Zhou Yuan planned to record the video while Caty Dog was still sleeping, otherwise it would be a waste to keep dragging it out like this.

After opening the screen recording, Zhou Yuan began to introduce himself:

"Hello, everyone. I am A Yuan. It has been more than four days since I uploaded the tactical video of Butterfree. The enthusiasm of the audience also made A Yuan flattered. A Yuan received a commission from Meng Boguang, the owner of the Bug-type gym in Yanhuang area, and specially recorded another video to introduce other tactics of Bug-type Pokémon."

"A Yuan will first introduce several tactical systems to the audience. The first is the upper-level replacement Pokémon of the last Butterfree tactic."

Speaking, Zhou Yuan dragged the Colorful Butterfree into the team editor and clicked the match.

"This top-level replacement is Butterfree. Like Butterfree, Butterfree is a very common bug-type Pokémon, but they are distributed in different areas."

"Both have the characteristic of compound eyes."

"Because Butterfree is faster than Butterfree, it is easier to choose Butterfree when there is no tailwind to assist."

"And Butterfree can learn the high-powered skill of Storm as it grows, and its hit rate is not low due to the existence of compound eyes."

While introducing Butterfree, Zhou Yuan also used this tactic to push the opponent he matched with.

"But Butterfree's special defense resistance is not as good as Butterfree, so how to choose still needs to be decided by the audience friends."

After that, Zhou Yuan removed Butterfree from the team and joined Iron Ant and Tricer instead.

"Perhaps many viewers will find it strange, what can Iron Ant and Diglett do? But regardless of the tactical issues, Iron Ant and Diglett are actually high-attack and high-speed Pokémon, and they can occupy a place even in a fast attack team."

"But today we are not going to use the fast attack system, we are going to use the laziness feature."

"Speaking of this, some viewers will definitely ask, A Yuan, A Yuan, what is the use of laziness? Don't you see that the extremely powerful King of Leave is rarely used because of the laziness feature? A Yuan, do you think I am a fool?"

Zhou Yuan took a sip of water and continued:

"Not really."

"Oh, I've matched with someone, let's go straight to the actual combat explanation."

Just as Zhou Yuan was about to start explaining, he saw that he had matched with an opponent, and the opponent was still a familiar ID "Crown will not fall off".

"Have you seen this brother on the opposite side before? Why does he look a little familiar?"

At this time, Wang Jinyu, who was far away at Magic City University, looked at the opponent named "Linyuan Envy Fish" and was overjoyed.

"I've been working non-stop these past few days to get to this level. I've played so many games and finally met you again. I've got experience this time. I'll beat the shit out of you."

After entering the battle, Wang Jinyu sent out the elves he specially prepared for Zhou Yuan.

"Go, Electric Beast."

Zhou Yuan, sitting in front of the computer, looked at the Electric Beast sent by the opponent and began to explain to the audience:

"Please look, audience, I feel that this name is a bit familiar. Now it seems that it is indeed a victim of the Butterfree lineup. I guess his Electric Beast has a hidden characteristic of motivation and will not fall into a sleeping state. In fact, this is also a solution to the hypnotic lineup. The opponent seems to have something on him."

"But, we are not playing a hypnotic team today. Come on, Iron Ant."

"Iron Ant, use Find Partner."

Wang Jinyu was still wondering why the opponent did not play according to the routine, and saw his Electric Beast dancing with the Iron Ant on the opposite side, and then became lazy.

"What's going on, Electabuzz, use Fire Fist! Electabuzz? Electabuzz! Don't lie down! Get motivated!"

Just as Wang Jinyu began to show off the traditional skills of a trainer, Zhou Yuan had already made the next command.

"Come back, Iron Ant. Go, Diglett."

After sending Diglett to the field, Zhou Yuan began to explain.

"Dear audience, you can see that the opponent's Electabuzz has changed from being full of energy to being lazy under the influence of Iron Ant."

"This is because Iron Ant's skill 'Find a Partner' can force the enemy's characteristics to be consistent with its own. Under the influence of the skill, Electabuzz's characteristics have changed from being energetic to being lazy, so naturally it will not listen to the trainer's instructions to fight."

"And the reason we replaced Diglett is precisely because of the characteristics of Diglett.

The Sand Hole can prevent the opponent from escaping during the battle, that is, it can prevent the opponent from rotating the Pokémon. "

"The Three Rat can use the 'grinding claws' skill to strengthen itself when the opponent is affected by laziness. At the same time, the Three Rat also has the 'holding' skill. Even if the opponent's Pokémon occasionally gets motivated to fight, it will be blocked by the hold."

