This period? Probably the most magnanimous life Joe has had since encountering this world?.

Don't bother to think of excuses to find out the details of the relationship between the host and the host, and you don't need to hide your thoughts in hiding? Even the secrets of the world have been told? Most of them. If it wasn't that there was still a problem of satisfaction that had not been resolved, Qiao Yu felt that he could almost say that he had reached the peak of his life.

And this incident caused her and Lin Qing to fall into a hard fight. Fortunately? Now? is not a very burning eyebrow situation. Her readers cheered and encouraged her as always, without realizing that this article was brewing? A subversive storm - in? This matter, Qiao Yu still felt very sorry for them.

"Is there any way! It's not that the host gave Lin Qing down? Yaocai? It caused this situation! If there is a mistake, it is the world's fault!"

......And the system has been completely out of the framework and has no scruples? It is preaching loudly? The wrong is the theory of the world, very unscrupulous, Qiao Yu sometimes even worried that it might one day be upgraded to a higher level. The system is recalled and returned to the factory for repair and so on.

At the same time, as students in the second semester of high school, their learning tasks are getting more and more onerous. Qiao Yu, a visitor from another world who hasn't made plans for the future, can't neglect. In the days when he didn't go to the Lin family, he often studied with Lin Qing in the study room.

"It will be clearer if you connect this auxiliary line here."

"Oh, awesome!"

On this day, under Lin Qing’s careful guidance, another geometry problem was solved, and Qiao Yu heartily uttered a compliment.

"You should have learned these before, right?"

Lin Qing didn't turn back immediately after finishing the question, but said to Qiao Yu intentionally. Qiao Yu was taken aback, and then realized that she was when she said she was in the original world before.

In the self-study room, there are many other students in the room, Qiao Yu can't be too straightforward, and only smiles vaguely.

"Uh, uh, learning should be learned..."

A few days ago, after Lin Qing asked if Qiao Yuzai had ever had a relationship in the original world, Qiao Yu consciously explained her age identity over there? Again. Did you know that she was originally a college student, and now Lin Qing would make fun of it from time to time.

"Forgot? I'll tell you how many times, but you have to remember it in the final college entrance examination? That's okay."

Lin Qing said, her eyes were meaningful.

"At? The rest of the time I can wait for you, only then-I won't say I will wait for you."


Qiao Yu nodded calmly, without showing any unexpected expression.

How about Lin Qing? If you want Lin Qing to take the exam to accommodate her during the college entrance examination, or if you don’t write the last big question like a joke on the Internet, then she can’t forgive herself. To die in shame.

"Don't wait for me, I will try my best to catch up?"

"...Well, really? If you can't catch up, let's go back and take the exam? The same? It should be possible in the same city..."

The words disappeared as soon as they finished speaking? Emboldened, Lin Qing was amused by her? He said with a smile: "Why do you find a way out for yourself before taking the exam."

"No, because you are really good..."

Think about Lin Qing in the last exam? The impressive result of the first grade, Qiao Yu was lamented again? She was proud of her again.

"Do you know what I learned? One of the things I learned so long is that it takes some talent to be the first."

"Well, Qiao Yutong? Are you learning? Do you praise me for being smart?"

"Not all, after all, Teacher Lin Qing is smart and hardworking."


She opened her mouth like this recently. Lin Qing got shy, hummed softly? Turned back?, muttered: "...Greasy mouth and tongue."

Qiao Yu rubbed his nose suddenly, and turned his attention back to the problem set.

"...Excuse me, do you two remember me too? Here?"

The weak voice coming from the front interrupted Qiao Yu's attention. As soon as she raised her head, she saw Cong Ye with a face full of nothingness.

He was alive and well when he enthusiastically signed up for the review team in the study room, why now? He's just stunned? Isn't it a chirping look? Qiao nodded when he was unknown? Asked.

"Well, of course I remember, what happened?"

"No, you guys just now? Is that a performance that you remember..."

He wrinkled strangely on his face, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he held it back?.

"Hey, okay, okay, just put me in the back row?..."

From Ye's look at Qiao Yu's expression, there was a bit of resentment. Somehow, Qiao Yu, a ghost and a god? Can you see the four characters from his expression?

Qiao Yu blinked calmly? He blinked, just as his own illusion.

"You guys? Were you talking about college entrance examinations? Ask me then."

Neglected? Cong Ye can only cue himself hard, and Qiao Yu is kind enough to hold the pen to his side as an interview microphone.

"Then Mr. Ye, what do you think about going after the college entrance examination?"

"Well, I haven't started thinking about it yet."

...Then it makes no difference whether to ask him or not. Qiao Yu withdrew the pen with a look of fatigue, and decided to ignore this person who was concerned about it and take the time to write the question.

"Don't just ignore me? Ah!"

Cong Ye cried and cried and made a lot of noise (within the range of not affecting the other tables), but Lin Qing could still write the question face-to-face like this, without raising his eyes, and didn't mean to pay attention to him at all. Qiao Yu is so annoyed by him that he has no choice but to deal with him again.

"I said what happened to you today? It's like a home? I have a cat? I feel like a dog that has fallen out of favor."

"Your analogy is too much! But in a sense? It seems to be similar?"

Halfway through the retort, he suddenly agreed? Cong Ye was making a noise? Uncomfortably patted the table.

"Qiao Yu, we are good friends, right?"


"It turned out to be an interrogative sentence?!"

It is true that the first question was sunk before he left the teacher, and he fell down on the table in depression, tearfully complaining to Qiao Yu.

"You two? Are you two? Are you always alone lately? Return to God together? God? Secret-I can understand this."

