The two of them stood up and walked onto the stage from the right step. Opposite him was a boy who walked up from the left.

The two stood on both sides of the stage and exchanged names at the referee's signal.

"Zhou Yuan."

"Yang Ziyun."

"Please advise me." / "Please advise me."

With the referee's order, the battle began.

Yang Ziyun threw the Poké Ball.

"Go, Sandshrew!"


A khaki Pokémon that looked like a pangolin landed on the stage and sharpened its small claws, even looking a little cute.

[Sandshrew ♂]

[Level: Normal Early Stage]

[Features: Sand Hide]

[Skills: Grab, Round, Sand Swipe, Poison Needle, Roll, High-Speed ​​Spin, Slash, Magnitude, Stomp, High-Speed ​​Star, Grab, Quicksand Hell, Grab, Mud Shooter, Claw Sharpening]

Zhou Yuan also threw out the precious ball.

"Go, Caterpie."

"Awoo ψ(*`ー´)ψ"

Zhou Yuan was a bit unlucky. In the case that most of the players were novice-level late-stage Pokémon, he ran into a normal-level Sandshrew in the first round, but the trainer on the opposite side was even more unlucky. In the case that most of the players were novice-level Pokémon, he ran into Zhou Yuan, the dark horse, and was destined to welcome his first round of tour.

"Is the opponent Grislynx? With the attribute restraint, it is impossible not to win this game."

Yang Ziyun is very confident. After all, he cannot see through Grislynx's strength. In fact, in his opinion, Zhou Yuan is most likely a rich man who brought Grislynx to experience the game, which is equivalent to him picking up this wave of points for free.

With this in mind, Yang Ziyun gave orders to Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew, use Stomp!"

"Grislynx, use Flash Charge!"

Zhou Yuan did not choose to strengthen or defend to resist, because they were not used at all. He just rushed directly and it was over.

Even if Sandshrew has attribute restraint on Grislynx, the huge gap in hard power is difficult to make up, and Sandshrew's attack power is not particularly high. With Grislynx's tankiness, it can completely take this Stomp.

This was indeed the case. Sandshrew's claws covered with khaki energy slapped towards Growlithe, and indeed hit Growlithe, but it was also knocked out by Growlithe, which was covered with flames. After flying a distance, it fell to the ground and rolled twice.

Yang Ziyun saw his Pokémon being knocked away, and then he realized that he might have hit a wall.

The opposite Growlithe was still jumping around like a dog after being stomped hard, while his Sandshrew was a little sluggish after being hit by the opposite side.

Unable to fight hard anymore, Yang Ziyun changed his combat strategy in time, commanding Sandshrew to use sand-moving to interfere with Growlithe's vision, and tried to find an opportunity to use rounding and grinding claws to strengthen itself.

But how could Zhou Yuan let him do as he wished? He commanded Growlithe to use high-speed movement to dodge continuously, causing Sandshrew's sand-moving to fail repeatedly.

Seeing that the sand could not be moved, Yang Ziyun ordered Sandshrew to use Quicksand Hell to temporarily trap Growlithe and give himself a chance to breathe.

A piece of quicksand spread quickly, extending to Growlithe's feet in time before he could dodge, and then entangled his limbs.

Seeing that the plan was successful, Yang Ziyun hurriedly ordered Sandshrew to use the claws to start strengthening, but he never thought that Growlithe's limbs were stained with flames, and then the body curled up, forming a flame wheel to break free from the shackles of Quicksand Hell and roll towards Sandshrew.

Although Sandshrew avoided this round in time under the command of the trainer, Growlithe stretched its body in mid-air, turned its head to the direction of Sandshrew, opened its mouth, and the fire attribute energy gathered in its mouth, followed by a dog head-sized fireball rushing out, hitting Sandshrew, who was in a state of exhaustion and new strength, and fell to the ground with a circle of eyes.

The referee took a look at Sandshrew and announced the result of the battle.

"Sandshrew can't make a comeback! The winner is Growlithe!"

After hearing the referee's decision, Zhou Yuan took Growlithe back into the Poké Ball and left the ring without looking at his frustrated opponent.

After leaving the ring, Zhou Yuan did not choose to leave the stadium immediately, but went around to other rings to see if there were any opponents worth spending more time on.

After looking at several rings around, Zhou Yuan did not find any opponents worth paying attention to, but he saw a lot of trainers' tricks.

He returned to the No. 21 ring just in time for the start of the fifth battle.

The little fat man Li Chengqian and a tall and thin guy stood on both sides of the ring. One fat, one thin, one tall, and one short looked very funny.

A player next to Zhou Yuan laughed at this scene:

"If they were asked to be the doormen of the hotel, the hotel would definitely have good business."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan couldn't help but grinned.

The referee on the stage slashed his right hand and announced the start of the battle. Both sides summoned their own elves.

The thin and tall elf was Butterfree, and the little fat man's elf was Squirtle, which caused some restlessness in the audience.

Zhou Yuan was not surprised. If what the little fat man said before was true, it would be too easy for him to get the three starter elves as the initial elves. If he was willing to spend more money, it would not be a problem to get the quasi-god cubs.

