Kill TheShy, and Little Tian will reverse that group of Gromp.

"The prophet, give us a view of the lower half, Lee Sin will definitely come!" Lin Ran recalled back to base, eating the experience of the next wave of creep lines in the tower, and directed his own Support to arrange the view.

The prophet does not need to use his brains in the early stage now. After he enters the LPL, he will concentrate all his concentration on the line, obey the team's command, and he only needs to obey.

He turned his head and inserted jewelry eyes in the clearing between Gromp and the Three Wolves, and soon Old Monk appeared in the field of vision!

Ning’s idea is very simple. Your Mid & Jungler just showed up in the first half of Jungle. I entered YM and played Jungle against a group of wild monsters to make up for the loss, right?

But in the eyes of YM, this requirement is very outrageous.

"Ning’s position was seen by YM. The YM duo who pushed the line rushed over and forced Ning back. He couldn’t invade Little Tian’s Jungle!"

" It hurts Laining. I didn't get anything this time. I ran so far in vain." Mille frowned. "The economic experience between the two Jungles will be completely stretched out."

Ning Po Feeling helpless, his next group of three wolves will be refreshed in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. Before that, he can only brush off his Ghost Statue and F6.

All 5 groups of wild monsters were wiped out, and then the situation Su Cheng said before-Ning Guang couldn't reach Level 4 by playing wild.

Ning glanced at his nearly full experience bar, and decisively ran to Mid-Lane to rub Rookie's experience.

The good old man Rookie saw that his Jungle was so uncomfortable, so he had to share his creep line experience with Ning.

"I would rather be promoted to Level 4, but in this way, the matchup experience lead caused by Rookie's previous push is gone, and YM won't lose money!"

Watching Ning continue to eat the three wolves that he just refreshed, "Lee Sin is too uncomfortable to find a hero in the early and mid-term, and I can't do anything at all!"

Lin Ran recall back to base and replenish it. Boots of speed and Dark Seal, Rookie has only one Goddess tear.

"Little Tian took first blood and took out the green Jungle knife and Longsword early. Now Ning is getting harder and harder to play in Jungle. He can’t beat Rek'Sai in Jungle singles. , It's very troublesome now." Mille watched Little Tian operating Rek'Sai under IGJungle's vision.

Ning recall back to base to supplement item build equipment, and want to use gank to make up for their economic and level disadvantages.

He aimed at Bottom Lane, where the line was too deep, and wanted to use Royal Blue Tahm Kench to retain people.

But people just walked to the Ghost Statue camp, Jackey's eagle hit the sky after 90 seconds of Cooldown, and a drone flew over again!

The audience in the audience was still worried about the possible gank that YMBottom Lane might encounter. The next second Jackey used a forward-conscious search shot to lock Ning's position firmly!

"Jackey's Ashe E skill is really good!" The doll was very surprised, "I remember I found Bengi's position in the finals several times, laying the foundation for the team's early offensive rhythm!"

"Sure enough, I can learn a lot of experience from playing against veteran players in the outer competition zone. Jackey's growth rate is amazing!"

Ning cursed and retreated back, unable to find the rhythm He can only go shopping as a naked eye person.

Lin Ran is slowly clearing the creep line in Mid-Lane. He is not in a hurry now. Without Flash and Teleport, he will have to wait until Level 6 to take the rhythm.

But Rookie is anxious.

It took less than 4 minutes to play, and Ning’s position was clearly captured by YM. There was no early rhythm at all, and the economic disadvantage was roughly estimated to be 1KGold Coin.

It doesn't seem to be an exaggeration, but Rookie played a BO3 against YM in the summer game last year.

He knows that the group of lunatics on the opposite side will never develop peacefully with him when they gain economic advantage in the early stage. Once YM finds an opportunity, it will be a stormy attacking rhythm.

Rookie felt for a moment that he was the dean of the orphanage last year, and Mid-Lane would have to lose if he didn't win.

His Kite has become more aggressive, trying to take advantage of the gap between Twisted Fate farming and consume Lin Ran to suppress Lin Ran.

