The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Zhou Yuan didn't speak because he was waiting for Li Tianwang to ask questions; Meng Boguang didn't speak because he was a little redundant now; the most important thing was that even Li Qiqi didn't speak, so the atmosphere was a little awkward and cold.

After a while of silence, Meng Boguang saw that neither of them wanted to speak, so he spoke first.

"Li Tianwang, do you know something about Zhou Yuan? Do you need me to introduce you to him?"

Zhou Yuan, who was standing aside, twitched his mouth when he heard Meng Boguang's words. It sounded like the second uncle next door took him to the next village for a blind date and introduced his conditions to the woman.

And Li Qiqi also reacted after hearing Meng Boguang's words.

Actually, she couldn't be blamed for being silent before. She wasn't a very clever and eloquent person. She didn't know how to start talking just now. Now that Meng Boguang took the initiative to start the conversation, she felt much better.

So she continued Meng Boguang's question:

"No need, I already have a general understanding of Zhou Yuan. I was watching her game before you came."

As she spoke, Li Qiqi took out a tablet from behind the pillow behind her and projected it onto the TV screen, which happened to be the final of Zhou Yuan and Lu Ke in the Little Yan Emperor Cup.

"I've watched his battle video. I've watched a total of seven battles from the beginning to the end of the Little Yan Emperor Cup. To be honest, he is very strong. I am not as strong as you at the same age and the same period."

Li Qiqi stared at Zhou Yuan and said the second half of the sentence.

"Thank you..."

Zhou Yuan was about to thank Li Qiqi when she was interrupted by him.

"Don't be too happy. The strength is the credit of the elves. At most, it can be regarded as your proper training. If your command ability is not good, it will be useless."

She paused for a moment and then said:

"But according to my analysis of your battle videos, although the first few games were almost crushed by strength, you still commanded the elves to keep backhands to prevent the opponent from counterattacking during the crushing process. Although these backhands were not used in the end, it is very good to be able to think of these and make good arrangements. I can also give you a pass in command."

The first two points are almost all praising Zhou Yuan, but Zhou Yuan is very clear about this word order. There will definitely be a "but" after it, which is a typical method of suppressing and praising first.

Sure enough, Li Qiqi spoke the next second.

"But, can you still train it now?"

Hearing Li Qiqi's question, Zhou Yuan fell into silence for a while and didn't know how to answer.

"Yes, your training ability may be very good, and your command ability is also relatively strong, but can your current resources and elves support you to train a fourth elf? You already have three elves. Mimikyu is okay, but Gyarados and Arcanine are both elves with big appetites, not to mention that Aqualad also needs to take in a lot of nutrients during the training process. Can you afford the consumption of resources?"

Hearing Li Qiqi's words, Zhou Yuan smiled.

Oh, I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be like this?

He raised a handsome smile and said to Li Qiqi:

"You don't know, Li Tianwang, that the resources I am currently consuming are not provided by myself. I signed an agreement with my school. They are responsible for my resource consumption before the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination... Do you think that with my current strength, I will still lack resources after entering the university in half a year?"

Li Qiqi thought about it and found that what Zhou Yuan said was indeed correct. In fact, she was not worried about Zhou Yuan's resources in the future. She was just worried that Zhou Yuan had to support three elves and feed the newborn water leaping fish in the early stage. She was afraid that he could not give the water leaping fish a better initial training. You know, good newborn training can lay a good foundation for the elves.

Li Qiqi was still thinking, and Zhou Yuan thought she was hesitating. He reached out and took out a glass bottle of homemade energy cubes from his windbreaker pocket. He originally brought them as snacks for the three elves, but he didn't use them. He didn't expect to be able to use them here.

Putting the energy cube on the coffee table and pushing it in the direction of Li Qiqi, Zhou Yuan said:

"Li Tianwang, the energy cubes I feed the elves are of this quality at the lowest. I will only give it better treatment after the water leap fish hatches, so Tianwang does not have to worry about it not being able to enjoy a good initial care here."

Zhou Yuan is very confident about this. After all, the previous energy cubes were made when he was at the fourth level of Qigong. Now his Qigong has been improved.

After reaching level 5, I have the confidence to make energy blocks of far better quality than before.

Li Qiqi leaned forward, took the bottle of energy blocks from the coffee table, opened the lid and poured a piece into her hand.

Looking at the texture and luster on the energy blocks, she sniffed the faint fragrance.

The king is worthy of being the king. After a while, Li Qiqi judged that this bottle of energy blocks is all high-level energy blocks, no less than the quality she fed to the giant swampers.

At this point, Li Qiqi's heart was relieved. This kid is either rich or he is an energy block maker, but she is more inclined to the former due to his age. But being rich is also good, at least there will be no shortage of resources for post-natal cultivation, which means that the water jump fish can survive the initial period in a relatively better state and lay a solid foundation for the future.

To be honest, this guy is indeed a very good choice. Judging from the strength of his elves, he is very good at cultivating elves. Judging from the battle, he is also good at commanding. He is rich and handsome. When the water leap fish hatches, he will feel better looking at this handsome face.

With this thought, Li Qiqi no longer hesitated and nodded to Zhou Yuan:

"Let's choose you. I will entrust the water leap fish to you in the future. I hope you can treat it well."

After that, she stood up and walked into a room.

While she was holding the elf egg, Meng Boguang nudged Zhou Yuan with his shoulder and whispered:

"Young man, you have a wide road. I didn't expect you to have this skill. High-level energy blocks are not cheap, right? Your school is really generous."

Hearing Meng Boguang's words, Zhou Yuan didn't know how to answer. He couldn't say that these energy blocks were made by himself. It would be too shocking to rub them out with bare hands.

While he was rubbing his hands and smiling at Meng Boguang, Li Qiqi also brought out an incubator from the room.

The incubator was about 0.8 meters high including the base. When Li Qiqi staggered to hold it over, her head was blocked. Seeing this, Zhou Yuan took two steps forward to take it.

Li Qiqi shook her hands and said to Zhou Yuan:

"Then I will entrust the water leaping fish to you. You must treat it well in the future. If I find you bullying it..."

Li Qiqi didn't say anything else, but raised her little fist and clenched it. Behind her, the giant swampert also raised his right fist and clenched it, with the momentum of "If you dare to bully my child, I will crush you to death."

Zhou Yuan naturally agreed and promised that he would treat the water leaping fish well, just like a son-in-law who went to his father-in-law's house for the first time.

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