The four of them sat in a row and watched two more matches.

Li Feiyong smacked his lips,

"Why do these two matches feel a little off?"

Li Chengqian on the side took over the conversation,

"You think it's not as exciting as Brother Zhou's match with Gyarados, right?"

"Yeah, that's right, that's the feeling, not as exciting as Zhou Yuan's match."

"You're talking nonsense, both sides were almost fighting each other in Brother Zhou's match, it was so fierce."

Li Chengqian felt a chill on his back as soon as he finished this sentence.

Turning around, he saw Zhou Yuan staring at him with a dangerous look.

"Who are you calling a dog-brained?"

"Hey... Brother Zhou, you know me, I don't mean that..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yuan's hand reached his ticklish spot.

"Ahahaha stop scratching, hahaha stop scratching, Brother Zhou I was wrong hahahaha, I was really wrong!"

Li Feiyong on the side began to fan the flames,

"Zhou Yuan, you see, he said he was wrong with a smile, he didn't admit his mistake at all, and he kept scratching."

"Don't add fuel to the fire!!!"

In the midst of the fight, the referee cleaned up the ring, and it was Li Chengqian's turn to go on stage to fight.

"Okay, go on stage, good luck in the fight."

Zhou Yuan stopped making trouble, corrected his attitude and encouraged Li Chengqian, and the other two also sent their blessings, wishing Li Chengqian a successful start.

Li Chengqian went on stage, and after the referee's order was issued, he summoned his own Pokémon together with the opponent's trainer.

So Li Chengqian was lucky. Zhou Yuan used the system to scan and found that his opponent was a normal-level middle-stage Alidos. He didn't know when his own Squirtle had broken through to the late stage. This Alidos might be the only one among the remaining Pokémon that was still in the normal-level middle stage. Li Chengqian could run into this Pokémon. His bad luck was confirmed.

The battle process was very disgusting, at least for Alidos's trainer.

This Squirtle directly shrunk into its shell crazily. Alidos' skills could not penetrate this hard turtle shell, so he could only watch it strengthen itself.

After stacking up its own defense, Squirtle stretched out from the turtle shell again, clenched his fists and rushed towards Alidos.

Alidos and its trainer were dumbfounded. You are fully strengthened. I don't feel anything when I hit you, but you can't hit me!

Squirtle held the Ice Fist and swung it left and right, riding on Alidos' back and punching him. After being punched a few times, Alidos fought back and used the Electric Net to wrap up Squirtle and himself under the command of the trainer.

Although the Electric Net can cause restraining damage to Squirtle, due to Alidos's low special attack strength, the Electric Net did not cause much damage to Squirtle. It even gave Alidos a thumbs up:

Good scraping!

Seeing that the black marks on Squirtle's shell disappeared directly under the information of the Life Drop, Alidos' trainer almost bent over. There was no way to fight.

Hitting the opponent was like scraping, and the opponent's Pokémon hitting him was painful. Even these 100,000 lives could not stand it.

Finally, under Squirtle's left and right Ice Fist and the occasional Mind Hammer, Alidos could not bear it anymore. His six long legs loosened and he fell directly to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

When Li Chengqian returned to the waiting area, he was warmly welcomed by everyone.

"Dirty, really."

"You are really dirty."

"Ugh, too dirty."

Zhou Yuan glanced at the trainer of Ariados and said to Li Chengqian:

"It's just that the rules don't allow trainers to fight on the field, otherwise I think he wants to fight you in close combat."

Li Chengqian patted his stomach,

"It doesn't matter if it's a close combat, I don't have all these muscles for nothing, if we really fight, I may not be able to beat all the players except Li Feiyong who has been practicing fighting since childhood, I can beat all the others."

Hearing that he was suddenly cueed, Li Feiyong also turned his head.

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't beat Zhou Yuan, I can't beat him, I was beaten by him last time."

