The pasture is full of people, but the pasture is full of people.

Liu Yongming's ranch is located in the suburbs of Shuangqing City. It covers a large area and has several houses. It is more than enough to vacate a few rooms for guests.

On the first night of visiting Uncle Liu's ranch, Zhou Yuan packed his belongings in the guest room. When he was about to go to bed, he remembered that it had been more than 24 hours since he uploaded his video, so he took out his mobile phone and opened Station A to take a look at his video data.

As soon as he opened Station A, Zhou Yuan found that his mailbox was full. When he opened it, he found that it was almost all private chats. Most of them were about worshipping the boss, asking for the boss's friend position, and even some people wanted to pay tuition to become his apprentice.

Zhou Yuan was also a little stunned when he saw this scene. Seeing how so many people came to chat with him privately, Zhou Yuan guessed that it was probably because his video was getting more popular.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan opened his manuscript management area, which clearly showed that the video released yesterday had 310,000 views, and the barrage and comments had exceeded 2,000. The number of fans of "A Yuan Teaches You to Fight Pokémon" also exceeded 40,000.

At this time, the system notification also appeared.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the video task 1. Video playback volume exceeds 10,000 energy points +100]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the video task 2. Video playback volume exceeds 50,000 energy points +150]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the video task 3. Video playback volume exceeds 100,000 energy points +200]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the video task 4. Video playback volume exceeds 200,000 energy points +300]

[The requirement for the next level task is: video playback volume exceeds 500,000]

[Congratulations to the host for having more than 10,000 fans +300]

[Host's current energy points: 1450]

Seeing this series of system prompts, even though Zhou Yuan has received professional training, he still couldn't help but raise his mouth.

"Wow, this is a wave of fat, after this time, there will be no shortage of early cultivation materials for the little Caterpillar." Although he said so, Zhou Yuan did not open the store to consume now, but planned to save energy points until the little Caterpillar was hatched before buying.

Zhou Yuan turned his attention to the comment area again and found that the previous hot comments had been squeezed out, but under that impressive ID, there were still new viewers participating in the condemnation.

The hot comments that replaced them were as follows:

[Thank you very much for the wonderful battle brought to us by the blogger. I am also very grateful to the blogger for bringing new tactics for the weak bug-type Pokémon.

Most bug-type Pokémon are inherently weak. Although they form quickly, they are inevitably in a weak position when fighting against trainers of the same level.

To be honest, we didn’t have a good enough solution in the past to face this situation, but the blogger’s video brought us new ideas and inspiration.

Thank you for your contribution to bug-type trainers.

In addition, please read the private message, I want to start some cooperation with the blogger]

Under this comment, all of them are "Wow, big brother", "When will the big brother draw a bug king?"

Turn your attention to the ID, "Meng Boguang".

"Who is this?"

Zhou Yuan clicked on his homepage and saw the A-station certification under the avatar: Bug-type gym owner in Yundian City, Yanhuang area

"Oh, it's the gym owner... Hmm? Gym owner?!∑(っ°Д°;)っ"

Zhou Yuan remembered the last sentence of the comment and hurriedly looked through the private messages. Among hundreds of private messages, he finally found the message sent by Meng Boguang:

"Hello blogger, do you have any other tactics based on insect elves? I would like to ask you to make another video on this theme. It's a customized video and the price is negotiable. Here is my contact number:..."

DNMD, I'm going to split.

Zhou Yuan was dumbfounded. He originally wanted to get some energy points, but he got a gym owner who wanted to find him to make a customized video. For a moment, Zhou Yuan was a little confused.

With a mentality that he didn't know how to describe, Zhou Yuan sent a friend request to the gym owner.

After waiting for a few minutes and still not getting his friend request approved, Zhou Yuan knew that there would be no result in a short time, so he simply put down his phone and threw himself on the bed to sleep. Perhaps because he slept too late the night before, Zhou Yuan fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

The next morning, before Zhou Yuan woke up, there was a knock on the door, and along with the knock on the door came Liu Yongming's rough voice:

"Xiao Yuan, are you awake? Do you want to come out and experience milking a big milk can?


Hearing this, Zhou Yuan, who was still in a daze, jumped up from the bed. After all, milking the big milk can was the first time for Zhou Yuan in his life.

Under the guidance of Liu Yongming, Zhou Yuan tried to milk the big milk can, shear the wool of the woolen sheep, and also experienced the feeling of riding on Dahong to drive the sheep.