But Lin Ran saw Ryze suppressing forward and immediately walked backwards, turning around and scraping off the two residual blood soldiers with the Q universal card.

Passively jumped out of the Gold Coin reward. Lin Ran watched the extra 10 Gold Coin very pleased in one's mind.

Calculated from the perspective of mathematical expectations, the passive reward of Twisted Fate is 3.5 Gold Coin per pawn.

According to the professional average level, it can make up 100 dollars in 11 minutes, which is 350Gold Coin, which is approximately equal to the economy of 20 minions.

So a little bit of missing compensation is completely acceptable for Twisted Fate.

Little Tian has not been idle for this period of time. He rushed to Top Lane again when Ning just appeared in the second half of Jungle, wanting to force the military training of Theshy.

TheShy watched Little Tian walk around from the bush behind the tower, and was not afraid, instead he smiled crookedly.

"Little Tian Turret once again lifted Rumble, GimGoon opened W to accelerate the attack speed and switch the hammer shape to keep up with DPS, but TheShy temperature control is very good, the amount of shield on the dangerous temperature bonus on his body helps him resist Stayed for a wave of damage!"

"This extra shield value made YMTop & Jungler’s damage calculations a little bit off. Rumble Harpoon added DPS, and Little Tian couldn’t hold it!"

Electro Harpoon damage and slow are increased by 50% at the dangerous temperature of Rumble. With the DPS of Defensive Turret, Little Tian HP drops quickly!

The Garlic King bit out a red anger and hurt E, crippled Rumble HP, and then withdrew from the Defensive Turret.

"In order to fight this Red Rage E skill, Little Tian slowed down, Defensive Turret followed another attack, he should not be able to hold it..." Mille's voice stopped abruptly.

Smite ate a long-range soldier at the moment when the Defensive Turret laser was about to fall on him, and the blue upgrade swirled around him!

Level 4 Rek'Sai increased by 85 points, plus 4 points of armor increase and the anger consumed after drilling into the ground, forcibly resisted the Defensive Turret DPS, and the rest More than 20 drops of blood did not die!

The Void Dunge Beast successfully withdrew from the Defensive Turret!

The audience uttered a low cry of surprise. Little Tian didn't panic in the operation just now, it was obviously calculated!

TheShy raised his eyebrows in surprise. He originally thought that Defensive Turret would help him kill Little Tian, ​​but the sudden upgrade of the opponent Jungler was beyond his expectation.

He just wanted to follow up, GimGoon had already knocked him away in the hammer form E【Thundering Blow 】, and now Rumble couldn't attack Little Tian in general even with Flash.

TheShy took a look at his Cooldown skill. W[Scrap Shield], who just saved dangerous temperature to control the temperature, used both Q and Harpoon. At this time, the next charge of Harpoon was returned. There are nearly 3 seconds of Cooldown.

I still have 200 HP, Jayce’s QE cannon hasn’t fired yet...

Thanks to the outstanding innate talent, TheShy has calculated everything in just an instant .

He chased Rek'Sai while staring at Jayce of GimGoon.

Jayce's hammer form skills are all turned off, and the gun form is switched to a general attack, which reduces Rumble's dual resistance.

Then TheShy went out to Flash sideways at the moment Jayce raised his hand!

Jayce's electrical energy blasted the booster cannon grazing Rumble's mecha and flying far away!

"My God, TheShy's reaction!" The doll looked at the battlefield in OB's perspective in disbelief, "He actually escaped Jayce's QE gun at such close range!"

"Does this LPLRookie dare to operate this way?"

This operation, even fans who support YM on the spot, have to admire Rumble's boldness!

Rumble still has more than a hundred blood left at this time, he just approached Little Tian by the displacement of Flash, a gesture of wanting to kill Little Tian!

"Kill him and kill him!" Little Tian's E drill tunnel has 20 seconds of Cooldown. When he chased and killed Ning in the last wave, he used Flash again. Later, when his Rumble skills improved, he couldn't run at all. Drop.

You can only go back and kill!

Drilling into the ground, he shot Q【prey search】, a shock wave containing void energy rushed towards Rumble, and at the same time GimGoon Jayce also rushed in with the help of the acceleration door, making a basic attack and shooting at the same time.

