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On the morning of August 2, the weather was fine. Zhou Yuan received the package he bought yesterday from the courier. After returning to his room, he opened it and took a day's supply. Then he went out and called for Caty Dog:

"Dog~ Dog~ Dog, where are you? We are going out! "

That's right, considering that Xiaoka can no longer threaten Caterpillar in the final battle with Caterpillar, it would be too cruel to let Dahong go on the field. In addition, Zhou Yuan was a quick learner and he knew a lot. After seven days, Liu Yongming found that he had nothing to teach Zhou Yuan, so he just let him take Caterpie to the battle field in Shuangqing City. On the one hand, it was to train Zhou Yuan and Caterpie, and on the other hand, it was also to prepare for the Warm Pig Cup on August 8.

After a while, Caterpie came out of another room. He ran out, and it looked like he had just finished feeding, and he was staggering with every step.

Zhou Yuan put the Catdog into the precious ball, tightened the straps of his backpack, and turned around to leave the ranch. Just as Zhou Yuan was about to step out of the ranch, Liu Yongming rushed up from behind.

"Xiao Yuan, take this with you." Liu Yongming handed a Poké Ball to Zhou Yuan,

"What is this?"

"This is a bright red Poké Ball. I'm a little off the beaten path, far from the battlefield. If you rely on your two legs, you'll have to walk two It will take more than 20 hours. I have something to do today and cannot drive you there. I would rather let you ride Red. There may be some wild Pokémons along the way. If Growlithe is exhausted in the battle, Red can still As security for you when you come back."

"Thank you, Uncle Liu."

Zhou Yuan did not act pretentiously and took the Poké Ball from Liu Yongming. Liu Yongming waved his hand and turned back to the ranch.

Zhou Yuan walked out of the ranch gate and put the Poké Ball in the The ball is thrown.

"Come out, Dahong."

The Poké Ball opened, and Dahong appeared in a burst of red light, standing with his head held high.

"Dahong, Uncle Liu should have told you what to do today, right?"

Dahong glanced at Zhou Yuan and nodded. He nodded and lay down. After all, the average height of an adult wind speed dog reached 1.9 meters. If Dahong didn't lie down, Zhou Yuan couldn't climb up Dahong's back even with his hands and feet.

After sitting firmly, Zhou Yuan patted Dahong's neck. "I'm ready, let's go, Dahong."

Dahong snorted, stood up and rushed towards the battlefield.

Because Dahong was so fast, Zhou Yuan had to hug Dahong's neck and hold him I also thought the furry feeling was really nice, and I took the opportunity to pull out two handfuls of the yellow fur on Dahong's neck. It was soft and felt pretty good. Dahong growled twice and found that this hateful human had not moved his hand away, so he simply Ignore him and just run.

The reason why the wind speed dogs are called wind speed dogs is because they are very fast. With Dahong running, Zhou Yuan soon saw the circular dome of the battlefield.

After approaching the battlefield, Zhou Yuan asked Dahong to stop and did not It would be too conspicuous to let it carry him to the entrance of the battle field.

After getting off the dog, Zhou Yuan took Dahong back into the Poké Ball and walked into the battle field on foot.

After entering the battle field, Zhou Yuan found that the left side of the gate It is a large open space with many fighting arenas. There are people on the arenas and below them. The people on the arenas are fighting, while the people below the arenas are either looking for someone to fight, or fighting on the arenas. Express your own opinions.

There is a service desk on the right side of the gate. Zhou Yuan has just arrived and decided to learn about the specific situation and rules first.

Seeing Zhou Yuan approaching, the salesperson sitting at the service desk stood up. The salesperson had to face many trainers every day and was very tired. It was inevitable that there would be some fake smiles and perfunctory expressions on his face. But when this When the salesperson saw Zhou Yuan's face, the smile on his face became much more friendly. After all, regardless of gender, appreciating beauty is a common trait of all people.

"Hello, sir. I am Xiao Jing, a salesperson. May I ask what you have? Need it?" The smile on the salesperson's face became more gentle and beautiful as Zhou Yuan approached.

Zhou Yuan was a little confused and a little surprised. Is the attitude of the front desk of the battlefield so good? It is worthy of being a battlefield opened by the government. The wild chickens outside are professional in the battlefield.

"Hello, this is my first time in the battlefield. What are the rules here?" Zhou Yuan asked his question.

"Sir, it's like this. Most of the facilities in the battlefield are It is free to use, but you need to invite a referee to fight in the ring.

There is a fee for judging the match. The specific fee is determined by the level of the game. When you arrive at the battlefield, a special staff will explain it to you. "

"Sir, this is your first time to come to the battlefield, so you need to register. Once you register in one battlefield, it will take effect in the entire Yanhuang area."

