After the farewell to the lovely Mimikyu, Zhou Yuan rode the thick, big and long Gyarados back to the urban area of ​​Shuangqing City.

As the sun was setting, it was the evening rush hour. In order to avoid causing a commotion among the crowd, Zhou Yuan chose to get off the dragon in a place with fewer people, and then stopped a car to go home.

After all, it was Gyarados, a vicious Pokémon. Every time a wild Gyarados appeared, it would bring certain losses. Over time, the public naturally had certain misunderstandings about this Pokémon.

Zhou Yuan had no choice, his little Gyarados was so cute.

You can always believe in the yellow Ferrari.

Zhou Yuan once again experienced the feeling of flying in a car.

Arriving downstairs of his house, Zhou Yuan pushed open the car door and stretched out his legs swayingly. Damn, riding a Gyarados didn't feel this way.

After paying, Zhou Yuan turned and went back to the building to go home.

The key was inserted into the keyhole, turned slightly, and the door opened.

Zhou Yuan stepped into the entrance hall with his bag on his back. What greeted him was not the voices of his parents, but silence.


Zhou Yuan was a little strange, but soon relieved. His parents should have gone to the hot pot restaurant to be busy.

He made a simple meal to solve the dinner, and then returned to the room, turned on the screen recording and virtual battle. It had been more than ten days since the last update of the tropical dragon video.

Fans' messages and private messages were almost blown up, and they were all asking if he was finally chased offline and beaten into the hospital because of his disgusting tactics.

It was outrageous.

It took an hour and a half to record three battles. Damn, every time I ranked up, I had to wait for a long time to get in.

I edited the time waiting for the game and named the video [Lost props? Kick you to death Elf Tactics 09】and upload.

In fact, it is easy to guess what tactics are used in this game through the title of the video.

It is the light-armed team!

The tactic of the light-armed team is actually very simple, with elves with the characteristic of light-armed as the output.

The effect of the light-armed characteristic is that when the props are lost, the speed will be increased to twice.

This speed increase is not short-term, and will last until the elf falls or the battle ends.

The elf chosen by Zhou Yuan is Feitenglang, also known as Shawarang, which is an elf evolved from Fearless Boy. The hands and legs have a spring-like structure, which can stretch the hands and feet to attack.

Especially the legs, which can be stretched to twice the usual length, and at the same time, they also have an excellent sense of balance, and can kick continuously no matter what posture they are in.

The first launch of Feitenglang with the light-armed characteristic, the props he carries are ordinary gems.

Here we have to mention gem props. In addition to helping the elves of the corresponding attributes break through to the senior level, various attribute gems can also increase the power of skills by mobilizing the energy in the gems when using moves. After taking the average value after many experiments, it is confirmed that the increase is about 50%.

Of course, the attribute gems made by elves of different levels can be used at different levels.

The attribute gems of elite elves are obviously not enough to support the power of gym-level elves to increase so much when using skills.

But when used by lower-level elves, the energy contained in them is enough to support them to use more skills.

In order to maintain balance, virtual battles directly set the increase of attribute gem props to 50%, and they disappear immediately after taking effect once.

This just triggers the light-weight characteristics of Flying Legs, which greatly increases its speed.

The video was quickly approved after it was uploaded. When the fans who had been waiting for Zhou Yuan to update saw a small red dot under the avatar of the account "A Yuan teaches you to fight Pokémon", they realized that the blogger who had been missing for many days finally remembered his account password, and immediately clicked into the video with a cry.

Just like the previous video, after clicking in, the audience first sent barrages to accuse Zhou Yuan of not updating for many days, and there were also people grabbing posts in the comment area, which was very lively.

The video started with a familiar opening statement.

"Hello, everyone, I am A Yuan. I haven't updated recently because I'm busy with other things. Please forgive me. This issue brings you the light team..."

Then there was a brief introduction to this team.

When the introduction was over, it was just the beginning of the edited game. Zhou Yuan took a look at the opponent's ranking and laughed.

"Look, the audience, the opposite side is an acquaintance. I remember this name. Last time we beat him with the siege team."

Hearing this, Ke, who was lying on the big bed in his room,

She clenched her fist.

That's right, it was her again, and she met Zhou Yuan again.

As the video continued, the two sides also entered the battle.

In the video, A Yuan's voice continued:

"As you can see, the opponent's first player is the Hippopotamus, which is just what I want. We will send out the Flying Legs to fight him!"

Kona's memory returned to the battle two hours ago.

Based on the opponent's lineup, she deduced that the opponent used the Fighting Pokémon as the main output, so she first sent out the Psychic Pokémon with relatively high physical defense to defend and counterattack.

This operation would be bad for anyone, because her remaining Pokémons are basically ice and water, and it is difficult to effectively counter the Fighting Pokémons.

Seeing that the first Pokémon sent by the opponent was the Flying Legs, Kona was a little happy, thinking that she had predicted the opponent's actions, and the opponent would definitely choose to rotate now.

What she didn't expect was that Flying Legs quickly approached the Hippopotamus and used a move of "Double Peaks Piercing the Ears" with both hands, causing relatively good damage to the Hippopotamus and causing the latter to shrink. The mental strength that was originally prepared to be used was not used.

High five surprise attack!

Kona recognized this skill, but felt that the damage was wrong and a bit too high.

Until she saw that Flying Legs' body was lighter and the speed was twice as fast as the first time, Kona thought of Flying Legs' characteristics.

Only then did she realize that the props he carried should be ordinary gems, which were consumed after using the skill to trigger the light-carrying characteristics.

Of course, Kona was not too worried at this time.

Flying Legs, a fighting elf, can you still kill my Hippopotamus in one second? If you kill me in one second, I will eat the computer screen.

Then she saw Flying Legs close the distance with a speed far exceeding that of Hippopotamus, and raised his right leg high and fell heavily, hitting Hippopotamus's head directly.

Kona, who hadn't taken it seriously and was preparing to counterattack, saw that the health value that was digitized was dropping down in an instant, and it couldn't be stopped at all. Combined with the damage from the previous high-five surprise attack, the stupid hippo was killed in one hit.

Shoot down!

Shoot down is an evil attribute skill. In the virtual battle, the health bar and skill power are all digitized. The power of Shoot Down is 65, but this skill can cause 1.5 times the damage when the opponent carries props. In addition, the evil attribute doubles the restraint of the super attribute, which is equivalent to hitting three times the restraint damage.

Although the stupid hippo has high physical defense data, after a high-five surprise attack enhanced by a general gem, the remaining health is not enough to support it to resist this move of Shoot Down, and it fell down helplessly.

It was not until then that Kona reacted. Damn, I was tricked!

The kid on the opposite side brought a blind spot-filling move.

But she had no choice. Her main force was actually more inclined to the slow space team. Once she encountered an opponent with high attack and high speed and whose attributes restrained her before she opened up space, the battle would be very dangerous.

Just as Kona thought, the two girls she sent to the field later were also beaten up one after another.

That's right, Kona has Slow King. If Hippopotamus is Kona's scout, then Slow King is equivalent to the think tank role in Kona's elf team with his excellent mind.

Compared with Hippopotamus, Slow King has higher special defense and relatively lower physical defense, but even if it is relatively low, it can withstand the slap, until it hits the vital point and is carried away by one blow.

At that time, Kona was so angry that she punched the belly of the doll next to her.

At this time, the progress of the video also came to the scene where Feitenglang hit Slow King with a slap and hit him critically. Obviously, the video was uploaded not long ago, and the barrage was full of "hahahaha".

Looking at the laughter in the barrage, Kona became even angrier and clicked on Zhou Yuan's homepage with resentment.

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