It was through this day of ranch life that Zhou Yuan realized that there were ordinary animals in this world, but the living environment of ordinary animals in the wild was too harsh, so there were not many wild animals, and most of them were artificially bred to meet people's daily needs.

And Zhou Yuan had to admit that he was really tired after this day_| ̄|●

After dinner, Zhou Yuan dragged his tired body back to his room, turned on his mobile phone, and saw that the friend request was approved ten minutes ago. Meng Boguang also sent him a few messages.

"Hello blogger, I am Meng Boguang, I don't know what the blogger's name is. ”

“The blogger’s video amazed me. For many years, most of the Bug-type gym owners, including myself, have been pursuing teams composed of Pokémon of higher races.”

“I rarely think about the role of weaker Bug-type Pokémon, but the blogger’s video is very innovative, like a beam of light in the dark, which broadens my thinking.”

“I personally want to ask the blogger to record related videos with other Bug-type Pokémon as the main body again, so that more trainers can be interested in Bug-type Pokémon, and I can also get more inspiration from it.”

“The blogger can ask for the price of the customized video. If you don’t need money, you can also ask for Pokémon resources. I will try my best to meet the blogger’s needs. ”

After reading the message, Zhou Yuan thought about it and felt that this was a good idea. He could make money and make friends with a gym owner. He could give it a try.

But Zhou Yuan also knew that although it seemed that the other party said that the reward was up to him, he had to be sensible and not ask for too much.

After all, he was making any tactical video. Following the requirements of this gym owner was just a matter of going with the flow. Besides, he had a system with him and could use energy points to exchange resources, so he might as well just do it for the sake of his own will.

But this kind of intention cannot be too much, otherwise it will be boring. It still needs to make the gym owner feel a little interesting.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan began to reply to the message.

"Hello, Gym Master Meng, just call me A Yuan."

The other party replied in seconds.

"Hello, A Yuan, you don't have to call me Gym Master. I see that the certification on your homepage is younger than me. Just call me Brother Meng. I wonder if you have similar ideas to make such videos at the moment?"

"Yes, I have some tactical ideas here, which can all be made in the form of videos. ”

Meng, the owner of Yundian City, was overjoyed, "I knew this blogger was extraordinary, and he would become a master in the future."

Meng thought so in his heart, and his hands were typing neatly.

"Since A Yuan said you still have ideas, I will wait and see. What do you want as a reward?"

"Talking about money is so vulgar, Brother Meng, we met because of fate, talking about fate, 18,000... (deleted here), there is no need for rewards, I just want to clear the name of the insect elves." Zhou Yuan began to pull, choosing to retreat in order to advance.

Meng, the owner of the other end of the phone, was almost moved to tears. What a good guy, he worked so hard for the future of the insect elves.

"A Yuan, it doesn't count like this, you make videos for the insect elves. And what I have to do is just to give you some support. I can't let you generate electricity for love all the time, right? This will only continue to wear down your enthusiasm, and this is what I do for the insect elves. ”

Before Zhou Yuan could say anything else, another message came.

“No need to refuse, I’ve made up my mind. Give me your address and I’ll send you some good stuff.”

This was the first time Zhou Yuan had seen such a person. How could the fish jump onto the shore without the hook moving?

But it must be said that Zhou Yuan truly felt the other party’s heart for the bug-type elves. In this materialistic age, there are not many such people.

Although innocent and a little cute, Zhou Yuan thought that such a person was also good. One in a hundred, one in a hundred people. More is not good, but no such person is not good either.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan sent a message to Master Meng.

“Brother Meng, don’t rush to talk about support. Wait until the new video is released. If you think the quality of the video and the quality of the tactics still meet your requirements, then we can talk about material support. Now I am very happy that Brother Meng can support me spiritually.”

“It’s getting late. Brother Meng, go to bed early. Good night. "

Zhou Yuan considered his words and gave them to Master Meng.

I replied, but after sending the message, I felt that it was a bit hypocritical, like the reincarnation of a tea art master.

But the simple Master Meng had never seen such a routine before. He was arranged clearly in an instant, and he was still sighing until he went to bed.

"What a good boy, he is knowledgeable, polite, well-mannered, not arrogant, and capable. I underestimated him, Master. This boy has the appearance of a king."

Zhou Yuan did not speak again after receiving Master Meng's good night. He was really a little disgusted by his tea talk. While sighing in his heart that he would never bully honest people like this again, he lay on the bed and watched Pikachu, Eevee and other elves eating broadcasts to help him sleep.

"awsl, this is too cute, who can resist this... (.-ω-)zzz"

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