"When you go to the arena to fight, you must also register with your trainer certificate. People generally call it swiping a card. Sir, do you have your trainer certificate with you?"

"I have it. Here it is. "

Zhou Yuan nodded and took out a card from his bag that the school had given them when they were about to have their summer vacation in their second year of high school. The head teacher said it was a trainer certificate and asked them to keep it well.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, I'll register for you right away..." The salesperson Xiao Jing took Zhou Yuan's trainer certificate, put it on a card reader, and then operated on the computer for a while before handing the trainer certificate back to Zhou Yuan.

"Mr. Zhou, we have already registered for you. In the future, you only need to swipe the card to register on the battlefield and the facilities you want to use, but please pay attention to protecting the equipment when using it. If you cause damage to the equipment, you will be required to pay compensation."

"Okay, thank you." Zhou Yuanchao raised a polite smile to the salesperson.

The salesperson's eyes were wide open, and he introduced Zhou Yuan diligently while looking at him:

"Mr. Zhou, you don't need to thank me. Since you are a new trainer, I recommend you to go to the left half of the battlefield. There are mostly new trainers like you there, and you can get more effective battles there. "

"Okay, thank you again." Zhou Yuan smiled at the salesperson again, and then turned away without looking back, which made the salesperson seem a little lost for a moment.

Zhou Yuan came to the battle field and walked to the left half of the field according to the salesperson's instructions. Along the way, he saw many new trainers, each with their own initial Pokémon wandering around the field, or fighting on the ring.

Zhou Yuan scanned the Pokémon along the way while walking, and found that most of them were novice-level Pokémon. He had walked halfway and had not seen any ordinary-level Pokémon.

Until he saw some commotion in front of him, walked up and heard someone say:

"The guy on the ring is too strong, he has won five games in a row, and basically killed them instantly in every game. "

Zhou Yuan looked at the arena upon hearing this. Standing on the arena was a young man full of youthfulness. He was also handsome, but not as handsome as himself.

And standing next to the young man was an Ironbone Man, a humanoid fighting Pokémon mainly distributed in the Unova region, with excellent characteristics and excellent racial values. Except for being a little slow and ugly in the final evolution, there were almost no other shortcomings.

According to Zhou Yuan's memory, the Porter would naturally evolve into an Ironbone Man after his strength reached the Normal level, and he could not evolve as soon as he entered the Normal level. If classified according to the standards of fantasy literature, he would at least have the strength of the late Normal level. According to this strength, he would naturally be able to kill a lot of new trainers who were full of Novice-level Pokémon.

"System, scan the Ironbone Man. ”

[Iron Bone Earthman]

[Level: Late Ordinary Level]

[Features: Perseverance]

[Skills: Slap, Stare, Gather, Endurance, Kick, Rockfall, Wake-up Slap, Gradually Break, Continuous Punch, Hold On, Sonic Punch, Resurrection, Power, Sober, See Through, Flame Punch, Ice Punch, Lightning Punch]

“There really is such a classification as Late Ordinary Level…”

Zhou Yuan muttered, and then shifted his sights to the skill list of the Iron Bone Earthman.

“This Iron Bone Earthman has inherited many skills, and has also learned the Three Punches of the Farmer. It seems that he has a very strong elder. It would be strange if these babies around could beat him.”

“But it is precisely because he is strong enough that he can put pressure on the dog. The dog is now probably in the middle of the ordinary level. It is better to fight him. Whether you win or lose, you will gain something. ”

Just when Zhou Yuan was thinking about how to fight him, there was an uproar around him.

“Wow, he has won six games in a row, this guy is so strong.”

“Who said it wasn’t? The opponent in this game is obviously much stronger than the previous ones, but I still can’t beat him.”

Zhou Yuan also asked the system to scan the opponent of the Ironbone Man and found that it was a normal-level early Nidorino. There was a difference of two small segments in the middle, which was converted into a level difference of five to ten levels. In addition, the skill configuration of the Ironbone Man was not bad, and the trainer’s command was also no problem. It was not a strange thing to win this battle.

At this time, the commander of the Ironbone Man also asked loudly on the stage:

“Is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?

Is there one? "

But due to his brutal record of six consecutive victories, no one around the stage responded for a while. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel proud. Is this what is called overwhelming the heroes? While thinking, he was still asking:

"No one? No one dares to challenge me? Who else? !"

Zhou Yuan couldn't stand it anymore. The kid on the stage was too arrogant, so he stepped in front of everyone and shouted to the ring:

"I'll do it!"

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