Looking back, Lin Qing found that Qiao Yu always seemed to be following her.

It's the proper distance. Let her see it as soon as she turns her head, but not overly intimate.

They have been together for a long time, but they have always kept such a distance.

Lin Qing has always known that she is not as friendly as she shows.Under her gentle appearance is a heart that can be said to be a little indifferent.Socializing with people is only limited, and she has had many friends since she was a child. , But there is only a unique Qiao Yu who can be called a close friend.

But Qiao Yu is not the same. Qiao Yu is a person who looks the same. She will naturally be loved by people around her, and she will naturally use the same enthusiasm to get along with other people. Although no one can pass Lin Qing's position, she still allows her to get along with others. Lin Qing gave birth to some inexplicable emotions when he was satisfied.

Fortunately, she could see that Qiao Yu cares about her the most. Qiao Yu is so kind to her, she can tell at a glance. Qiao Yu is not a good student in the traditional sense, but under her advice The most extraordinary thing Qiao Yu had done in her entire study career was just sneaking out in the evening self-study class, turning over the wall and turning back again, bringing back a bright camellia for Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was satisfied with such goodness, and gradually took it for granted.

For a long time, of course, many people approached Qiao Yu for her, but in the same way, some people approached her for Qiao Yu.

‘Aren’t you and Joe... lovers? ’

For the first time, the person who plucked up the courage to ask her for Qiao Yu was a girl. Lin Qing originally only wanted to ignore this frequently heard question and leave directly, but he came out inexplicably when scanning the other's shy and nervous face. Angered.

Qiao Yu always seems to be particularly attractive to girls.

"If that's the case, Lin Qing, can you help me--"

'can not. ’

The unspeakable irritability caused Lin Qing to interrupt the girl's words impolitely. She packed up her books and stood up, staring coldly at the stunned girl.

‘Qiao Yu won’t like you. ’

Cut off the other party's unfinished words first, Lin Qing did not intend to stay anymore, and left the library silently, but the fire in his heart grew stronger.

She has always been a self-centered person. She never denies this. Maybe tomorrow will be spread among her classmates about today's affairs. Maybe someone will talk behind her back on why she is advocating for Qiao Yu. Or guess again that their relationship does not stop at friends.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it reaches Qiao Yu's ears.

She has always enjoyed the highest level of right to speak with Qiao Yu. There is nothing Lin Qing can't do about Qiao.

Whether she was arrogant, Lin Qing had this level of confidence in Qiao Yu's affairs, and she became more and more out of control in Qiao Yu's acquiescence day after day.

When graduating from middle school, the sadness in the school during that time was very strong. Things like writing farewell letters became popular among students. At that time, Qiao Yu received letter paper from almost the whole class, so he also seriously agreed. Write back a piece of paper. Lin Qing received it and didn't intend to reply, but just sat beside her and watched her writing and writing quickly.

I remember that Qiao Yu was staring at her uncomfortably, and raised his head to smile at her.

‘Do you want me to write you something? ’

What is there to write.

Lin Qing thought indifferently at the time, and he didn't write to Qiao Yu, because for the two of them, this was unnecessary.

'do not want. ’

‘Anyway, we will be together in the future. ’

She had a firm tone at the time, and she didn't have the slightest doubt about it.

Since when did it change.

Suddenly, Lin Qing was in a daze, and her hand was stagnant, almost destroying her experimental data. She hurriedly raised her hand and took two steps back.

The office was very quiet, and there was no sound other than the sound of her movements.

For the first time, she felt that being alone in the office would make her heart palpitations like this.

Work...Yes, it's work.

Lin Qing started breathing quickly, and her body trembled uncontrollably. What she recalled in her mind was the scene when the two were facing graduation from university.

‘Do you have any plans? ’

At that time, Lin Qing leaned close to Qiao Yu and asked casually.

‘If not, I do have some alternatives, so I can consider it together if I want to continue my studies or work. ’

When she asked this question, she never thought that she would get an affirmative answer from Qiao Yu, because Qiao Yu always followed her decision to make her own decision and never deviated from her track.

It has been, has always been like this, following her step by step.