Hearing this, Yun Duo, who was watching the eleventh battle, also turned her head curiously. She didn't expect Zhou Yuan to be so good at fighting.

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile."

As the four of them joked around, the fights on the ring ended one after another. In Li Chengqian's words, none of them was as exciting as Zhou Yuan's fight, and even less exciting than the one where he beat Alidos unilaterally.

The four of them were all

I was almost sitting so hard that I felt pain. The fifteenth match was finally over, and it was Li Feiyong's turn to play.

"Come on!" x3

"Watch me win a victory!"

Li Feiyong walked onto the stage with strong confidence, and then encountered a late-stage ordinary-level Yongjila.

The three people sitting in the audience saw that Li Feiyong's face suddenly turned black when Yongjila appeared.

They laughed out loud with gloating.

"Goose, goose, goose, goose."


"Why is there someone laughing like a goose? Feiyong's luck is too bad to encounter Yongjila."

Li Feiyong on the stage was also a little tearful. Although the strength of the Iron-Bone Earthman has recently broken through, it is not far behind the opponent. The opponent's high-attack and high-speed Yongjila will surely hang up his Iron-Bone Earthman and beat him.

But it doesn't matter. Li Feiyong has learned a move of wild dance and swing from his father's construction craftsman during the past few days of intensive training. As long as he has a chance to hit, Yongjila's weak physical defense and energy will be killed in one move.

But the premise is that he can hit the target. Damn, the opponent is fast, and his own Iron-bone Earthman is slow. The biggest possibility is that he will be kited to death.

No matter how reluctant he is, the battle has finally begun.

The fact is just as Li Feiyong thought. The Iron-bone Earthman was repeatedly squeezed and flattened by Yongjila's mental power, making it difficult to get close to him. Instead, the Iron-bone Earthman's energy was consumed a lot.

"Damn it, I really don't believe it. Iron-bone Earthman, use the sonic punch!"

Li Feiyong took off his hat and shouted "fire".

Under the roar of the trainer, the Ironbone Man burst out with 120% of his strength, and a sonic punch went straight to the face of Yongjira. Before it even touched him, Yongjira disappeared with a "ber".

Instantaneous movement!

"Oh, I'm so angry!"

Li Feiyong couldn't hold it anymore. It was too damn hard to bear. He could only passively take the beating. He couldn't even touch his opponent when he wanted to fight back. This man hit his head.

Seeing that the Ironbone Man was picked up by the mental power and thrown out again, Li Feiyong had no choice but to try the last method.

"Ironbone Man, use the power, long-range power!"

The Ironbone Man didn't charge, but stood in place, punching in the direction of Yongjira. One after another, air bullets were fired from its fists and flew towards Yongjira.

Yongjira used instant movement to avoid it under the command of the trainer. As soon as he appeared, he saw the air bullet hit him again, so he had to use instant movement again.

After using teleportation many times, Yongjira could no longer teleport and could only take a powerful air bullet on his face.

Originally, Yongjira's trainer didn't take this air bullet seriously. He took it one by one, because it couldn't kill Yongjira in seconds. When Yongjira's body function recovered, he could use teleportation again. At that time, he could teleport farther and use mental power to take away the Ironbone Man on the opposite side.

As a result, when Yongjira wanted to use teleportation, it paused visibly, and then the teleportation failed.

Yongjira was paralyzed!

Its trainer was dumbfounded. It was paralyzed this time? !

Li Feiyong laughed when he saw this scene. While Yongjira was still in a paralyzed state, he let the Ironbone Man use the sonic punch to quickly rush to Yongjira's face, and then it raised the evil steel bar.

Dance and hit!

One hit!

Two consecutive hits!

Three consecutive hits!

Yongjira fell!

"Ironbone won!"

These are Zheng Huo's words.

"Li Ma Mai..."

These are the words of Yongjira trainer. The latter half was muted by Zheng Huo, but everyone knew what he wanted to say.

