What is a destructive midfielder?

Chapter 271 Signature Event (Daily Transition)

Half past two in the afternoon.

Emirates Stadium.

A luxurious exhibition stand has been set up outside.

There is only Arsenal's No. 10 jersey in the home and away colors on the booth.

Lights, fireworks and salutes complement each other.

A huge background board is covered with flags of Arsenal fan organizations from all over the world.

Security personnel guarded cordons on both sides.

Thousands of fans had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Li Kang appear in sight, they suddenly burst into cheers like a landslide and tsunami.




no doubt.

This is a signature event added to the Puma endorsement deal.


Wenger wondered: "Why are there so few fans coming in?"

Boulder looked hesitant: "Boss, I'm afraid Li Xiang is too tired."

Everyone expressed their understanding: Messi once signed autographs on behalf of Barcelona for several hours, and his hands were weak.

"So I increased the admission price several times."

"Don't look at me like that. We still need to hire someone for winter!"

Wenger shook his head helplessly.

He has a lot to deal with at the club.

So leave this signature event to Boulder and let him connect with Puma.

This bald assistant coach's tactical style is not like his own. He has learned how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Goulden smoothed his short hair and looked at Li Kang who walked into the arena with piercing eyes.

"Mr. Arsène, you don't want Li not to win the Golden Boy Award, right?"

"Golden Boy Award?"

Wenger was stunned.

The confusion on his face disappeared in an instant, and he smiled: "It's not just the Golden Boy Award."

Goulden's eyelids twitched, he clenched his fists and said: "Arsenal and Puma haven't had a superstar for many, many years! I will try my best to build momentum for him."

The signature event is still very simple.

Li Kang only needs to sit on a small chair and sign his name on the jersey with a pen. When he meets a beautiful female fan or a famous figure, the assistant will remind him to shake hands and take photos.

In full view.

The breast pockets of his shirt and trouser pockets were stuffed with small slips of paper with phone numbers printed on them.

Fortunately, the media reporters who came to the scene are all mouthpieces of the Gunners, and all information will be screened by the club's public relations department before being released.

Signing is a simple thing, but if it lasts for an hour, it can become tiring.

Time passed unconsciously.

The assistant came closer and whispered: "Li, be patient for now, you can make money from two and a half hours of activities."

Li Kang shook his hand subconsciously.

He raised his head and suddenly saw the face of an Asian girl he hadn't seen for a long time.

Not Asuka-chan.

It's Yuzhen.

The 17-year-old child star has lost some of her baby fat, and her growth rate is far faster than that of her peers. Even the wide Arsenal No. 10 jersey cannot hide her impressive curves.

Li Kang didn't care why Yuzhen appeared in London. He heard that she seemed to have given up her acting career.

Just looking at the girl in front of me reminds me of Louis van Gaal on a Korean night.

The knowledge of "troop formation" that Lao Fan explained to me has been of great benefit to me so far.

Reminds me of the Manchester United revival formation arranged by the famous Dutch coach

Li Kang couldn't help but smile.

Yuzhen was so nervous that her whole body trembled slightly.

At this moment, when she saw the other person smiling at her, she immediately lowered her head, her cheeks turned red and she couldn't help but laugh.

What girl doesn't have a child?

She also particularly likes football.

Girls of this age can easily form blind worship.

Human beings' primitive reproductive instinct is to become obsessed with the powerful opposite sex.

It’s only been a year since Korea Night.

To what extent is Yuzhen obsessed?

She would cut out photos of Li Kang from sports newspapers and put them in her diary.

After giving up her acting career, she decided to study sports nutrition, but she was a poor student and had not yet received her high school diploma.

Don't forget the most important thing in front of you

She mustered up the courage and stuffed a small note into the breast pocket of Li Kang's shirt.

It's just that what's written on it is not a phone number, but a blessing written in English words.

Nothing crazy happened.

Li Kang is a serious person.

At the reminder of his assistant, he shook hands with the other party and took a simple photo.

This brings the story to an end.

He is no longer the little-known Leverkusen youngster who can never give birth to a pure and beautiful friendship between men and women.

Multi-line social networking consumes a lot of energy.

far away.

Wenger also laughed when he saw this scene.

He remembered the bitterness of the Korean night.

That night, I thought something had happened between Li Kang and the Korean girl not far away, but later I learned that it was just a beautiful misunderstanding.

"Li should communicate more with girls of similar age."

"Dating is better than sitting in front of the TV playing games."

"It should be at any age."

Boulder interjected: "I have a daughter. She is 18 years old this year."

Everyone laughed.

After Goulden hesitated for a moment, he said: "Mr. Arsène, you don't want to be like Li and you, who were rumored by the Premier League media to like men, right?"

Monaco Club is known as: European Black Shop.

The current boss Rybolovlev is the savior of this French Ligue 1 team and the pioneer of black shops.

He and Abu are good friends.

But the two have two different extreme attitudes towards the club's business philosophy.

There is a saying that Rebolovlev had to sell off players because of the high-priced divorce judgment.

The only thing he spends money on in Monaco now is to give gifts to Princess Charlene Witstock of Monaco.


He is still the savior in the eyes of Monaco fans.

In 2011, Monaco was relegated from Ligue 1.

Rebolovlev paid 100 million euros to bring the club back to Ligue 1, shook the dominance of Paris Saint-Germain, and defeated Arsenal, a Premier League powerhouse, in the Champions League.

Then, he started the black shop mode.

James Rodriguez transferred to Real Madrid for 80 million euros.

Martial transferred to Manchester United for 60 million euros.

Carrasco transferred to Atletico Madrid for 20 million euros.

If Monaco can achieve excellent results in the Champions League this season, then next summer, Rebolovlev's investment case will definitely be included in the textbook.

On the training ground of Monaco.

A group of young men were warming up.

"Bernardo, isn't your dream to join Barcelona? Why don't you go meet the sports director?"

"I just want to join Guardiola's team. My dream now is Manchester City!"

Lemar teased Bernardo Silva.

Mendy quickly interrupted and said, "I want to go to Manchester City too!"

Seeing their former teammates leave one by one, they have long been accustomed to the club's operating model

Fabinho is helping Mbappe stretch.

"Killian, isn't your dream to go to Real Madrid?"

"We have to beat Arsenal hard! Let all of Europe tremble!"

"Lee can lead Leverkusen to the Champions League semi-finals, and you can do the same in Monaco!"

Mbappe looked serious, nodded subconsciously, and immediately shook his head without saying anything.

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