‘Hmm...I’m almost set. ’

So when he heard this answer, Lin Qing could hardly believe her ears, and turned her head to look at Qiao Yu in a daze, but the other party looked away unnaturally and didn't look at her.

‘I’m going to Starfield... to do research on parallel worlds, I’m quite interested in this. ’

‘It’s also only recently discussed. I’m still thinking about when it’s better to tell you. ’

Lin Qing Tongtong couldn't listen to Qiao Yu's words, she could barely separate her mind, vaguely remembering that the company seemed to be from Ye's house.

Does it have anything to do with Cong Ye where Qiao Yu is going to work? Do they have a good relationship? Why has Qiao Yu never mentioned it to her?

‘I remember Lin Qing, you meant to continue your studies, right? Come on, I will visit you often if I have a vacation at work. ’

...Why did Joe meet her and didn't show the slightest desire to let him go there too?

The situation that had been taken for granted collapsed instantly, and Lin Qing was caught off guard, and was completely overwhelmed by the panic and uneasiness far beyond his expectations.

The subsequent events happened unexpectedly and logically. Lin Qing couldn't tell whether he was overheated or calm, as if floating on the clouds, and finally landed after smoothly and Qiao Yu joined the same company.

‘Eh, eh? Lin Qing? Why, are you working here too? ’

‘Well, there is a chance. ’

All the hard work was carried over by her in an understatement. Lin Qing deliberately didn't tell Qiao Yu about this in advance, so she was able to see Qiao Yu's truest reaction.

Panicking shakes, flashing guilty conscience, and a little bit of excitement that is hard to hide.

That was the first time Qiao Yu tried to escape her.

It's just that Lin Qing was spoiled a long time ago, and she was shocked that she couldn't let Qiao Yu go. Just like the girl who made her own claim and refused to be loving for Qiao Yu, in fact, she just couldn't stand someone Qiao Yu fell in love with, and cast those gentle amber eyes at other people. She used to deceive herself and deceive others. I found an excuse to convince myself——

Qiao Yu would definitely not like such a person.

As for what kind of person Qiao Yu would like, Lin Qing never thinks about it. She instinctively rejects this issue and just subconsciously pays attention to everyone close to Qiao Yu.

Among these people, she hated Cong Ye the most. The man and Qiao Yu walked too close, even as if they were sharing some secrets. When Lin Qing asked about it, Qiao Yu was only ambiguous to take over the secrets.

This was unprecedented. Lin Qing had never thought that she would hate someone so much. She couldn't help but speak ill of him to Qiao Yu. The despicableness in her heart was infinitely magnified, and those paranoid thoughts surfaced.

Qiao Yu couldn't leave her.

This is obviously something that should be taken for granted, why has it become so unassuming now.

I don't know if I should say it was lucky. Before Lin Qing's panic reached its limit, Qiao Yu expressed his love to her.

But immediately after this was the second escape. Lin Qing was so lost for the first time in her life. She subconsciously regarded love as a life-saving straw, holding it hard, never letting go anyway.

Everything is good, love or hate, as long as Qiaoyu does not leave her, everything is good.

And now it's the third time.

Lin Qing Wushen's eyes finally couldn't focus on the light screen in front of her anymore. She turned around trembling, took the coat hanging behind the empty stool next to her, slowly put it on her body, and strongly hugged herself.

‘Joe Yu? She, she told me last night that she would take a period of time off...but she didn't tell me what she was going to do. ’

‘...So, don’t you know this? ’

She recalled Cong Ye's words, the confusion of waiting for Qiao Yu after coming to the company, the panic of not being able to contact Qiao Yu after being told that she had asked for leave, and losing Qiao Yu's pain again, all came to her heart at this moment.

Again, Qiao Yu left her again.

Why? You touched yourself aggressively like that last night, why did you leave today without warning?

Sure enough...Are you angry because you didn't talk to her before going on a blind date?

Lin Qing never regarded blind dates as important.

It was just a deal for her. If nothing happened, she should have cleared all the related matters in the memory sorting some time ago, but she was worried that she would let Qiao Yu go to the memory and sort it out alone, which caused neither of them to be able to do it. To do it, she didn't realize later that Qiao Yu would be unhappy to hear about it until she was spotted on the dinner table.