TheShy crooked her lips and smiled triumphantly.

This is it?

Q 【Flamespitter 】has turned around, and the raging flame emerged from the mecha controlled by Rumble and burned on Rek'Sai not far in front of him.

It's just the injury of this moment, Little Tian has already been killed!

At the same time, GimGoon's basic attack took away Rumble's head!

"One change, TheShy fully demonstrated his personal strength! The right dangerous temperature shield plus the Flash behind the Jayce cannon, his operation is too calm!" Mille watched the director and gave Playback.

"This Rumble's temperature control skills are really strong!"

"His temperature has always been around 20, which makes YMTop & Jungler relax his vigilance, but in Rek'Sai At the moment of Turret, E+Q instantly provided him with 30 points of temperature. As a result, the Scrap Shield, which reached a dangerous temperature, blocked a large wave of damage."

Lin Ran stayed under the tower and had nothing to do. Cut the screen and witnessed this wave of Turret. He was surprised by TheShy's operation. It seems that IG has really found the treasure this time.

"Ah, my, my..." GimGoon blamed himself a little, "It's okay if the cannon is not empty."

"It's okay, we still make money," he calmed the teammate , "Let's have one more assist, Rumble has lost a wave of pawns."

"Xiao Wangba, we Bottom Lane will help you stare at Jungle. I would rather not get in." Jackey said with a smile.

He and the prophet are not comfortable in this game. Ning's threat to Bottom Lane becomes less and less after the early rhythm break. He can suppress the child and Baolan unscrupulously.

"He didn't flash Brother know what I mean?" Little Tian made up the Vision Ward and the equipment resurrected and went out.

Lin Ran understands, "Don't worry."

As he approached Level 6, Little Tian hurriedly rushed to help him clean up the creep line, and walk away for Lin Ran’s Ultimate. Provide creep line environment.

At the same time, GimGoon began to quickly push the line again.

"Ning you come and help me push the creep line!" Rookie saw Rek'Sai appear in Mid-Lane to help Lin Ran push the line, knowing what the opponent wants to do.

But it hasn't been long before I went to IG. The cooperation with Rookie is not as close as YMMid & Jungler, and now he can't compare Jungler's sense of smell with Little Tian, ​​who has already won the S6 championship.

He was a step late, Twisted Fate has reached Level 6, pushed the creep line and rushed to Top Lane.

"Go back and go back!" Rookie hurriedly signaled theshy, and at the same time he wanted to abandon the creep line and rush up.

But where can Rumble go without Flash?

The scarlet eyes opened above TheShy's head, peeking at his location.

Twisted Fate's Teleport position is directly at the feet of Rumble!

TheShy glanced at his own experience bar, and simply returned to the tower, harpooned the Cannon Minion soldiers who had entered the tower, and reached Level 6.

R [constant temperature burning]!

The flame bomb fell from the sky, covering the place where he and Twisted Fate landed.

TheShy has tasted the sweetness of the last wave of substitutions and wants to do it again!

But Lin Ran’s boots of speed came in handy, and with the movement speed rune, he ran out of the burning zone on the flames, and then lost the yellow card.

The dizzy Rumble had no ability to resist. GimGoon finally bombarded Rumble's body with this strengthening, and a set of extreme bursts instantly smashed Rumble into residual blood.

In the end, Lin Ran took away Rumble's life with a passive playing card of E[Twisted Fate deception]!

"Rookie and Ning are still catching up, but the speed is a bit slower. Ran and GimGoon have retreated!" The doll was a little bit regretful.

"Stay steady, will you wait for me to develop?" Rookie teased his forehead with broken hair moistened with sweat and drank a sip of ice water. "Let's drag it to the group fight and we can still fight."


Ning want to understand, he has to keep Top Lane playing now, otherwise this unflashed Rumble is the ATM of Top & Jungler in YM.

But Little Tian decisively adjusted his strategy, first controlled the first Cloud Drake, then fed the Blue Buff to Lin Ran, and began to control Jungle's vision in the second half.

