The battle was over, but the battle was over.

Looking at the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room, Zhou Yuan cleared his throat, drank a sip of water, and saw that he was still a long way from completing the task, so he said:

"Since some new viewers have not seen the previous battles, I will use this lineup to line up two more games."

"Thanks to the eye-catching message from the Ice Doll Chuang, the boss said that he played very well and should not play so hard next time."

"Hahaha, boss, don't worry, the previous one was not that hard, and the next one will only be harder."

Sure enough, the next battle was as Zhou Yuan said. After the reinforcement, the team was crushed, which made Kona, who was watching the live broadcast, feel a little fortunate for himself. Fortunately, he was not the one who was beaten the worst.

After scoring two more points, Zhou Yuan's ranking rose to the tenth in the world server. The public screen was once again occupied by "ohhhh", and his popularity rose to 1.2 million.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Zhou Yuan began to summarize the siege team.

"A siege team does not necessarily have to use Arcanine as the core. Other Pokémon with the characteristics of Justice can also be used. For example, Lucario, Absol and Aledo can also be used as the core of the siege tactics."

"The siege tactics will be shown here for the time being. I will edit it into a video and upload it to Station A later. Please support it."

Zhou Yuan took a sip of water and continued:

"Now I will bring you the second set of tactics. This set of tactics is relatively cheaper. It does not require Arcanine and Gigi as the previous two tactics, but if you really want to say that it is cheap, it has to be the previously released Bug Pokémon. 's tactics. Interested viewers can go and watch it after I go off the air. "

"The second set of tactics is the Sunny Day system used in singles, but our Sunny Day is different from others' Sunny Day. We use Sun Eevee as the main output player."

Hearing Zhou Yuan say this, the barrage also expressed confusion:

"Ah? Sun Eevee can also play against the Sunny Day team?"

"Although his name contains a sun, you can't put him in the Sunny Day team"

"Meow meow meow?"

"∑(´△`)? ! "

Looking at these barrages, Zhou Yuan did not rush to explain, but chose to match the opponent.

"There is no point in saying more, I will show you the actual combat."

After queuing for a long time, I finally got the opponent, an opponent from the Sinnoh region named "Fire is the most explosive".

"Look at the opponent's lineup. Flame Horse, Houndoom, Infernape, Duck-billed Flame Dragon, Echo Balloon, Steelix. It's obviously a sunny team system, but the opponent's sunny team does not rely on characteristics. It is estimated that it uses skills to open, which is what we often call hand fire."

Zhou Yuan analyzed the opponent's lineup and chose Thunderbolt as the starting player.

"We should use Thunderbolt first. We can't let Coal Turtle go on the field like this, which is equivalent to giving the opponent a hand of weather for free."

Entering the battle, Zhou Yuan started with Thunderbolt, and the opponent started with Flame Horse.

"Here, we don't care what skills the opponent uses, whether it's sunny or direct output, we will open a wall first, Thunderbolt, and use light wall."

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Thunderbolt opened a light wall, and the opponent's Flame Horse also opened a big sunny day.

"After opening the light wall, we will open the reflection wall to ensure our own safety and protect the elves behind. In addition, the prop I brought to the Thunderbolt is the light clay, which can effectively extend the time of the light wall and the reflection wall."

The opponent did not choose to rotate, but let the Flame Horse use the big word explosion. This fire caused a lot of damage to the Thunderbolt with the blessing of the sunny day, even with the light wall.

"But it doesn't matter! Our Thunderbolt mission has been completed! Thunderbolt, use Volt to replace and rotate back!"

Under Zhou Yuan's command, the Thunderbolt turned into a thunder ball and hit the Flame Horse's head and bounced back, which also made the Flame Horse's second big word explosion miss.

"Go, Coal Turtle!"

Zhou Yuan rotated the Coal Turtle into the field, and the appearance of the Coal Turtle refreshed the duration of the sunny day.

"Coal Turtle, use Stealth Rock." Zhou Yuan gave the command to Coal Turtle, and also explained to the audience:

"The effect of Stealth Rock is mainly to cause damage to the opponent's subsequent Pokémon, and to break the possible Momentum Cloak."

