What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

7-14. The macho sister-in-law fucked the weird uncle to pieces

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When the huge silver box in the blond girl's body popped open, revealing the densely packed gun muzzles, the leader of the C7 team knew that they were going to be in big trouble. Run! Run! He turned his head suddenly and ran straight to the other side of the corridor. The leader could no longer care about his teammates. Hearing the shouts from behind, he laughed wildly.

He could only run for his life while shouting. At the moment when the gunfire rang out, he ducked into the corner at the end of the corridor. Behind him, another black-clothed soldier who reacted quickly made a dangerous move. He narrowly avoided the metal storm and fell at his feet. He bent down and picked up his teammates. Then he saw that the teammate who just wanted to drag the blond girl away was beaten to pieces. . In front of that exaggerated weapon, the heavy-duty body armor provided by Black Anreira was just like paper. Pressing his finger on the radio, he forcibly suppressed his breathing. The leader leaned his back against the wall, ready to fight back at any time. Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer accompanied by the strange tune hummed by the blond girl, his heart began to rise little by little. Looking at his surviving teammate who nodded, he was about to lean out. Suddenly, there was a sound of opening the door, and then, the footsteps in the corridor suddenly disappeared. What happened? There was a hint of confusion on the face under the mask. Surprised, the leader took a deep breath. Then he suddenly raised his gun and poked his head out. He saw that the quaint and luxurious corridor was in a mess, but the petite figure carrying the strange weapon was nowhere to be seen. How's it going? Seeing that the leader neither retracted nor fired, the black-clothed soldier hiding behind the leader couldn't help but asked in a low voice. She left. On the other side, seeing the monster that looked like a blond girl disappear, the leader said in a deep voice.

Leave? the black-clothed soldier whispered, Why? I thought she would chase us. Probably because she has more important things to do, the leader said with a smile: For example, looking for her perverted brother-in-law... By the way, that mercenary seems to be this monster's brother-in-law... The black-clothed soldier frowned and said, If you think about it this way, then what kind of thing is the mercenary's wife?

Don't think about useless things. Listening to the endless voice in the communicator, the team leader whispered: Now, what we need is support. Although we have a plan for this situation, the situation here is a bit complicated. It's too much! As he spoke, the team leader raised his hand and pressed the communicator next to the helmet. He whispered: 'Report, this is C7. One person was killed. We encountered a BOW with the appearance of a girl. We can communicate through language. , the head can withstand 5.56 mm caliber bullets at close range, and uses some kind of heavy firepower similar to a machine gun. We tried to communicate before the firefight. The BOW indicated that one of our mission targets-Li Youxing seemed to be hers. Before I could finish the words. , suddenly, the wall beside the leader shattered, and large pieces of gravel, rubble, and dust splashed out. Under the impact of this huge force, the leader and the soldiers beside him flew directly backwards, fiercely It hit the wall on the opposite side of the corridor. From the smoke and dust, Tililian, who had smashed the wall, walked out with a grin. She hummed a cheerful tune and walked towards the leader who fell to the ground. My lord, I really don't like children who snitch! He weighed the coffin in his hand, then suddenly raised it above his head. The moment the leader pointed the gun at her, Tillillian fiercely He smashed the coffin in his hand, and with a crisp sound, the mask instantly dented, and the hard helmet and the things wrapped in the helmet were shattered. Blood spattered freely along with the minced meat and brains, sticking to the - On the mask of the black-clothed soldier next to him. Ah! Ah! Ahhh! Ahhhh! Finally, he was defeated by fear. The pretty girl in his eyes had turned into a life-threatening evil ghost. The black man lying on the ground The soldier in uniform was desperately moving his body backward while holding up the HK-46 with one hand and shooting without accuracy. In front of him, Tilly Hean was advancing step by step, blocking the coffin in front of him. Let the bullets hit it, and sparks shot out, until the gun in the black soldier's hand made a crisp sound. Hey, hey, hey. There was a face as cute as the girl next door. With a smile, Tillillian raised the coffin in her hand again, curled her lips and said to the black soldier who was hurriedly changing the magazine: Don't worry, I have always been fair. If that guy has it, you will have it too. As the words fell, Tillillian picked up the coffin in her hand and swung it hard at the black-clothed soldier lying on the ground. In panic, adrenaline rushed into the pool, and the soldier turned his head to avoid it. With this blow, the blood-stained end of the coffin was smashed down, and the black-clothed soldier's shoulder was hammered into it.

He fell into the floor, and in an instant, sawdust flew everywhere with the sound of broken bones, and the soldier in black who fell to the ground let out a heart-rending scream. Oh! I avoided it! Isn't that quite a feat! She swung the coffin in her hand again with her backhand, and Tillillian hit the black-clothed soldier on the side like a golf club. Even with the protection of a heavy body armor, this blow easily shattered his ribs. He let out another scream and flew backwards against the wall. However, before he could land, Tillillian lifted the coffin. Holding him under his ribs, he rushed over as if holding a battering ram. With a loud bang, the wall shattered, and his internal organs and bones were crushed into a mass. The black-clad soldiers fell into the bed. In the room that crashed through the wall, he completely died. Yeah, she hummed softly and nodded. Tillillian smashed the coffin on the ground with one hand, then stretched out her index finger to gently wipe away the blood on her face. She sniffed it gently, and then took it into her mouth. After tasting it, her brows furrowed. Bah! Spitting out the blood on the tip of her tongue together with her saliva, Tililian pursed her lips and said with disgust: What! This taste is completely different from that of the perverted brother-in-law. It's disgusting! Sure enough, only the perverted brother-in-law tastes like it. Is blood sweet?! He casually rubbed the blood stained with his index finger on the wall hanging

In the oil painting, Tilly Zhan turned her head to look at the corpse of the black-clad soldier on the ground whose head had been blown off by her own hammer. She whispered with disgust on her face: Really, to be honest, I am not here. Is that okay? Why do you want to tell the story about the relationship between me and my perverted brother-in-law? When she first met the three enemies in front of her, Ti Lilian’s idea was very simple. She tried to talk or talk to others. However, after discovering that the other party seemed to know about Li Yexing, she realized that she seemed to have mistaken the priorities. Obviously, her perverted brother-in-law was also the target of these guys! There was such a person For a moment, Tillillian did think about taking advantage of the trick, leaving with the enemy who seemed to be a lot of trouble, and then killing them all directly from the inside. However, after thinking about it for a while, Tillillian felt that her idea might not be that easy to realize. So she immediately turned against her. By killing an enemy\\, she exposed her own strength and forced the enemy to call for reinforcements. This way she could not only kill all the enemies in one fell swoop, but also reduce the pressure on Li Yexing outside the castle. It could be said that it killed two birds with one stone. As a result, Miss Ti Lilian did not Thinking about it, the other party not only did not rush to call for support, but also reported her situation directly. Seeing that the black clothes who were in a lot of scenes were about to tell their story, Ti Lilian had to take action in advance and kill them all. So Sir, I really hate people who don't know how to read the atmosphere... Carrying the coffin on her shoulders, Tilili said with a small mouth: But forget it, there is so much movement around, it won't be long before those idiots will We have filled in all the people outside, so there is no difference.

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