On November 9, the weather gradually turned cooler, and the number of fallen leaves in the woods gradually increased.

A hiking boot crushed a few dry fallen leaves and made a "crackling" sound.

A little Rattata who was digging a pit heard the sound and looked up to see a very tall upright creature. He was so scared that he ran away with his head in his hands, and hit a tree stump and fainted.

Zhou Yuan, who was wearing autumn clothes, witnessed the whole process and was amused by this scene.

In ancient times, there was a way to wait for rabbits by the tree stump, and now there is a way to wait for rats by the tree stump, right?

He found a place with a lot of grass to hide the little Rattata so that he would not be picked up by elves like Abe Snake, and Zhou Yuan continued to set off.

On his shoulder sat Mimikyu, with a cursed doll hidden in his shadow, Caterpie following behind him, and a Gyarados Poké Ball hanging around his waist.

He was fully armed, waiting for the blind wild Pokémon to jump out and get beaten.

But maybe he was too arrogant recently, no wild Pokémon jumped out after walking around for a few rounds, but instead fled in panic when he approached.

Zhou Yuan knew that he was also blacklisted in this area.

The so-called blacklist means that whenever Zhou Yuan showed off his power in an area, word of mouth spread that the Pokémon in this area would avoid him.

"It seems that I can only change the area to continue..."

Zhou Yuan muttered as he took out the map and circled the area he was in. He didn't need to come to this area for the time being. He would come back next time. When he came back next time, these Pokémon would basically forget about him.

After taking a look at the map, I found that I had almost swept through the middle section of the Qingyun Mountains close to Shuangqing City. It took too long to travel to the farther areas, so I felt it was unnecessary.

The desired training effect was almost achieved, so Zhou Yuan announced:

"Call it a day, go home!"

As soon as this was said, "Awoo" and "QQ" sounds were heard, and the Poké Ball of Gyarados on the waist also shook slightly a few times, and even the cursed doll hidden in the shadow quietly wiped tears.

Woo woo woo, it's not easy, this person is finally going back.

This trip can be said to be full of gains. First of all, Caterpie and Gyarados have stabilized their strength in the late senior level and steadily increased under the continuous field battles and feeding of a large number of energy blocks. Mimikyu has also replenished the energy that was lacking when it was a wild Pokémon before under Zhou Yuan's continuous feeding. Now it is about to break through the late senior level. It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the Pokémon has been greatly improved.

The second is Zhou Yuan's own gains. In these ten days, he led the elves to bully men and women, swept the middle section of the Qingyun Mountains near the city, and beat almost all the senior elves he could find, collecting nearly 10,000 energy points. After deducting the recovery items such as medicine, there was a net profit of more than 6,000.

Zhou Yuan's energy point balance reached 15,000 points!

In addition to energy points, the energy blocks eaten by the elves and the tree fruits eaten by Zhou Yuan during this period were all locally sourced from the homes of the defeated wild elves.

Of course, Zhou Yuan is not a bad person after all.

Generally speaking, two tree fruits can be made into five energy blocks after transformation. Zhou Yuan usually leaves two for the wild elves and collects three for himself. Zhou Yuan thinks this handling fee is very reasonable.

In addition to the fruit, they also harvested some honey such as Beedrill honey, Tribee honey, and some other elf honey from the Circle Bear. They were all very sweet. Zhou Yuan collected a few bottles and prepared to take them back to honor his mother, and bring one bottle to Wang Wei as a souvenir.

Since he had decided to leave, Zhou Yuan packed up everything, put all the elves back into the elf ball, found an open area without trees, called Gyarados out of the elf ball, turned over and rode on it.

Here comes the flying stick~~~

Before, I didn't dare to fly because I was not strong enough to be shot down by wild elves. Now everyone's strength is enough to sweep the middle section and the outer areas, so there is no need to be so cautious. Just pay attention to avoid the territories of a few elite elves.

Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't avoid them, because those elves can't fly at all.

Can't fly!

At this moment, the magma in a volcano in the Hoenn region fluctuated slightly.

With Gyarados flying at high speed, Zhou Yuan finally returned to the familiar villa two hours later.

Throwing the bag to the ground, Zhou Yuan pounced on

on the sofa.

During the field training, there was no soft place to sleep, only hard rocks, dry soil, leaves, etc.

The only time I slept on a soft place in the past ten days was when I knocked a teddy bear unconscious. Its belly was really soft.

I took a simple shower, shaved my beard, and tied my long hair up at the back of my head. Otherwise, it would look a bit gloomy if it was all loose.

After cleaning myself up, Zhou Yuan took two jars of each of the three kinds of honey, and then took the four elves with him and went out.

Go home today!

Zhou Yuan took a car downstairs, and then sneakily opened the door. He originally wanted to give his parents a surprise, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw his parents looking like they were going out.

In Zhou Yuan's puzzled eyes, the two old generals took off their shoes and turned back to the master bedroom. When they came out again, they changed their suits and cheongsams into ordinary home clothes, and then they both acted surprised.

"Oh, my son is back. How are you feeling recently?"

"My son is back. Is it because you don't have enough money? If you don't have enough money, just tell me and I will transfer it to you. You came back specially."


Zhou Yuan thought to himself, you two should stop pretending. It was obvious that he was going out to have fun just now. After all, I am a redundant son.

After taking out six jars of honey and putting them on the table, and explaining that this is completely wild honey with certain beauty and skin care effects, Zhou's mother's attitude obviously improved. She turned around and tied an apron in the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Zhou's mother entered the kitchen, and Zhou's father was still leaning on the sofa calmly. He seemed to feel his son's gaze and asked him about his recent life, the training of the elves, etc.

When he heard Zhou Yuan say that he won the first place in the inter-school league, the middle-aged man also smiled as if his son had achieved success. He immediately took out his mobile phone and transferred another 50,000 elf coins to Zhou Yuan.

When he heard Zhou Yuan talking about his experience in the field training in the past ten days, he was also a little nervous, nervous about the safety of his children.

Although the couple usually prefers to be free and easy, how could they really not care about their children?

The father and son chatted for more than an hour, and Zhou's mother also prepared the meal, and the family had dinner together.

Mimikyuu was eating at a small table next to it, and the cursed doll was also there.

As for Gyarados, because of its large size, Zhou Yuan poured all its weight into its mouth after it was released, and then took it back into the Poké Ball.

At night, Zhou Yuan lay in bed and remembered that he hadn't updated the video for a long time. The last update was posted a month ago [A game lasted two and a half years, staggering faster than the eagle to dodge Pokémon tactics 11].

As a video blogger, his professional ethics urged him to get up and make a video immediately, but his physical fatigue made him do it tomorrow.

In the end, professional ethics failed to overcome physiological needs, and Zhou Yuan lay in bed and fell asleep.

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