For all high school students, monthly exams are quite torture. It may be even worse for Qiao Yu.

Not only does she have to worry about exams, she is also worried about unexpected situations that may happen at any time.

Fortunately, the second day of the monthly exam was safe and sound. Song Wanwan, who left early the day before without saying a word, also guarded himself peacefully. After the exam, he left without saying any extra words to Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yule was relaxed, and left with Ye Linqing who came to Cha Gang again.

It’s hard to get through to noon on the last day. Seeing that only the last subject is left, Qiao Yu will review diligently at the location after eating at noon. It is a unique scenery in the ten examination room where she fell asleep. .

She had just read a few pages of a collection of wrong questions that Lin Qing had compiled for her, and she was patted on the shoulder by Song Wanwan behind.


Thinking of the past two times with the eldest lady, they ended up unhappy at the end. Qiao Yu silently did a good job of psychological construction, and decided to treat Song Wanwan with the caution of bomb disposal, and then he regained his spirit. Overdo it.

Song Wanwan's rare face was serious, he looked at the people sleeping on his stomach, and pointed to the door very ethically, and motioned to Qiao Yu to go out.

Qiao Yu didn't have a reason to refuse her, so he stood up slowly and followed Song Wanwan out of the house.

Lu Yao, who was lying on the table next door as if falling asleep, quietly opened his eyes, thinking about the tasks on his shoulders, and followed him professionally.

Song Wanwan walked all the way to a secluded stairwell. Even in normal times, this place might only be cleaned by the cleaning union, let alone it's lunch break.

This Qiao Yu was very unreliable in her heart. If Song Wanwan held him down again like the previous two days, wouldn't she even have a person to call for help?

Of course, it's better to avoid such a tragedy from happening again... She took the initiative to greet Song Wanwan with enthusiasm.

"Oh, the weather today is so good, what can you do with me?"

Song Wanwan didn't pick up her stubble, so he looked at her carefully from top to bottom, and asked when she saw that Qiao Yu felt hairy in her heart.

"What is the relationship between you and Cong Ye?"


Qiao met his mouth faster than his brain: "The relationship between father and son."

Her unexpected answer made Song Wanwan's expression distorted, and it took a long time before he hesitated.

"This, what is this gameplay..."

What is play! What are young people thinking now!

Qiao Yu was so shocked that Tian Ling Gai was about to fly. She didn't expect Song Wanwan to look like a doll, but in fact it was filled with weird things!

"...Don't dirty me and Cong Ye's pure father-son relationship-probably the advanced version of the friendship, I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds."

I also blame her for being quick, even if she talks about brotherhood... She seems very happy to make Cong Ye call her brother...

Qiao Yu was reflecting on it, and saw that Song Wanwan's face was even more tangled and wrinkled.

"The advanced version of friendship, isn't it just love, lovers..."


…Although her statement seems to make sense, Song Wanwan's illusion of where it came from! It's too ridiculous!

Qiao Yu has been frightened frequently since she started talking to Song Wanwan. She clutched her fragile little heart and looked at Song Wanwan with innocent brain circuits in horror.

"Why, are you too tired from the exam and finally have hallucinations?"

Song Wanwan immediately became angry: "Qiao Yuyou is acting with me! I still remember what Cong Ye said two days ago!"

…What did Cong Ye say?

Song Wanwan looked at her unwavering face and knew that Qiao Yu hadn't thought of anything, and was so angry that he started to repeat it to her.

"He said you are on two boats!"


Ma, it seems there is such a thing.

When she went home that day, she and Lin Qing didn't talk to Cong Ye. The next day, Qiao Yu was busy taking the exam and forgot about it. She still doesn't know what Cong Ye meant.

"He also said you fucked!"


Yes, there is such a sentence.

How much nonsense did Cong Ye talk about that day? Did this come from drinking fake wine?

Qiao Yu's memory gradually recovered, but she would rather lose her memory where she was.

This was not over yet, Song Wanwan became more and more angry, and finally pointed at Qiao Yu with a sharp throat, hitting the coffin with a conclusive blow.

"When he finally told me about you, he said'We Joe Yu'!"


Damn it, Cong Ye doesn't really have any thoughts about her, right?

The piles were taken out by Song Wanwan one by one, and they were shocking, and Qiao Yu was so scared that sweat came out on his forehead.

But she thought about it carefully and felt that it shouldn't be such a terrifying plot-Cong Ye is the male lead! What can this have to do with her!