"Can you come to Turret?" Jackey sent Volley again to consume Jhin and Tahm Kench, and now the IGBottom Lane duo has few HP.

The eye position has not found Ning entering the lower half. In order to prevent Ning from squatting along the creep line, Jackey Ashe's drone flew along the creep line toward the IGBase in a straight line.

There is still no silhouette of Ning.

Jackey and the prophet relaxed and began to push the line. Ashe + Zyra's Bottom Lane combination monopolized the line absolutely belonged to the TLevel 1 category in the Bottom Lane combination, and Little Tian approached directly.

The Teleport used by Lin Ran at Level 3, Cooldown has turned better at this time, he returned to the tower decisively, and Teleport rushed to Bottom Lane again.

"YM Classic 4 Pack 2! Kids and Sapphire can't run away!" Mille said with excitement.

"Kill Tahm Kench first!" Lin Ran landed and began to cut the cards. After holding Royal Blue with a yellow card, he threw away the universal card, and then played DPS while resisting Turret.

The child hurriedly gave Heal, but he still couldn't protect Royal Blue under the beating of four people.

Little Tian went through the tunnel to push up Tahm Kench, who was stunned, and under a set of DPS, Baolan was killed in the air without even opening the white shield.

The child took advantage of the opportunity of YM to set fire to Support, but Lin Ran refused to chase after him.

boots of speed +movement speed rune finally came in handy. The high movement speed made him follow closely behind the child.

The child was in a hurry. He shot Lin Ran and then opened W[Deadly Flourish] to stop Lin Ran and Flash away.

"Ran sideways Kite perfectly escaped Jhin's control, and his next yellow card is about to turn around!"

His omnipotent card with Blue Buff is only 5.4S [6* (1-10%)] During the Cooldown time, the three-color rays of light flashed above the head, the yellow card seemed to be sentenced to death!

The child glanced at the close distance between the two parties. He didn't even hand in Flash, and was held in place by Lin Ran waiting to die.

"Mid Lane's Rookie found Ning to push the line to dismantle the tower, but there were four people in YMBottom Lane, so it was obviously faster to dismantle it!"

Cheering loudly, YM successfully demolished one tower of Bottom Lane and expanded its economic advantage to 3.5K.

When Lin Ran returned to Mid-Lane, Defensive Turret had 13 HP left, but he had already made a Blasting Wand. After the increase in spell power, the efficiency of spawning troops increased a lot.

Without R or Teleport, he chose to develop steadily in Mid-Lane, letting teammate take the rhythm.

Both sides went up and down two switch lanes, the YM duo continued their advancing rhythm, and the IG tower was also broken in 11 minutes.

YM concentrated the personnel downwards and controlled the next Infernal Drake.

"So far, YM’s plan has been quite successful. Due to the restrictions of Little Tian, ​​Jackey and Lin Ran, Ning chose Lee Sin without doing anything in the first ten minutes, and he is still behind Little Tian Level 1. , It’s basically invisible."

Mille sighed, "Ning there is really no rhythm. A Lee Sin Jungle gave away first blood, and it basically rotted."

"The only hidden danger of YM at the moment is that Rookie's development is quite smooth. He brushed $125 in 12 minutes, and the compensation basically followed the time. At this time, Archangel's Staff + Mercury's Treads are in hand. I think the group fight Ryze has a lot to do." Wawa looked for IG to make up for it.

Commentary LPL's internal competition is just like this. The commentary has to speak for the disadvantaged side as much as possible, otherwise it seems too unfair.

However, YM obviously didn't want to give Rookie a chance to continue to wait for the development to form a team. They started to push in a group, leaving Ultimate Lin Ran alone in Bottom Lane.

Except for Rookie, no one in IG has singled out Lin Ran. His move is to push Rookie, the strongest in battle, to Bottom Lane, and let others in YM push down the middle tower.

"IG did not choose to let Rookie go down to deal with the Twisted Fate single belt, they have to start the group head-on!" The doll looked at the royal blue Tahm Kench holding Ningkai R [Abyss Diving] and could not help raising it Up the volume.

Along with the gorgeous BGM, the Kid Youshen opens Ultimate and covers Mid Lane's YM four people in the range of his sniper rifle!