In the game screen, the Three Rat continued to sharpen its claws to strengthen itself under the command of Zhou Yuan, and the Electric Shock Monster finally raised its fighting spirit under the call of Wang Jinyu, and hit the protective shield brought by the hold with a freezing punch.

Then Wang Jinyu watched his Pokémon being pushed by the Three Rat, which was fully strengthened.

For a while, the name of a certain Ultraman in a dormitory of Magic City University was heard everywhere.

After the game, Zhou Yuan first evaluated the opponent in this game:

"This opponent has something, but not much."

Then he began to explain this lineup:

"Is this lineup invincible? Actually, it is not the case. If you can defeat the Iron Ant before it at a faster speed, you can avoid being affected by the lazy characteristic, or rotate the Pokémon in time after it has been affected, so that the opponent's Diglett can't catch the affected Pokémon and can't strengthen it quickly, which can also be regarded as a solution. "

"Some viewers may say that in this situation, let the Iron Ant wear the Momentum Cloak, and the characteristic interference can be achieved no matter what. As the saying goes, you have a plan and I have a ladder."

"But isn't this exactly the fun of Pokémon battles? Counterattack each other, gain experience in battle, and make yourself a better trainer. Let yourself and your Pokémon grow, which is also the meaning and charm of battle. "

Zhou Yuan said something with emotion, opened the team editor and added Hu Hu and Wind Fairy.

"This is the third set of tactics I brought to you. Hu Hu must be known by many audience friends, but what else can Hu Hu be used for besides brewing tree juice?"

"The next battle will tell you what role Hu Hu can play in actual combat. Matched with the opponent, huh? Why is it him again? Audience friends, let me first say that the opponent is definitely not the actor I invited. I can only say that I am too lucky. "

Why did Zhou Yuan say that? Because the opponent matched at this time was still "The Crown Will Not Fall".

Entering the battle, Zhou Yuan started with Wind Fairy. Because Wang Jinyu did not adjust the lineup, he was about to give up when he met the same person. As a result, he saw that the first player was Wind Fairy, and thought it was a hypnotic system, and he was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, the time for revenge has come, go, shock the monster, use the flame fist!"

Zhou Yuan calmly gave the command:

"Wind Fairy, use the magic space."

He also started his commentary.

"The magic space can create a magical space to cover the battlefield. During the duration of the space, the slow elves will attack first. And all the Wind Fairy has to do is to open this magic space. In order not to waste too much time, it does not even need to carry the momentum cape to extend its life. It can just go out and replace Hu Hu. "

In the game screen, the wind fairy was hit in the face by a fist burning with blazing flames, and fell down with a wail.

After the wind fairy fell, Zhou Yuan sent Hu Hu.

"Hu Hu, use the power trick."

Two light balls, one blue and one red, rose from Hu Hu's body, exchanged positions in mid-air, and returned to Hu Hu's body.

"Everyone should know that Hu Hu's defense is very strong, and the skill of power trick is to exchange the defense and attack power of the elf. At this time, Hu Hu's attack power has reached the highest. "

At this time, the opponent also used earthquake, which immediately beat Hu Hu into a state of depression. It seemed that it was about to collapse, but it raised its head tenaciously.

Zhou Yuan interrupted the explanation at the right time:

"This is the characteristic of Hu Hu, it is strong, and when it is hit by a fatal injury, it will retain the last bit of energy. "

Then Zhou Yuan began to command:

"Hu Hu, give it back, use earthquake. ”

As the game screen trembled, the opponent's electric shock monster fell directly. After the electric shock monster fell, Hu Hu miraculously recovered his spirit.

"It's the Shell Bell. I brought the Shell Bell to Hu Hu." Zhou Yuan explained.

"The Shell Bell can restore its energy based on the damage caused by the carrier, and Hu Hu's energy limit is not high. At most two attacks can restore its energy. After the energy is fully restored, its characteristics will be useful again."

Because it is a single battle of six choices, the next two elves soon followed the footsteps of the electric shock monster, and at this time the scene

The magic space has not even ended.

Wang Jinyu from Magic City University was speechless at this time, and he didn't want to talk. He was beaten three times by the same person in different ways, and they were all very common and even weak elves, which made him fall into deep doubts about himself.

On this side, Zhou Yuan was still explaining:

"There is actually more than one tactic about Hu Hu. Hu Hu can also be integrated into other teams as a meat shield. The egg-hut system is also a very useful tactic in doubles. This tactic will be discussed later when recording doubles videos."