But Lin Qing didn’t know how to explain to Qiao Yu that her carelessness was not what Qiao Yu said. She also didn’t understand why she never knew Qiao Yu liked her before. Mentioned to Qiao Yu that she occasionally went on blind dates.

It was as if the ghosts in the subconscious mind prevented her from mentioning it to Qiao Yu, making Lin Qing subconsciously choose to conceal it.

Qiao Yu must be angry with her and didn't even tell her to leave.

Lin Qing's chest was stuffy and painful. She squeezed the skirt tightly, trying to distinguish the breath and temperature that belonged to Qiao Yu remaining on her coat, as if there was an illusion of being hugged by Qiao Yu.

Where have you been, don't be angry with me, it's all my fault, I really want to see you.

The chaotic thoughts in her mind were all fragments, and a silent storm threw up a silent storm in Lin Qing's heart, dispelling the lingering fog, and suddenly a thought came up in her trance.

Has Qiao Yu followed her all the time, or is she chasing Qiao Yu?

Lin Qing raised her head in a dazed manner, her eyes widening and gathering again.

Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu.

Obviously you said you love me first.

Then I became happy and nervous, I tried my best to hold this love, I became susceptible to gains and losses, became nervous, and when you touched my heartbeat seemed to explode, when you left me I feel like dying in pain, I don’t feel like myself anymore, but as long as you look at me again, I’m willing.

Isn't I still in love with you when I am like this?

And what is the missed Qiao Yu doing? She is chatting with people.

"When Lin Qing on your side liked you, what was it like?"

"...If you are really idle and have nothing to do, why don't you write the paper for me?"

Listening to the same voice as his own, he said helplessly, Qiao Yu curled his lips and said with disgust: "As for your undergraduate thesis in this world, I am afraid that if I write for you, your teacher will not understand. ."

"Then if you don't help, at least don't say something weird to disturb me!"

"Okay, okay, young people are really grumpy."

After speaking, regardless of the grumpy response over there, Qiao Yu unilaterally cut off their connection with a wave of his hand, lay back and sank into the soft cushion and started dazed.

Yes, she is now in the parallel world Qiao Yu's mind, trying to position the system.

Of course, that's the case, but she is just a mental body at the moment. The body is actually located in a remote office of her company, where she has a set of spare equipment that she once equipped to get in touch with the host of the parallel world.

As the saying goes, it's dark under the lights, even if Lin Qing asked her, she would never have imagined that although she had asked for leave, she was actually in the company. So Qiao Yu took advantage of this information that probably only she knew, and sneaked over and lay in the device early that morning, planning to hide here for ten and a half months before talking.

As for why she wanted to hide-the first reason was of course that she had done her head with a surge of blood that night before, and when she came back, she felt that she really couldn't face Lin Qing with a face that had nothing happened. It was so embarrassing that I wanted to escape to another planet immediately.

Fortunately, their technological level is quite high, which can meet her needs.

So Qiao Yuan was stationed here for a long time. The program for this device was written by herself. At that time, she worked **** the environment after sneaking in. Now her living environment is probably similar to a private theater. , In front of me is a huge light screen where I can see the picture of the parallel world, and under him is a soft lazy sofa. As for food and drinks, there is everything.

Although the mental body eats just to simulate the taste, in fact the body's nutritional supply is supplied by external equipment, but it is still very happy to be able to eat a little bit.

As Qiao Yu thought about it, he touched a bag of potato chips and tore it open.

The only unhappy thing may be... She can hardly avoid the parallel world of herself and Lin Qingqing, me and me.

This is too much for her who was already thinking about it. Qiao Yu had to dejectedly choose to get in touch with her when Qiao Yu was alone. At other times, she would consciously disconnect. Don't listen.

She chose to come here to hide with a little thought, "Maybe I can find myself to learn the scriptures", but Qiao Yu over there is quite uncooperative, either pretending not to hear, or considering him, which is even more excessive. It was the opponent who occasionally seemed to inadvertently attack her.

‘What do you ask these for? Have you never been in love? ’

‘Or what? Have you quarreled with Lin Qing from your place? ’

… I’m too smart and sometimes it’s a bad thing. Joe cut off the connection with a black face, and didn’t talk to her that day.

Never been in love...how can I say that! Isn't unrequited love counted as falling in love?