But TheShy language communication is not in place, he didn't expect his teammate to start a group directly in a flash.

"TheShy is a step late, the kid Ultimate just fired a bullet, Jackey's cloud-piercing arrow has been shot over!"

In the exclamation of the scene, Ashe's The Magic Inhibitor arrow plunged directly into Jhin's chest!

Rumble just arrived at this time, Ultimate sprinkled but the effect is relatively ordinary, IG's ideal group fight should be Jhin and Rumble at the same time to open the R division battlefield.

But now there is one less Ultimate. At this time, the fighting place is not in the narrow Jungle. Although TheShyUltimate covers the YM Xiaye three at the same time, a few people easily walked out of the fire.

Baolan and Ning walked out from the rear, and Rookie and TheShy, who were rushing forward, began to encircle the YM four.

The communication between the YM people is quite simple-kill Ryze!

This is the fattest point of IGteam composition, as long as you kill Rookie, the rest will be easy to say.

Little Tian decisively Flash picked up Ryze, the prophet also Flash took E+R, Zyra's vines spread wildly underground.

Rookie handed over Cleanse +Flash immediately after landing, but couldn't bear GimGoon's Flash face.

"This Jayce shot and Jackey's DPS are directly stuck on Rookie's face!" Mille shouted passionately, "The kid under the IGmid first turret has just been relieved from Ashe's dizziness. , The distance is too far to give Heal, Rookie hit a surging Q overload before his death, DPS is quite impressive!"

"But after YMgroup up four people killed Rookie, the frontal battlefield Jackey of Ages is invincible!” The doll took the conversation, “Ran, who was with the line on Bottom Lane, also rushed over and drove the Ultimate directly to the child’s feet!”

“Jin can’t hold this Rod of Ages + The glorious Twisted Fate DPS, the kid will die too! The remaining IG trio hurriedly fled! But YM did not give a chance, they aimed at the best killer Rumble!"

Lin Ran killed Jhin and cooperated with teammate Two-way outflank, caught Rumble of TheShy in Jungle.

TheShy watched his screen turn black and white, and laughed while covering his mouth.

He looks like a Player just enjoying the game.

TheShy turned his head and wanted to ask Rookie, "Is LPL's Rumble all miserable like me?", but as soon as he turned his head, he saw Rookie's Sima face.

TheShy has never played the game even though he was signed to WE contract that year. He usually broadcasts live in Korea. Now he just came to LPL, he still follows the Korean etiquette in the bones in the bones.

Oldest Big Brother Rookie stopped smiling, TheShy also changed his face at the speed of light, with the same sad face.

Rookie is really sad now, the four people on the opposite side are hiding the sky and covering the earth and rushing towards her face, who can withstand it?

This wave of Baolan and Ning finally stole the half-blooded prophet. Generally speaking, it was 3 for 1, but their mid first turret has been lost.

At the same time, TheShy is already 14, with only a big mask on his body, and neither equipment nor level can keep up with Jayce of GimGoon.

Except for Rookie's own battle strength, Lin Ran, who can keep up with the matchup, and the support equipment, who is not economical, the gap is not too big. The other three are half behind the matchup Player. .

"The three-way outer towers are all broken, and the rhythm of YM is as fast as ever! The 14-minute economic advantage has reached 6K, and this snowball ability is too terrifying." Mille watched the well-trained YM people IG's Jungle cleaned up and couldn't help but speak.

"I think YM fans can rest assured now that their style of play has not changed significantly, and they are still the unfavorable world champions in the early stage!"

[This support is okay, right? , This dish at least looks like a person]

[What did he do? Tian and Jackey found Ning’s position, Ran’s walked up Bottom Lane and caught him to death. If he hadn’t given this head, I wouldn’t know that there is Zyra in this round]

[Okay, big brother ? How do you expect him to carry the first round competition from LSPL? It doesn’t matter much if you just died once, okay? As long as you don’t send a big rhythm and wait for teammate C]

Rookie has recovered the familiar feeling of the dean. After eating the economy, he uses Realm Warp to grab the order.