Zhou Yuan used the system to scan the two Pokémons on the stage. There was nothing much to say about Butterfree. It was at the beginning of the normal level, and its skills were those that it learned as its strength grew. Although it was more than enough to fight against the novice-level Pokémons, it was still not good enough to face Squirtle.

[Squirtle ♂]

[Level: Normal Level Mid-Term]

[Features: Torrent]

[Skills: Water Jet, Water Ring, Wave Missile, Salt Water, Dragon Wave, High-Five Surprise Attack, Mirror Reflection, Black Fog, White Fog, Turbid Stream, Water Spray, Life Drop, Yawn, Water Oath, Frozen Fist, Frozen Wind, Water Wave, Mind Hammer, Impact, Tail Shaking, Water Gun, Retracting into Shell, Foam, Biting, High-Speed ​​Rotation, Holding]

"Tsk, is this a rich person?"

Zhou Yuan had seen everything in all these years, but he had never seen such a luxurious skill configuration.

Damn it, the happiness of rich people is really unimaginable.

In the entire skill list, all the skills from Yawn onwards are hereditary skills, and they are inherited from different fathers. The fact that they can be integrated into one body indicates that after many generations of breeding, the turtles that have inherited the corresponding skills are selected and continued to be bred and inherited, and it is only after many generations that they are formed.

Only a few top breeding houses can produce such a turtle, and the price is more than three million.

Moreover, this Squirtle has not been raised to waste. From its spirit and other skills, it can be seen that the five skills from Water Oath to Mind Hammer are all teaching skills. To be able to learn these more difficult skills, even with the help of learning devices, corresponding training is required.

"This little fat guy is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger."

Zhou Yuan was a little emotional. If anyone really judged the combat effectiveness of his elves based on his appearance, he would probably suffer a great loss.

There is no suspense in this battle. The crushing of levels and skills has resulted in no possibility for Butterfree to win, unless Squirtle is struck by thunder, but this is obviously unrealistic.

The fact was not beyond Zhou Yuan's expectation. Butterfree's Wind didn't even scratch Squirtle's shell, and Squirtle hit it with a double restraint with Frozen Wind.

Watching the little fat man walk off the stage, and thinking of his enthusiasm, although he didn't know whether it was good or bad, Zhou Yuan was still a little uncomfortable, so he decided to slip away first. Before Li Chengqian saw him, he turned and walked to other battle arenas to investigate the next opponent.

In the remaining time, Zhou Yuan walked through most of the arenas in the venue and watched the battles of each group. He found that most of the rookie trainers present participated in the competition with a playful mentality.

At least half of the Pokémon are still at the novice level, and 90% of the Pokémon that broke through the normal level are in the early stage, and 90% of the remaining Pokémon are in the middle stage. The number of Pokémon that broke through the late stage of the normal level is very small, and Zhou Yuan did not see the breakthrough to perfection.

But he is just one person after all, it is impossible to observe all the battles at the same time, so he may miss stronger opponents.

Until most of the battles were over, and it was past twelve o'clock, Zhou Yuan looked at the watch and touched his stomach, and fed the dog an energy cube with his backhand. He decided to go home to see his parents.

He took out the key and opened the door. Before entering the house, Zhou Yuan heard the hearty laughter of two grown men in the house. He didn't need to look, just listen to identify that it was Zhou's father and Uncle Liu.

Although Zhou Yuan knew that these two people were not serious, when Zhou Yuan walked into the door, the scene that caught his eyes still stunned him.

Zhou Tianqi and Liu Yongming each stepped on a box of Shancheng beer and blew each other's bottles, while Zhou's mother watched the brothers make a fuss.

Sure enough, I walked into the wrong door, right? This scene in front of me always feels a bit shocking. Sure enough, men are teenagers until they die.

Zhou's mother was a little happy to find that her son was back, but she still said:

"Hey, who is this, a rare guest, how long have you not seen?"

Zhou Yuan: [・ヘ・?]


? Why is even my mother not right? Are some things really contagious?

"Okay, stop standing at the door, come and eat, and don't bother them, they've drunk too much again." Zhou's mother couldn't help laughing when she mentioned the reason for their drinking contest.

"At first, your uncle Liu praised you for learning things from him so well and quickly, and your father became proud, saying that he was a good child. Your uncle Liu was not convinced, saying that he taught well, and the two of them started drinking contests after arguing. They are really so grown up and still act like children."

Hearing Zhou's mother's words, Zhou Yuan thought:

Maybe they are not arguing for this, but probably for drinking in front of you openly.

But Zhou Yuan didn't say it out loud, after all, he had to be his father's angel, and couldn't always be his father's rebellious son.

Seeing his son come back, Zhou's father was very happy, and he pulled his son to drink with him, but after Zhou's mother put her hand on his waist, she seemed to sober up and silently let go of her son's hand.

Zhou Yuan looked at the harmonious scene in front of him with some emotion.

Ah, it was another quiet and peaceful day.

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