In the battle scene, Flame Horse was replaced by Steelix, and Coal Turtle also took advantage of the opponent's rotation to sprinkle Stealth Rock all over the field, attacking Steelix who had just entered the field.

The snake caused a little bit of damage.

"Steel Snake? The opponent probably wants to use Earthquake to directly replace our Coal Turtle. Let him replace it. Besides, there is a reflection wall, even if the earthquake is impossible to kill my Coal Turtle in one second."

But what Zhou Yuan did not expect was that Steelix, who was slightly faster than Coal Turtle, swallowed Coal Turtle directly with an Earthquake.

"Ah? Killed me in one second? Can this hit the vital point? It's unfair!"

Zhou Yuan howled, and the barrage was full of hahahaha.

"But it doesn't matter! Coal Turtle is gone, and it's finally our protagonist Sol Eevee's turn to play. Go Sol Eevee!!!"

Zhou Yuan roared loudly.

"Why are you yelling so loudly!"

"You've deafened me, host. Pay me!"

Terrestrial Eevee jumped onto the battlefield lightly, making a cute cry, "Buee~"

"Ah, Terrestrial Eevee is so cute"

"Indeed, the Eevee family all look pretty good"

Zhou Yuan also began to formally introduce the core of this tactic:

"As you can see, our core damage dealer Terrestrial Eevee has already played. Some viewers may wonder what role a Terrestrial Eevee can play on a sunny day. This requires mentioning a skill, which is Growth."

Zhou Yuan then gave a command to Terrestrial Eevee:

"Terrestrial Eevee, use Growth!"

Terrestrial Eevee suddenly grew a circle larger, and his eyes became sharper!

The opponent's Steelix used Earthquake again, but due to the existence of the reflection wall, it did not cause much damage.

"Growth, after using it, can effectively increase the user's physical attack power and special attack power, and using it in sunny weather will greatly increase these two abilities."

"Terrestrial Eevee already has a good output ability, and after growth, it can directly cause excellent damage, but someone will definitely ask, A Yuan, A Yuan, then your physical attack power will be useless after it is strengthened?"

Hearing Zhou Yuan say this, the barrage was all "A Yuan, A Yuan, then your..."

Looking at these barrages, Zhou Yuan smiled and continued:

"Actually, it's not. As for why I say this, the audience friends just need to read on."

Next, under Zhou Yuan's command, the terrestrial Eevee used growth again, grew a circle and greatly increased its double attack.

The opponent's Steelix tried to kill the terrestrial Eevee, but still failed.

"It's enough to strengthen it to this point. Now no matter who comes, they can't stand us, except for the Momentum Cloak and Sturdiness characteristics, but we have already arranged the invisible rock, and the opponent's Momentum Cloak and Sturdiness are useless."

"Go, Solebee, use the awakening power of fire!!!"

Sosolebee condensed a ball of fire energy and hit Steelix's head directly. The fourth level of strengthening plus double restraint killed it instantly!

Da Ye, who was playing games at home, watched Steelix being killed instantly, and his eyes twitched a little. The damage was really too high and difficult to bear.

But it doesn't matter. I still have Infernape with the Iron Fist characteristic. I will try to go up and hit the opponent with a sonic punch.

Just as Daye expected, Infernape hit Solebee's face with a sonic punch after he came on the field, but Solebee shook his head and took Infernape away with an auxiliary force.

"Ah?" Daye was a little confused. He calculated the damage himself. Even if it was a red Solebee, he couldn't withstand it... No, he might be able to withstand it, but the opponent was not a red Pokémon, it was outrageous.

At this time, Zhou Yuan was also explaining to the audience:

"I gave Solebee a Shell Bell, which can effectively improve its endurance. After defeating Steelix just now, Solebee's energy returned to a healthy level through the Shell Bell. The opponent can't defeat Solebee with just a sound speed punch."

While explaining, Zhou Yuan also commanded Solebee to use auxiliary power to defeat Flamehorse.

Daye in Sinnoh was scratching his head and thinking about why he lost, while Zhou Yuan was explaining this tactic in detail.

