After ten minutes, Arbok was lying on the ground covered with wounds.

At this time, Arbok reacted.

Damn it, something is wrong. How can these two fight so well? I always feel that I have been deceived.

I thought that this dog was so small and the energy fluctuations it emitted were not as strong as mine. I thought I had picked a weak persimmon, but I didn’t expect that this dog would fight so fiercely. I almost bit it to death.

The whole body was wrapped in flames and almost broke my waist. It was really terrible.

Zhou Yuan, who was standing aside, watched the whole battle. From his perspective, Growlithe had made great progress compared to before. Whether it was the speed of releasing skills or the fluency of skill connection, it was better than before the special training.

The most important thing was that Growlithe had a certain combat awareness. Compared with the previous situation where it needed its own command to fight better, Growlithe had now transformed into a special dog. It could fight independently and defeat Arbok, making it scream.

After the battle, there were still 200 energy points left after exchanging for a bottle of good medicine. Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up and he found a good way to get rich.

Arbok was panicking now, very panicking, panicking a lot.

The man in front of him was so scary. He turned on his red eyes for no reason! It was not legal at all!

Seeing Zhou Yuan approaching him, Arbok shrank back in fear. Was he going to kill him to silence him? As expected, human words are not credible at all. I am still young, a little snake, and I don’t want to die, wuwuwu…?

The expected attack did not come, but the cool feeling brought by the good wound medicine sprayed on the wound came.

Arbok spit out his tongue.

This man doesn’t seem bad?

After spraying the wound medicine, Zhou Yuan picked up two Hami fruits, stuffed one into the dog’s mouth, and wiped the other on his clothes and stuffed it into his own mouth. Hey, it’s quite sweet.

After patting Arbok’s snake head, Zhou Yuan turned around to look for the next victim…

Ahem, lucky guy.

According to the time shown on the mountaineering watch, Zhou Yuan took Caterpie from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. The dog’s paws were stained with blood, and he didn’t even blink.


You asked me if my eyes were dry?

I told you that I chopped elves for two hours, and you asked me if my eyes were dry?

During this period, Gyarados was sent out to fight several times. To be honest, after systematic training, the combat effectiveness of Gyarados and Gyarados has obviously improved significantly. When facing Pokémon with a level higher than their own, they can fight evenly or even win.

And when facing opponents at the late senior level twice, the two brothers fought side by side and fought back and forth.

After fighting about ten games, they won seven games, and the remaining three games ended in a draw. The system did not give energy points. Zhou Yuan silently complained about the system's stinginess.

Since Gyarados and Gyarados will also be injured in the battle, they also need to use good medicine. After deducting this kind of consumption, they made a net profit of 1,000 energy points in two hours, and also picked up a lot of tree fruits.

Zhou Yuan was happy. It turned out that robbery is still a fast way to make money.

Occupying the cave of a Big Onix that was almost beaten to death by Gyarados's Water Tail, Zhou Yuan sat on the tail of the fallen Big Onix, and a dog and a dragon beside him ate the energy cubes. He also took out the self-heating food and started eating.

While eating, he patted the Big Onix under his butt.

"Don't worry, we will leave in a while. Let's borrow your precious land temporarily. I'll give you an energy cube when I leave."

What can Big Onix understand? He was just sleeping in his cave, and suddenly someone broke into his house and beat him up. After the beating, he sat on him. It was really too much! Big Onix will never be a slave!

Just when it was about to fight back, Zhou Yuan threw an energy cube to it. After smelling the fragrance and feeling the energy in it, Big Onix thought it was okay to let them sit on it.

Boss, do you want me to adjust your posture so that you can sit more comfortably? Just two more will do.

After eating and drinking, Zhou Yuan took a nap leaning on Onix. Due to the violence of the two Pokémon and the benefits Zhou Yuan gave, Onix just let it go.

After waking up, Zhou Yuan was full of energy again. He left Onix's cave and continued to walk into the inner part of Menshan.

In an afternoon, Zhou Yuan walked through Menshan and entered the territory of Qingyun Mountain Range, next to a lake in a valley.

He looked at the setting sun in the distance, and then looked at the two Pokémon who were already tired.

, Zhou Yuan chose to camp here.

After taking out the tent and sleeping bag from the backpack and tying them up, Zhou Yuan fed both elves with energy cubes to soothe their fatigue after fighting for an afternoon.

This afternoon lasted four hours, and experienced fifteen battles of varying sizes. As we continued to go deeper, the level of wild elves, especially those at the top of the tower, was higher than that of the periphery. The two elves fought hard for an afternoon, but they only won eight games. After deducting the consumption of medicine and the like, there was no energy left.

Especially when they encountered a senior-level perfect queen bee with a group of three bees. Logically speaking, this strength should not appear in such an outer position. It is estimated that the loser who had a conflict with the queen bee group deeper in the depths was driven out.

Caterpie and Gyarados fought side by side. Although they had tried very hard, the gap in strength still made them tired of resisting. In the end, they almost lost. It was still Zhou Yuan who came on the field to turn the tide and fought the queen bee in melee, directly beating her into submission, and packed a few cans of sweets when he left.


Zhou Yuan was lost in thought as he looked at the slowly setting sun in the distance. The first day had passed like this, and it still felt a little unreal, especially the part where he pinched the queen bee with his hand. If he told others about it, they would probably not believe it.

He took out the bread and some ingredients and made a simple sandwich with Tiantian. Zhou Yuan took a small stool and sat by the lake, then took out a powerful fishing rod to prepare for fishing.

The hook was hung with bait and thrown into the water, splashing ripples.

Fishing Mastery Lv3 soon took effect. Zhou Yuan saw the float sink before he finished eating the first sandwich. He hurriedly lifted the rod, and a fat red carp broke out of the water.


Zhou Yuan was speechless. He and Magikarp really had a long-lasting fate.

After taking it off the hook and throwing it far to the other side of the lake, Zhou Yuan threw the rod into the water again. Soon the second fish was hooked. He lifted the rod, and another red carp broke out of the water.

It's my Magikarp again!

Throw it away and cast the rod again.

The third rod, it's still my Magikarp!

The fourth rod, it's still my Magikarp!

When the fifth rod was lifted and the fishhook was still hung with Magikarp, Zhou Yuan finally couldn't hold it anymore and threw the fishing rod to the ground!

"Damn it, they are all Magikarp, right? No other fish will come, right? Well, wait, you will have a hard time."

After that, he threw the healing ball,

"Come out, Gyarados!"


Gyarados, who had been resting in the Poké Ball, didn't know what happened. When he heard Zhou Yuan's command to dive into the lake to catch a few fish other than Magikarp, he nodded and dived into the lake.

After a while, Zhou Yuan looked at the goldfish, goldfish, iron cannon fish and mud loach that were caught by Gyarados.

I felt that fishing didn't seem to be fun, so I might as well go back to the tent and sleep.

After waving his hand to let Gyarados release them all, and arranging two Pokémon to guard the first and second half of the night respectively, Zhou Yuan crawled into Gyarados' sleeping bag, ending the first day in Qingyun Mountains.

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