Damn, that guy is obviously only in his twenties, and he is so much ahead of him in this respect...!

It's hard to describe the complicated mood in Qiao Yu's heart. She felt bitter and bitter as she thought about it, and chewed the potato chips.

It’s already the wedding day for you and me. On the other hand, the mess on my side is really more popular than others.

Regarding the mess of the relationship between herself and Lin Qing, Qiao Yu really felt like she couldn't start.

Of course she could imagine that her leaving without saying goodbye would make Lin Qing uncomfortable, but she still hardened her heart.

One of the reasons is certainly embarrassment, but in the same way, she also really feels that both of them need some space to think alone, especially Lin Qing.

Qiao Yu didn't want Lin Qing to mistake her reliance on her for love. She was always skeptical. After all, Lin Qing had never been separated from her for too long. People who hadn't tried it would of course be afraid of pain.

So, maybe it's time to try separately, maybe you get used to it soon, and you'll find that it's no big deal.

Qiao Yu herself is always pessimistic about their feelings. In this case, even if it is really as she thought, she will not feel the sense of broken dreams.

She laughed at herself, thinking that it was really a hopeless idea, and after a long pause, she reconnected to the parallel world, and the picture from there appeared on the light screen.

On the screen, Qiao Yuzheng and Lin Qing are sitting together watching TV, with their cat lying on her lap. She has a hair that runs along the cat’s hair one after another, and Lin Qing grabs her hand innocently. Fasten slowly.

Based on her rich experience in watching movies, Qiao Yu judged that something she couldn't watch would happen soon, and cut off the image promptly.

Fortunately, there was no sound just now! Otherwise, I don't know what weird things will be heard! Why do these two people get bored and crooked as long as they stay together? Is this a great couple!

As if furiously incompetent, Qiao Yu felt a little sad, and snapped his fingers out of a puff.


"Oh system 10773, you can be a cat for me for now."

"Why meow?!"

Suddenly, a white cat appeared in the air, which was the same as in the picture just now, but with a very human expression and talking human words in the mist. Joe Yu was carried on his knees involuntarily, and the cat’s face was full of words. Feeling the boss' touch in confusion.

"... Lord God, what the **** is going on? Meow, I was still chatting with my colleague just now—"

"Just let me touch it without asking anything."

Okay, well, what the boss said is what the system—even though it has been turned into a cat, the core inside is still the familiar system—closes his mouth obediently, lie on Qiao Yu’s lap, and enjoy it honestly. Start the unskilled Shun Mao service.

Meow, it's really hard to work part-time.

Without knowing the thoughts of his subordinate system, Qiao Yu was quickly healed by the warm fur, but then he was disappointed.

...What are you doing? It's really a sense of antagonism.

What's the use of having a cat alone? The most important thing is that you are still a lonely person. Can this compare to others?

She was frustrated when she thought about it, and the system that had become drowsy by Paipai wanted to call it to leave, but felt that she didn't want to be alone in this mood, so her words turned a corner.

"...Go over there and lie on your stomach."

"Okay, okay."

The system followed a good flow, gently and skillfully jumped from Qiao Yu's knees, walked to the corner Qiao Yu pointed to it, and lay comfortably in the cushion Qiao Yu had just changed for it.

Feeling that its cuteness has risen a bit after putting on the cat's skin, Qiao Yu silently retracted his gaze from staring at the system, and seriously considered whether to create the system in the future or not to set it up as a cat.

Thinking about it, it seems quite feasible. In addition to the number, you can also divide the series by suit. The orange cat should be...should be the strongest?

With new inspiration inexplicably, Qiao Yu felt tired after a random thought, and her eyelids became heavy. She did not resist drowsiness and closed her eyes quietly.

The cat is so good... if I have the chance, I would like to raise one with Lin Qing...

Finally, there were some unspoken fragments, which she brought into her dreams.

Is it dreaming?

Qiao Yu rubbed his eyes stubbornly, closed them hard and opened them again. The unimaginable picture in front of him remained unchanged.

"What's wrong? Are you so surprised when you see me?"

The familiar voice was clear and cold, and approached her unscrupulously, so scared that Joe rushed back, but was easily held down by the opponent's geographical advantage.

