The old man was very angry.

"Again? Have you encountered something similar before, Old Lu?"

After hearing Lu Yuanyuan's words, Zhou Yuan turned to Lu Dahu and asked.

After hearing Zhou Yuan's question, Lu Dahu nodded and said:

"Yes, it was last week. When I was patrolling the forest, I encountered a group of giant bees. I was chased by them and my foot was sprained. I just recovered a few days ago. I thought it was a new nest of giant bees and didn't take it seriously. As a result, I was blocked by them today."

Zhou Yuan also told what he saw and heard today. After checking the direction of the way he came, Lu Dahu was surprised to find that he was completely unaware of the first wave of giant bees that Zhou Yuan encountered.

At this moment, Lu Dahu fell into silence, and Zhou Yuan didn't know what to say, so he followed suit.

Only Lu Yuanyuan was free to go and pull the wind speed dog. The wind speed dog didn't get angry. Seeing that the little girl couldn't reach him, he simply lay down to play with the little girl.

It really made me cry, so gentle.

After thinking for a while, Lu Dahu finally spoke again:

"I originally thought that the group of giant bee was just a wild population that migrated from somewhere else. Under the influence of Butterfree, it would probably move away soon, but the current situation is more serious than I thought. I didn't expect that the giant bee has developed multiple populations in the wild."

Thinking of this, Lu Dahu suddenly stood up and prepared to walk out of the wooden house.

Before Zhou Yuan asked, Lu Dahu turned to Zhou Yuan and said:

"Brother Zhou, I'm going to patrol the forest again. This time the patrol will cover a larger area. I want to see how many giant bee colonies have settled in the forest."

After hearing Lu Dahu's words, Zhou Yuan thought about it. He was free anyway, so he might as well follow this uncle and experience the work of a forest ranger, which would be part of the trip.

So Zhou Yuan immediately proposed to patrol the forest with Lu Dahu. Lu Dahu wanted to refuse, but after Zhou Yuan's strong request and considering his high combat power, he agreed to Zhou Yuan's request.

Since the two adults have left, it is obviously not appropriate to leave Lu Yuanyuan alone at home, but it is also dangerous to take her with him. However, if she is sent back to the town and then comes over, it will be dark. It is better to check the factors that may cause harm to the wild elf population as soon as possible, so Lu Dahu is also a little hesitant.

Zhou Yuan saw his hesitation and waved his hand, and a small figure emerged from his shadow.


It's me, Mimikyu!

"Old Lu, how about this? My Mimikyu is elite-level. Even if the previous wave of giant beepers come back, Mimikyu's strength is enough to protect Yuanyuan, so you can go patrolling the forest with peace of mind."

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Lu Dahu turned his eyes to the little Mimikyu. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him actually had two elite-level elves. There is really a promising future.

Since his daughter's safety is guaranteed, Lu Dahu no longer hesitated and touched his daughter's head and said:

"Yuanyuan, be good. Dad and this brother have something to go out first. You just wait for Dad to come back at home. Lock the door and don't open it no matter who comes."

"Yeah, I know."

And Zhou Yuan also gave the task of protecting Yuanyuan's safety to Mimikyu.

After everything was arranged, Zhou Yuan followed Lu Dahu with the Poké Balls of Arcanine and Gyarados to patrol the forest.

Under Lu Dahu's leadership, Zhou Yuan began to patrol along a forest path. Due to the seriousness of the matter, Lu Dahu did not communicate with Zhou Yuan much along the way. Zhou Yuan also took this opportunity to analyze the sounds coming from the forest with his enhanced hearing.

Not long after, Zhou Yuan heard a familiar buzzing sound. After making a gesture to Lu Dahu, the two of them lowered their bodies and walked quietly towards the place where the sound came from.

At first, Lu Dahu did not hear the sound of the giant bee, but he followed him out of his trust in Zhou Yuan's strength. After walking a distance in a certain direction, Lu Dahu also heard the buzzing sound that gradually became clearer, and a trace of horror flashed across his face.

Unexpectedly, in this mountain range occupied by Butterfree, so many Beedrills appeared in such a short time. Unlike the docile Butterfree, the appearance of so many Beedrills will inevitably have a very bad impact on the ecology of the Daba Mountains.

The two of them quietly touched this

Behind the gathering place of giant hornets, after pushing aside some bushes, they counted the number of giant hornets on the scene and found that there were more than 20 giant hornets in this group, which was already huge for the elves.

Without alerting the enemy, the two quietly retreated to the forest path. After exchanging glances, they continued to move forward, and Zhou Yuan also distinguished the buzzing of giant hornets from various sounds with his excellent hearing and led Lu Dahu to check one gathering place after another of giant hornets.

Under Zhou Yuan's leadership, in just over an hour, the two found ten gathering places of giant hornets. When Zhou Yuan was about to continue moving forward after retreating to the forest path, Lu Dahu spoke:

"No need to go any further, there are so many in this area, not to mention those areas we haven't explored yet, no need to explore any more, these are enough now, let's go, let's go back."

Although Zhou Yuan didn't know what Lu Dahu was going back for, since others asked him to do so, he would go back.

The way back was faster than the way here, after all, there was no need to quietly approach the gathering place of the giant hornets.

The two quickly returned to the cabin in the woods. After taking out the key to open the door, Lu Dahu first took a look at his daughter who was having fun with Mimikyu on the sofa, and after confirming that there was no problem, he went straight into a room.

Zhou Yuan did not follow Lu Dahu in to see what he was doing. Since others were not doing this in the living room, it meant that it was either inconvenient or the necessary equipment was inside. In either case, there was no need for him to get close to it. I guess Lu Dahu would tell him about this later.

After sitting on the sofa and watching Mimikyu and Yuanyuan playing happily for a while, Lu Dahu walked out of the room and said:

"I have just communicated with the rangers of the other three slopes of Daba Mountains, and found that everyone has found traces of giant bee populations during the patrol, and the number is quite large, distributed from the outer to the middle of the mountains, and their arrival has greatly affected the local elf ecosystem of Daba Mountains. We have integrated this matter and submitted it to the Forestry Department. The Forestry Department also attaches great importance to it and said that they will send people to conduct on-site investigations immediately."

After hearing what Lu Dahu said, Zhou Yuan nodded. This is indeed the best way that can be thought of at the moment. Professional matters should be handed over to professionals, and unprofessional people like him can just follow behind and mix in. It is absolutely unacceptable to go up and take the lead.

After finishing everything, Lu Dahu remembered that he hadn't eaten lunch today. He originally planned to cook after returning, but he went out to investigate the gathering place of giant hornets. It didn't matter if he missed a meal, but if the child was hungry, he would probably be torn apart by his wife when he came home for the next break.

But to his surprise, Yuanyuan said that she had eaten. When he asked her what she had eaten, Yuanyuan said that it was the fruit that Mimikyu gave her when she was hungry.

Lu Dahu scratched his head and felt that he seemed to owe Zhou Yuan a lot of favors, so he cooked a meal and forced Zhou Yuan to eat with him, and asked Zhou Yuan not to live in the tent, but to live in the wooden house at night, as there were enough rooms.

As the saying goes, it is hard to refuse a kind offer, Zhou Yuan finally agreed under Lu Dahu's offensive.

PS: Junior sister is really beautiful.

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