The truth is that a sincere heart will not deceive people, and naturally it will not deceive birds.

Although Zhou Yuan's words were not well received by the little Articuno, after feeling the truth, goodness and beauty in Zhou Yuan's heart, the little Articuno was somewhat surprised to find that the man in front of him was unexpectedly a good person!

Is this how good people talk and act these days? Even more evil than the evil sect?

The worldview of the little Articuno was slightly shocked by Zhou Yuan.

In the heart of the little Articuno, Zhou Yuan felt anxious, helpless, panic-stricken, and doubtful about his life after seeing himself.

Zhou Yuan could understand the first three points. After all, if his guess was correct, the elf that caused the blizzard due to loss of control must have a very close relationship with Articuno. It was understandable whether he was anxious or helpless.

As for doubting the bird's life, Zhou Yuan chose to ignore it.

What you saw was a humanoid elf, what does it have to do with me, Zhou Yuan?

Finally, after understanding some of Zhou Yuan's psychology and finding that he was indeed not a bad person, Articuno was finally willing to sit (stand) down and communicate with Zhou Yuan.

"Cry, cry. (Human, although I understand your heart and understand that you really want to help us. But have you ever thought about how to help us?)"

Hearing what the little Articuno said, Zhou Yuan scratched his head and said doubtfully:

"Let's just say is there a possibility... After you tell me the specific situation you are facing, I can judge what kind of help should be provided according to the actual situation?"


The little Articuno pondered for a moment, slapped his head with his left wing, and realized it!

It seems to be true!

But if it is asked to tell Zhou Yuan the specific situation now, it is a little hesitant.

Even if it has communicated with Zhou Yuan's mind and knows that he is a trustworthy good person, it involves the bird with the closest relationship to itself after all, especially now that its state is very easy to be taken advantage of. Should it really tell everything to the human in front of it?

That being said, the little Articuno thought again.

If I can't beat him, it means he can use force on me, it means he can knock me out or even kill me before entering the center of the blizzard.

But at the same time, because he is very strong, it means he may have a way to solve this problem.

In addition, as the saying goes, the mind can reflect a person's goodness and badness in the clearest, most transparent and most intuitive way.

Little Articuno thought about what he felt when he was connected with Zhou Yuan's mind.

Although he had some messy and dirty tactics in his mind, although he had some words such as European and American regions and blonde hair in his mind that Little Articuno didn't understand, although his approach did have a certain utilitarianism.

But at the same time, his love for the elves was ardent, his kindness was real, and he sincerely wanted to help himself.

After thinking about it for a long time, Little Articuno finally opened his mouth (beak).

"Chiji, chijijijiji."

Zhou Yuan:?

Why did even the voice change?

Although the voice changed, the meaning was still translated to Zhou Yuan through the conduction of Qi.

"It's like this, as you guessed, my mother is in the center of the blizzard now..."

After the little Articuno chirped and explained, Zhou Yuan finally figured out what was going on.

The story started half a month ago.

Half a month ago, the twin islands in Kanto welcomed two uninvited guests, the little Articuno and its mother.

The purpose of their trip was mainly to travel around the world. When passing through the Kanto region, they came to see their relatives, that is, the Articuno who lived on the twin islands and had a good relationship with the ice king Kona.

Unexpectedly, the relatives did not see it, but saw two sneaky humans, two humans with the letter 'R' printed on their chests.


One day ago, the twin islands in the Kanto region.

"Yusheng, do you think this controller invented by Dr. Nanba is really useful?" Takemura, a member of the Special Operations Division of Team Rocket with a yellow Shamatte hairstyle, asked his partner while holding a collar in his hand.

Yusheng, who had white hair tied in a ponytail and looked a bit feminine, shook his head and said:

"I don't know, but hasn't Dr. Nanba experimented many times? There is no record of failure."

"That being said, the target of our operation this time is the legendary elf, the frozen bird."

"What's wrong with Articuno? It's not like we haven't caught the legendary elves before. Besides, don't we still have this?"

As he spoke, Yu Sheng shook the gun-shaped device in his hand.

"That's true. This time it can be regarded as another level of cooperation between Dr. Nanbo and Dr. Silanu, right?"

The two of them didn't say anything else and began to wait on the path that Articuno must pass on the Gemini Island.

Half an hour later, two blue figures appeared in their field of vision.

"Here they come!... No, why are there two!"

Wumura first compared quietly after seeing Articuno, and then compared loudly after seeing two Articunos.

Yu Sheng, who was traveling with him, covered his mouth with one hand.

"Keep your voice down, idiot. Look carefully. These two Articunos are of different sizes. They are probably the parents with their children. I've heard that the three sacred birds have tribes, but this is the first time I've seen one."

"Listen to me. We'll control the smaller one first, and then use it to catch the larger one. In this way, we can capture two legendary elves. Do you know how much experience this is? The three cadres are qualified, but we are not?"

Hearing Yu Sheng's words, Wucun's eyes lit up and he nodded continuously, and his covered mouth also made a humming sound.

So, the two of them fell silent again, and when the little Articuno and its mother flew over their heads, they attacked!

The gun-shaped device in Yu Sheng's hand shot out a red beam that hit the little Articuno. This beam can be called a chaotic beam, which is the super-evolved Promax version of the strange light. Under its influence, the little Articuno's not very smart brain became extremely confused, and it opened its mouth and fired a freezing beam at its mother beside it.

Articuno was suddenly attacked and was extremely angry. It clearly realized that this ambush must have been premeditated. It wanted to flee with its child, but it was unable to leave due to the chaos and violence of the little Articuno. In the end, it watched itself and its child being surrounded by the two elves of Team Rocket.

In terms of pure paper strength, Articuno's strength is naturally better than the two ace elves.

But as the saying goes, the two are Team Rocket, and the most despised thing is that they have to fight alone when they can fight in a group. What kind of martial ethics should be used to capture the mythical beast? Are you kidding me?

So, the two Articunos were surrounded by more than a dozen elves. In fact, Articuno could get away with its own strength, but as a mother, its responsibility and emotions made it really unable to let go of the chaotic little Articuno. It could only bite the bullet and fight multiple elves, and occasionally guard against the attack from its own little cotton jacket.

Although the little Articuno attacked indiscriminately after falling into chaos, the Rockets had many elves and the encirclement was formed, so they could dodge the attacks from the little Articuno as much as possible. However, because Articuno was surrounded by a large number of elves, its movement was almost restricted. When facing multiple attacks, it had to choose to either withstand the attacks of the Rockets elves or its daughter.

In this way, Articuno had more and more wounds on his body, and his physical strength gradually declined, and his body became shaky.

Seeing this scene, the Rockets' eyes lit up, knowing that the opportunity had come. They rode on the flying elves to approach Articuno, ready to find an opportunity to put the controller in their hands around Articuno's neck.

At this moment, the little Articuno finally got out of the chaotic state. Looking at his mother who was covered in bruises, although his brain was not enough, he could also keenly perceive what was going on. He almost cried for a while, but soon calmed down and decided to take his mother away first after looking at the elves around him.

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