He accumulated the embrace of Kayle and ran to Top Lane, then drove R into the grass, then squatted to the prophet who came to be the eye, and a set of skills directly killed the crispy Zyra.

Rookie found YM's breakthrough port-Support.

In the mid-term, the information on the map is too complicated. Jackey and Lin Ran impossible have been teaching the prophets where to make eyes.

LSPL's lack of attention to detail appeared, so Rookie frequently took advantage of the loopholes in his vision to squat into the grass and caught Zyra again.

But IG's strongest battle strength went to grab the order, and the rest of YM directly joined forces and pushed forward. Zyra died twice, and YM has removed all three IG Second Turrets.

At the same time, Lin Ran was not idle, and also caught TheShy once.

Jungle's vision was completely eroded, YM decisively moved to Baron Nashor, IG was forced to take the fight.

"TheShy, the Ultimate, is perfect, and directly blocked the entire Dragon's Pit!" Mille said faster, "but his equipment is too bad, this Ultimate damage is not so bursty!"

GimGoon strengthens the gun to seal the road, and Ning can't make it through at all.

The moment Baron Nashor fell to the ground.

"Fuck brother walk around, follow me to demolish them Bottom Lane, you guys stop!" Lin Ran called GimGoon, and Teleport fell directly on the creep next to Defensive Turret on the IGBottom Lane Heights!

"YM handed over the upper and middle double Teleport!" The audience cheered, and the commentary on the stage was impassioned, "IG must return to defense, these two people with Baron Nashor BUFF demolished the tower too quickly !"

But YM desperately stopped the IG crowd and prevented them from leaving!

"Jackey's pull is too exaggerated!" Mille raised the volume in disbelief.

The source plan Ashe on the screen passes through Jayce's Teleport door and opens Q [Archer's Focus] with the acceleration effect, and a rain of arrows pours down!

A Sonic Wave and Tahm Kench's long tongue who turned to avoid Lee Sin, and a small Kite at the back side avoided Rumble's harpoon, and Jhin's Deadly Flourish was also bypassed by him!

"Where does this Ashe want to keep people? He wants to directly play 3 to 5!"

Although the current version of ADC is crisp, DPS is really not a scratch, unless the opponent is formed Prehistoric monsters like Sion and Cho'Gath.

Rookie wanted to step forward and give control, but he was brought over by Ashe's Volley slow, and then the hurricane effect brought the Frostbolt over, and he was now unable to move.

Looking at the YM middle and upper two people are already dismantling the high ground Inhibitor, Rookie finally couldn't help it, Flash EW fixed Jackey.

Die you!

Rookie will vent his anger on Heimerdinger AD. The IG crowd rushed to kill Ashe, but their time was delayed for too long. The Bottom Lane high ground has been broken, leaving only two turrets.

"Lee Sin kicked Little Tian who rushed up with one kick, Sapphire Flash crossed the wall, drove R and drove Rookie home!"

"But it doesn't work, Tahm Kench It didn’t hurt at this time. DPS relied on a Ryze without Flash!"

"The rest of IG is still entangled with Little Tian and the prophet. In Base, Twisted Fate and Jayce disperse team positioning non-stop. Demolition!”

As soon as Rookie killed Lin Ran in one set, the HP of the main castle Inhibitor was already in danger. GimGoon opened W to increase the attack speed, and three shots exploded IGBase!

"Congratulations to YM for winning the first round!" Mille said sincerely, "Although there were several waves of getting lost in the middle of the prophet, YM's offense was still crazy, and IG couldn't stop this offensive at all!"

After the first round, YM fans’ hearts were calmed a lot. From the current point of view, the departure of Support Little Ming does have an impact on YM, but it is far from the point where it hurts its muscles and bones. .


Rookie was sitting on the chair with a sad face, and Han Yi was standing in the middle of the lounge talking.

"You Bottom Lane was too passive in the early stage. Don't always want to change your blood after being consumed by Zyra Ashe. Their Support Kite is very poor. You can fight directly on the line. Zyra's Kite dare not do this. Get ahead!"