Zhou Yuan opened the team editor for the last time, added three insect elves, namely Iron Ninja, Centipede King and Giant Beedrill, and then clicked to start matching.

"Although there are Bug-type Pokémon in the previous tactics, they are not all made up of Bug-type Pokémon, so they are not pure. Now I will show you a pure Bug-type Pokémon lineup."

"The core of this lineup is the first two Pokémon. In fact, there is no special requirement for the third Pokémon. You can bring any physical attack output. I chose Beedrill because it is one of the most common Bug-type Pokémon. But Beedrill is not useless. It also has a mainstream fighting style with fatal stings, but the length of today's video is enough, so I will not go into details."

With the previous victories, Zhou Yuan's ranking also entered the top 1,000. After reaching this segment, the mixed ones are no longer rotten fish and shrimp. After all, the game is open to the whole world. Most trainers in the world use this game as virtual training content. The scores between each other are very close. Maybe you are still in the 300th place in the last second, and you drop to the 800th place after losing a game. Therefore, those who can enter the top 1,000 still have a certain tactical mind.

The increase in rank brings a significant increase in matching time. While waiting for the match, Zhou Yuan also took the time to go out and take a look at the little Caterpie. After finding that there was no sign of waking up for the time being, he returned to the computer with peace of mind.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Yuan matched with an opponent named "Burning Sun", who is also a player from Shuangqing City.

"Hey, fellow countryman, fellow countrymen meet, stab each other in the back."

After muttering, Zhou Yuan began to analyze the opponent.

"Okay, audience friends, we finally matched with the opponent. I won't mention the opponent's ID. It looks very hot. The current ranking is 943. It is a very suitable opponent. Let's take a look at his lineup."

"Coal Turtle, Daruma Baboon, Crystal Lamp Spirit, Venus Flying Flower, Giant Winged Flying Fish, Wind Fairy."

"It seems that the opponent is a very classic sunny team combination. Coal Turtle can also lay nails as a weather player. Daruma Baboon and Crystal Lamp Spirit with forced characteristics are used as hitters. Venus Flying Flower can harvest water elves at a very fast speed with the chlorophyll characteristic, and the water storage characteristic The giant winged flying fish with special characteristics can rotate without damage when facing water skills, and the wind fairy is the secondary weather player and also plays a certain auxiliary role. "

"Since our team does not have any water-type Pokémon, I guess the opponent will not choose the giant winged flying fish and the giant winged flying fish, and between the coal turtle and the wind fairy, he will definitely choose the coal turtle with the characteristic of sunshine, which can first cast invisible rocks. "

While Zhou Yuan was analyzing his opponent, his opponent, Yun Duo, the daughter of the fire gym owner in Shuangqing City, was also analyzing her opponent.

"Centipede King, Beedrill, Iron-faced Ninja... six insect-type Pokémon, what does the opponent want to do? I have played so many games, and this is the first time I have seen such a lineup. In this case, I don't need to use the giant winged flying fish and the wind fairy, and I don't need to use the coal turtle to cast rock spikes. "

While analyzing, Yun Duo also chose her own battle Pokémon, and the two sides entered the battle stage.

After entering the battle, Yun Duo started the coal turtle to open the weather as Zhou Yuan expected.

"Go, Iron Ninja, use Sword Dance." After commanding the Iron Ninja, Zhou Yuan began to predict the opponent's next move.

"What's the point of the opponent starting with Coal Turtle? It's because of the development of the weather and the deployment of the invisible rock, so I expect the opponent to command the Coal Turtle to use the invisible rock, and we can take this opportunity to strengthen ourselves."

In the game screen, the Coal Turtle really spread the invisible rock as Zhou Yuan expected.

"After I strengthened it once through Sword Dance, and the acceleration characteristics of the Iron Ninja also strengthened its own speed, the opponent probably guessed what I wanted to do. The opponent should have two guesses. The first is that I want to strengthen the push team, and the second guess is that I want to use relay tactics. No matter which guess, the opponent will choose to use Yawn to force me to change people. Here we choose to use Defend to protect

One hand."

"Iron Ninja, use Guard."

On the other side, Yun Duo also began to analyze calmly after seeing the Iron Ninja's move.

"There are generally two possibilities in this situation. One is that the opponent wants to push the team by strengthening the attributes of the elves, and the other possibility is that the opponent wants to use relay tactics. No matter which tactic it is, I can use Yawn to interfere. "

"Coal Turtle, use Yawn."

