her lips worked hard again, and just as the silver thread under the light was pulled apart, Alexa gently pecked Li Yexing's lips again, as if she was reluctant to leave. When her breathing calmed down, her face flushed. He whispered softly: My dear, you are so sweet... Me? Sweet 09? Li Yexing asked in a low voice with his eyebrows slightly raised. Of course it's sweet, it's so sweet. My dear, you are both my antidote and my poison. Chatting with you, being touched by you, and sticking closely to you. This feeling really makes me want to stop. , Now, I don’t think about anything, I just want to eat you in one stutter and wipe it clean.” With an intoxicating curve at the corner of her mouth, Alexa chuckled and whispered: “My dear, let me eat you, Okay? Standing here, both Li Yexing and Alexa knew what was going to happen tonight. Alexa even dressed herself up and made a detailed plan, but it was obvious that they would not wait any longer. When the plan started to be implemented, she herself became a little confused and obsessed. Fortunately, Li Yexing seemed to be in a much calmer state. After all, in the three days before taking the final step with Alexa, he had been attracted by her other The six girls were baptized in various ways with high intensity. It would not be easy for them to be unable to restrain themselves in front of Alexa. Seeing Alexa panting slightly, as if she was moved, Li Yexing's heart rose. -With a hint of bad taste, he wanted to tease this queen who always behaved with ease, so he tightened his arms around Alexa's waist little by little, and when Alexa was excited and looking forward to it, His eyes slowly moved up, and he breathed softly on Alexa's ear. Suddenly, a tremor came from his arms. Li Yexing could clearly feel that Alexa was accompanying him. His movements trembled slightly. Isn't it okay? Li Yexing gently touched Alexa's ear with his lips, and whispered softly: You don't look good, my daughter.

It's all your fault for being too sweet. Tightening her arms around Li Yexing's neck, Alexa's eyes were filled with mist and she breathed out: I know, dear, you I'm causing trouble, right? Yes, I'm causing trouble. After being exposed by Alexa, Li Yexing simply admitted it. He said softly: As a knight, but you tease your own king, is this considered a crime? Guilty , a big crime, unforgivable. She raised her head slightly and straightened her body so that she could feel the pressure from Li Yexing's chest more clearly. Alexa chuckled as if she was drunk and said: I...I'm going to punish you...What kind of punishment? Li Yexing asked in a low voice.

I will take away the most important thing from you and inflict joyful torture on your body. I will give birth to an heir for you and carve my curse into your blood. My hands slowly moved up and touched the Li Yexing's short hair, Alexa smiled and murmured: My curse will bind you to me forever. You will always surrender to me, always desire me, always love me, and there is nothing else. He... Your Majesty Queen, if I repent, is it still too late? Li Yexing asked softly while slowly lowering his cheek and burying it in Alexa's neck, while gently smelling the fragrance of the roses. It's too late, my dear. Her body became more and more tense, seeming to tempt Li Yexing to go down. Alexa chuckled and murmured: I have never been a tolerant queen, so IU people , it's better to accept your fate obediently and wait for the punishment. Then... our first night will be spent here? The topic changed, and Li Yexing asked with a chuckle. Ah! It seemed that he suddenly remembered Something happened. A flash of clarity suddenly flashed through Alexa's pair of snake eyes. She shook her head slightly, letting the golden hair fly away, then turned her head and frowned slightly and whispered: Really, I almost forgot about my plan! You're out of control, my Queen. Li Yexing joked with a chuckle. It's all your fault, my dear. Alexa smiled and said: In order to make up for your fault, you have to accompany me seriously tonight. Is this also part of repaying the debt? Li Yexing asked. Is No , this is an apology, because you just made me lose my temper. Alexa chuckled and said: As for repaying the debt, I said, you should never repay it in your lifetime. Okay. Li Yexing let go of Alexa's slender waist and asked with a chuckle: According to your plan, where are you going to take me tonight? Of course to the botanical garden that I am proud of. ! Alexa's snake eyes immediately lit up when she mentioned her plan. She took Li Yexing's wrist again, and said excitedly: I have always dreamed of taking my dear to see my botanical garden. See Look at the flowers and plants that I have carefully cultivated. Today, my fantasy is finally coming true! Wait? Botanical Garden? Li Yexing was suddenly stunned when he heard Alexa's words. At this moment, he felt as if his head was being blown. The strange tentacles from Resident Evil Code Veronica and the huge mutant flower from Resident Evil Chronicles jumped out of his mind in an instant, and kept thinking about it, all the things in the air were All the charm seemed to disappear at this moment. Well, let me ask first. Before Alexis could move, Li Yexing considered and said: Is the flower you mentioned the flower I understand? Of course it is. Otherwise, what else could it be? With a cheerful smile on her lips, Alexa stepped forward on high heels, pulling Li Yexing's wrist and saying with a smile: Those plants

The flowers and plants in the zoo have been taken good care of since I came here. - At first, I cultivated them completely based on my own biological knowledge. As a result, none of them bloomed, and they were not well cultivated. Later, , I specially read a lot of books about growing flowers, and then I got better little by little. It really took me a lot of time and thought to make them flourish like they are now. Seeing Alexa's face with a real smile , Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from Alexa's description, they should be ordinary flowers and plants. What's more, the smile in Alexa's eyes was so sincere that she would never be able to deceive him! Feeling slightly relieved, Li Yexing followed Alexis's steps and started to move. Unlike the castle hidden under the villa, the structure of the villa itself was not complicated. After walking a few steps, the two of them came to a In the Huanming passage that was half buried underground, after quickly passing through the passage and reaching the end of the passage, Alexa opened the door lock at the end of the passage and eagerly pulled Li Yexing into the huge glass room. , suddenly, a faint fragrance along with moist and clear air poured into Li Yexing's nostrils, which shocked Li Yexing. His footsteps stopped suddenly, Alexa turned her head, stretched out her arms, like a show off She smiled happily like a little girl holding her toy and said to Li Yexing: Look. My dear, this is my botanical garden!

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