"I believe that after watching the last match, many viewers have understood how this tactic works in general. I will explain it in detail here."

"First of all, Coal Turtle is easy to understand. It opens the weather and lays the foundation for the subsequent growth of Sol Eevee. It scatters invisible rocks, breaks the momentum drape and solidity, and can also output a certain amount of fire or smoke. It can also use Yawn to force the opponent to rotate when it feels that the opponent's Pokémon is not suitable for Sol Eevee."

"The second is Thunderbolt. This position is not fixed. Instead of Thunderbolt, choose other items that can open

Pokémon with double walls are also OK, but the speed of Thunderbolt is faster, and it can be replaced by Volt. The purpose of opening double walls is to reduce the damage caused by the opponent when Solebee is strengthening. "

"Finally, Solebee is the most important point. First of all, it is growth. In a sunny environment, it can greatly improve its own double attack. After improving double attack, it is the turn of auxiliary force to appear. Auxiliary force is a very magical skill. The power will increase with the increase of its own ability level. Combined with the double attack power after strengthening, this skill can cause ten times the damage of the normal state when used. "

"Maybe many viewers don’t have a concept of ten times damage. Let’s put it this way. Everyone knows that Milotic has a high special defense and good tankiness, but it can’t withstand the auxiliary power after growing once in a sunny day, and can be killed instantly. "

"And what about growing twice? Simply put, it can kill a full-blooded Happiny in seconds. Everyone should have an idea of ​​Happiny’s tankiness. It is the Pokémon with the second special defense and the first energy at present, but it will still be killed in seconds. ”

“Someone might ask, what should we do when the opponent uses a Dark Pokémon? That’s a good question, so I gave Solebee a signal beam, which doubles the Dark Pokémon’s resistance and can instantly kill Dark Pokémon.”

“The last skill I chose to carry is Awakening Power Fire, which can effectively supplement Solebee’s attack blind spot, perfectly restrain Bug and Steel attributes, and achieve no-dead-angle coverage of damage.”

As usual, after talking about the advantages, Zhou Yuan began to talk about the disadvantages of the tactic.

“Just like other enhanced tactics are afraid of, this tactic is also restrained by Roar and Blow Away. If it can’t be enhanced at all, it will be difficult to cause effective damage.”

“In addition to being forced to rotate, due to Solebee’s own low resistance, if there is a powerful first-hand skill, such as the speed of Windy Dog and Dragonite, the water jet after Maril uses Belly Drum, the head-on attack of Armor Warrior, and even the Dark skill of Rush, Solebee can be knocked down, thus breaking this tactic. ”

“Although there are many limitations, this tactic is really cool. You may also try it in a virtual battle. If you have cultivated the above-mentioned elves in reality, you can also try to use it.”

Just after Zhou Yuan finished his introduction, he saw the gift special effect flashing.

“Ah, thank you for the spaceship sent by the boss of ‘Last I’m First’,” before he finished speaking, another gift special effect appeared.

“Thank you for the spaceship sent by the boss of ‘Ice Doll Creates Death to Him’. The two bosses spent money. I will manage the room for the two bosses later.”

As the two spaceships were displayed on the banners in Station A, many people were curious about what kind of live broadcast room it was, so they entered one after another.

The popularity of the live broadcast room, which had reached 1.8 million popularity due to the second set of tactics, continued to rise. It broke through two million popularity in less than a minute. Hearing the system [Task Completed] prompt sound in his ears, Zhou Yuan smiled and said:

“Happy times are always so short. It’s time to say goodbye again. Dear viewers, see you in the next video or the next live broadcast! ”

After saying that, Zhou Yuan unplugged the line at the speed of light, leaving a question mark in the room.

“? ? ?”


“I just came in and it’s already gone?”

“What kind of live room is this? I didn’t see anything.”

“Brother upstairs, the anchor said that he will wear women’s clothes when the number of fans exceeds one million.”

“Isn’t it almost 900,000? Brothers, work harder!”

The comments here were gradually going off the topic, and Zhou Yuan over there was already leaning on the chair.

“Ah… I’m so tired… System, start the settlement.”

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