...Seriously, who can tell her why she saw Lin Qing sitting on her as soon as she opened her eyes?

Is this why she suddenly felt a little hard to breathe in her sleep just now! Qiao Yu was so scared that he was completely sleepy, and for a moment he wondered if he was having a nightmare.

This is the spiritual world. She came in through the device in reality. How could Lin Qing come here to catch her——

"I'm hacking in."


"I found you, and then came in."

The person on him said it was an understatement, but a pair of eyes were firmly fixed on her face. There was a strong emotion inside, which made Qiao Yu couldn't help but want to avoid it.

"The program you wrote, there is no reason why I can't get in."

Lin Qing did not allow her to look away, and stretched out her hand to straighten Qiao Yu's head. Qiao Yu didn't want to understand the causality of what she said, but just remembered that she saw the system cat still holding it over there under the sweep just now. Sleeping snoring, unaware of the intruder, she gritted her teeth immediately with anger.

There are outsiders who drove straight into the base camp all the way! Still sleeping! Still sleeping!

I don't know if he is complaining about the system or himself, Qiao Yu regretted that he hadn't been, and in this unspeakable atmosphere, he gave birth to an untimely thought: it is absolutely impossible to expect a cat to watch the house.

"You, what are you doing?"

There was a mess in his mind, Qiao Yu asked subconsciously, but saw a trace of scarlet on Lin Qing's face, and then spoke gently.

"I'm kissing you."


Qiao Yu felt a buzz in his head, even if he knew that his current expression must be silly, but there was no room to control it. He just wrinkled his face slowly and looked at it with an expression of "I don't know what you are talking about".

"I mean, I was kissing you before you woke up just now."

But Lin Qing quickly grasped the dominance. She suppressed the shame, and bit her lower lip blatantly in front of Qiao Yu, her movements full of suggestiveness.

"You really... sleep soundly."


Really or fake, just kidding, no, it turns out that she felt breathing difficulty just now because, because--

Qiao Yu didn't dare to think anymore, dryly laughed twice, and said tremblingly.

"...Well, Lin Qing, don't mention anything else, can you get off me first?"


Rejected without hesitation, Qiao Yu stalked, seeing Lin Qing's eyes flashing dangerously, and leaned forward to himself without retreating.

"I found you with great difficulty..."

She did not continue, but the meaning in the words was very clear. In short, she was afraid that Qiao Yu would run again, so she used this posture to restrict Qiao Yu's actions.

......Although this starting point is still tenable, the method chosen is too bad, right?

Before Qiao Yu could wake up from the chaos caused by being too close, Lin Qing approached her face intimately and asked in a low voice.

"what are you doing here?"

"This is the place to get in touch with that parallel world, right?"

"Why are you hiding here? What are you doing these days?"

Unexpectedly, when she came up, she didn't ask her why she ran, but asked these questions. Qiao Yu was a little confused, and soon saw Lin Qing's eyebrows raised, her voice stained with inexplicable depressive feelings.

"...Are you here to watch'her'?"

"She, she?"

Qiao Yu felt that his brain could not keep up with Lin Qing's speech, thinking that it was not something that would make Lin Qing angry when he came to see Qiao Yu in the parallel world, so he stammered back and asked, who expected Lin. Qing became angry and took a deep breath.

"Even if you don't say it, I'll know by looking at it. What are you looking at—"

She raised her hand and waved it lightly. Qiao Yu's mind suddenly screamed, and the electric light and flint realized the meaning of her action. She was shocked, and regardless of Lin Qing's suppression, she forcibly sat up and caught her. Hand, hurriedly stopped saying: "Wait a minute--"

But it was too late, and the light screen that had been extinguished was shining brightly, and then there was a three-hundred and sixty-degree surround stereo.

["...Qing Qing..."]

The same but different voices as Qiao Yu, slightly dumb, seemed to be saturated with strong desire, and sounded like a whisper in their ears.

["Joe, Joe Yu... Wait... Um..."]

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah can not hear or hear I can't hear anything——!!!"

Qiao Yu yelled in panic and covered her ears. She had been mentally prepared for a while and didn't look at the image on the screen. As a result, she saw Lin Qing in front of him staring at the light screen with a good eye. , His fair face blushed completely.

