The night fell, and Zhou Yuan's first week after leaving home to start his journey passed without any waves.

(King of Beedrill:?)

In his opinion, the greatest achievement of this week may be the hatching of the water jump fish.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan glanced at the water jump fish in the sleeping bag beside the bed. The small one looked ugly and cute.

He shifted his sight and looked at the wind speed dog lying on the bed, the Gyarados with only the tip of its tail sticking into the tent and the Mimikyu lying at the end of the bed, guarding outside the tent. Zhou Yuan felt a little emotional. These are his own Pokémons.

Soon, his breathing became even, and Zhou Yuan gradually fell asleep, symbolizing the perfect end of the first week.

“Very good! Very energetic! Water Leap Fish, use Avalanche!”


Ice attribute energy condensed instantly, forming a white streak that hit the Spearow opposite Water Leap Fish fiercely. The Spearow immediately rolled his eyes and lost his ability to fight.

The Toucan not far away saw his offspring being beaten up. How could it tolerate this hot-tempered bird?

But after looking at the three dogs, dragons, and Qs around him who were unabashedly exuding elite auras, it felt that it was not impossible to tolerate it.

Zhou Yuan stepped forward and fed Water Leap Fish a piece of energy cube with a relatively mild medicinal property to help it replenish its energy.

Water Leap Fish was also very excited because this battle was the first battle it had experienced since its birth. It easily won the first battle, which gave Water Leap Fish a little confidence.

Fourteen days have passed since the water leap fish was hatched. It is now the morning of January 21st. Zhou Yuan and his party have crossed the Qinling Mountains in these fourteen days, and have traveled two-thirds of the distance from Shuangqing City to Kyoto. According to this progress, they can almost reach Kyoto by the end of the month, but Kyoto Elf University is also going to have a winter vacation. After the 25th, students will go home one after another, so Zhou Yuan decided to speed up in the next few days.

Today is to let the little water leap fish get familiar with the battle and exercise it.

After fourteen days of growth and Zhou Yuan's hard feeding, the water leap fish has safely passed its infancy and laid a solid foundation for future development.

"System, scan Water Leap."

[Water Leap ♂]

[Level: Late Novice Level]

[Features: Torrent]

[Skills: Yawn, Bite, Avalanche, Curse, Ice Ball, Mirror Reflection, Double Return, Impact, Call, Water Gun, Mud Throwing, See Through]

After half a month of cultivation, Water Leap's strength and level have improved at a very fast speed. Even the training of skills has the help of the other three Pokémons, which means that it is not suitable to learn new skills when it is born, otherwise its skill pool would never be so thin.

After leaving medicine and a few energy cubes for the Toucans family, Zhou Yuan continued to set foot on the road to Kyoto with a few Pokémons.

It is not appropriate to use the word "step on", because it has been decided to rush to Kyoto as soon as possible. Therefore, Zhou Yuan's way of rushing at this time is to fly over when encountering mountains or rivers, and ride on the body of the wind speed dog when encountering slightly flat terrain. Anyway, he does not move his legs and enjoys the privilege of the trainer.

In this way, with the two elves working tirelessly, Zhou Yuan and his party finally arrived at Jinshi, next to Kyoto, when it was getting dark that night. As it was late and the two elves really needed to rest after a day of running around, Zhou Yuan stopped in Jinshi and decided to rest for a night and then go to Kyoto Elf University to challenge (not) and visit with full spirit the next day.

The next morning, Zhou Yuan woke up and took a taxi to Kyoto Elf University.

That's right, he took a taxi from Jinshi to Kyoto Elf University.

Although Kyoto and Jinshi are two different cities, their combined areas are not as large as Shuangqing City. In addition, Kyoto Elf University is located not far from the border between Kyoto City and Jinshi, so it doesn't take long to take a taxi.

At a little after nine in the morning, Zhou Yuan got off the car and stood in front of the school gate of one of the highest institutions in the Yanhuang area.

Looking up slightly at the school gate in front of him, Zhou Yuan was a little emotional. He didn't expect that he could be directly admitted to the school that he couldn't get into in his previous life.

After sighing, Zhou Yuan walked towards the gate, intending to see the highest school in Yanhuang area.

The strength of the students of the Kyoto Elf University.

Then he was stopped by the security guard.

"Hey, that guy, where are you from? I think you look a little unfamiliar. Hey, you are not from our school, right? Where is your student ID? Take it out and let me see."

Zhou Yuan hadn't chosen which school to go to in the end, and how could he have a student ID of Kyoto Elf University? He originally thought that he might not be able to get in. The security guard seemed to see his situation and said to him:

"You want to visit the school without a student ID, right? Come here to buy a ticket."

Zhou Yuan was in a mess with just one sentence. So he had to buy a ticket, right?

But thinking about it, it was normal. After all, the school couldn't always open its doors to let people in, especially those who were idle and had nothing to do and came here to stroll around. Too much influx might affect the normal order of the school, so a ticket system was set up to screen out those who really wanted to enter the school and street urchins.

After registering basic information and buying tickets, Zhou Yuan walked into the gate with a campus map and began to explore one of the highest institutions of higher learning in the Yanhuang area.

"Hmm... let me see... I'm at the East Gate now. The closest place to me is... the East Canteen... let's see... the Pokémon Training Center, let's go there."

According to the instructions on the map, Zhou Yuan came to the waiting point on campus and waited for a while before getting on the sightseeing bus provided by the school. After saying his destination, Zhou Yuan began to look around the school environment from the sightseeing bus.

To be honest, although it has been more than a month, for young people with hot tempers, especially some trainers with very good physical fitness, this temperature is not cold, so Zhou Yuan can often see pairs of long legs on the roadside, which look very good to touch.

Of course, you can't touch them, otherwise you will be invited to have tea.

But even if you can't touch them, it's good to see them.

After Zhou Yuan saw seventy or eighty pairs of legs, the sightseeing bus also stopped at the door of the Pokémon Training Center.

Zhou Yuan got off the car. Just through the glass door, he could see that many students and their elves were training with the help of equipment. Zhou Yuan walked into the training center and got a general understanding.

First of all, in terms of equipment, the equipment in the Elf Training Center of Kyoto Elf University can be said to be the best equipment he has seen since he crossed over to the present. In other words, it is the most expensive, but there is a reason for having a lot of money. At least the training effect obtained by borrowing these equipment is much better than that obtained by other ordinary equipment.

And this is just the equipment in the ordinary area. I heard from the staff that there is also a special personal training room, but it is only open to students on campus. Zhou Yuan wanted to use money to open the way, but failed, which made him sigh:

"He is really principled."

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