In the game screen, Coal Turtle hit a snore bubble, and this bubble was blocked by the Iron Ninja's Guard.


"Can I block this?"

Zhou Yuan continued to analyze.

"The opponent's yawn has been blocked by us. Now the opponent has only two choices, one is to choose to rotate, and the other is to choose to continue yawning to force me to rotate. If he chooses to rotate, it is easy for me to seize the opportunity to strengthen, but if he keeps choosing to use Yawn, he will hit sooner or later, and after hitting, I have to rotate. ”

“So the opponent will definitely choose to use Yawn, but this is not important. Yawn does not take effect immediately after hitting. We can use the baton to rotate after Yawn hits. What needs to be solved now is the invisible rock on the field, otherwise the momentum of the subsequent elves will be invalid. So, Iron Ninja, use Clear the Fog. ”

As Zhou Yuan expected, the Coal Turtle in the game screen used Yawn to hit the Iron Ninja.

“Finally hit, force him to rotate.” Yun Duo breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he also chose to rotate.

“Come back, Coal Turtle; go, Daruma Baboon.”

At this time, Zhou Yuan was explaining the situation on the field:

“Now our Iron Ninja has already accelerated three times with a sword dance. As a starter, he has done well enough, and was hit by Yawn, so now we have to transfer the reinforcement through the baton. ”

“Iron Ninja, use the baton; go, Centipede King. ”

The Centipede King, carrying the Iron Ninja's enhancement, came to the field and confronted Daruma Baboon.

"The opponent replaced Daruma Baboon to take advantage of the bonus of Sunny Day to fire skills and kill my elves in one second. Although I gave all three elves the Stance Cloak, directly taking the damage with Sword Dance cannot maximize the benefits of the item. If you use Hold to withstand the damage for another round, you can increase the speed again with the acceleration feature. ”

"Centipede King, use Hold."

The cloud on the other side of the network also made his command:

"Daruma Baboon, use Flash Charge."

The furry big baboon rushed over with flames all over his body and crashed into the egg-shaped shield outside the Centipede King.

"¯\_(ツ)_/¯, it's over, this one is useless. "

Yun Duo clearly realized the fact that the opponent's Pokémon had almost fully enhanced and could easily push the team.

This was indeed the case. Under Zhou Yuan's command, Centipede King used Sword Dance to increase his attack power, and survived under the Flash Charge with the Momentum Cloak, and then used Guard again to survive for another round, increasing his speed to the extreme through the acceleration characteristics.

In this case, Yun Duo was facing a Centipede King with almost full physical attack and full speed.

"In fact, at this time, we can push the team with Centipede King alone, but the so-called trainer cannot be done well by relying on the strength of a certain Pokémon."

Zhou Yuan began to use this opportunity to instill his own ideas.

"A real trainer will discover the specialness of Pokémon. As long as you are willing to think, willing to conceive, and willing to match with tactics, even the weakest Pokémon can burst out with powerful power when combined, and even the most ordinary Pokémon can play an extraordinary role. ”

“We can’t change the size of the role that the Pokémon can play, but we can create an environment suitable for the Pokémon to play its role. Only in this way can it become a real trainer. I hope to encourage all the audience. ”

After saying that, Zhou Yuan let the Centipede King use the Baton to leave the field, and at the same time, the opponent’s Flash Charge was missed. Let the Beedrill come on the field and dance with the sword again to increase the attack power to the extreme. Although it was hit in the face by the Flash Charge, it relied on the momentum to hang on, and then relied on the extreme physical attack and speed to easily achieve a series of three.

After the battle, Zhou Yuan clicked on the next match, but Yun Duo on the other side of the game fell into silence. He was actually defeated by the reverse attribute, and the one who defeated him was still recognized as the weakest bug Pokémon.

But Yun Duo had to admit that the command and prediction of the opposite trainer were something she had never seen before, as if the opponent had an ear in her heart and could hear what she was thinking.

Yun Duo thought about it and recorded the video of this battle.

I copied it down and planned to show it to my dad after he got home.

Let’s talk about Zhou Yuan again. After this battle, Zhou Yuan played three more battles in a row. Although there were occasional thrills, he won in the end and raised his ranking to the top 300.

After this, Zhou Yuan was ready to end the video recording. Before the end, Zhou Yuan said his closing remarks:

“Happy times are always so short. Let’s stop here for today’s video. It would be impolite to say more.”