"Don't look at it and close it soon?!"

After being hacked in and losing all control rights, Qiao Yu was panicked and grabbed Lin Qing's shoulder and shook it. The other party just woke up like a dream and cut off the contact with that side.

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and only an unharmonious voice rang without tension.

"Meow... seems a bit noisy?"

Qiao Yusheng turned his head irreverently, looked at the system that was just waking up and was stretching his front paws, admiring it sincerely.

"...Anyway, go out first."

Feeling that he could no longer stay in this place, Qiao Yu rubbed his face haggardly and said, Lin Qing didn't seem to be able to get out of the scene just now, but silently nodded.

...What is this all about?

Consciousness returned to the real world, and Qiao Yu reluctantly opened his eyes.

No matter how you don't want to face it, things have already happened, and you can't escape where you want to escape.

Moreover, the escape this time has led to such a tragic result... Qiao Yu really feels that the grief is more than heartbreaking, and for a while, I don't know if I should find time to find Qiao Yu in the parallel world to apologize.

She slowly got up from the equipment compartment, took off the equipment she was wearing, and staggered out of the compartment. As soon as she came out, she saw that there was another connection device in the originally empty and abandoned office. It's self-evident who behaved.

I don't know how Lin Qing found her, and he still got a piece of equipment here. When Qiao Yuzheng was wondering, he heard some noises from the closed cabin, and immediately subconsciously wanted to run out.

Qiao Yu swears that this was just a subconscious action, which was quickly suppressed by her, and the people in the cabin reacted very quickly. She just had a slight tendency to turn around, and the cabin door was slammed open from the inside. The figure who jumped out hugged her, and the helmet that had not had time to take off hit her chin severely, causing Joe's teeth to tingle.

"Head, helmet..."

She struggled to free up a hand to cover the place where she was hit, and reminded her vaguely that the other party realized that she hurriedly threw the helmet aside, and then eagerly leaned forward to look at her injury. After confirming that there was no serious problem, he let go and kissed there apologetically.


Lin Qing's movements were so fluent and smooth that Qiao Yu couldn't react at once and should stop her. After being kissed, she was stunned on the spot, completely blank.

"Sorry, I thought you were leaving again, I was too anxious."

But the person holding her didn't notice her at this moment like a stormy mood. They touched it softly and gently rubbed her. They were too close, and Qiao Yu could almost feel Lin Qing's breath. Brushed her neck, arousing a shudder.

...What's the matter, after coming back this time, Lin Qing's sense of distance to her has collapsed more completely.

I won’t mention this for the time being. In short, the current situation is definitely not a good thing. After all, the two of them had misheard the intimate moments of themselves in the parallel world just now in the spiritual world.

The main reason is that Qiao Yu’s mental health is really bad. Qiao Yu is thinking about what to say to make Lin Qing let go of her. When his eyes roll around, he sees Lin, who just kissed her under the jaw, and his face didn’t change. Qing suddenly blushed, then opened his lips slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

"Wait, wait a minute! Don't talk yet!"

Qiao Yu instinctively realized that Lin Qing must want to mention the matter over there just now, but she did not have the courage to calmly discuss the matter with Lin Qing, so she immediately interrupted her, her heart beating fast.

Lin Qing was still very obedient, at least obedient for about 30 seconds, and then she couldn't help but opened her mouth.

"None of you..."

"...Never call me...Qingqin."

Oh my goodness, is this the first thing that needs to be said at this time.

For a while, I don’t know whether to be fortunate or confused. Joe met with a mixed emotion and replied with an extremely complicated mood: "...Is it?"

"Yes." Lin Qing nodded very seriously, with an aversion in her eyes, "You have always been Lin Qing and Lin Qing called me, you never called me Qing Qing."

……so what? so what?

Sometimes Qiao Yu finds it really difficult to keep up with Lin Qing’s brain circuit, but at least she can sense that this person is talking to herself again, and she can’t get rid of the current predicament until the things she cares about are resolved. So he had to laugh twice in embarrassment.

"No, it's because... the relationship is different, so I called it out."

She felt wrong as soon as the words were spoken. The two were silent for a while, and Qiao Yushou's face was wrinkled, and he added irresistibly: "...Why don't we do a memory sorting together."

