After drinking a bottle of iced cola, the food was very delicious.

"Huh~ So cool~~~"

Wu Jinyan finished a bottle of iced cola in one gulp and burped for a long time.

Led by Wang Wei, the group came to a Sichuan restaurant. Although the front door looked a bit old, the food was really delicious.

Wang Wei said that he often came here to eat when he was still in school. The food tasted good and the quantity was also sufficient.

The group had enough food and wine. Of course, since everyone was still a student, they did not drink.

After eating, Wang Wei got up to pay the bill and took the group back to the gate of No. 2 Middle School.

Principal Wang, who had received the news of the victory, had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing the students getting off the car one by one, Principal Wang patted their shoulders one by one, saying "good" to each one. When he patted Zhou Yuan's shoulder,

"Good, good, good!"

Principal Wang said three good in a row, which showed how happy he was.

How could he not be happy?

The first place in the inter-school league has been controlled by No. 1 Middle School for many years. Although it is not an important game, breaking it means tearing the shadow caused by No. 1 Middle School. As long as time and resources are given, Principal Wang firmly believes that they will not be worse than No. 1 Middle School.

After greeting them, Principal Wang also gave each of them a reward of 50,000 Elf Coins in the name of the school, which made them somewhat flattered. After all, they also knew that this time they could get the first place almost entirely thanks to Zhou Yuan, and they always felt uneasy when they took this money.

But at Zhou Yuan's signal, everyone still accepted these rewards.

After saying what needed to be said and giving the rewards, Principal Wang dismissed everyone and told them to go home and rest, but asked Zhou Yuan to go with him.

As Wang Wei and Principal Wang came to the principal's office, they sat on the sofa at the principal's signal.

Wang Wei poured a glass of water for each of them and then left the principal's office.

Seeing the door of the principal's office slowly closed, Principal Wang also spoke.

"How is it, how is my son doing as a teacher?"

Because he had already guessed it, when Principal Wang said that Wang Wei was his son, Zhou Yuan was not surprised and answered Principal Wang's question.

"Teacher Wang is very good, very responsible, and teaches a lot of useful knowledge."

Hearing that his son was recognized by the students, Principal Wang was visibly happy, and the wrinkles on his face were all smiling.

Then the two talked about some other things, and under Zhou Yuan's earnest eyes, Principal Wang finally got to the point.

"Zhou Yuan, thank you for your contribution to No. 2 Middle School. The victory of this game is very important to our school. I know No. 1 Middle School will definitely recruit you again later, and I can't give you too much reward at one time."

"But I can promise you that as long as the cost of your subsequent training of elves is reasonable, our No. 2 Middle School will cover it. In the future, Wang Wei will also be mainly responsible for your training until you take the college entrance examination."

Hearing what Principal Wang said, Zhou Yuan felt that this treatment was not bad, and it was indeed better than giving a certain amount of money at one time. After all, he still had more than 4 million in his hand, and it would be meaningless to give more. It would be better to exchange for an opportunity for sustainable development.

So, Zhou Yuan said to Principal Wang righteously:

"Principal, don't worry. My heart is rooted in No. 2 Middle School. No matter how much No. 1 Middle School spends, it will never be taken away."

Principal Wang was very pleased and said happily:

"Good boy, good student, OK, if you need any materials in the future, just report it, and we will try our best to collect them for you."

"Well, OK, then thank you in advance, Principal Wang. If there is nothing else, I will go down first?"

"Okay, you go down."

After getting the answer, Zhou Yuan got up and left the principal's office.

Principal Wang watched Zhou Yuan leave, and murmured:

"What a good boy... and he even closed the door."

Wang Wei, who was picking his fingers at the door of the principal's office, saw Zhou Yuan coming out, and did not ask him what the principal said, but just turned his head to signal Zhou Yuan to follow him.

The two walked out of the teaching building together and sat down on the bench beside the playground.

The two sat for a while, and Wang Wei didn't say anything else. He just asked Zhou Yuan to come to training on time tomorrow, and then let him go.

Zhou Yuan got up and left.

After walking a distance, he looked back at Wang Wei.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the street lights in the school were also lit.

Wang Wei sat on a bench under the street light and lit a cigarette.

The curling green smoke rose from his head, and his back looked lonely and desolate, as if he was missing something.


What does this have to do with our Zhou Yuan?

Zhou Yuan saw that Wang Wei had a story, but he had no wine and didn't want to be the one listening to the story. He just wanted to go home, throw himself on the sofa, put a bottle of ice cola next to him, and let Mimikyu massage his feet.

This is called life.

Mimikyu in the Poké Ball seemed to have a vague premonition of something ominous, and shook the Poké Ball to warn Zhou Yuan not to have any bad thoughts, be careful that this lady will punch you away.

After taking a taxi back to the villa, Zhou Yuan threw himself on the sofa as soon as he opened the door, enjoying the soft sofa, and threw out three Poké Balls by the way, and assigned Mimikyu to get a bottle of ice cola from the refrigerator for him, and the other two could do whatever they wanted.

Mimikyu threw a bottle of cola on Zhou Yuan's stomach with a lot of resentment, and Zhou Yuan uttered an "oh".

Rubbing his eight abdominal muscles, Zhou Yuan unscrewed the cola and drank a few gulps.


Having a bottle of refreshing ice cola in the hot summer is a great joy in life.

Originally, Zhou Yuan wanted to ask Mimikyu to massage his feet, but when he saw the pink fairy energy emerging from Mimikyu's hands, Zhou Yuan cleverly gave up the idea and instead threw Mimikyu to the ground and touched it all over.


Mimikyu was confused by the sudden attack. Just as it was about to resist, it was pressed tightly by Zhou Yuan with Qigong, and it couldn't help but let out a miserable cry.

Ah~Don't do this~This is wrong~We will have no results~

Originally, when Caterpie heard Mimikyu's scream, he curiously poked his head out of the kitchen, and when he saw this scene that was not suitable for children, he immediately put his head back.

Don't mention it, Mimikyu's spirit feels pretty good.

The spirit of the ghost-type Pokémon can actively control whether it can be touched. It can be said that Mimikyu can escape from Zhou Yuan's clutches as long as it actively transforms into a spirit.

But it did not do so. Instead, it enjoyed this feeling.

It has nothing to do with other things. It is mainly because it has not felt this kind of family-like warmth for a long time.

Those who think wrongly will take the initiative to face the wall.

After playing with Mimikyu for a while, Zhou Yuan got up from the sofa and prepared to go to the kitchen to cook.

When he opened the kitchen door, he saw a scene that raised his blood pressure even more than the battle.

The dog opened the door of the cabinet, dragged out the flour and threw it all over the floor. The trash can was also overturned by the dog, and the garbage inside was also dug out.

On this day, a high-pitched roar came from the villa.

"Catie Dog!!!!!!!"

On this day, Catie Dog also tasted the taste of size 42 slippers.


It was a peaceful and peaceful day.

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