After a long wait, the staff went to the front desk.

With the guidance of the road sign and the front desk, Zhou Yuan found the training room No. 36 in Area D. When he walked to the door, he found that there was already a middle-aged man standing at the door waiting for him.

"Hello? Are you Coach Wang?"

Zhou Yuan asked.

The man turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yuan, nodded, and smiled:

"You are Mr. Zhou, right? The front desk told me that you want my Infernape to teach you the skills of your Pokémon, right?"

Zhou Yuan put the membership card on the door lock, opened the door, and walked in.

"Coach Wang, call me Xiao Zhou, come in and talk first."

Coach Wang followed Zhou Yuan into the training room.

After Zhou Yuan closed the door, he said to Coach Wang:

"Coach Wang, I saw in the data that your Infernape has the skill of Reverse Scale, right? I want my Pokémon to learn this skill."

Coach Wang nodded and threw the Poké Ball.


After the red light dissipated, a half-human-high white-haired monkey stood in place.

Zhou Yuan habitually scanned the monkey with the system.

[Infernape ♀]

[Level: Senior Level Mid-Term]

[Features: Energetic]

[Skills: Risking Life, Throwing, Desire, Grabbing, Kick Down, Staring, Chopping with Bare Hands, Grabbing, Throwing Mud, Throwing on the Earth, Revenge, Bluffing, Cross Chopping, Malicious Pursuit, Rocket Head Hammer, Making a Big Trouble, Iron Tail, Bodybuilding, Reverse Scale, Frozen Fist, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist]

'It's the farmer's three punches again...'

Coach Wang looked at Zhou Yuan staring at his monkey in a daze and felt a little worried about his monkey.

After getting rid of the unrealistic idea, Coach Wang commanded Infernape to use Reverse Scale.

Infernape's fists condensed blue-purple energy, and his eyes also glowed blue-purple. Then his fists hit the target beside the training ground in succession, making a roar.

Zhou Yuan pointed at the target and said to Coach Wang:

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Okay, I will let Infernape teach your Pokémon, but I can't guarantee whether you can learn it. After all, some Pokémon can learn it in one go, while some Pokémon can't learn it in a month. Maybe there is a talent gap between Pokémon. Okay, release your Pokémon. I hope your Pokémon can endure hardships. After all, learning skills is not that simple."

Zhou Yuan nodded, raised his hand and summoned Gyarados and Caterpie.

"Roar!!!"/"Awoo (✪ω✪)"

Gyarados fell into the water, raised his head and howled, then stretched out the tentacles beside his mouth and touched Zhou Yuan's head.

Caterpie landed next to Zhou Yuan, stood up and hugged his thigh.

Zhou Yuan always felt that there was something wrong with the bond between him and Gyarados, as if it was his trainer.

The man and the dragon looked at each other, Zhou Yuan threw an energy cube into its mouth, and also stuffed one into the dog.

Coach Wang next to him looked at the interaction between the three guys and smiled.

"Xiao Zhou, your Gyarados is pretty good. Judging from the color of its scales, you usually feed it energy cubes, and it is well trained; Gryphon also has smooth fur and is fat and strong. It is a good player in standing and output."

After saying that, Coach Wang clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, let's start training."

Zhou Yuan nodded and said to Gyarados and Gyarados:

"Gryphon, Gyarados, this afternoon we are going to learn new skills from this uncle and his Pokémon. Do you have the confidence to learn it?"


It can be seen that the two Pokémons are very confident.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Infernape walked in front of the two Pokémons, raised his fist, and gradually covered it with blue-purple energy, and then seemed to explain to them the working principle of this skill, while Gryphon and Gyarados kept nodding.

And Coach Wang began to explain to Zhou Yuan.

"Infernape is now teaching your Pokémon the trajectory and method of energy. In fact, this skill depends on the Pokémon itself. Some Pokémon already have dragon energy in their bodies, so learning will be twice as effective with half the effort, but some Pokémon have less dragon breath energy in their bodies, so learning is more difficult."

"If your Gyarados is talented enough, it is not impossible to learn this skill this afternoon, but it will be a bit difficult for Gatorade."

In the following time, Zhou Yuan watched Gyarados and Gatorades try to mobilize dragon energy from their bodies to complete the use of Reverse Scale under the guidance of Infernape under the explanation of Coach Wang.

It can only be said that Gyarados deserves the word "dragon" in its name. After a

After several hours of learning, he was able to attach the blue-purple energy to his fangs and the raised scales on his head. Although he could not control the specific attack power and subtle direction well, it also attracted Coach Wang's admiration, saying that he had not seen a Pokémon that could master the difficult skill of Reverse Scale so quickly for a long time.

Only Zhou Yuan knew that this was the credit of the learning device worn on Gyarados, which could effectively help Pokémon learn skills. At the beginning, Gyarados learned a lot of skills from its mother with this prop.