"You are it possible that you can't even solve a Support that has just been upgraded from LSPL?" Han Yi said overbearing.

"Um..." Sapphire scratched his head, his face was feverish.

Baolan was here by Han Yi's words AOE. He was still playing TGA (Urban Hero Tournament) last year. It was only five months since Su Xiaoluo brought him to IG, and there are more than three months in between. It's IG's offseason.

In fact, he is not as good as the present prophet on the starting point.

"Ban Ashe in the next game, and then we will choose the Red Team to give Rookie the counter." Su Xiaoluo, who was sitting next to him, interjected. The problem with him until now is that he likes to intervene in coach BP.

"Ashe must be banned, her E skills are too abnormal in this version." Han Yi glanced at Su Xiaoluo, a little dissatisfied with the manager's cross-border behavior.

But Ashe does have to be banned.

Currently the prevalent version of carnivorous Jungler, the time node from Level 3 to Level 4 is very critical. It is most of the Jungler hero gank and the invaded Gold Rank time. Ashe’s E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] can be obtained perfectly. Jungler's location information can have a huge impact on the battle.

After a game, Han Yi in the heart's priority for Ashe is raised to T1, which is much higher than the priority of some Jungle bits.

Every version change of Fist affects the whole body.

For example, in the S6 finals version, the Bottom Lane Defensive Turret resistance, first blood tower and elemental dragon attribute are changed. The direct effect is that the rhythm is biased to the lower half. Bottom Lane should use the line weight hero to push the line as much as possible Turrets controls the dragon.

But Bottom Lane grabs the line right, Jungler can’t choose herbivorous group fight heroes like Sejuani and Zac, he must use Lee Sin, Olaf, Nidalee Elise, which have very strong map control and gank capabilities. Role to protect Bottom Lane’s push Turrets and the rhythm of the dragon.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the team gets enough map resources in the early stage, Mid-Lane cannot choose the late-stage big core such as Azir.

Syndra and Lucian are the best choices for Mid Lane's, followed by Aurelion Sol and Ryze, and the next priority is Viktor, a hero with battle strength at the core of Hextech.

From the overall rhythm of the lower half, it is difficult for the Bottom Lane duo to have a head-to-head matchup in the early stage, and most of the rhythm must be initiated by Jungle.

After Support chose Zyra, Karma, and Miss Fortune with strong line rights, the joint action of Jungle & Support declined, and the joint action of Mid & Jungler became the mainstream. The winner of Mid & Jungler takes the Dragon + first blood tower. The rhythm Take off directly.

So at first glance, the S6 Finals update content is the Bottom Lane version, but it is actually the rhythm version of Mid & Jungler.

This is the concept of version changes that affect the whole body. Sometimes the strength of the version is not written in the fist update content, but is influenced by various unnoticeable influences.

(Tips: 2017LPL Spring Split Ashe played 113 games, was banned 60 games, AD played the first rate, there is no doubt that the version of AD sister, did not strengthen the Ashe hero value at that time, it is because of her The ability to find Jungle's position in the early stage is too outstanding, and the changes to the Blade of the Ruined King Challenger in the second half allow her to complete the rise)

The Team YM lounge on the other side is a happy laughter and cheerful voices.

Su Cheng rushed over after class, and knight was also watching in the lounge. His game was concentrated on Monday to Wednesday, which coincided with the LPL game time.

Seeing the happy YMPlayers, the prophet finally felt relieved.

He even sent three heads in the mid-term, thinking that he was going to ruin the good game, but the teammate was a bit outrageous.

White Crescent came over to talk to the prophet in a low voice about the mistakes made in the last game and the various eye positions to be done in the mid-term.

The prophet bit her finger to remember this knowledge one after another, and took a Summoners Rift map from Su Cheng. She thoughtfully indicated the early and mid-term on the map with a three-color pen And later Support should go to arrange the field of view.

The prophet tries to understand the role of each eye position and integrates them into their own game understanding. If it doesn't work, they will memorize it by rote.

He knows that his opinion of innate talent is far from teammate, but fortunately now he has a goal to catch up. He believes that diligence can make up for one's failures, and every effort of his will not be disappointed.

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