“As I said before, as trainers, we should learn to consider our own Pokémon instead of blindly asking our Pokémon to work for us. Such a relationship is abnormal. At the same time, don’t look down on your own Pokémon. Every Pokémon has its own meaning of existence. Even if it may be a little weak in battle, it can always be rejuvenated. The place where the light shines. "

"So, please also ask all the trainers who see this video to have more confidence in their own Pokémon, whether it is the so-called weakest recognized Bug Pokémon or others, as long as you think carefully, have the right tactics and environment, even a common green caterpillar on the roadside may not be unable to become the most dazzling character in the battle. "

"Thank you for watching, I am A Yuan, see you next time. "

After finishing the recording, Zhou Yuan cut out the boring waiting time in the video, and then logged on to Station A to submit a manuscript: Bug Pokémon can also be like a dragon [Pokémon Tactics 02]

After uploading the video, Zhou Yuan opened his homepage again and found that his fans had exceeded 50,000. He looked again because the number of views of the first submitted video exceeded 500,000, and his private messages in the station were full again.

Just then the mechanical sound of the system came late.

[Congratulations to the host for completing video task 5. Video playback volume exceeds 500,000 energy points + 500]

[Host's current energy points: 1910]

Zhou Yuan watched his small treasury become more and more full, and was also happy for the Growlithe. He didn't have to worry about the Growlithe being hungry, and he didn't have to worry about the initial cultivation of the Growlithe for the time being.

At this moment, the Growlithe in the next room woke up, and the sound of "wool" was endless for a while.

While Zhou Yuan was teasing the two puppies, Xiao Shen, the reviewer of Station A, received another video to be reviewed by the system.

"I know this title at a glance, 'Insects as Dragons'? What a big tone, I hope this is not a sensational content, otherwise the first video will bring as much traffic as this video will bring as much backlash."

Although he said so, Xiao Shen still decided to help the blogger review it to avoid being scolded for inappropriate content.

But when Xiao Shen was reviewing the video, he saw those tactics and felt that the blogger was not bragging. After hearing the blogger's theory about trainers and elves, he felt that this video must have a place in today's recommendation list.

After watching the video, Xiao Shen immediately clicked on the review and passed it, and then sent the video to his team leader Luo Zhi, and secretly took out his mobile phone to follow "A Yuan Teaches You to Fight Pokémon".

After receiving the video, Luo Zhi was also somewhat impressed by the title. He just thought that this blogger had created another interesting tactic, but he didn't expect that there was more than one tactic, and it also came with a deafening speech from the blogger, which stunned Luo Zhi, who reviews many videos every day.

If you say that this blogger is just talking empty words, but others are indeed working hard for it, and his words make sense if you think about it carefully, which is not comparable to those chicken soup.

Luo Zhi just thought that this video was the best video in the past week. He first gave the video a primary recommendation and then sent it to the director of the audit department.

"Director, please take a look. I think this video is pretty good."

After receiving the video, Director Wang of the Audit Department was also a little curious. There are not many videos that can be passed to him with the approval of the team leader, especially his subordinates also said that they think it is pretty good. It is quite rare for such an evaluation to be said by the usually rigorous person.

After watching the video, Director Wang had to admit that this blogger is indeed a talent. He can come up with enough practical tactics and has his own unique insights on the relationship between trainers and elves.

Compared with the videos in recent times, this video is like a crane standing out from the crowd. It is not that the quality of other videos is not good, but the quality of this video is a bit too high. Although the editing technique is still a bit rough, the flaws do not cover the merits.

Director Wang immediately gave an order:

"Add a high-level recommendation to this video and put it in today's recommendation list

. "


Zhou Yuan received the message when the video was approved, so he forwarded the video to Meng Guanzhu and attached the text:

"Brother Meng, take a look. I have uploaded the video you want. Take a look and see if it meets your requirements and expectations. If it is not suitable, I can make another one. "

After sending the message, he took a look at the data of the video. Because it was just approved, the number of views was not counted. There were only two people in the comment area vying for the floor, which surprised Zhou Yuan a little. They actually robbed it faster than him, the author. It must be said that the audience is also a genius.

After doing all this, Zhou Yuan called Zhou Dad and said that he wanted to stay with Uncle Liu for a while. Zhou Dad didn't refuse after hearing it, but just said, "Spend more time with your Uncle Liu. He has been lonely all these years." Then he asked and learned that the Caterpie was hatched, and said that he would come to see the dog on the weekend.

The father and son chatted about something else. Zhou Dad hung up the phone on the pretext of accompanying his wife, leaving Zhou Yuan alone to watch the two dogs in silence.

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