After defeating Li Feiyong, Zhou Yuan used Mimikyu to defeat Wu Jinyan's Green Ivy Snake and knocked out Li Chengqian's Squirtle with Caterpie, teaching the three young comrades a lesson and telling them what it means to be better than others.

After this battle, the trio did not mention looking for wild Pokémon to fight, after all, the most urgent thing is to raise their levels first.

As for combat experience and so on.

Look, Instructor Zhou's Pokémons are all there, just let me know if you want to be beaten.

In such a high-intensity training atmosphere, Zhou Yuan's first day of training after his return ended.

After taking a taxi back to the villa, Zhou Yuan released the three elves and warned the dog as usual not to destroy the house, and then went into the bedroom to start recording a new video.

It has been more than a month since the last video. Now Zhou Yuan dare not open the private messages at all, all of which are urging him to update.

In the first ten days, about half of the people stood on his side. When this number became twenty days, only 10% of the people spoke for him. Just two days ago, when he opened the private messages and comment area, Zhou Yuan found that no one spoke for him, and all of them were urging him to update.

Thinking of the possible consequences of not updating, Zhou Yuan decided to record the twelfth tactical video today.

Open the virtual battle and screen recording as usual. Because he has not played games for a long time, his ranking has almost fallen from the top ten to the top hundred, but this is also good, so he doesn’t have to spend so much time queuing.

After opening the team editor and adding the elves needed this time to the team, Zhou Yuan clicked on the start match of the doubles battle.

The tactics Zhou Yuan prepared this time are centered on Onix.

Zhou Yuan knew that after he uploaded the video, someone would ask what Onix could do.

But it didn't matter! This tactic could make Onix, which was originally unpopular in virtual battles, shine.

As the battle unfolded, this tactic gradually revealed its true colors.

Entering the battle, Zhou Yuan started with Naughty Thunder and Onix, while his opponent sent out Sea Slug and Blazing Tiger.

"Hey guys, the opponent's starting Sea Slug, I can't take it with my Onix's 100,000 lives."

"Let's not talk about anything else, let's predict the opponent's actions first. The opponent's main force is a fire attribute Pokémon, and bringing a Sea Slug is for joint defense, and weakening our Pokémon through the on and off of the Roaring Tiger."

"Then the opponent's Sea Slug will definitely use the power of the earth. From the opponent's pre-match lineup, we can see that there is a Charizard in the reserve lineup. Then among the two Pokémon I sent now, the biggest threat to it is the high-attack, high-speed, and electric attribute Naughty Thunder Bomb, so the opponent will definitely choose Use the power of the earth to single-point our Naughty Thunder Bomb."

"As for Onix, who cares about you, Onix? The opponent can only let Roaring Tiger use the Golden Hook Arm to hit us, but the higher possibility is that Roaring Tiger will use the High Five Surprise Attack to hit our Naughty Thunder Bomb and disrupt our plan."

"So, let Naughty Thunder Bomb defend first, replace Onix, and replace it with Bombardier to put pressure on Sea Slug."

After Zhou Yuan's command, Naughty Thunder Bomb used the defense first, blocked Roaring Tiger's High Five Surprise Attack, and also blocked Sea Slug's single-point power of the earth, and then replaced the gorilla.

"The opponent now has two choices. One is to let Seljuk continue to attack our Mischievous Thunderbolt and then be harvested by the Vortex. The second is to rotate Seljuk out and replace it with a backup Pokémon."

"When we were choosing four out of six before the game, the opponent could see that we had no water-attribute Pokémon. The only one that could cause damage to the Sunny Team was Onix, but Onix's strength was very impressive. So the opponent would definitely be willing to use Seljuk to replace Mischievous Thunderbolt that could take away Charizard with a thunderbolt. There is at least a 90% chance that it will not be rotated, and Is to continue to use Earth Power to single-point Naughty Thunder Bomb. "

"However, our Naughty Thunder Bomb points emphasize energy and special defense, and the speed is definitely faster than that of Sea Slug. Then, we let Naughty Thunder Bomb open a light wall to offset half of the special attack damage, and then with the durability added by Naughty Thunder Bomb, it is impossible to be killed instantly by a single move of Earth Power."

"In addition, even if the first reading is wrong, the opponent replaces Sea Slug with Coal Turtle, it is difficult to kill King Kong with a single Flash Charge of Roaring Tiger."

"Then we will use Naughty Thunder Bomb.

Lei Dan opened a light wall, and then Kong Zhi used a grass slide to kill the Sea Slug. "

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Naughty Lei Dan used his absolute speed advantage to open a light wall first, effectively weakening the power of the earth that followed, allowing Naughty Lei Dan to survive after being hit.

Hong Lei Kong Zhi killed the Sea Slug instantly with a slide, but he was also knocked down by Roaring Tiger.

"Very good, now the biggest threat has been removed. You can safely send Onix on the field."

"The next step is to change players. We let Naughty Lei Dan use Volt to replace him, and Kong Zhi used Rapid Return to replace our protagonist this time. ”

After the command was issued, Naughty Thunder Bomb rubbed Coal Turtle at a faster speed and replaced Chino Chinchilla, while King Kong rubbed Roaring Tiger's face at the second fastest speed and replaced Onix.

Coal Turtle sprinkled Invisible Rock, and Blazing Roaring Tiger also used Rapid Turn, rubbed Onix on the field and returned to the team, replacing Charizard.

"The opponent's next move is very predictable. Coal Turtle spit fire, and Charizard used Solar Beam to single-point Onix. Due to the influence of the sunny day, Solar Beam can be released in seconds, causing very high damage, which may kill Onix in seconds..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuan paused for a moment, and then raised his voice.

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