After a while, the two of them were busy.

Zhou Yuan followed Meng Boguang to the backyard of the Insect Gym, where there was a back door and a black car parked outside.

At Meng Boguang's invitation, Zhou Yuan got into the car with him.

After both of them got in the car, the driver drove away with a buzz.

During the journey, Meng Boguang said to Zhou Yuan:

"It's like this. I reported your request yesterday. After discussion at the top level, they felt that you have enough potential, so there was no dispute over whether you can choose a king-level elf egg."

"The dispute was about whether you should be given an early, middle or late king-level elf egg. The top management was divided into two factions on this issue. One faction felt that an early king-level elf egg was enough, while the other faction believed that since they had already decided to invest in you, they should go with the highest standard. I'll just give you the full amount and give you a King-level late-stage elf egg."

"The two sides argued about this issue for half an hour. In the end, I told them that you were willing to pay the difference. Both factions thought you were sensible, so they reached an agreement."

"In the end, Yundian City decided to give you the following reward: Fire of Life upgrades elves three times, and an elf egg of a King-level late-stage elf, but you have to pay the difference of 5 million elf coins."

At this point, Meng Boguang finally explained everything clearly, and this also made Zhou Yuan realize something, that is, he is now very popular.

Of course, Zhou Yuan can still clearly realize that all of this depends on the powerful strength of his elves. He decided to give everyone extra meals after returning, but the most urgent thing is to respond to Meng Boguang's words.

"No problem, no problem at all, isn't it just 5 million? When will it be swiped over?"

"Haha... Don't worry, follow me first."

After saying this, Meng Boguang did not continue the topic, but started chatting with Zhou Yuan.

Since there is a layer of soundproof glass between the driver and the back seat, there is no need to worry about the conversation being overheard by outsiders.

In the following time, Meng Boguang's main questions were mostly about Zhou Yuan's account. He wanted to know how Zhou Yuan, a high school student, could come up with so many practical tactics.

Regarding this question, Zhou Yuan laughed and talked nonsense, which made Meng Boguang stunned.

'I almost believe it myself, and I don't believe you. '

With this mentality, Zhou Yuan and Meng Boguang chatted all the way to the Yunnan-Dian Municipal Government Building.

After getting off the car, Zhou Yuan and Meng Boguang took the elevator to the third underground floor of the building.

"Due to the rarity of the Fire of Life, we put it at the bottom of the government building, where the most stringent protection measures are in place. Don't think that you came here smoothly and took the elevator directly to the negative third floor. This is because you have been entered into the security system. If someone else comes, they can't even enter the negative first floor."

Although he said so, after coming out of the elevator, Zhou Yuan still went through a series of complex identity verification procedures, and it took him more than half an hour to verify his identity.

After verifying his identity, he and Meng Boguang took another elevator and continued to go down through this elevator. This time there was no floor display, but the feeling of weightlessness did not last too long, and it was thought that they did not go too deep underground.

When the two came out of the elevator again, Zhou Yuan saw a huge venue in front of him. In the center of the venue stood a torch about three meters high, and an orange-red flame floated on the top of the torch.

Although he had not approached it yet, he could clearly feel that his body was much more comfortable just by entering this venue, so it was self-evident what the flame on the stage was.

The fire of life!

Under the leadership of Meng Boguang, Zhou Yuan gradually approached the torch. When he was very close to the torch, Meng Boguang stopped. Although Zhou Yuan didn't know why, he also stopped.

Standing in front of the torch, Zhou Yuan noticed that there was a door on the main pole of the torch.

After the two stopped for a while, the small door slowly opened.

As the door opened, a hot breath came.

A big moth flew out of the torch column.

Vulcan moth!

The big moth glanced at Meng Boguang, ignored him, and turned his eyes to Zhou Yuan.


Death Eye (crossed out)

Eye of Medusa (

Crossed out)

The Vulcan Moth's sight was not aggressive, it was just looking at Zhou Yuan, but it had already put a lot of pressure on Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan hadn't used the system scan yet, but he could feel through this sight that this moth was very strong.

After the man and the moth looked at each other for a few minutes, the Vulcan Moth nodded and made way for the inside of the torch.

Meng Boguang then led Zhou Yuan forward and walked into the inside of the torch. After entering, they found a small staircase leading directly to the top of the torch.

While leading the way, Meng Boguang also explained to Zhou Yuan:

"That is the offspring of the original owner of this Fire of Life, a late-stage Vulcan Moth, who practices under the Fire of Life and protects its mother. Every trainer who comes here to refine Pokémon through the Fire of Life needs to be recognized by him. In other words, if you don't get its recognition, we can only go back home and compensate you somewhere else."

After hearing Meng Boguang's words, Zhou Yuan asked:

"Do I think I have been recognized by it now?"

"It should be considered that, after all, no one knows what its recognition criteria are, but since it has opened the way to the Fire of Life for you, it is considered to have recognized you."

The torch column is only three meters high, about the height of a normal floor, and the stairs don't take long to walk. The two chatted for a while and then walked to the top of the torch.

After walking up, I found that it was not as small as it looked from a distance. The top of the torch was about five square meters in area, and the Fire of Life was not particularly small, with a volume of about one cubic meter.

When the two climbed to the top of the torch, Vulcan Moth also flew up from outside.

Meng Boguang looked at the Flame of Life, then at the Vulcan Moth, and after seeing it nod to indicate that it was ready to start, he said to Zhou Yuan:

"Release the Pokémon you need to strengthen, one by one, don't release them all, there's not enough space."

Hearing Meng Boguang's words, Zhou Yuan reached into his windbreaker pocket and first took out the commemorative ball containing Mimikyu.

He raised his hand and threw it,

"Come out, Mimikyu."


Clang clang clang! Mimikyu, who had been slacking off for tens of thousands of words, made a brilliant appearance again!

After landing, Mimikyu saw such a big fluttering moth flying in front of it. Although it was shrinking its own momentum, the little bit of momentum it leaked still put a lot of pressure on Mimikyu.

But it doesn't matter!

I have a trainer!

Mimikyu ran behind Zhou Yuan and hid by grabbing his trouser legs. The two people present shook their heads helplessly, and Zhou Yuan smiled bitterly.

Holding the spirit through the rag, Zhou Yuan brought Mimikyu in front of him and explained the current situation to it. Mimikyu's eyes gradually brightened up after hearing it, and it was so happy.

I'm going to take off!

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