"But Qiao Yuyou has been very cold to me lately! You weren't like that last semester! Didn't you often take the initiative to talk to me or something!"

"...Well, that's..."

Most of the time, I asked him about his relationship with Lin Qing for the purpose of getting information... Qiao Yu had already felt that he had received Lin Qing's bantering gaze, she closed her mouth wisely and continued to listen to Cong Ye's complaint. .

"Then! Now? Don't you even remember my birthday?! You ignorant family? Dude!"

Wow, the result still came out? Qiao Yu closed his eyes, and while confessing to his accusation in his heart, he gave birth to a question again.

"Your birthday?"

"Yes! Have you forgotten?!"

Seeing? The other party's face was full of grief, anger and injury? Qiao Yu asked the system to confirm it silently, and hesitated? He asked.

"... Isn't your birthday at the end of May? Now? There's almost a month left?"

"I'm? No—no matter—what! When you go to? New Year’s birthday, I started preparing your gifts long in advance?!"

This is true, Qiao Yu’s birthday in October, probably from the end of August, from Ye began to express to her, intentionally or unintentionally, how meticulously he had prepared a gift, let her look forward to it.

When finally handing over the gift to her, Qiao Yu looked at Cong Ye staring at her? The enviable expression of the masked leather case made a question from the bottom of her heart: Can't you make a set for yourself? ?

And in the face of his look, Qiao Yu really can’t say that she is not so interested in the special heroes.

"So, my birthday this year—"

"I'm ready for a gift?"

"Can't you forget? — what?"

"I said I'm ready?"

"Eh, eh? Really?"

Cong Ye suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, and his face was radiant, showing an expression of surprise, and Qiao Yu couldn't help being speechless when his mood changed so quickly.

"Really, if you want, I can send it to you tomorrow?"

"Oh, why is that embarrassing? Wait a minute-what is it?"

"I think you obviously want it."

Cong Ye's world is really pure, black and white, and Qiao Yu coaxed him after a couple of hits. He hummed a little song and began to write the title.

But Qiao Yu had something new here again. A pen was stretched out on the left side of her body, and the end of the pen was lightly stabbed on the back of her hand twice.

"...You prepared his birthday present so early."

Oops, is her heroine turned cloudy this time?.

This is a much higher level of severity than the situation just now. Qiao Yu suddenly panicked and hurriedly explained.

"No, this is normal courtesy--"

"My gift was only a few days before my birthday? I went to? I bought it in the store."


Although Qiao Yu had actually prepared the gift to Lin Qing long in advance, after all, it was the ear studs that Qiao Yu had given out, which made Qiao Yu irrefutable.

Originally, she was on the wrong side of this matter, and Qiao Yu had to raise his hands and surrender.

"So I kept that gift? I originally planned to find a special day? Give it to you. If you want it now, I can send it at any time."

"Special day?"

Lin Qing, who pretended to be angry, blinked unexpectedly? Blinked and forgot for a while? Angrily, he asked curiously, "When is it?"


Qiao Yu suddenly became embarrassed, and she felt embarrassed, touched the back of her neck, looked around and looked forward to it, and leaned forward to Lin Qing, and pressed it to her ear.

"...Five, May 20 or, 21... something like that."


There was a tingling irritated by her warm breath and the content of the words, Lin Qing's body trembled, and the two of them all walked away as if they were electrocuted. Qiao Yu was panicked and didn't pay attention to letting the stool out. There was a slightly harsh dragging sound, and he hurriedly bowed his heads to everyone who heard the sound and looked sideways. I apologized.

Lin Qing watched? She was stammering and explaining to Cong Ye that it was Qiao Yu who was careless. She was a little embarrassed that she was always easily disrupted by her pace, and she had such a feeling for her. To the secret joy.

Qiao Yu is really...

The method is still very immature, but it seems to have been? Learned? How to be a qualified lover?.

"Ah, right?!"

Her convoluted thoughts were interrupted by Cong Ye's voice, and the two looked at Cong Ye together, and the other **** secretly expressed joy.

"Listen to my mother, in order to celebrate my birthday, although it has not been completely rebuilt, it is possible to make an exception to open some facilities for us to try it out."

"...Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Hey, did you forget?"

Seeing Qiao Yu with a confused look, Cong Ye widened his eyes exaggeratedly and lowered his excited voice.

"It's the'City of Dreams'!'Dream, the city of dreams that started when I met you'!"

"Has this slogan not changed yet?"

Qiao Yu really forgot about it? After all, what happened later? A lot of things attracted? Her mind? Make her forget? She still has an amusement park in her hands—wow, that’s what she said. It seems quite luxurious.

"When is it open?"

"You said you are going? Just tell my mother a few days ago. Let's call Lu Yao Miyi and the others to go together? Right? Anyway, if you want to try it out, you don't need a gold card."

Qiao Yu and Lin Qing glanced at each other, and they nodded their heads without disagreement. Since Ye was happy, they immediately began to look through the calendar to find which weekend is the most suitable for a trip.

Amusement park...

Thinking? It seems that I haven't been to this kind of place since elementary school. Qiao Yu was still a little emotional for a while.

But when I think about it, I went with my parents when I was young. Now I go with friends...and people I like. It seems that the nature is not the same. Qiao Yu suddenly felt a little nervous.

How to do? Do you have to do your homework? Go? Are there any particulars about playing in the amusement park?

For example, can’t wear accessories when riding a roller coaster? Isn’t it allowed to eat before playing the pirate ship? Isn’t it a bit naive to ride a merry-go-round at this age?

...And, if, she said if.

Is it better to keep your eyes open when kissing on the Ferris wheel?

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