The first time I saw him was when I was about to leave.

In the morning, Zhou Yuan woke up slowly.

He sat up straight and shook his head, feeling a little painful.

Damn, I was dragged to drink by those bastards after the game yesterday afternoon, under the pretext of celebrating my championship. It seemed like they wanted to knock me down and regain the face I lost in the game.

Humph, I underestimated myself.

In the end, Li Chengqian and the other three were drunk by Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan held the wine glass and laughed wildly:

"Are there any more? How come there is no one who can drink?"

Shaking his head to put this unreliable memory away, Zhou Yuan recalled the scene of yesterday afternoon...

After the battle, the salute roared, and in the flying colored paper and gold powder, Meng Boguang and other major leaders of the event walked to the ring and gave speeches. While they were speaking, the staff set up the podium in the back.

This podium was prepared only for Zhou Yuan, the champion. Although Lu Ke was the second place, he had to wait until Tang Yuye and Ye Wei decided the third and fourth place before receiving the award together. Therefore, only Zhou Yuan stood on the podium.

What is the face? (leaning back)

Standing on the podium, Zhou Yuan shook hands with the leaders one by one. Zhou Yuan could not remember what these leaders said specifically, anyway, they were all words of encouragement.

Such words as "young people are formidable", "keep working hard", "don't be proud and move forward steadily".

Zhou Yuan was very pleased that at least there was no brainless villain among the leaders who disliked him just because he won the championship or even deliberately found fault with him.

After all, everyone is a leader, and they still have to cultivate their qi. Even if they are really dissatisfied, they will not show it during the award ceremony.

Besides, according to Zhou Yuan's current strength and potential, he is at least a gym owner, and a better king. If there are enough opportunities, he can be higher. So why make enemies with him? Isn't it good to maintain a good relationship and gain a friendship with a future at least gym owner level?

Therefore, the first meeting between the leaders and Zhou Yuan was quite friendly.

After all the leaders took group photos and left the venue, Meng Boguang walked up to Zhou Yuan and said to him:

"Xiao Yuan, take a good rest today and come to my gym tomorrow to get the reward. The champion reward publicized by the competition is two million elf coins plus an elf egg produced by a king-level elf, but after the upgrade, you have two choices."

"The first choice is to upgrade the elf egg. The original champion reward is only an egg of an early king-level elf. After the upgrade, this level can be upgraded to the late king-level. Of course, the egg type selection will be much less, after all, there are not many late king-level elves that produce elf eggs at present."

After talking about the first reward, Meng Boguang looked around and felt that it was not safe to talk about this here, so he pulled Zhou Yuan to the lounge in the venue.

And the people who were celebrating did not notice that Zhou Yuan, who was supposed to be the protagonist of this celebration, disappeared, or the purpose of their celebration was no longer simply because the Little Yan Emperor Cup ended successfully, but more to take advantage of this opportunity to exchange interests. Therefore, whether Zhou Yuan was Zhou Yuan or not was not so important.

After following Meng Boguang to the main conference room of the Little Yan Emperor Cup, Zhou Yuan found that the projector in the conference room had been turned on for a long time, projecting a few big words:

"Your Cold King" (crossed out)

"Upgrade Reward"

Pulling Zhou Yuan to sit opposite the projection screen, Meng Boguang began to introduce Zhou Yuan through the projection the reward for his upgrade after winning the Little Yan Emperor Cup this time.

"I have said before that your reward was originally a King-level early elf egg. There are still many elf eggs to choose from at this stage, including the three great families in various regions. Of course, the three great families in our Yanhuang region have not been determined yet. It seems that the three of them are going to be the three great families in Yanhuang region."

"The topic has gone too far. Back to the topic, in addition to the three great families, there is also an elf egg of the quasi-god Doron Baruto in the Galar region. Of course, these are all eggs produced by early King-level elves, which are probably not within your consideration. Next, I will introduce you to the elf eggs you can get after upgrading."

Speaking of this, Meng Boguang began to show the slides.

"There are five late-stage Celestial King-level elf eggs in total," Meng Boguang was saying. The slide showed the appearance of an elf egg, with blue as the main color and a few small dots on it.


"This is the first egg, a Swampert. Its mother is a late-stage Swampert and its father is a mid-stage Blastoise. You should know that Swampert is one of the three starter Pokémons in the Fengyuan region and can Mega Evolve. Its evolved strength is good and it is also good for your current team system. It can make up for the weakness of your team's overall weak electricity and weak ground."

After that, Meng Boguang pressed the remote control pen in his hand, and the projection automatically switched to the next one. The main body of the Pokémon egg shown in this projection is yellow with milky white cloud patterns.

"This is the second late-stage Pokémon egg. Its mother is a late-stage Electric Dragon and its father is an early-stage Roentgen Cat. Overall, its evolution cycle is fast and its combat power is formed quickly, but I personally think that you don't lack instant combat power now, and it is restrained by the ground system, which is not particularly good for your team system. It's up to you whether to choose it or not."

After that, the slides switched three more times, and each switch meant that a pair of parents at the King level might lose their children.

The remaining three Pokémon eggs were from Snorlax, Sloth and Dratini.

All of their mothers were powerful beings in the late Heavenly King level, while their fathers were mostly early or mid-level Heavenly King Pokémon. Zhou Yuan shook his head silently.

A husband's power is weak, so miserable.

After introducing the five Pokémon eggs, Meng Boguang smiled and said, "Don't think about choosing any Pokémon eggs yet. Take a look at this first."

He switched the slide to the last one.

The last slide was divided into two parts, left and right. On the left was a big moth flapping its wings and about to fly, and on the right was a burning flame.

Zhou Yuan was a little confused and didn't understand what this picture represented. Could there be a baby of a Vulcan Moth?

Seeing Zhou Yuan's bewildered look, Meng Boguang also smiled.

Little guy, there is finally something that can confuse you, right?

Clearing his throat, Meng Boguang explained to Zhou Yuan:

"This is the second reward after the upgrade, the fire of life left by a champion-level Vulcan Moth after its death."

Zhou Yuan:?

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