She thought that from Ye's usual performance, she became more and more sure that he was simply talking about a horse-drawn carriage, and immediately refuted Song Wanwan righteously.

"Cong Ye is a fool, don't believe what he says."

Song Wanwan glanced at her with a look of "Did you treat me as a fool".

...Every day since Ye, a dead thing, knew that it was causing trouble for Dad, she had to clean up his meal after this time.

Qiao Yu cursed in her heart, and sweared by a bet in order to persuade Song Wanwan to have a lot of tongue. Only then did Song Wanwan's attitude soften, and he raised his arms half-believingly.

"...Are you really not in a relationship with Cong Ye?"

"I would rather fall in love with Paramecium."

This is not harsh, Song Wanwan scorned for a while and decided to believe her.

"What? Then I'm relieved."

Song Wanwan finally put down his guard on Qiao Yu and relaxed leaning against the wall next to him.

"I was so scared that I was unsure about the exam yesterday."

It doesn't matter. There is no room for retreat from the current rankings—in order to cherish the hard-won peace, Qiao Yu didn't say this, and just laughed twice and repeatedly responded to her.

"Then don't tell him what happened today!"

The two had a conversation with Le Rongrong for a while, and they went back to the tenth examination room together, and finally ended the conversation with a warning from Song Wanwan.

Qiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this hurdle should have passed, and there would be no more troubles!

Lu Yao, who ran desperately next door, returned to the examination room earlier than the two of them to pretend to be asleep, and the stormy sea was in his heart.

Cong Ye, Cong Ye said that that day!

He was so dizzy that day, and he didn't listen to most of the chattering of a few people next to him. He just squatted in a hidden place and listened to Song Wanwan and Jiazhen to say it.

Lu Yao took out his cell phone and opened Cong Ye's chat interface. The last message on it was Cong Yeqian exhorted him to tell him what happened to Qiao Yu and Song Wanwan.

…I always feel that after knowing those words, this task becomes strange.

He looked at the phone with a complex expression, feeling as if he had picked up a hot potato.

After all, it sounds like Cong Ye had a conspiracy against Qiao Yu?

Although Qiao Yu's fierce reaction did not look like she and Cong Ye had the beginning and the end... But Cong Ye's words were unclear. Is there really any Xiao Jiu Jiu Qiao Yu in his heart that he doesn't know?

The more Lu Yao thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong with Cong Ye.

Suppose he is really interesting to Joe Yu-my God! His friend has taken a fancy to his friend! How could such a thing happen! The two of them quarreled, who should he talk to!

…It’s not the time to think about this, huh, anyway, if it is true, then Cong Ye's letting him stare at Qiao Yu and Song Wanwan must have other meanings, not just what he said, "They will fight in time." Help Qiao Yu' is so simple!

After all, why did they fight the day before yesterday?

Lu Yao hated himself for not listening to them well that day.

He tried to find the poor memory in his mind, only to remember that Song Wanwan seemed to be sitting on Qiao Yu's lap at the time.

…That posture doesn’t look like a fight.

Lu Yao squinted, feeling something strange.

Cong Ye was very angry as soon as he saw them like that. He rushed in and said that Qiao Yu was on two boats, and that Cong Ye might be interesting to Qiao Yu. Today Song Wanwan went to question whether Qiao Yu was related to Cong Ye.

Everything is stringed together!

Lu Yao's heart was bright.

In other words, Qiao Yu and Song Wanwan have the beginning and the end! Cong Ye was worried that they were staying together, and then let him watch!

The two of them were not fighting at all that day! It's flirting!

On this day, Lu Yao opened the door to a new world.

At the moment when all the monthly exams were over, Qiao Yu even felt that the Holy Light was shining down.

In every sense, her exam was very difficult this time. At this moment, her heart was full of touch, and there was an unparalleled sense of liberation.

And Lu Yao, who is next to her, looked dignified and worried, and Qiao Yu patted him comfortingly on the shoulder: "It's okay to have a bad exam and the next time. Anyway, I've already finished the exam. Let's watch your brother."

Lu Yao glanced at her with complicated eyes, thinking of Qiao Yu in his heart. If you know that Cong Ye wants to destroy the relationship between you and Song Wanwan, you have to look a little bit more.

Qiao Yu was unaware of his friend's thoughts, and happily packed up his things and waited for Lin Qing.

And Lin Qing was in a daze at this time.

She packed her things quickly, Cong Ye hurriedly came out carrying her bag in a hurry, and what she saw was she was standing empty by the corridor window.