It's not that he can't understand him. If it were someone else, the game that was sure to win was inexplicably controlled and turned over, and the mentality would probably not be much better.

Regarding this point, perhaps the trainer of Charmeleon, who was eliminated in the first battle, has more say.

After Li Feiyong stepped down, he enjoyed the same treatment as Zhou Yuan and was surrounded by three people.

"I always thought that Li Chengqian's luck was very good, until I saw your battle, you are a real dog-lucky player." This is Zhou Yuan.

"Don't say that, then didn't Ironbone and I also work hard for the whole game? It's right to win the final victory."

"Hey, kid, you are so proud of winning a game, right?" This is Yun Duo.

"No, big sister, how dare I, how dare I be arrogant in front of you?" Li Feiyong began to jump back and forth on the line of death.

Yun Duo was really angered by the sarcastic words, and chased Li Feiyong and started to beat him. Li Feiyong

They didn't dare to fight back, so they started to run around Li Chengqian, and Yun Duo followed them. Zhou Yuan, who was standing next to them, enjoyed the two-person show.

In the end, Li Chengqian was a little dizzy and couldn't stand it anymore, so he stopped them:

"Okay, okay, you two stop making trouble. To celebrate that the four of us have entered the top 16, I'll treat you today and let's go to a big dinner."

Hearing Li Chengqian's invitation to a big dinner, Li Feiyong and Yun Duo also stopped. Zhou Yuan sent a text message to his parents saying that he would not go home for lunch at noon, and then followed them out of the stadium.

As soon as he left the stadium, he was stopped by someone. Zhou Yuan looked back and found that it was Wu Jinyan.

Wu Jinyan ran up and put her arm around Zhou Yuan's shoulders.

"Good boy, you are really good. It has only been a short time and you have already subdued the second elf. Although some people have subdued more, not all of them can cultivate all the rewards to this level in this time. You are really awesome. Do you have any good ideas to teach me?"

Zhou Yuan smiled.

"Yes, feed more energy cubes. Feed ten or eight buckets a day, and the strength will naturally increase faster."

Wu Jinyan was amused by Zhou Yuan's answer.

"You kid are just bluffing me. Okay, let's not talk about this. Look at what surprise I have prepared for you."

He turned around and shouted to the gymnasium gate, "Come out."

Seeing Wu Jinyan's reaction, Zhou Yuan immediately had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next second, more than a dozen people rushed out of the gymnasium gate. Zhou Yuan looked and found that they were all his classmates.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that some people are still holding banners and light boards.

The words written on it almost made Zhou Yuan so embarrassed that he dug out a three-bedroom, one-living-room apartment with his feet.

Wu Jinyan obviously didn't realize Zhou Yuan's embarrassment, and was quite proud.

"Look, I'm awesome, I got a lot of classmates to cheer for you," he said as he moved closer, "and the most beautiful girls in our class."

Zhou Yuan didn't care about this question, he asked another question.

"Then those banners and light boards..."

Wu Jinyan immediately answered,

"I prepared them all, and the content was also carefully conceived by me last night. How about it, let's be brothers?"

"So it was all you did."

This voice was a little chilly, Wu Jinyan realized that things were not going right and was about to collapse and run away, but Zhou Yuan grabbed his neck.

"Help... life... ah..."

Wu Jinyan was grabbed by the neck and hurriedly asked for help.

Li Chengqian and Li Feiyong, who were watching the show nearby, rushed over to hug Zhou Yuan when they saw this scene.

"Brother Zhou, forget it, let's forget it, let's not care about these things."

Under the persuasion of the two, Zhou Yuan let go and threatened.

"If you make these slogans again tomorrow, I will dig a hole to bury you and stick these slogans on your grave."

"Wrong, wrong, I know I'm wrong, don't scold me, don't scold me."

Wu Jinyan hugged her head and begged for mercy.

Yun Duo, who was standing by, saw this scene and sighed happily.

Ah, what a peaceful day.

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