After Wang Wei came to sit on the bench beside the training ground, Zhou Yuan didn't know what this person wanted to say to him. But since he was free anyway, he might as well chat with him and try to dig out some methods of cultivating elves from him. He didn't know anything now, so he just fed them energy cubes every day to ensure that they were well fed. He was completely clueless about other aspects. The two sat in a row, and Wang Wei spoke first: "Classmate Zhou, what do you think of No. 2 Middle School?" Zhou Yuan thought to himself, how do I know? I've graduated for five years. Besides, the world has changed, and I haven't been to No. 2 Middle School after the changes. Although he thought so in his heart, Zhou Yuan still said:

"I think No. 2 Middle School is pretty good, why do you ask that?"

Hearing Zhou Yuan throw the question back to him, Wang Wei was also a little silent.

Zhou Yuan didn't know why he was silent, but it didn't matter. He was silent. It was just a chance to take a look at the elves training over there...? !

Ah? ! ?

The two elves over there were about to fight. Is it really okay?

I don't know why Hippo and Houndoom had a conflict.

One stood on the shore, and the other floated on the water.

They sprayed each other with "Awoo" and "Ah Dong", and their saliva sprayed on the face of the Caterpie who was watching the show.

Zhou Yuan was dumbfounded. Are Mr. Wang's elves so close? Feeding each other with saliva?

At this time, Wang Wei, who was thinking on the side, was also awakened by the sound of his own elves. He looked up and found that it was his own elves that were quarreling.

He slapped his forehead in pain, wondering why he had forgotten this.

After walking up to the two Pokémons and telling them to teach their students well, Wang Wei walked back and sat down next to Zhou Yuan and said to him:

"They didn't get along when they were very young, when they were still Dalubi and Slowpoke. My other Pokémon was more naughty when he was young, always jumping around and often stepping on Slowpoke's tail."

"You also know that Slowpoke's reflex arc is relatively long, so every time Slowpoke feels pain after the culprit runs away, and then when he turns around, he sees Dalubi on his tail. "

"Dellup is also a tiger. After being wronged several times, he didn't learn his lesson and kept hanging around Slowpoke's tail. Slowpoke got angry after doing this many times and beat up Dellup."

"Dellup felt very wronged. He didn't do anything, but was beaten for no reason. He wanted to retaliate and once he was ready to attack Slowpoke's tail."

Speaking of this, Wang Wei seemed to remember something happy and was overjoyed. After a while, he continued.

"Then, as luck would have it, as soon as it raised its claws, Slowpoke turned its head and saw Dalubi preparing to attack its tail."

"How could I tolerate this? Slowpoke rushed up and started fighting with Dalubi at that time. I had to work hard to separate them."

"After that, the two of them have been incompatible. Although the culprit went to explain it clearly later, they are probably still upset and quarrel for no reason. However, they did not resist the command or affect other elves. I didn't have any good solution, so I could only let them go."

Don't say that Wang Wei laughed when he was talking. Zhou Yuan also wanted to laugh after hearing this. He started to hold back his laughter halfway through the story, and finally couldn't hold it back until the end, and laughed out loud.

Wang Wei also laughed, as if he remembered the time when the elves were still babies. The days at that time were so beautiful that they made people miss them. Unlike now, each of them makes him worry.

Shaking his head to put the topic aside, Wang Wei took up the previous topic.

"Student Zhou, I asked you what you think of No. 2 Middle School before, just to hear your opinion on No. 2 Middle School. After all, No. 2 Middle School is going downhill now."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan became excited.

"Be more specific."

"It's like this. In the past few years, No. 1 Middle School has been in vicious competition. Every time our school has a good seedling, they will come to poach people. Even if our school offers the same price as them, there will always be students who think their teaching staff and training facilities are better and choose to transfer."

"There is nothing we can do about it. No. 1 Middle School has always been mainly recruiting children from wealthy families. The tuition fees are high, so there are naturally more funds to hire teachers and improve facilities, which in turn positively nurtures

Get good grades, and after getting good grades, you can get the majority of the annual education funds, and then develop like a snowball. "

"That's fine, after all, this is how they survive. Although our No. 2 Middle School mainly recruits children from ordinary working-class families every year, there are always a few good seedlings every year. If they can stay stable, they can also get more education funds to achieve a virtuous cycle. "

Speaking of this, Wang Wei was silent for a while, sighed and continued:

"But the bad thing is the vicious competition in No. 1 Middle School. Every year, there are good seedlings who choose to transfer. Over the years, it has caused a lot of losses to our school. Although we are not inferior to No. 1 Middle School in cultural courses and sometimes even surpass No. 1 Middle School, they rely on the good seedlings dug from various schools. The annual elf battle results are the best, which also allows them to take a lot of education funds every year. "

"I know, this is a way of competition, they haven't done anything wrong, and there are no laws and rules prohibiting them from doing so. Those students haven't done anything wrong. They are just pursuing a better future. "

There was another silence, this time longer than before, and he continued after a long while:

"But, I just feel unhappy. Although everyone seems to be right, I don't know why, I always feel empty in my heart."

Just when Zhou Yuan was about to open his mouth to comfort Wang Wei, he was blocked by his next words.

"Originally, I shouldn't say this to you, but I watched all your games in the Novice Cup, and I made an analysis table. The conclusion is that whether it is from the cultivation of elves, the thinking of battle, or the command, etc., in all aspects, you are the strongest among the newcomers of this year."

Zhou Yuan didn't expect him to suddenly start to praise himself, and just when he was about to be humble, he was blocked again.

"Especially when I knew that you still didn't choose to transfer despite the temptation of No. 1 Middle School, I felt that No. 2 Middle School had a chance to turn things around. ”

“I don’t care about other students. There are other teachers to teach them. I will be responsible for you and your Pokémon in the future. Maybe my experience may seem outdated to you, but it doesn’t matter. I will teach you everything. You just need to take the essence and discard the dross.”

“I will do my best to train you. I know that the school has given you a monetary reward. You deserve it. You can find me when you need to buy something. I have a 30% discount channel.”

“You must be wondering why I have paid so much. I just need you to work hard and defeat the students of No. 1 Middle School in the subsequent inter-school exchange competitions, and defeat all the students of No. 1 Middle School in the Little Yan Emperor Cup. It doesn’t matter if you can’t win the championship, as long as you rank higher than the students of No. 1 Middle School. And get first place in the college entrance examination, so that everyone can see that our No. 2 Middle School can also train good trainers and let No. 2 Middle School regain its vitality! "

After saying these words, Wang Wei became a little nervous again. After all, he had been talking to himself all along, not giving Zhou Yuan a chance to speak. He didn't know what he thought after hearing these words, and he was even more afraid that he would refuse.

Just when Wang Wei was thinking about it, Zhou Yuan spoke.

"I promise you."

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