She said this sincerely, who knows that as soon as the topic turned to this, Lin Qing's emotions obviously became low, and he held her tightly, before speaking softly after a while.

"...You are there these days...look at those?"


Qiao Yu was so startled that he almost jumped up, and hurriedly retorted: "I haven't seen it! I haven't seen it! I've always cut off the connection! Didn't you see me when you went? The one on the screen!"

You can't talk nonsense about this! How can anyone watch themselves and their lovers in a parallel world every day...this way!

Seeing that Qiao Yu's excited Mao was about to explode, Lin Qing suddenly turned from cloudy to fine, and moved forward in a good mood.

"Have you seen it? Haven't heard of it?"

"Never had it!"

Qiao Yu shouted angrily to hit the sky, and watched Lin Qing's eyebrows break ice like spring water, bending softly.

"That's good." Her voice was soft, but it still contained a dangerous coolness, "Don't look at'her' too much."

Here comes again. The problem before was interrupted by sudden events. Now that this ‘she’ is mentioned again, how brooding is Lin Qing in the end.

After Qiao Yu came back to her senses, she also had some guesses about the candidate for'her'. After hesitating for a while, she chose to ask, "...Do you mean Lin Qing over there?"


It was very happy to admit, Lin Qing flashed in her eyes, raised her head as if provocatively, grabbed Qiao Yu's hand in her hand, and slowly pulled it to her chest.

"I have what she has." Lin Qing's expression was calm, but what she said and did was impulsive, "So it's better to look at me."

"It can be seen and touched... isn't it better, Qiao Yu?"

"What, what and what...!"

Qiao Yuna dared to follow her movements, and immediately pumped her hands as if being burnt. In her mind, "Why is Lin Qing angry with herself in the parallel world" and "Is it possible that Lin Qing drank alcohol?" The confusion became a mess, only to feel that the situation in front of him was getting out of control, and the retreat in his heart was knocked out again.

"Don't rush to reject me, Joe Yu."

Lin Qing's tone was gentle, but inexplicably made Qiao Yu feel a calm enthusiasm igniting. She hesitated and relaxed, and Lin Qing immediately caught her and pressed her hand to her chest.

"You have escaped for so long. It is time for us to clarify what happened before you left."

It can be said, but must it be said in this posture?

Qiao Yu looked at his palm in horror, and desperately maintained his strength to prevent it from touching Lin Qing's body. Lin Qing did not continue to force her, just holding her hand to prevent her from leaving.

"You said at that time, you can be sure that your feelings for me are love, because you have desires for me."

"...Although I did say so..."

But it's really painful to be repeated by Lin Qing at this time! Qiao Yu gritted his teeth with a distorted expression, wishing to get into the ground and leave immediately. However, Lin Qing was not affected by her resistance at all, only slightly reddened the tips of her ears, and continued to say calmly.

"Then I also have a way to convince you that my feelings for you are love at all."


To be honest, Qiao Yu didn't even have the idea to ask her what the solution was. There was only an unknown premonition in her mind that was desperately warning her, making her involuntarily vigilant, and then she saw Lin Qing pursing her lips and smiling slightly.

"This method happens to be what we are doing in the parallel world."

As soon as she said that, Qiao Yu couldn't stand it anymore, she turned around and wanted to run out. Lin Qing clung to her and refused to let go. Qiao Yu was throwing a rat, fearing that Lin Qing's movements would hurt Lin Qing too much, so she immediately had to cry and try Reason with her.

"Lin Qing, do you know what you are talking about... don't make jokes about this kind of thing..."


Lin Qing's movements suddenly stopped, and then let go of Qiao Yu's hand. Qiao Yu rushed forward a few steps due to inertia, and then turned his head subconsciously, but was horrified to see that Lin Qing was not hesitating. --Undress.


Qiao Yu really couldn't keep up with the development of things. For a while, he didn't know whether to cover his eyes or put on Lin Qing's clothes first. At the same time, the alarm bell in his heart: Is there any company surveillance in this place?

If so, she would have to hack in and delete everything that should be deleted after she went out... Ah, she decided to do something against the company's discipline.

In Qiao Yu's heart

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