In addition, Gyarados has good talent, so it is expected to make gratifying progress with the help of the learning device.

On the contrary, Gyarados seems to have a hard time learning, but it is understandable. After all, its mother Dahong does not know this skill either. It seems that the family lacks dragon energy.

However, Zhou Yuan does not care much about this, because Gyarados has learned enough skills, and the attack range covers most of the attributes. Learning Reverse Scale is icing on the cake, and it is harmless if it cannot learn it.

Finally, the time for this instruction was over.

Coach Wang raised his wrist to check his watch and said hello to Zhou Yuan.

"Xiao Zhou, let's stop here for now. You can find me next time if you need anything."

He was about to take Infernape back to the Poké Ball.

At this moment, a trace of blue-purple energy appeared in Growlithe's claws. Although it was very weak and fleeting, Zhou Yuan, who had sharp eyes, still saw this scene and made a decision immediately.

"Coach Wang, I'll add another hour."

On the one hand, it can help Gyarados consolidate his memory, and on the other hand, it has already seen the signs of Growlithe's learning. Maybe he can learn it in another hour?

Anyway, it's not a loss, go, go, go, go.

Coach Wang didn't feel reluctant when he heard this, after all, Xiao Zhou was the best client he had met recently.

He is polite, handsome, and learns Pokémon quickly. He looks like a rookie trainer who already has two powerful Pokémon. This kind of person either has a powerful family or is very capable. No matter what kind of person he is, he is worth making friends with.

So I just let Infernape continue to teach Gary and Gyarados.

Gyarados is indeed talented in learning dragon-type skills. At least after two hours of learning, he can effectively use the skill of Reverse Scale, and can also help Infernape teach Gary.

Although Gary didn't completely learn this skill in the end, with the help of the learning device that Zhou Yuan took from Gyarados, Gary still learned a certain prototype and was able to attach a thin layer of blue-purple energy to both claws.

It was past six o'clock and the extended clock was over. Although Zhou Yuan wanted to extend it for another clock, Coach Wang saw that it was getting late and declined Zhou Yuan, preparing to go home after get off work.

No matter how powerful and talented you are, don't even think about asking me to work overtime.

Coach Wang thought so.

Seeing Coach Wang take back Infernape and leave the training room, Zhou Yuan also felt a little hungry, so he ordered a set meal from the training hall, which was delivered to the door of the training room not long after.

He asked Growlithe and Gyarados to stop training, fed them energy cubes, let them rest for a while, and also gave himself some time to eat.

After eating, Zhou Yuan asked Growlithe to go to the side to familiarize himself with the use of Reverse Scale, and then walked to Gyarados to prepare to run in the tacit understanding with it.



"Use Water Tail on the target in the pool!"


Gyarados raised his huge tail in the water, and the light blue energy quickly climbed on it, and then smashed it down heavily, hitting the target with a rumbling sound.

The intensity of the attack was quickly displayed on the big screen in the training room.

[Water attribute energy attack, strength of ordinary level late stage]

"Very good, very energetic, Gyarados! Keep up this state!"


"Gyarados, use Iron Head!"

After hearing Zhou Yuan's command, the raised scales and horns on Gyarados's head were covered with silver energy, and then Gyarados rushed forward and hit the target head-on.

[Steel attribute energy attack, strength of ordinary level late stage]

"Is the strength still about the same..."

Zhou Yuan commanded Gyarados to use salt water again, and a stream of water sprayed out of Gyarados' mouth and hit the target.

[Water attribute energy attack, strength of ordinary level late stage]

"Gyarados, use Tornado!"


Gyarados ejected a stream of air from its mouth, forming a small tornado and hitting the target.

[Dragon attribute energy attack, strength of ordinary level mid stage]

Seeing this data,

Zhou Yuan also had an idea in his mind.

Gyarados has a high attack power and can effectively cause damage when using physical skills, but its special attack is relatively low. When using special attack skills, its strength is inevitably reduced. However, since Saltwater is a skill of this type and can cause high damage, its strength is still in the later stage in the judgment of the machine, but Tornado is not a skill of this type, and the damage it can cause is also limited, so the strength is judged to be lower.

In the following time, Zhou Yuan kept commanding Gyarados to use various skills. Gyarados also gradually became able to listen to commands and release skills in seconds from the initial reaction time when hearing Zhou Yuan's command.

It can also hear Zhou Yuan's command when making a move and change moves in time to realize some small tactics.

Time came to more than eight o'clock in a blink of an eye, and Zhou Yuan was ready to go home.

Although Caterpie has not yet mastered the reverse scale, there is no rush to learn this skill, and it can be done slowly after returning.

The goal that we wanted to achieve today has been accomplished. The tacit understanding and smoothness of command between Zhou Yuan and Gyarados have been improved. In addition, Gyarados has also learned the skill of Reverse Scale, which is an extra gain.

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