After the fight, the two of them were in a state of panic.

Yun Duo walked off the stage, exchanged glances with Zhou and Li, and reached a consensus that they would go out for a meal after the fight.

At this time, Li Feiyong was sitting in the audience, biting his handkerchief and looking at the three people in the waiting area with tears in his eyes.

"Wow, it's obviously a movie for four people, but I can't have a name."

Li Tao, who was standing by, couldn't bear to watch it, and slapped his son on the back of his head, saying "Practice five times more when you go back", and then didn't listen to his son's wailing, and started watching the fourth fight on the ring.

Not long after, the fourth fight was over, and the referee came on stage to announce tomorrow's competition system.

The semi-finals will be held at 9 o'clock tomorrow, and the third place battle will start at 10 o'clock. After the third place battle, the final will be held.

Miss Joy and Jigglypuff under the ring will help the contestants restore the status of their elves to ensure that all elves can participate in the competition in the best condition.

After leaving the gym, the three went to Li Chengqian's restaurant for a meal. During the meal, Li Chengqian asked Zhou Yuan not to let up tomorrow. Both sides faced this battle with the highest fighting spirit and the most serious attitude.

Zhou Yuan looked into his eyes and nodded.


After eating and drinking and saying goodbye, Zhou Yuan did not even go home. He rode Gyarados to the Diamond Training Hall. Today, he would conduct assault training to make the final improvement of the skill configuration of the two elves and their cooperation with himself.

This time, Zhou Yuan luxuriously opened a first-level training room. The first-level training room has a rich environment and energy, and even provides energy blocks, which can effectively help elves exercise or learn skills.

He invited an elite coach to teach Gyarados and Growlithe new skills, and used up all three coaching opportunities, that is, six hours.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the elite coach Liu left with a tired face.

Damn it, after working here for so many years, this is the first time I have met such a client. The Pokémon learns skills quickly, and the trainer is also very good. These six hours were almost spent under high-intensity training.

Coach Liu decided to give himself a day off the next day, especially to give his Pokémon a day off. They were almost exhausted. They repeatedly used skills and taught for six hours. When the coaching time was over, the Pokémon was happier than himself, the trainer. This was the first time in so many years.

Zhou Yuan also returned to the rented villa. Looking at the new skills of the two Pokémon displayed on the system page, he felt that today's efforts were not in vain at all, and even wanted to extend the hour and do it again.

New skills for Gatorade: [Flame Jet, Stomp]

New skills for Gyarados: [Flame Jet, Power Whip, Dragon Dance]

Three learning opportunities, six hours, theoretically, one skill can be learned in two hours on average.

But from the actual situation, since Dragon Dance is a skill that can be automatically learned as the level grows, it is not difficult to learn in advance, and it only took half an hour to learn it.

The grass-attribute Power Whip took two and a half hours to learn, and the flame jet took the longest time, taking three hours to be able to spray a fire column that is a little thicker than a spark, and this was done with the help of a learning device.

In the same time, Gatorade had already learned the flame jet and mastered it, spitting out a fire column and running around the field, almost burning Zhou Yuan's clothes.

But the final result was good, the dog was strengthened, and Gyarados's strengthening ability and attack range were expanded, which gave him more confidence in the subsequent games.

Just when Zhou Yuan was about to take a shower, Lao Yang called again. First, he congratulated Zhou Yuan on his promotion, and then conveyed the school leaders' earnest expectations for Zhou Yuan. He also let Zhou Yuan know that if Zhou Yuan could finally win the first place, the school would provide Zhou Yuan with resources worth 500,000 yuan. The specific resource type could be chosen by Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan immediately became energetic after hearing the reward, and said:

"It is my duty as a student to strive for honor for the school. Teacher Yang, please rest assured that I will do my best to play every game well."

Lao Yang was also moved by Zhou Yuan's words. Now he would consider that there are very few students in the school. Of course, it would be better if he could suppress the sound of swallowing saliva a little.

Another night passed, and it was still the familiar 8:30. He walked through the familiar player channel and came to the waiting area.

Today's waiting area is different from the previous days. Those long

The chairs were removed and replaced by four chairs and small tables distributed in the four directions of the ring, one for each contestant. There were snacks and fruits on the table. If you want to drink something, just say it and the referee team will bring it to you.

After a look, Zhou Yuan sat on the chair on the east side. The next contestants also chose a chair. Li Chengqian, who arrived last, had no choice and sat on the west side.

None of the four spoke. Some sat on the chairs, some scratched their hands, some drank tea, and some ate fruit.

Time slipped away like this, and soon it was 8:55. The referee Zheng Huo flew onto the ring on the Shield Sword Monster. After reading the rules of the game, the time was exactly 9 o'clock, so he announced:

"The semi-finals of the Nuannuan Pig Cup will start now. Please invite the two contestants of the first semi-final to the stage!"

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