She used to be like this in the past two days, and Cong Ye was no stranger to it. After calling her, she walked up the stairs together.

The first examination room and the tenth examination room are separated by two floors, and there is still a little distance on the road. Cong Ye walked along the road and didn't forget to give him an assist-is there such a good friend in this world?

He thought that Lin Qing had been absent-minded from the day he saw Song Wanwan and Qiao Yu entangled, and his keen intuition told him that now is a good time to add fire!

"Ahem." Cong Ye began to test with two coughs, "Well, does Qiao Yu and Song Wanwan have a good relationship?"


Lin Qing's eyes flickered and did not speak.

"Look at what they did the day before yesterday, and you don't know what secret Joe knew when they met."

Cong Ye was unyielding, and stopped the chatter himself.

"When I was in the study room before, Qiao Yu still didn't remember Song Wanwan, how could it be within two weeks—"

"Do you care?"

Lin Qing interrupted him coldly. Ye was dumb and didn't understand what it meant, so he listened to Lin Qing's voice and asked again.

"Do you care about whom Qiao Yu is related to?"

Lin Qing didn't look at him when he was speaking, and his tone was the same as usual, but Cong Ye felt a trace of coldness for some reason.

"Nor, it's not."

"I just think she's silly, and I have to help her from time to time, it's probably like—"

He was able to observe his words and colors flying around in Ye's mind, thinking about how to explain the relationship between him and Qiao Yu.

Lin Qing was silent for a while, then suddenly continued: "...father-son relationship?"

"Yes! That's it!"

Suddenly, Cong Ye snapped his fingers and found the right adjectives, and the thoughts in his mind could be expressed correctly.

"Oh-I see her as if I'm looking at my unbelievable son who can't get a daughter-in-law. It's really daunting."


Lin Qing didn't say much wisely, and remembered in her heart that Qiao Yu and Cong Ye were fighting each other to be the father of each other.

"That guy is stupid and stupid. I think that Song Wanwan might be a little bit funny to her. Qiao is so stupid that he can't see anything—"

"Wait a moment."

It works!

With surprise in Lin Qing's voice, he stunned from Ye's heart, stopped and turned his head, making a question if nothing had happened.

"...What does Song Wanwan mean to Qiao Yu...?"

Lin Qingqingxiu's face was confused and puzzled, and her heart was beating very noisy as if she had a premonition.

"They... are all girls?"

Cong Ye raised his eyebrows calmly, and returned with more confusion and incomprehension than her.

"It's all girls, can it be interesting too?"

The two came here later than before, and Qiao Yu, who was eager to see through, rushed forward when she saw them turning around. If she had a tail, it would have turned into a flower.

"The exam is over! Lin Qing is over! I filled in all the empty places!"

Lin Qing was amused by her appealing tone, touched her head and praised her softly.

Only Lin Qing knew how upset she was now.

She felt that she was split into two parts, one could be disguised as usual so that everyone could not see the flaws, the other was holding a beating heart beside her, as Qiao Yu approached. And touch more and more distraught.

What she heard from Cong Ye was something she had never thought of.

She is a good student with excellent character and learning, and she is very knowledgeable in all aspects. But her knowledge of love is so poor that she knows nothing.

It turns out that girls can also fall in love.

Lin Qing, who was drifting away, watched the other person walking and talking with Qiao Yu with his face as usual. Suddenly Qiao Yu stopped, tilted his head to look at her face, and then pressed the back of his hand to Lin Qing's forehead.

Lin Qing turned back into a complete her when she met her. She felt the heartbeat that was so violent that it made her brain hum, and her eyes were occupied by Qiao Yu's focused face. She had seen Qiao Yu's clear eyes, tall nose, and her slightly pursed mouth. .

"It's really hot."

The lips moved suddenly. People say that people with thin lips are so affectionate, but the words that come out of her mouth are always gentle like gummy bears.

"Just talk about how you don't look right, you have to tell me if you are uncomfortable."

Really, I thought the performance was perfect, but she would still see it.

Lin Qing couldn't make a sound, so he nodded, letting the misunderstood Qiao Yu panic half-wrapping her into her arms to support her, her nose was full of Qiao Yu's smell, and she lowered her eyes helplessly.

Qiao Yu, the heart is really noisy, what should I do?

If I ask you that, what kind of answer will I get?

The author has something to say:

Qiao Yu: (Bumps open the door of the cardiology department) Doctor!

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